Re: [O] Organizing and taming hectic Academia work (faculty viewpoint)? Tips or a good guides sought after :)

2015-06-11 Thread windy
Thanks for your advices.

I will try to export as DOCX  instead of DOC.

The org-ref is a very convenient way to control the bibtex after I watch the 
video, through it doesn't resovle the bibtex expoort in ODT.
I think in a long time, the DOC format stil a dominate format that communicate 
with teachers...(Sad news...)

Very glad to hear the news that citation will supported by org-mode and Thanks 
for you and your partners' hard work!

Many Thanks.

在2015年06月11 13时38分, Rasmusras...@gmx.us写道:

windy writes:

  My teacher let me give a DOC version for that only me use the
 emacs in our lab (So lonely, DOC dominate the most people).

You should see if you can at least upgrade to docx.  In my experience,
LO writes much better docx than doc (e.g. when using doc math is
downsampled to images losing a lot of quality).

  I finnally export as ODT and change into DOC version, it seems
 works well for that only no reference generate. Wish a more wisdom ODT
 exporter in org-mode. Bibtex is a big problem when export into
 different format files.

ATM I think the a lot of people use John's org-ref.

For this problem I've used a home-grown org-cite.el that uses reftex.el
to format citations in author-year style.  I generate the final
bibliography via tex4ht and mlentic erge the two documents in an odm.  This is
easy with a Makefile.

Later, probably after 8.3, we'll try to include citation support in Org.


The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club

Re: [O] Organizing and taming hectic Academia work (faculty viewpoint)? Tips or a good guides sought after :)

2015-06-11 Thread windy

However, pandoc hardly to deal right about the figure caption number, the table 
(table caption) and the  superscript.
The export in org-mode perform well in everything except for the bibtex.
I prefer the inherent method in org-mode.

The command I use: pandoc --bibliography=zotero.bib --filter pandoc-citeproc 
12.tex -o 12.docx

By the way, I like the output style in ODT of org-exporter and I am lazy to 
adjust the pandoc export style...

在2015年06月11 20时18分, Ken Mankoffmank...@gmail.com写道:

On 2015-06-10 at 22:07, windy wrote:
 I finnally export as ODT and change into DOC version, it seems works
 well for that only no reference generate. Wish a more wisdom ODT
 exporter in org-mode. Bibtex is a big problem when export into
 different format files.

Org - LaTeX --Pandoc-- DOCX  supports references.


Re: [O] Organizing and taming hectic Academia work (faculty viewpoint)? Tips or a good guides sought after :)

2015-06-10 Thread windy
Thanks for all you reply,

 My teacher let me give a DOC version for that only me use the emacs in our 
lab (So lonely, DOC dominate the most people).

 I finnally export as ODT and change into DOC version, it seems works well 
for that only no reference generate. Wish a more wisdom ODT exporter in 
org-mode. Bibtex is a big problem when export into different format files.

在2015年06月10 22时16分, Julian Burgosjul...@hafro.is写道:

Windy, I am a researcher (not in academia, but in a government lab).  I
use emacs and org-mode a lot, for project management, programming (using R
and GRASS), writing papers, keeping notes, etc.etc.
I find that collaborative writing is problematic because most people use
Word, and in most cases will not become enlightened and use emacs.  I have
used two strategies.

a) I first write in org-mode.  Export to Word, either exporting first to
ODT and then to Word, or to LaTex and then use pandoc to convert LaTex to
Word.  My coauthor can edit the document as he wishes, using the Track
changes option.  Then, I transcribe their edits back into the org-mode
document.  Advantage of this approach:  your coauthor receives a clean
word file, that could include figures, references, etc., and he/she uses
the tools she likes to edit the file.  Disadvantage:  you have to manually
incorporate the changes to the org-mode file each time there are edits.

b) I write the manuscript in org-mode.  Then I send the org-mode file to
my coauthor.  Because the org-mode file is just a text file, my coauthor
can use Word to edit it.  I ask him/her *not* to use track changes and
to save the edited version also as a text file.  Then, when I receive it I
use ediff in emacs to compare both documents and incorporate the edits I
want.  Advantage of this approach: the merging of the documents is easy
using ediff.  Disadvantage: your coauthor has to edit a weird-looking
document, with markup, code blocks, etc.

All the best,


 Speaking as an advisor/teacher, you should do what they want if you want
 them to help you.

 You could ask if they are willing to comment on the pdf, either by hand
 writing on a printed version, or by pdf commenting, or maybe in the
 LaTeX source. But, if that is not what they want, and they cannot work
 with what you give them, you will not get as much feedback as you want,
 and you will end up creating frustration on your end and theirs.

 windy writes:

 Another question, I am a student , I think it is a big problem that how
 to exchange you article with your teacher, because the teacher will
 comment or revise your article once again and again.

 However, Many teachers will not use emacs to write articles and also the
 pdf file is not so convenient to do some modification, how will you deal
 with the problem ?

 在2015年06月09 21时21分, John Kitchinjkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu写道:

 you might also enjoy our youtube video:

 And this one on using org-mode in teaching:


 See for my Emacs setup for

 My only other advice is start learning to program in emacs-lisp. It took
 me about four years to get proficient enough to write org-ref. I learned
 by solving lots of little problems, and building up to bigger
 problems. A lot of those are documented in my blog. Read the emacs and
 emacs-lisp manuals (read them in Emacs or in a browser). They take some
 time, so skip the stuff that doesn't make sense and come back to it
 later if you need to. Consider getting the book at It isn't about org-mode, but it will
 make you better at using Emacs. Consider reading Land of Lisp. It isn't
 about Emacs or Emacs-lisp, but it might interest you in programming in a
 lispy language, and it is a fun read.

 Buy the org-mode book:
 it is the same stuff as in the manual, but it is a book you can read
 anywhere anytime.

 Start by learning how to get org-mode to do some things you want. Just
 do one thing a day. Every day.

 You hopefully have 30+ years of career ahead of you, so even if it takes
 a few years or more to learn how to program in emacs-lisp to customize
 your workflows, you still have plenty of time to benefit from it!

 Best wishes,

 Holger Wenzel writes:

 Hi Xebar,

 Xebar Saram zeltakc at writes:

 Dear Martin
 Thanks so much for your prompt response. I did ofc do an extensive
 research yet found that as can be seen in your link most entries focus
 either writing papers or general bits an pieces .What i am looking for
 is a
 holistic approach regarding organizing all aspects of academic life and
 hear workflows of other colleagues using org for that

 I'd start with:


Re: [O] Organizing and taming hectic Academia work (faculty viewpoint)? Tips or a good guides sought after :)

2015-06-09 Thread windy
Another question, I am a student , I think it is a big problem that how to 
exchange you article with your teacher, because the teacher will comment or 
revise your article once again and again.

However, Many teachers will not use emacs to write articles and also the pdf 
file is not so convenient to do some modification, how will you deal with the 
problem ?

在2015年06月09 21时21分, John Kitchinjkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu写道:

you might also enjoy our youtube video:

And this one on using org-mode in teaching:


See for my Emacs setup for

My only other advice is start learning to program in emacs-lisp. It took
me about four years to get proficient enough to write org-ref. I learned
by solving lots of little problems, and building up to bigger
problems. A lot of those are documented in my blog. Read the emacs and
emacs-lisp manuals (read them in Emacs or in a browser). They take some
time, so skip the stuff that doesn't make sense and come back to it
later if you need to. Consider getting the book at It isn't about org-mode, but it will
make you better at using Emacs. Consider reading Land of Lisp. It isn't
about Emacs or Emacs-lisp, but it might interest you in programming in a
lispy language, and it is a fun read.

Buy the org-mode book:
it is the same stuff as in the manual, but it is a book you can read
anywhere anytime.

Start by learning how to get org-mode to do some things you want. Just
do one thing a day. Every day.

You hopefully have 30+ years of career ahead of you, so even if it takes
a few years or more to learn how to program in emacs-lisp to customize
your workflows, you still have plenty of time to benefit from it!

Best wishes,

Holger Wenzel writes:

 Hi Xebar,

 Xebar Saram zeltakc at writes:

 Dear Martin
 Thanks so much for your prompt response. I did ofc do an extensive google
 research yet found that as can be seen in your link most entries focus on
 either writing papers or general bits an pieces .What i am looking for is a
 holistic approach regarding organizing all aspects of academic life and to
 hear workflows of other colleagues using org for that

 I'd start with:

 follow John Kitchin's blog there closely and read everything he posts in
 this list.



 On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 12:16 AM, M Elwood151 at wrote:
  Von: Xebar Saram zeltakc at
  Datum: Mon, 8 Jun 2015 19:39:14 +0300
  An: org mode emacs-orgmode at
  Betreff: [O] Organizing and taming hectic Academia work (faculty
  Tips or a good guides sought after :)
  Hi all
  Im a young assistant professor (in humanities and thus my horrific
  skills..basically non ) and having been using orgmode for a year or two
  now. I love orgmode dearly and use it mainly for note taking, lists etc
  I am aware of the fantastic orgmode capabilities that could benefit me
  such as exporting, email tie-ins, beamer support, organizing my
  (i have switched to a .bib file recently for my references), agenda
  capabilities and so much moreand have tried several of these with mild
  unfortunately (and this maybe due to me not being very technical and
 lack of
  coding skills) i still feel like im really not using orgmode to its
  and still feel miserably lost in terms of organizing my work in academia
  all aspects.
  i am looking for 2 things really:
  1. as i said in the post topic a good guide if anyone is aware of or
  examples of using org in Academia (mainly aimed at faculty :))
  2. related to that as a young researcher with multiple students, paper
  writing, grant applications, department duties, endless TODOS, endless
 email i
  would really be grateful for even non org specific tips on how other
  organize all this to make life more..well..organized :)
  thanks alot in advance and sorry for the long mail

 Dear Xebar,
 I think the first 10 results of the correspondindg google search already
 show some very interesting examples:
 Did you have a look at those?
 Kind regards

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

[O] How to deal with the caption (\ref{} and number) in ODT export?

2015-06-08 Thread windy

I want to use the org-mode to write my science article. In order to be 
revised by teacher, I prefer to export as ODT format file for teacher and pdf 
file for my personal too (What's your choice?).

A problem is that the ODT file cannot recongnize the latex ref tag like 

Another problem is that the figuer caption is  Figure 1.1 rather than 
Figure 1.. I donnot like the number using chapter number.

How to deal with the problems? A file similar to org-mode manual does not 
achieve the right result. I use Emacs 24.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.10) in Ubuntu 14.04.

Here is the example file:
#+TITLE: The test of caption

* Introduction
  See Figure \ref{fig:main}, we will see the result

  #+CAPTION: emacs is pretty
  #+LABEL: fig:main

Thanks for you help.

Re: [O] How to deal with the caption (\ref{} and number) in ODT export?

2015-06-08 Thread windy
I catch the problem 1

Just using the [[fig:main]] in article , the format can be accepted by ODT and 
Latex too. But the problem 2 is stll a puzzle, also I can open the ODT file and 
change the cite format but the method is something stupid.

在2015年06月09 12时18分, windychxp_m...@163.com写道:


I want to use the org-mode to write my science article. In order to be 
revised by teacher, I prefer to export as ODT format file for teacher and pdf 
file for my personal too (What's your choice?).

A problem is that the ODT file cannot recongnize the latex ref tag like 

Another problem is that the figuer caption is  Figure 1.1 rather than 
Figure 1.. I donnot like the number using chapter number.

How to deal with the problems? A file similar to org-mode manual does not 
achieve the right result. I use Emacs 24.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.10) in Ubuntu 14.04.

Here is the example file:
#+TITLE: The test of caption

* Introduction
  See Figure \ref{fig:main}, we will see the result

  #+CAPTION: emacs is pretty
  #+LABEL: fig:main

Thanks for you help.

[O] ox-bibtex using the x.bib in different path

2015-05-18 Thread windy
Hi, everyone,

I am using org-plus-contrib/ox-bibtex.el to combine bibtex output in html 
and latex.

When I use a same x.bib like:

#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: x unsrturl
it works well

But if I use a x.bib at different path and the src like:
#+BIBLIOGRAPHY: /home/name/dropbox/x unsrturl  or #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: 
$HOME/dropbox/x unsrturl
it shows Executing bibtex2html failed

As the link show:
 , we shoud hack the ox-bibtex.el and change the TMPDIR. 

Is anyone have a hacked ox-bibtex.el or any idea to the problem? I am using 
the emacs24.4.1 under ubuntu 14.04, the org-mode version is 8.2.10

Re: [O] javascript:; Re: Is there a new method to set no line break when export to plain text

2015-05-18 Thread windy
Thanks for you reply

I am sorry for that but how to set the variable ? I totally know nothing about 
emacs elisp.

maybe I must to learn it in some day. I try (setq 
org-export-filter-paragraph-functions nil) seems no working

在2015年05月18 15时18分, Nicolas Goazioum...@nicolasgoaziou.fr写道:


windy writes:

  Start from Org-mode 8, the plain text export is fixed width with line 
 break and it is very unconvenient to show in the text edit like libreoffice 
 and so on.

  I also try (setq org-ascii-text-width 10) in my .emacs but the title 
 and the author align to the middle in 10, it is very ugly and .

 I don't know why org-mode 8 start to fix width of plain text with
 line break, How I  conquer it ? Is there anyone have good idea?

You can add a paragraph filter (see
`org-export-filter-paragraph-functions') that removes newline characters
from the output.


Nicolas Goaziou

[O] Is there a new method to set no line break when export to plain text

2015-05-17 Thread windy
Hi, everyone,
 Start from Org-mode 8, the plain text export is fixed width with line 
break and it is very unconvenient to show in the text edit like libreoffice and 
so on.

 I also try (setq org-ascii-text-width 10) in my .emacs but the title 
and the author align to the middle in 10, it is very ugly and .

I don't know why org-mode 8 start to fix width of plain text with line 
break, How I  conquer it ? Is there anyone have good idea?