Re: [O] from org to openoffice presentations (or make org looks like openoffice)

2019-07-25 Thread Fraga, Eric
On Thursday, 25 Jul 2019 at 09:53, Luca Ferrari wrote:
> Thanks a lot, I'm refactoring it to my needs but it is a very good
> starting point. However, I had to place a
> \usepackage{tikz}
> in the theme file to make it compile.

Yes, indeed; I have that as a default package to load by org for all
LaTeX export cases as I use tikz all the time.

> Now, the first question is: is there a way I define the image width to
> automatically adjust to the slide size?
> Something like the following almost work:
> \node[inner sep=0pt,above,left] (logo) at (\paperwidth,8pt)
> {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{images/logo.png}};
> but the image does not keep proportions. It would be better to enlarge
> the image from right to left up to all the space before the page
> numbering. Any hint?

Nothing beyond what you have already done.  I am surprised that the
image proportions are not preserved.  Maybe post a minimal example
(including an image)?

: Professor Eric S Fraga,
: Required hieroglyphics follow: ∀ε>0,∃δ>0∋|x-x₀|<δ⇒|f(x)-f(x₀)|<ε
: PGP/GPG key: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D

Re: [O] from org to openoffice presentations (or make org looks like openoffice)

2019-07-25 Thread Luca Ferrari
On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 2:12 PM Fraga, Eric  wrote:
> I've attached three files: an org file, the resulting PDF, and a very
> minimal beamer theme that may be of use.  That theme puts an image (UCL
> logo) at the bottom right of the slide and a page number at the bottom
> left side.  Maybe you can modify this to your satisfaction.  Note the
> naming of the beamer theme file and how you refer to it in the org file.

Thanks a lot, I'm refactoring it to my needs but it is a very good
starting point. However, I had to place a
in the theme file to make it compile.

Now, the first question is: is there a way I define the image width to
automatically adjust to the slide size?
Something like the following almost work:

\node[inner sep=0pt,above,left] (logo) at (\paperwidth,8pt)

but the image does not keep proportions. It would be better to enlarge
the image from right to left up to all the space before the page
numbering. Any hint?


Re: [O] from org to openoffice presentations (or make org looks like openoffice)

2019-07-24 Thread Fraga, Eric
On Wednesday, 24 Jul 2019 at 13:42, Luca Ferrari wrote:
> Yes, this is what I'm doing so far. The problems I see are:
> 1) the image contains a footer, and LaTeX does not anything about such
> footer so sometimes text can overlap with the footer. If I isolate the
> footer as a separate image, how can I specify to place it to the
> bottom of each slide and have beamer not placing controls and other
> text on the slides?

As soon as you want this type of control, you'll end up having to design
your own beamer theme.  There are many themes out there: I suggest you
have a look at which one(s) come(s) close to what you want, copy it, and
change it accordingly.  But this will require a certain level of
LaTeX-fu unfortunately.

I've attached three files: an org file, the resulting PDF, and a very
minimal beamer theme that may be of use.  That theme puts an image (UCL
logo) at the bottom right of the slide and a page number at the bottom
left side.  Maybe you can modify this to your satisfaction.  Note the
naming of the beamer theme file and how you refer to it in the org file.

> 2) I usually provide two sets of slides, one dark and one light

Two themes...?

> By the way, things were even worst of how I described them: the
> template was Microsoft Office (not even Open Office)!

For me, they are equivalent in any case: I do not like word processors
as they make me do the job of a typesetter and I'd rather worry about
content.  But I know what you mean.

Best of luck,

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.2.4-399-g4e6222
#+beamer_theme: minimal
#+title: The title
#+author: ESF
#+options: toc:nil

* This is a test
1. first point
2. second point
* Second slide
- third point
- fourth point

Description: t.pdf
\ProvidesPackage{beamerthememinimal}[2017/04/28 Inspired by a presentation from Rio Tinto]

\definecolor{maincolour}{HTML}{00A400}  % darkgreen
\definecolor{modelinecolour}{HTML}{483D8B} % dark slate blue
\definecolor{modelinebgcolour}{HTML}{104E8B} % dodger blue 4
% background
  \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle(\the\paperwidth,\the\paperheight);
   \node[inner sep=0pt,above,left] (ucllogo) at (\paperwidth,8pt) {\includegraphics[height=10pt]{ucl-white-transparent}};
  \node[above,right] (pagenumber) at (0,1.2ex) {{\tiny\color{lightgray} \thepage/\pageref{LastPage}

% colours
%\setbeamercolor{block title alerted}{fg=maincolour}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black,fg=white} 
\usebeamercolor[fg]{background canvas}
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=maincolour}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{fg=white}
\setbeamercolor*{normal text}{fg=white,bg=black}
\setbeamercolor*{alerted text}{fg=maincolour}
\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=maincolour}
\setbeamercolor{subsection in toc}{fg=maincolour}
\setbeamercolor*{title page header}{fg=white}
% fonts

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


Re: [O] from org to openoffice presentations (or make org looks like openoffice)

2019-07-24 Thread Luca Ferrari
Thanks all for the quick replies!

On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 9:56 AM Fraga, Eric  wrote:
> #+latex_header: 
> \usebackgroundtemplate{\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{}}

Yes, this is what I'm doing so far. The problems I see are:
1) the image contains a footer, and LaTeX does not anything about such
footer so sometimes text can overlap with the footer. If I isolate the
footer as a separate image, how can I specify to place it to the
bottom of each slide and have beamer not placing controls and other
text on the slides?
2) I usually provide two sets of slides, one dark and one light
(printable), and therefore I suspect to provide two different
backgrounds and duplicate my org file for each theming accordingly.
Any better idea? If I can isolate the footer (which is what makes the
slides look like what is requested), is there a way to apply say a
color as background and do a "variable"-based export to beamer
choosing the color as option?

By the way, things were even worst of how I described them: the
template was Microsoft Office (not even Open Office)!


Re: [O] from org to openoffice presentations (or make org looks like openoffice)

2019-07-24 Thread Fraga, Eric
> But know I'm forced by my management to apply an openoffice slide
> layout,

How annoying!  But I've had the same and ended up doing what Marcin (in
another response) did: created my own beamer template that matched what
our corporate style people wanted...

> My second thought was to put the template as a background image on all
> my slides, but this is a little complicated considered my knowledge of
> LaTeX and beamer (and that's why I'm using org!).

This should be easier.  The following is untested but putting a line
like this at the start of your org file may do the job:


Try this out and let us know how you get on.  Happy to help if you get

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.2.4-399-g4e6222

Re: [O] from org to openoffice presentations (or make org looks like openoffice)

2019-07-24 Thread Marcin Borkowski

On 2019-07-24, at 09:13, Luca Ferrari  wrote:

> Hi,
> it seems I'm out of luck searching for a solution: I've got a library
> of org-mode files that I export with beamer. So far, so good.
> But know I'm forced by my management to apply an openoffice slide
> layout, so I was looking for a way to export from org to open office
> presentations (impress). It seems nothing so weird exists on earth.
> My second thought was to put the template as a background image on all
> my slides, but this is a little complicated considered my knowledge of
> LaTeX and beamer (and that's why I'm using org!).
> Assuming none of the above two can be answered, is there a path to get
> things done? Like converting from org to markdown and then to open
> office?
> Anyone has a suggestion or an hint?

What I would do would be to create a bare-bones Beamer theme to mimick
what you need.  (Well, I've been a power user of (La)TeX for about 25
years, so I know it's perfectly doable even if tedious.)

And there are a few minimalistic Beamer themes; some of them might allow
for customization wrt a background image.

> (and no, I don't want to rewrite my slides in open office because they
> will become quickly unmantainable!).



Marcin Borkowski

[O] from org to openoffice presentations (or make org looks like openoffice)

2019-07-24 Thread Luca Ferrari
it seems I'm out of luck searching for a solution: I've got a library
of org-mode files that I export with beamer. So far, so good.
But know I'm forced by my management to apply an openoffice slide
layout, so I was looking for a way to export from org to open office
presentations (impress). It seems nothing so weird exists on earth.
My second thought was to put the template as a background image on all
my slides, but this is a little complicated considered my knowledge of
LaTeX and beamer (and that's why I'm using org!).
Assuming none of the above two can be answered, is there a path to get
things done? Like converting from org to markdown and then to open
Anyone has a suggestion or an hint?

(and no, I don't want to rewrite my slides in open office because they
will become quickly unmantainable!).
