Re: CE marking, value added?

1997-04-08 Thread BMCEWEN%A1 . mrgate
FUNC: 10687 Eng Product Certification 
TEL: 613-274-6500 
To: MX%""@MRGATE@wpc

  "Value added" does not just mean an additional build-cost that
  justifies its related price-hike; it means one that does so by
  being featured to the customer.
  Regards, Bernie.

Immunity test on standalone CD players

1997-04-08 Thread Raymond Li
According to EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, a mains-operated standalone
multi-disc CD player must comply with immunity test EN55020.  It says that
this product falls into exemption scope - no connection facility for an
external antenna and no passive requirements according to EN55020.

The exemption reasons sound strange but appear to be a general practice in
the field.  May I invite your comments/guidances on this interpretation of
the standard.

Thanks and regards,

Raymond Li
Dixons Stores Group

Accreditation scheme of calibration laboratories in China

1997-04-08 Thread Raymond Li
Can anyone advise the accreditation scheme of calibration laboratories in
China and where can we find the accreditation directory and scope of
accredited laboratories.

Thanks and regards,

Raymond Li
Dixons Stores Group

Immunity test on standalone CD players

1997-04-08 Thread Raymond Li
According to EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, a mains-operated standalone
multi-disc CD player must comply with immunity test EN55020.  It says that
this product falls into exemption scope - no connection facility for an
external antenna and no passive requirements according to EN55020.

The exemption reasons sound strange but appear to be a general practice in
the field.  May I invite your comments/guidances on this interpretation of
the standard.

Thanks and regards,

Raymond Li
Dixons Stores Group

Accreditation scheme of calibration laboratories in China

1997-04-08 Thread Raymond Li
Can anyone advise the accreditation scheme of calibration laboratories in
China and where can we find the accreditation directory and scope of
accredited laboratories.

Thanks and regards,

Raymond Li
Dixons Stores Group

Re: Koreans EMC Approvals

1997-04-08 Thread Ryan Kim
Haitong EMC Inc.
Tel : 82-339-376-4117
Fax : 82-339-376-4118
Email :
Ryan Kim / President of Haitong EMC Inc. 

> :83= ;g6w:
> 9^4B ;g6w:
> A&8q: Koreans EMC Approvals
> 3/B%: 19973b 4?y 7@O ?y?d@O ?@HD 9:22
> I understand that Industry Canada and Korea's Ministry of
> Information and Communication signed a Mutual Recognition
> Arrangement in May,1995. The IC web pages says that the MOU
> will facilitate "an agreement on mutual recognition of test
> results and certification procedures of telecommunications
> equipment". Does anyone know if this includes EMC, or is it
> for Safety / Telco?
>John Czyzewicz
>Natural MicroSystems

Dear John,

This message is from Korea.  I also  understand MRA
with both countries.  I believe that MRA is limited to
only Telecomm approval not related to EMC and Safety

However, even telecomm approval, there is no detail
progress.  As one of Korea government authorized EMC lab
and agent for the Telecomm and Safety approval, I never
heard of how Canada approval would be accepted as Korea
approval even test report.

It will take time.


Ryan Kim / President of Haitong EMC

Re: Koreans EMC Approvals

1997-04-08 Thread Ryan Kim
Haitong EMC Inc.
Tel : 82-339-376-4117
Fax : 82-339-376-4118
Email :
Ryan Kim / President of Haitong EMC Inc. 

> :83= ;g6w:
> 9^4B ;g6w:
> B|A6:
> A&8q: Re: Koreans EMC Approvals
> 3/B%: 19973b 4?y 8@O H-?d@O ?@@| 8:27
> Bharat Shah
> 04/07/97 04:27 PM
> Hello Ryan,
> I have following questions for you.
> Once, we have receive a registration :
> 1. What is label format for that product ?
   - I will fax you the format. Let me know the fax. No.
 label has the around circle and inside EMI (B) and
 HTC(test lab initial)-YYMMDD

> 2. Is there any graphic associated with label ?
   - No graphic, just alphabet and no.

> 3. Is there any factory/manufacturer ID associated with the label ?
   - No factory/manufacturer ID

> 4. How often do I have to apply for the EMC ? Once a life cycle of the
> product ?
   - Once a life cycle

> 5. Is  there any follow up requirements ?
   - Yes, every year product has to be retested if applicant
 want certi is valid.

> 6. Does it cost money for follow  up program ?
   - Same as new test and report fee. U$620

> 7. Is the registration, distributor sensitive ? (means  that only one
> registration is required for five distributor or I should have
> one per distributor?
   - Yes, distributor sentitive.  The other distributor
 can get certi with test and report by just applying
 for "same product verification"

> 8. Where the registration number needs to  be appeared? ( like on the
> product, box, brochure and so on)
   - On the product is mandatory.  And in the manual,
 "Wanring statement" has to be appeard 
- I hope the above anwers your question.

> Thank you for your anticipated assistance.
> Regards,
> Bharat Shah
> 4/7/97
> Haitong EMC Inc.
> Tel : 82-339-376-4117
> Fax : 82-339-376-4118
> Email :
> Ryan Kim / President of Haitong EMC Inc.
> The process is the following.
> 1. send 1 sample to Korea representative (your comapny's) to apply to
> at
> Korea approved lab.
> 2. your representative must get import recommendation which takes 1 day
> from
>the RRL (Korea government lab same as FCC)
> 3. apply for test with 1 sample, user's manual wrritten in Korean with
> block
> diagram.
> 4. takes 1 or 2 days to test at the lab
> 5. test and report fee is approxi. U$620.
>application and licence fee is U$100 to the government
> 6. once test is finished test lab apply for the final certi to the RRL by
> itself nothing to  deal with representative.
> 7. within 3 days, RRL issue the certi.  (we call registration intead of
> certification)
> 8. your representative get the certi, then attach the label on the
> at your side and import the products.
> 9. the above process will start within the april of 97.
> If you have more question, contact me again.
> Thanks,
> Ryan Kim / Haitong

RE: Accredited Calibration Labs

1997-04-08 Thread Matejic, Mirko
There is a relevant feature article "Accreditation puts cal labs on
the spot" in the April 1997 issue of Quality. On line article is
at URL:

Mirko Matejic