Hi All,

I have well over 200 articles and papers on my high frequency measurements site, http://emcesd.com now. So, from time to time I will post a bibliography of papers on popular topics. This month's Technical Tidbit is such a bibliography on ESD design and troubleshooting.

Technical Tidbit - October-November 2012
A Collection of Published Papers and Technical Tidbits on ESD Design and Troubleshooting

Abstract: There are well over 200 Technical Tidbit articles and papers now on this site, so from time to time, a summary of articles on various topics will be posted. This month the summary lists all of the Technical Tidbit articles and papers that pertain to Electrostatic Discharge. This summary should make it easier to find articles about ESD on this site.

The link to the bibliography is: http://www.emcesd.com/tt2012/tt102612.htm or alternately:


     ___          _            Doug Smith
      \          / )           P.O. Box 60941
       =========               Boulder City, NV 89006-0941
    _ / \     / \ _            TEL/FAX: 702-570-6108/570-6013
  /  /\  \ ] /  /\  \          Mobile:  408-858-4528
 |  q-----( )  |  o  |         Email:   d...@dsmith.org
  \ _ /    ]    \ _ /          Web:     http://www.dsmith.org


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