
I'm using org-mode 9.1.9 to prepare my slides. I'm using mtheme [1], a
modern LaTeX beamer theme. This theme supports frame footer, which is
sometimes handy if you would like to add a reference to a slide. In the
following, you will find an example use case:

| {%
| \setbeamertemplate{frame footer}{My custom footer}
| \begin{frame}[fragile]{Frame footer}
|     Example
| \end{frame}
| }

I would like to archive this with org-mode with a special
environment. However, it seems that org-beamer-environments-extra only
works with headlines greater than org-beamer-frame-level. Is there any
other way to archive this? I would like to have something like this:

| * Section
| ** Frame
|   :BEAMER_env: footer
|   :BEAMER_envargs: My custom footer
|   :END:
|    - Example

Thanks in advance!


[1] https://github.com/matze/mtheme
Dr. Florian Adamsky

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