Hi there!

I have these custom agendas in my org-agenda-custom-commands variable:

              ("w" . "Work Related")
              ("w1" "Test ok report"
               ((agenda "" (
                            (org-agenda-clockreport-mode t)

              ("w2" "Test broken report" agenda ""
                (org-agenda-clockreport-mode t)

Aren't these custom agendas supposed to work the same?

If I press C-a w 1, the agenda buffer displays the clock report.

If I press C-a w 2, the agenda buffer *does not* display the clock report.
But if i press 'r', the agenda gets rebuilt and *then it does display the clock

I don't know if this is a bug in org-mode, or I was configuring it wrongly, I
just wanted to let you know.

Thanks a lot for org-mode, it has help me so much in getting my life ordered!!

-- Gaizka

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