Re: EMC/Harmonics requirements

1997-09-10 Thread Mark Briggs

Does this mean that products that are currently being certified against a 
product or family standard, such as ITE equipment (EN55022) or ISM 
equipment (EN55011) as opposed to a generic standard have to meet the 
requirements of the EN61000-3 specs ??  Neither of these standards 
mention testing harmonics/flicker or the IEC 555 specs.


__ Reply Separator 
Subject: EMC/Harmonics requirements
Author: at PMDF
Date:8/22/97 10:40 AM

To All:
For information.
The European Union has put out a notice to all national committees aimed 
at clarifying the implementation dates for the harmonics and flicker 
standards.  (Reference TC741  JPV/is/970722 dated 1997-07-10)  They have 
also referenced the 555 series standards and in their minds clarified the 
relationship between the two harmonics standards.  The notice is copied 
below for your information.  Please note the IEC 555 -2 and 555-3 are 
withdrawn and obsolete.  This means CENELEC is not using an international 
standard for those products covered.
Dave George
Taking  into  account  the  above,  for products  originally  not 
falling  within the scope of EN 60555-2/EN 60555-3 but covered by EN 
61000-3-2/EN 61000-3-3, presumption of conformity to the ERs of the EMC 
Directive exists and is confirmed on the basis of a manufacturer's 
declaration based on the generic EMC standards up to 2001-01-01.
In this context reference is made to Note 2 to Table I of EN 50021-1 
(relating to emission in the a.c. mains supply and in particular 
harmonics) which reads:
Note 2: Applicable to apparatus covered within the scope of EN 60555-2 
and EN 60555-3. Limits for apparatus not currently covered by EN 60555-2 
and EN 60555-3 are under consideration.'
In consequence the levels given in these two standards applicable to the 
relevant phenomena can be used for conformity assessment purposes under 
the manufacturer's responsibility.

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Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 11:40:31 -0400
From: George, David L
Subject: EMC/Harmonics requirements
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Heavy Industrial Peripherals

1997-09-10 Thread Rick Busche
My company manufactures large main-frame computer devices for commercial
and military simulation environments. As such, our IGs (Image
Generators) are CE marked and tested to Heavy Industrial immunity and
emission levels. Attached to these IGs, are off-the-shelf peripheral
devices such as monitors, printers and terminals. These commercial
devices would not be expected to pass the 10V/m radiated immunity or
other portions of EN 50082-2, as they are typically defined as Light
Industrial. Magnetic immunity for the display devices would pose another
significant risk of non compliance. As a system integrator how can this
issue be resolved?

Can someone comment as to the availability of Heavy Industrial
peripheral devices. Do they exist?  Are there suggestions for commercial
peripheral devices which have successfully been used in these test

Thanks in advance

Rick Busche
Evans  Sutherland
Salt Lake City, Utah

Values for hazardous currents.

1997-09-10 Thread Rich Nute

Hello from San Diego:

Mike Conn suggests that 1 mA through the heart muscle can
induce fibrillation, and that anything greater than 5 mA 
through the hands is a dangerous current.

I think that 50 uA is a better value of current applied to
the heart muscle that is likely to induce fibrillation.  
This is why leakage current from patient-connected equipment 
is limited to 10 uA.

Note that physical blows to the chest can induce fibrillation.
During open-chest surgery, simply touching the heart muscle
can induce fibrillation.  This is because the heart muscle 
works much the same way the wave works in a ballpark when the
fans rise to their feet and raise their arms.  They do so as
the folks adjacent to them rise.  So, too, for the heart 
muscle.  It gets an initial trigger at the sinoatrial node.
The initial muscle contraction at the sinoatrial node spreads
along the atrium to the atrioventricular (central wall) node.
At this point, the contractions divide to either side of the
ventricals, passing around the outside of the heart cavities
back to the starting point.

Any trigger to any relaxed heart muscle can cause it to 
contract, and thereby spread out of sync to the other parts 
of the muscle.  This is fibrillation.

The 5 mA number came from the work of Karl Geiges of UL in 
his study of leakage current from radio receivers in the late
'40s.  Geiges and Charles Dalziel, University of California
Berkeley, studied let-go currents.  Geiges tested UL
personnel.  Dalziel tested graduate students.  Independently, 
they concluded that 5 mA was the maximum allowable current 
that persons of all ages could let go.

(Geiges work is published in a UL monograph.  Dalziel's work
is published in the IRE and AIEE journals of the time.)

Since Dalziel was the inventor of the GFCI, it follows that
the trip current for the GFCI is 5 mA.

The issue is, What is dangerous?

Many years ago, Claude Haggard, Medford, Oregon, taught and
demonstrated the dangers of electricity to various groups, 
from school children to granges.  He demonstrated arm-to-hand 
can't let go using a conductive arm-band and a defective 
electric drill in his hand.  He would freeze at from 7 to 
12 mA.  

But, he was not injured.  Following the demonstration, he was
as good as new!  I enjoyed lunch with him following one of his

But, Haggard was very careful by adjusting the current up to 
the point where he was just frozen, and no more.  And, he
was very careful that the current path was down the arm, and
not across the thorax.

He also demonstrated the effectiveness of the GFCI -- without
any current limit.  He would hold the defective drill and
touch a grounded panel with the upper part of the arm.  Almost
no sensation.  (I haven't had the nerve to try this!)

So, more than 5 mA is not dangerous in that it does not
cause an injury.  But, being frozen is scary.  

Injury doesn't occur until the onset of fibrillation, about
50 mA hand-to-hand.

Best regards,

 Richard Nute Quality Department 
 Hewlett-Packard Company   Product Regulations Group 
 San Diego Division (SDD)  Tel   :  619 655 3329 
 16399 West Bernardo Drive FAX   :  619 655 4979 
 San Diego, California 92127   e-mail: 

Re: Heavy Industrial Peripherals

1997-09-10 Thread Cortland Richmond

Do you really need the Heavy Industrial rating?  If you look at the actual
environment, you may find it considerably more benign than the usual steel
mill, railway switchyard, etcetera.

If this is the case, I suggest you consider the less stringent Light
Industrial requirements.


== Original Message Follows 

  Date:  09-Sep-97 15:13:25  MsgID: 1055-22656  ToID: 72146,373
From:  Rick Busche
Subj:  Heavy Industrial Peripherals
Chrg:  $0.00   Imp: Norm   Sens: StdReceipt: NoParts: 1

My company manufactures large main-frame computer devices for commercial
and military simulation environments. As such, our IGs (Image
Generators) are CE marked and tested to Heavy Industrial immunity and
emission levels. Attached to these IGs, are off-the-shelf peripheral
devices such as monitors, printers and terminals. These commercial
devices would not be expected to pass the 10V/m radiated immunity or
other portions of EN 50082-2, as they are typically defined as Light
Industrial. Magnetic immunity for the display devices would pose another
significant risk of non compliance. As a system integrator how can this
issue be resolved?

Can someone comment as to the availability of Heavy Industrial
peripheral devices. Do they exist?  Are there suggestions for commercial
peripheral devices which have successfully been used in these test

Thanks in advance

Rick Busche
Evans  Sutherland
Salt Lake City, Utah

== End of Original Message =

re: Values for hazardous currents.

1997-09-10 Thread MICHAEL WINDLER
I will make only one comment on this issue and this comment is not a 
statement from UL but rather a fellow IEEE member.

Rich Nute stated  Injury doesn't occur until the onset of fibrillation, 
50 mA hand-to-hand.

Sorry Rich, this is simply not true.  There are a terribly large number of 
injuries every year resulting directly and indirectly from much lower 
currents.  Injuries as a consequence of startle effect can be very 
serious.  In addition, small children by the hundreds are shocked and 
suffer nuerological damage or worse as a consequence of currents 
significantly less than 50 mA.

As engineers working to develop effective, safe products that improve our 
world, we have to keep in mind that there are all types of people out there 
that use or abuse electrical products including the children and the 
physically frail and that in many cases the injuries suffered are an 
indirect result of shock.

Sorry if this seems preachy, no offense intended.

Mike Windler
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
International EMC Services
Phone:  847-272-8800 (ext. 43409)
Original Text
From: Rich Nute, on 9/9/97 4:24 PM:

Hello from San Diego:

Mike Conn suggests that 1 mA through the heart muscle can
induce fibrillation, and that anything greater than 5 mA 
through the hands is a dangerous current.

I think that 50 uA is a better value of current applied to
the heart muscle that is likely to induce fibrillation.  
This is why leakage current from patient-connected equipment 
is limited to 10 uA.

Note that physical blows to the chest can induce fibrillation.
During open-chest surgery, simply touching the heart muscle
can induce fibrillation.  This is because the heart muscle 
works much the same way the wave works in a ballpark when the
fans rise to their feet and raise their arms.  They do so as
the folks adjacent to them rise.  So, too, for the heart 
muscle.  It gets an initial trigger at the sinoatrial node.
The initial muscle contraction at the sinoatrial node spreads
along the atrium to the atrioventricular (central wall) node.
At this point, the contractions divide to either side of the
ventricals, passing around the outside of the heart cavities
back to the starting point.

Any trigger to any relaxed heart muscle can cause it to 
contract, and thereby spread out of sync to the other parts 
of the muscle.  This is fibrillation.

The 5 mA number came from the work of Karl Geiges of UL in 
his study of leakage current from radio receivers in the late
'40s.  Geiges and Charles Dalziel, University of California
Berkeley, studied let-go currents.  Geiges tested UL
personnel.  Dalziel tested graduate students.  Independently, 
they concluded that 5 mA was the maximum allowable current 
that persons of all ages could let go.

(Geiges work is published in a UL monograph.  Dalziel's work
is published in the IRE and AIEE journals of the time.)

Since Dalziel was the inventor of the GFCI, it follows that
the trip current for the GFCI is 5 mA.

The issue is, What is dangerous?

Many years ago, Claude Haggard, Medford, Oregon, taught and
demonstrated the dangers of electricity to various groups, 
from school children to granges.  He demonstrated arm-to-hand 
can't let go using a conductive arm-band and a defective 
electric drill in his hand.  He would freeze at from 7 to 
12 mA.  

But, he was not injured.  Following the demonstration, he was
as good as new!  I enjoyed lunch with him following one of his

But, Haggard was very careful by adjusting the current up to 
the point where he was just frozen, and no more.  And, he
was very careful that the current path was down the arm, and
not across the thorax.

He also demonstrated the effectiveness of the GFCI -- without
any current limit.  He would hold the defective drill and
touch a grounded panel with the upper part of the arm.  Almost
no sensation.  (I haven't had the nerve to try this!)

So, more than 5 mA is not dangerous in that it does not
cause an injury.  But, being frozen is scary.  

Injury doesn't occur until the onset of fibrillation, about
50 mA hand-to-hand.

Best regards,

 Richard Nute Quality Department 
 Hewlett-Packard Company   Product Regulations Group 
 San Diego Division (SDD)  Tel   :  619 655 3329 
 16399 West Bernardo Drive FAX   :  619 655 4979 
 San Diego, California 92127   e-mail: 

Y capacitors and Supplementary Insulation

1997-09-10 Thread Mel Pedersen
Hello fellow Homologator's:

I have a question about Y capacitors used to bridge Supplementary or Reinforced 
insulation.  The IEC 384-14 standard addresses this.  My question relates 
specifically to bridging these barriers in ITE equipment, and application of 
the IEC 950 standards.

1)  Is there a minimum distance through insulation requirement called out in 
the IEC 384-14 standard?  A few people I have talked to say there is, but I 
have not been able to find it.  (Maybe one of the other IEC 384 standards?)

2)  The creepage and clearance distances called out in IEC 384-14 and IEC 950 
are not the same.  The 384-14 standard calls out larger external creepage and 
clearance distances for the caps than application of the 950 standard would.  
For example, table VII in IEC 384 calls out a minimum 4.0mm creepage distance, 
and the IEC 950 (table 6) standard would call out a minimum creepage of 2.5mm 
assuming material group III.  How does one resolve this discrepancy when laying 
out the board?  UL's standard response would probably be that the end-product 
standard takes precedence, in this case UL 1950.  But what about Europe (EN 
60950)?  Australia (AS/NZS 3260)?

3)  Every decision I have seen for EN 60950 product using Y caps to provide a 
supplementary barrier specifies a minimum of Y2 capacitor. Why can't a Y3 
capacitor be used?  Does this have to do with concerns about the overvoltage 
category?  The reasoning does not seem to be clearly spelled out anywhere I 
have looked.  The only difference between Y3 and Y2 capacitors that I can see 
is that the Y2 capacitor is subject to surge testing before the applicable 
endurance test, and the Y3 capacitor is not.  Therefor, it would seem to me 
that a proper choice of capacitor would depend on the types of transients and 
surges that one would see, but this is not clearly spelled out in the 384-14 
standard anywhere that I have seen.  Do any other standard apply?

Anyone with experiences using these types of capacitors in ITE equipment, your 
comments would be most appreciated!!

Thank you for your help!

Mel Pedersen  Midcom, Inc.
Homologations Engineer Phone:  (605) 882-8535  Fax:  (605) 886-6752

Re: Tetanization and fibrillation (was GFI history)

1997-09-10 Thread HANS_MELLBERG
 This is why I like this email service. I learn so much! Thanks to all 
 of the contributors

__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Re: Tetanization and fibrillation (was GFI history)
Author:  richn-at-sdd ( at HP-ColSprings,mimegw5
Date:9/9/97 10:36 AM

Hello from San Diego:
Several messages have suggested some values of current 
that cause ventricular fibrillation.  The values are all 
over the map, and are much lower than those reported in 
the research literature.  Here are some better facts 
together with the source of those facts.