Re: iswitchb-mode and iswitchb-global-map

2007-01-03 Thread Stefan Monnier
>> > 1. Shouldn't `iswitchb-global-map' be renamed
>> > `iswitchb-mode-map'?  Wouldn't that better follow the
>> > minor-mode naming convention?
>> Yes, but iswitchb-mode-map is already used for something else, so it would
>> be an incompatible change.

> I see. I didn't know that. Is that map perhaps for a local version of the
> minor mode?

No, it's for the actual iswitchb minibuffer interaction.  So it should
probably be renamed from iswitchb-mode-map to iswitchb-minibuffer-map.
In any case: post-22.


emacs-pretest-bug mailing list

RE: iswitchb-mode and iswitchb-global-map

2007-01-02 Thread Drew Adams
> > > 2. Shouldn't `iswitchb-global-map' be redefined anew each
> > > time `iswitchb-mode' is turned on?
> >
> > Kind of, yes.  I've changed the code to use command remapping
> > instead to get
> > the same kind of result.

I haven't yet given it a try, but I took a quick look at the code. Since
there is no remapping equivalent of the 4th arg to
substitute-key-definition, I suppose that the code now captures whatever the
current bindings of `switch-to-buffer' etc. are, instead of capturing only
their `global-map' bindings. Is that correct?

Maybe that would be a good thing (better), maybe not. I'm not sure - I guess
so. The behavior would be different from before, in any case. Now, the
bindings set up might be different, depending on what they are when the mode
is turned on.

Am I right that the remapping will cause (part of) `iswitchb-global-map' to
be redefined anew each time its keys are looked up? That's even better than
renewing it each time `iswitchb-mode' is turned on, which was what I
proposed (#2).

I'm not too sure how command remapping works. The map is created only once
here, and put onto `minor-mode-map-alist' once and for all, as before. But,
IIUC, the bindings for this in the map are remappings, which are essentially
dynamic bindings. That is, the map itself is static and isn't updated each
time the mode is entered (as I had suggested), but those bindings are always
calculated dynamically, by remapping. If that's how it works, that's pretty
cool. I hadn't thought about remapping that way before: the binding takes
place at the time of key lookup. Very late binding binding ;-).

Another difference from my idea of updating `minor-mode-map-alist' each time
the mode is turned on, and using `substitute-key-definition' with
`global-map', comes from the fact that remapping only works through a single
level. I'm not sure what that would mean in practice, if two or more modes
remap the same commands. Precedence in `minor-mode-map-alist' is what
counts, so there would be a difference in behavior, in any case.

My approach of deleting and reinserting the map in `minor-mode-map-alist'
would give users some flexibility when dealing with "dueling" minor modes:
they could turn two modes on in a particular order to choose which one grabs
contested bindings. Command remapping doesn't allow that, by itself; to get
that effect, I think you would still need to dynamically change the order of

Let me know if this makes no sense or I'm missing something. It's late and
I'm tired.

emacs-pretest-bug mailing list

RE: iswitchb-mode and iswitchb-global-map

2007-01-02 Thread Drew Adams
> > 1. Shouldn't `iswitchb-global-map' be renamed
> > `iswitchb-mode-map'?  Wouldn't that better follow the
> > minor-mode naming convention?
> Yes, but iswitchb-mode-map is already used for something else, so it would
> be an incompatible change.

I see. I didn't know that. Is that map perhaps for a local version of the
minor mode? That is, are there two different maps, one for global use and
one for local use? I'm just curious - this is new to me. If so, is there a
naming convention for that, or should there be one? How about
`iswitch-global-mode-map', instead, to signal that a (minor) mode is

> > 2. Shouldn't `iswitchb-global-map' be redefined anew each
> > time `iswitchb-mode' is turned on?
> Kind of, yes.  I've changed the code to use command remapping
> instead to get
> the same kind of result.

I'm interested, so I'll take a look when I get a chance. Perhaps a similar
approach would be useful for my code as well. I guess perhaps you mean that
you used remapping in place of substitute-key-definition.

emacs-pretest-bug mailing list

Re: iswitchb-mode and iswitchb-global-map

2007-01-02 Thread Stefan Monnier
> 1. Shouldn't `iswitchb-global-map' be renamed
> `iswitchb-mode-map'?  Wouldn't that better follow the
> minor-mode naming convention?

Yes, but iswitchb-mode-map is already used for something else, so it would
be an incompatible change.

> 2. Shouldn't `iswitchb-global-map' be redefined anew each
> time `iswitchb-mode' is turned on?

Kind of, yes.  I've changed the code to use command remapping instead to get
the same kind of result.


emacs-pretest-bug mailing list

iswitchb-mode and iswitchb-global-map

2006-12-31 Thread Drew Adams
I think these are both bugs, but you might not think so.
You might want to think them over, in any case.

1. Shouldn't `iswitchb-global-map' be renamed
`iswitchb-mode-map'?  Wouldn't that better follow the
minor-mode naming convention?

2. Shouldn't `iswitchb-global-map' be redefined anew each
time `iswitchb-mode' is turned on?  I say this because it
uses `substitute-key-definition'.  New global bindings for
the commands in question (e.g. `switch-to-buffer') will not
be taken into account, otherwise.

This has an impact in two ways: 1) If `switch-to-buffer' is
later bound globally to something different from `C-x b' (an
additional binding or a substituted binding), then that
binding won't be picked up when `iswitchb-mode' is
re-entered later.  2) If some other command is later bound
to `C-x b', even if `iswitch-mode' is re-entered later than
that, `iswitch-mode' will still co-opt `C-x b' (I think it
should not, in that case).

In one of my own libraries, the minor mode function,
`icicle-mode', unbinds the mode-map variable,
`icicle-mode-map', whenever the mode is turned off.
Whenever the mode is turned on, `icicle-mode' calls a
function that does the following.  Shouldn't `iswitchb-mode'
do something similar (because it too uses

a. Delete `icicle-mode's entry from `minor-mode-map-alist'
(if present from previously turning on the mode).

b. Define `icicle-mode-map' from scratch.  Like the code
that defines `iswitchb-global-map', this code uses
`substitute-key-definition' for `switch-to-buffer':

  'switch-to-buffer 'icicle-buffer
  icicle-mode-map (current-global-map))

c. Add the mode entry to `minor-mode-map-alist' (this is
thus done anew each time the mode is turned on).

In effect, this is all just a way to render the minor-mode
map definition dynamic.  Because the mode map is defined
using `substitute-key-definition', I want the bindings to
reflect the latest state of the global keymap.

I wish there were an easier way to do this.  I wish, for
instance, that you could just provide, as the cdr of an
entry to `minor-mode-map-alist', an expression to be evaled
to a keymap value, or perhaps a function that is called to
return a keymap value.

That's not possible today, IIUC: you must provide, as the
cdr, a literal keymap or a symbol whose symbol-function is a
keymap (the function cell is looked up; the function is not
called).  I'd like that expression to be evaled, or that
function to be called, whenever the mode is turned on.  If
that were not practical, it could be evaled/called each time
`minor-mode-map-alist' were consulted for a key lookup.  In
that case, the expression or function would then need to
determine if it needed to refresh the map (i.e. if the mode
was just entered).

BTW, something I don't understand, and don't see documented:

Does `define-minor-mode' somehow add an entry to
`minor-mode-map-alist'? Looking at the `iswitchb-mode' code,
I don't see where that is done there.  Yet the entry
(iswitchb-mode . iswitchb-global-map) is nevertheless
present in `minor-mode-map-alist'.  I'm wondering what code
put it there?  I looked at the `define-minor-mode' macro
definition too, but I didn't see anything that updated
`minor-mode-map-alist'.  It's a mystery to me.

I wonder if others are also confused about this and think,
like I was thinking, that a minor-mode definition must
itself push the mode entry onto `minor-mode-map-alist'.
Perhaps the doc should say something about this not being
necessary, because it happens automatically.  But how does
it happen?

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