Hi All,

I decided to post my 1999 IEEE EMC Symposium paper on magnetic field
probes, "Signal and Noise Measurement Techniques Using Magnetic Field
Probes," as well as the current probe paper. The 1999 paper provides
background for last month's Technical Tidbit on the paperclip probe.
The 1999 paper is a bit long (~600K) because of more graphic content.
It is much shorter that the nearly 2 Megabyte file on the CD-ROM that
was given out at the Symposium even though it has much better

Both papers can be found under "Technical Goodies for Download" near
the top of my index page at:


Happy reading!


    ___          _           Doug Smith
     \          / )          P.O. Box 1457
      =========              Los Gatos, CA 95031-1457
   _ / \     / \ _           TEL/FAX: 408-356-4186/358-3799
 /  /\  \ ] /  /\  \         Mobile:  408-858-4528
|  q-----( )  |  o  |        Email:   d...@dsmith.org
 \ _ /    ]    \ _ /         Website: http://www.dsmith.org

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