Markus Heller <> writes:

> 1. Hit C-c a
> 2. In the dispatcher, hit `X'
> 3. I get prompted which Property I want to search for, and I enter `Sample'
> 4. I get prompted which value I want that property to have, and I enter
>    `S0002'
> 5. I get a list of all hits
> Now, I know that I can achieve this by using
> 1. Hit C-c a
> 2. Hit `m'
> 3. Enter `+Sample="S0002"'
> but that's too much typing for my taste.
> Is there a way to achieve what I want?

One small but (maybe) useful improvement here would be to make `C-c a m'
allow completion over properties.  That would spare you a few keystrokes


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