

I routinely test all our products to the  IATA requirements. There are no 
exemptions the regulations  apply to all goods put onto an aircraft. 


In general I find products which have  welded steel are going to produce a 
magnetic field. With the field most concentrated at the weld points. If it is a 
rack, it almost always needs to be labelled. Aluminium  bodies and riveted 
construction tends not to be too magnetic and can often go unlabelled. Although 
on occasion have found fields coming from large sheets of rolled steel. 


Basically if the product has a lot of ferromagnetic material, it can become 
magnetised during construction. Also watch out for large coils and 
transformers, magnetising the surrounding materials. 


If you are having trouble locating information on IATA testing, I suggest you 
try the FAA. They enforce the IATA regs within US airspace.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Pittman, Bud [mailto:bpitt...@lsil.com] 
        Sent: Thu 18/04/2002 20:41 
        To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org 
        Subject: IATA 902 Magnetic Testing

        Although this is not an EMC standard it is related. My lab has been 
asked to test our products to the magnetic standards of IATA Packing 
Instruction 902.  This test determines the ability of a device to change a 
compass reading.  I have the regulations and know how to do the test, but do 
not do it routinely.  Products that fail this test must be labeled and 
additional shipping charges are imposed.   I know that one of our products 
fails and we are labeling it.  Fines for non-compliance are substantial, yet I 
am having a hard time finding anyone who knows about or complies with this 
standard.  My questions are:

        Does anyone else perform this test, or have it performed on their 
        What kind of results are you getting depending upon product size, 
shape, metal content? 
        Are there exceptions or conditions that would exclude product families 
from this regulation. 

        Any help or discussion would be appreciated. 

        Bud Pittman 
        Compliance Engineer 
        LSI Logic Storage Systems, Inc. - Wichita KS 
        Tel     316-636-8718 
        Fax     316-636-8321 

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