RE: Distance of Measurements, 55011

1997-06-17 Thread Flinders, Randall


You are correct in your evaluation of EN 55011 (Cispr 11).  Keep in mind 
that the situation of not allowing distance correction is only found in 
Cispr 11, NOT Cispr 22.

In reference to this specification, I had the opportunity to converse with 
several Competent Bodies in reference to Cispr 11 Class A test distance 
requirements.  All three of the Competent Bodies I spoke to confirmed that 
they will accept extrapolated Cispr 11 data measured at 10 meters.  They all 
cited that the specification is being re-vamped, and the 30 meter distance 
requirement is expected to be changed.

Eric brought up a good point, and I would be interested to hear if anyone 
has run into problems due to this 10m/30m CISPR 11 situation.


Randy Flinders
EMC Test Engineer
Emulex Network Systems

* opinions expressed are completely personal, and do not reflect the 
position of Emulex Corporation.
From: Eric Lifsey
To: emc-pstc; treg
Subject: Distance of Measurements, 55011
Date: Monday, June 16, 1997 9:36AM

   Shall I muddy the issue further...let me address an interesting
   section of EN 55011:1991.

   But first; for reference; Clause 5 of EN 55011 lists the limits and
   measuring distance for Class B at 10 meters, Class A at 30 meters.

   Section 8.1.3 entitled Radiation Measurements (9 kHz to GHz) speaks
   to the issue of high ambients and moving to a shorter distance to
   take measurements.  However, the wording (IMO) indicates that the 20*
   Log(D/d) correction is not allowed.  Let me quote:

  Note - Due to the unpredictability of the relationship between
  the measured values of the electromagnetic radiation disturbance
  and the distance from the equipment under test no correction is
  allowed for in the limits when measurements are made at a closer

   no correction

   The key implication (IMO again) is that running Class A measurements
   at 10 meters must meet the limits specified at 30 meters!  Please
   correct me (pun) if I'm wrong!

   To my knowledge, many labs are doing Class A measurements at 10
   meters.  (IMO, 10 meters is better because most sites need an
   additional RF preamp for 30 meter sensitivity; if not handled
   carefully, measurement uncertainty is worsened.  Of course, EUT size
   and other factors exist.)

   CISPR-11 is due for an overhaul (and for other interesting problems
   too) and I hope they fix this one while they're at it.

   Eric Lifsey
   National Instruments

RE: Distance of Measurements, 55011

1997-06-16 Thread Matejic, Mirko

You are right and this muddy point hopefully will be cleared.

CISPR SC B Interference from Industrial, Scientific and Medical
Radio Frequency Apparatus is preparing Annex to CISPR 11
which will allow testing class A equipment at 10 meters and
class B at 3 meters with 20*Log(D/d) limit relaxation as in CISPR
22. In a case of dispute measurements at 30 meters will take
precedence. Preliminary discussions took place in
Mandelieu-La-Napoule, France in October 1996 during
regular CISPR meeting. Further discussions on the subject
are expected in November 1997 during CISPR meeting in
Japan. If agreement is reached, schedule of events could be:

DEC 97 - JAN 98 DIS issued
6 months -  Voting
6 months - for CISPR Secretariat in Geneva to translate it into
 French, prepare and print Annex
DEC 98 - Annex available.

CENELEC might move faster after NOV 97 and significantly
sooner publish Annex to EN 55011.

Mirko Matejic
Member of CISPR SC B
Subject: Distance of Measurements, 55011
Date: Monday, June 16, 1997 10:36AM

   Shall I muddy the issue further...let me address an interesting
   section of EN 55011:1991.

   But first; for reference; Clause 5 of EN 55011 lists the limits and
   measuring distance for Class B at 10 meters, Class A at 30 meters.

   Section 8.1.3 entitled Radiation Measurements (9 kHz to GHz) speaks
   to the issue of high ambients and moving to a shorter distance to
   take measurements.  However, the wording (IMO) indicates that the 20*
   Log(D/d) correction is not allowed.  Let me quote:

  Note - Due to the unpredictability of the relationship between
  the measured values of the electromagnetic radiation disturbance
  and the distance from the equipment under test no correction is
  allowed for in the limits when measurements are made at a closer

   no correction

   The key implication (IMO again) is that running Class A measurements
   at 10 meters must meet the limits specified at 30 meters!  Please
   correct me (pun) if I'm wrong!

   To my knowledge, many labs are doing Class A measurements at 10
   meters.  (IMO, 10 meters is better because most sites need an
   additional RF preamp for 30 meter sensitivity; if not handled
   carefully, measurement uncertainty is worsened.  Of course, EUT size
   and other factors exist.)

   CISPR-11 is due for an overhaul (and for other interesting problems
   too) and I hope they fix this one while they're at it.

   Eric Lifsey
   National Instruments