
May be it's of interest. There's an R package 'plotrix' which seems
to be able to create gantt charts. 
Example picture:

Disclaimer: I don't know anything about gantt charts or that particular package.


On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 20:24:11 -0400
Dan Davison <davi...@stats.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

> Erik Butz <erik.b...@googlemail.com> writes:
> > Hi Eric,
> >
> > thanks for this information, this already brings me one step further.
> >
> > There is now another issue which I run into, trying to get this to
> > work: python lists seem to be a potential problem. In the code there
> > are several lists which are constructed by a
> >
> >     # Generate gnuplot lines
> >     plot_lines = ['plot ' +
> >                   ', \\\n\t'.join((' '.join(['-1',
> >                                        'title "%s"' % t,
> >                                        'with lines',
> >                                        'linecolor %s %s ' %
> > (colorprefix, colors[t]),
> >                                        'linewidth 6'])
> >                             for t in tasks))]
> >
> > which cause the program to fail and not to produce any output when accessed.
> >
> > I can create lists with append('a') however and use them mostly w/o 
> > problems.
> >
> > Is there any know limitation somewhere in org-babel or am I running
> > into some other problem here?
> > (in principle this should just be run like in any normal shell, right?)
> Hi Erik,
> So have I understood this right that you're following Eric's model and
> passing an org table into a shell block whch calls python?
> I.e. something like
> #+begin_src sh :var tasks=tasks
>   echo "$tasks" | python gantt.py
> #+end_src
> In that case it should be exactly the same as running the python code in
> a shell outside emacs. To debug this, how about capturing the data
> that's going into python with
> #+begin_src sh :var tasks=tasks
>   echo "$tasks" > input-data-for-python
> #+end_src
> and then outside emacs doing the equivalent of
> python gantt.py < input-data-for-python
> Does that reveal the same problem?
> Dan
> >
> > Again any hints appreciated
> >
> > Erik
> >
> > P.S. let me stress that the code works w/o problems from a normal
> > shell, since otherwise this sounds more like a python question
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> >> Erik Butz <erik.b...@googlemail.com> writes:
> >>
> >>> Hi all,
> >>>
> >>> I have been playing around with org-mode and have been thinking about
> >>> the possibility to create gantt charts with org-mode. I did not find
> >>> anything in the archives, and todays thread about taskjuggler brought
> >>> me back to the subject.
> >>>
> >>> This is a python script hovering around the web (gantt.py) which
> >>> enables gant charts with gnuplot. I played around with this a bit so
> >>> as to have it accept ISO timestamps (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S) and or
> >>> durations. Now I am looking for a way to execute this from within
> >>> org-mode probably using org-babel
> >>>
> >>> The (bash) syntax would be something like
> >>>
> >>> python gantt.py -t "Title" -i input.txt | gnuplot -persist
> >>>
> >>> I would like to pass an org table to the script instead of the input
> >>> file so the equivalent of doing
> >>>
> >>> cat input | python gantt.py -t "Title" | gnuplot -persist
> >>>
> >>> The input structure is (e.g.)
> >>>
> >>> Task 1        2010-4-2T12:00:00       1       validate
> >>> Task 2        2010-4-5T12:00:00       5.25      something
> >>> Task 3        2010-4-5T12:00:00       2010-4-10T0:00:00       otherthing
> >>> Task 4        5.5                     yet another thing
> >>> which could well be the column mode representation of a file probably.
> >>>
> >>
> >> something like the following in will allow you to pass a table to a
> >> series of shell commands
> >>
> >>  #+tblname: tasks
> >>  | Task 1 | 2010-4-2T12:00:00 |                 1 | validate   |
> >>  | Task 2 | 2010-4-5T12:00:00 |              5.25 | something  |
> >>  | Task 3 | 2010-4-5T12:00:00 | 2010-4-10T0:00:00 | otherthing |
> >>
> >>  #+begin_src sh :var tasks=tasks
> >>    echo "$tasks" |wc
> >>  #+end_src
> >>
> >>  #+results:
> >>  : 3      15     130
> >>
> >> you can also use a gnuplot block to accept the output of gantt.py, and
> >> once everything is working it can be packaged up into a library of babel
> >> [1] function which could then be called with a short line like.
> >>
> >> #+call: gantt(tasks=my-task-table)
> >>
> >> Hope that helps, let me know if you have any more questions. -- Eric
> >>
> >>>
> >>> I am sorry should this be a bit vague.
> >>>
> >>> Please let me know if I can provide any more information to clarify the 
> >>> problem
> >>>
> >>> Cheers and thanks,
> >>>
> >>> Erik
> >>>
> >>>
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> >>
> >> Footnotes:
> >> [1]  http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/library-of-babel.php
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
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