El dt, abr 14 2009, Wes Hardaker va escriure:
>>>>>> On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 00:54:46 +0200, Daniel Clemente <n142...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> said:
> DC> Is there some trick to add a footer at the end?
> I all the #+ or other text in another header at the bottom called
> "END".  IE:
> * END
> ............


> I think you can also attach a noexport tag (look in the manual for the
> real name) to it or something if you're worried about it being exported.

  Yes, it's „noexport“. But then you don't see the footer. If you want to show 
something like „this page was created by … at … with org-mode, is valid HTML, 
etc“ then you need a visible content but hopefully no visible heading called 
  It would be easier if I could override this text (not only switch it on/off):

<div id="postamble">
<p class="creator">HTML generated by org-mode 6.24trans in emacs 23</p>

  In fact I would like to have as a footer:

This page was generated on [EXPORT-DATE] by Org-mode [VERSION]. For questions, 
contact me at: e-mail, etc.

-- Daniel

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