Hi Frank,

Antennas are characterized by either antenna factors or antenna gain.
Antenna factors are used for the reason of simplicity. Antenna gain is
an indicator of how much specific antenna is more efficient from the
isotropic radiator. To get actual field strength level we will need
gain and isotropic antenna factor at each frequency if antenna gain is
used instead of antenna factor. Antenna factor one value per frequency
is being used instead of two (antenna gain and isotropic antenna

Mirko Matejic
From: F.Goto
To: emc-p...@ieee.org
Subject: Antenna gain vs. factor
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date: Thursday, August 06, 1998 7:32PM

Hi All,

I have another question from our EMC department.  Help from anyone
knowledgeable in the area would be appreciated.

I would like to know about NSA Measurement(Normalized Site Attenuation).

The expression on ANSI 63.4 and CISPR 16 states,


A :Normalized Site Attenuation
V(Direct):is direct connection from one antenna to another antenna.
V(Site) :is maximum signal measured with the receive antenna scanned in
AF(T) :Antenna factor of transmitting antenna
AF(R) :Antenna factor of Receiving antenna
AF(TOT) :Mutual impedance correction factor

Why do we use AT(T) instead of Antenna gain?


Frank F. Goto
A-pex International Co., Ltd.
1st Engineering Department
248-1 Kusube-cho
Ise-shi, Mie-ke 516-0014
Tel: +81-596-24-6717

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