Re: [O] [Orgmode] Feature request: IDs on anything

2011-12-01 Thread sindikat
Apparently my post wasn't connected to the original thread, so here it is - 

Samuel, may be i will start implementing something like that locally, on my 
computer. Org already can substitute a spreadsheet or a plain-text data 
storage with tables, a wiki with external and internal links etc, but it 
still can't be a full-pledged key-value store (which can be used as 
semantic NoSQL database). 

So i would start implementing maps (dicts, key-value stores) upon org-mode. 
I want to do it incrementally, adding one small feature at a time. I want 
to implement the following features: 

- Automatically assign unique IDs to all headlines in buffer/region/subtree
- Nested properties (properties are maps basically) - does that require 
nested drawers?
- Property :LINKS: and commands to navigate across headlines linked to each 
- Previous property does not set the nature of a link (parent, child, 
prerequisite, reference), implement :LINK-TYPE: or something like that
- Previous task allows to export to RDF, because now any relationship of 
headlines can be seen as triple headline1 - type-of-link - headline2 

These additions do not require any new syntax, they build upon good old 
properties. After that id-markers would be a magnificent generalization. 

Also, i do not promise i will do this anytime soon, i'm no expert in Emacs 

Any thoughts welcome :)

Re: [O] [Orgmode] Feature request: IDs on anything

2011-11-27 Thread sindikat
I really love this idea of ID markers. It would open so many opportunities 
for semantic extensions of org-mode and not only. Using ID markers we can 
make a associative array (map, dict, key-value store) out of anything. 
Meaningful task planning, project management, knowledge and information 
management could be made out of that. Every ID marker will effectively 
become a graph vertice. 

As a variant, i would propose the Clojure syntax for maps: 

{"B7423F4D-2E8A-471B-8810-C40F074717E9" {:label "foo" :export-label "bar"}} 

Or something like that. The nested maps are like in NoSQL DBs (ex: 
CouchDB), where you have structure like {:database1 {:document1 {:key1 
value1 :key2 { ... } ... } ... } ... } 

However i found that curly braces are used in many occasions in org-mode: 
tags mutual exclusion, column attribute summary-type, capture templates - 
template expansion, tag regular expressions, #+caption: [1]{2}, macro 
replacement, embedded latex, source code. 

So if this syntax is unacceptable, $[] is fine too.

[O] M-RET and C-RET

2011-11-26 Thread sindikat

You can use M-RET-may-split-line, to make it respect content in lists,

more or less. I would guess the reason that they are different is to be
able to always easily start a new heading. 

This is very helpful, thank you. But how to make it so M-RET will: 

1. not split line;
2. add new list item while on plain list;
3. add new heading after content of the current heading? 

Maybe there should be a variable in addition to 'org-M-RET-may-split-line' 
such as 'org-M-RET-add-after-content'. 

Btw, i think it is bad to name an Emacs after keyboard combination, because 
it is ambiguous in case user remap M-RET. This is a minor issue, but still 

[O] M-RET and C-RET

2011-11-25 Thread sindikat
Hello everyone, 

M-RET works with both headings and plainlists, it's DWIM.
C-RET works only with headings. I wanted to ask, why C-RET is not DWIM? 
Wouldn't users want to add new list item respecting the content? 

Thanks in advance.

Re: [O] Add publishing with utf8

2011-11-23 Thread sindikat
Now i have 

(set-language-environment "UTF-8")
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(setq org-export-html-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) 

and publishing works perfectly. Funny, that i have every locale set to 
"en_US.UTF-8", but LANGUAGE and LC_ALL set to empty. But when i set them to 
"en_US.UTF-8", Emacs still opens non-utf8 files as "undecided-unix". In 
file-coding-system-alist i found expression ("" undecided) and when i 
changed it to utf-8-unix, every file started opening with this encoding. 

I've solved my problem, thanks to you all. 

I only not sure why opening everything as utf8 wasn't made default in Emacs.

Re: [O] Add publishing with utf8

2011-11-22 Thread sindikat
I added this to my .emacs: 

(set-language-environment "UTF-8")
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(org-export-html-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) 

but Emacs still opens files with pure ASCII as undecided-unix, thus 
producing wrong iso-8859-1 in my charsets again. I don't know what to do. 
Is there any way to force Emacs open any file as utf-8?

[O] Add publishing with utf8

2011-11-21 Thread sindikat
I use standard org-mode methods to publish my projects to html. However by 
default they are published with tag content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"/>, however i need charset to be 
changed to "utf8", as i am using Russian in my blog too. Please make it 
possible somehow. Best wishes.