Re: [Orgmode] Bug: Export buffer w/o filename to ASCII errors out (patch attached) [6.34trans (release_6.34c.221.gadb2)]

2010-03-25 Thread Carsten Dominik

Applied, thanks.

- Carsten

On Mar 24, 2010, at 9:51 PM, David Maus wrote:

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?   

Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.

When exporting a buffer without associated filename and no #+TITLE set
to ASCII using C-c C-e A Org errors out with "Wrong type argument:
stringp, nil".

The problem is that `org-export-as-ascii' tries to obtain the
document's title and falls back to (buffer-file-name) -- what is nil
for a buffer w/o associated file.

Steps to reproduce:

 - create shiny new buffer C-x b *test* RET

 - turn on Org M-x org-mode RET

 - maybe insert something

 - C-c C-e A

Attached patch fixes this by using (buffer-file-name) only if there is
one and falls back to UNTITLED.

-- David

Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.18.7)
of 2010-03-11 on elegiac, modified by Debian
Package: Org-mode version 6.34trans (release_6.34c.221.gadb2)

current state:
org-log-done 'time
org-wl-nntp-prefer-web-links t
org-export-latex-default-class "scrartcl"
org-export-latex-after-initial-vars-hook '(org-beamer-after-initial- 
org-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO" :foreground "red" :weight bold)  
("MAYB" :foreground "orange red" :weight bold)
			  ("WAIT" :foreground "firebrick" :weight bold)  
("DONE" :foreground "green")
			  ("IDEA" :foreground "gold" :weight bold) ("CANC" :foreground  

org-wl-shimbun-prefer-web-links t
org-agenda-custom-commands '(("R" "Refile new tasks and notes" tags  

org-agenda-files '("~/org/" "~/org/priv/" "~/org/pg/" "~/org/tec/")
org-blocker-hook '(org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent)
org-agenda-tags-column -120
org-checklist-export-function 'org-export-as-ascii
org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current org- 

org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled t
org-export-latex-format-toc-function 'org-export-latex-format-toc- 

org-log-redeadline 'time
org-export-preprocess-hook '(org-export-blocks-preprocess)
org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe)
org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
org-export-first-hook '(org-beamer-initialize-open-trackers)
org-wl-link-remove-filter t
org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAIT(w)" "|" "DONE(D)")  
(sequence "IDEA(i)" "MAYB(m)" "|" "CANC(C)"))

org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
org-default-notes-file "/home/david/org//"
org-directory "/home/david/org/"
org-log-reschedule 'time
org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide- 
drawers org-cycle-show-empty-lines

org-export-latex-classes '(("scrartcl"
			 "\\documentclass[paper=a4,12pt]{scrartcl}\n   \ 
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n   \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} 
\n   \\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}\n   \\usepackage{graphicx} 
\n   \\usepackage{longtable}\n   \\usepackage{float}\n
\\usepackage{wrapfig}\n   \\usepackage{soul}\n   \ 
\usepackage{amssymb}\n   \\usepackage{microtype}\n   \ 
\usepackage{lmodern}\n   \\parskip 6pt\n   \ 
\usepackage[autocite=footnote,style=authoryear]{biblatex}\n   \ 
			 ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}") ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\ 
			 ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}") ("\ 
\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")

 ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))
org-publish-project-alist '(("ictsoc-web" :base-directory "~/www/" :base-extension "org" :publishing-directory
			  "~/www/" :publishing-function org-publish-org-to- 
html :author "David Maus" :email
			  "" :author-info t :creator-info t :timestamp  
nil :headline-levels 4

  :section-numbers nil :recursive t)
			 ("ictsoc-feed" :base-directory "~/www/" :base- 
extension "org" :publishing-directory
			  "~/www/" :publishing-url "http://" :auto-index t :recursive t
			  :index-filename "feed.atom" :index-function org-atom- 
publish-feed-index :feed-map-entries

  "LEVEL=1" :feed-id 
 ("ictsoc" :components ("ictsoc-web")))
org-export-preprocess-before-normalizing-links-hook '(org-remove- 

org-email-link-description-format "%m"
org-mode-hook '((lambda nil
		  (org-add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook) (quote org-show- 
block-all) (quote append) (quote local)))

org-refile-targets '((org-agenda-file

[Orgmode] Bug: Export buffer w/o filename to ASCII errors out (patch attached) [6.34trans (release_6.34c.221.gadb2)]

2010-03-24 Thread David Maus

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See

Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.

When exporting a buffer without associated filename and no #+TITLE set
to ASCII using C-c C-e A Org errors out with "Wrong type argument:
stringp, nil".

The problem is that `org-export-as-ascii' tries to obtain the
document's title and falls back to (buffer-file-name) -- what is nil
for a buffer w/o associated file.

Steps to reproduce:

  - create shiny new buffer C-x b *test* RET

  - turn on Org M-x org-mode RET

  - maybe insert something

  - C-c C-e A

Attached patch fixes this by using (buffer-file-name) only if there is
one and falls back to UNTITLED.

 -- David

Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.18.7)
 of 2010-03-11 on elegiac, modified by Debian
Package: Org-mode version 6.34trans (release_6.34c.221.gadb2)

current state:
 org-log-done 'time
 org-wl-nntp-prefer-web-links t
 org-export-latex-default-class "scrartcl"
 org-export-latex-after-initial-vars-hook '(org-beamer-after-initial-vars)
 org-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO" :foreground "red" :weight bold) ("MAYB" 
:foreground "orange red" :weight bold)
  ("WAIT" :foreground "firebrick" :weight bold) ("DONE" 
:foreground "green")
  ("IDEA" :foreground "gold" :weight bold) ("CANC" 
:foreground "LightSlateGrey"))
 org-wl-shimbun-prefer-web-links t
 org-agenda-custom-commands '(("R" "Refile new tasks and notes" tags 
 org-agenda-files '("~/org/" "~/org/priv/" "~/org/pg/" "~/org/tec/")
 org-blocker-hook '(org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent)
 org-agenda-tags-column -120
 org-checklist-export-function 'org-export-as-ascii
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current org-checklist)
 org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled t
 org-export-latex-format-toc-function 'org-export-latex-format-toc-default
 org-log-redeadline 'time
 org-export-preprocess-hook '(org-export-blocks-preprocess)
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe)
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-export-first-hook '(org-beamer-initialize-open-trackers)
 org-wl-link-remove-filter t
 org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAIT(w)" "|" "DONE(D)") (sequence 
"IDEA(i)" "MAYB(m)" "|" "CANC(C)"))
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-default-notes-file "/home/david/org//"
 org-directory "/home/david/org/"
 org-log-reschedule 'time
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers 
 org-export-latex-classes '(("scrartcl"
\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n   \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n   
\\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}\n   \\usepackage{graphicx}\n   
\\usepackage{longtable}\n   \\usepackage{float}\n   
\\usepackage{wrapfig}\n   \\usepackage{soul}\n   
\\usepackage{amssymb}\n   \\usepackage{microtype}\n   
\\usepackage{lmodern}\n   \\parskip 6pt\n   
 ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}") 
("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
 ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}") 
("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
 ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))
 org-publish-project-alist '(("ictsoc-web" :base-directory "~/www/" 
:base-extension "org" :publishing-directory
  "~/www/" :publishing-function 
org-publish-org-to-html :author "David Maus" :email
  "" :author-info t :creator-info t 
:timestamp nil :headline-levels 4
  :section-numbers nil :recursive t)
 ("ictsoc-feed" :base-directory "~/www/" 
:base-extension "org" :publishing-directory
  "~/www/" :publishing-url 
""; :auto-index t :recursive t
  :index-filename "feed.atom" :index-function 
org-atom-publish-feed-index :feed-map-entries
  "LEVEL=1" :feed-id 
 ("ictsoc" :components ("ictsoc-web")))
 org-email-link-description-format "%m"
 org-mode-hook '((lambda nil
  (org-add-hook (quot