Re: [Orgmode] org-mode + pomodoro

2010-08-30 Thread Sergey Konoplev
On 27 August 2010 21:15, A. Ryan Reynolds  wrote:
> I do this using Org-Mode and a kitchen timer. I clock in when I wind
> the timer, and clock out when it dings, instead of just marking with
> X's. To record distractions I keep a scratch buffer in org-mode open,
> although there may be a better way to capture distractions on the
> urgent and unplanned list using remember mode to file them away into a
> more organized system. I just haven't had time to read about it. I
> like the fact that the urgent & unplanned items don't go anywhere
> unless I decide to file them though, because it keeps my to-do list
> cleaner that way. During my most distracted periods I tend to capture
> a lot of stray to-do items of only marginal utility.
> I'm not sure my personal workflow will work exactly right for anyone
> but myself (and it's still a work in progress for me too!), but I'm
> happy to answer any other questions you might have about it.

Thank you. I will try it with timer.

> --
> A. Ryan Reynolds

Sergey Konoplev

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Re: [Orgmode] org-mode + pomodoro

2010-08-27 Thread A. Ryan Reynolds
I do this using Org-Mode and a kitchen timer. I clock in when I wind
the timer, and clock out when it dings, instead of just marking with
X's. To record distractions I keep a scratch buffer in org-mode open,
although there may be a better way to capture distractions on the
urgent and unplanned list using remember mode to file them away into a
more organized system. I just haven't had time to read about it. I
like the fact that the urgent & unplanned items don't go anywhere
unless I decide to file them though, because it keeps my to-do list
cleaner that way. During my most distracted periods I tend to capture
a lot of stray to-do items of only marginal utility.

I'm not sure my personal workflow will work exactly right for anyone
but myself (and it's still a work in progress for me too!), but I'm
happy to answer any other questions you might have about it.
A. Ryan Reynolds

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