According to this site, the MRA process is being delayed.

        From:  Leafloor, Bob: DSI []
        Sent:  Tuesday, March 16, 1999 8:11 AM
        Subject:  RE: Invitation to EU workshop for all CABs (Washington,
D.C., Apr il 2  7-29)

        For US registration contact:

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Scott Lemon []
        Sent: March 15, 1999 12:08 PM
        Subject: RE: Invitation to EU workshop for all CABs (Washington,
        Apr il 2 7-29)

        Sounds interesting - anyone know where to go for more details on
        registration, etc. (not obvious where to look once you are on DoC
web page)?

        Scott Lemon (esn 351-4487, 919-991-4487)
        Fax:  (919) 991-8724
        Network Dependability
        Nortel Networks
        RTP, NC

        > -----Original Message-----
        > From: Victor L. Boersma []
        > Sent: Saturday, March 13, 1999 12:01 PM
        > To:   TREG
        > Subject:      Invitation to EU workshop for all CABs (Washington,
        > April 2 7-29)
        > For those who prefer to stop guessing and would like to get some
        > information from the horse's mouthes:
        > There will be two consecutive workshops, to be
        > held in Washington, D.C. on April 27-29, 1999.
        > On Tuesday, April 27, representatives of the European Commission, 
        > and other European experts, will brief  interested parties from 
        > both the United States and Canada on responsibilities under
        > European directives (98/13/EC and 89/336/EEC) and the respective 
        > Canadian and  US MRAs with the EU.  A draft agenda for this
        > workshop is enclosed. Attendees are  advised to bring copies of
        > relevant EU directives and the EU MRA with them to the workshop.
        > On Wednesday, April 28, the National Institute of Standards and 
        > Technology (NIST) invites interested parties, including Canadians,

        > to attend a workshop to develop the following two sets of
        > for implementation purposes:
        > (1) criteria for  a sub-program under the National Voluntary 
        > Conformity Assessment Systems Evaluation (NVCASE) Program to
        > product testing, certification and quality systems requirements of

        > the telecommunications equipment and EMC annexes of the US/EC MRA;
        > (2) criteria for the qualification and operation of
        > certification bodies (TCBs) under the FCC Report and Order 98-338
        > 17 December 1998.
        > The Tuesday and Wednesday  workshops will be held from 
        > 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. in the Department of Commerce Auditorium, at

        > 14th Street and Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 
        > (Note: there also is a workshop on Thursday, doing much the same
        > for the Canada - Switzerland MRA, in the Canadian Embassy in
        > Since the US has no MRA with Switzerland (yet) this may be of
        > only to Canadians). 
        > You must pre-register to attend any of the workshops by providing
        > full names and affiliations of planned participants from your 
        > organization by April 16, so that appropriate arrangements can be 
        > made.  
        > Note: I don't know where US attendees must register.  
        > Check with DoC or NIST.
        > EU Workshop for North American CABs
        > A.M.  Overview of Practical Implementation of the MRA Transition 
        > Period (EMC and telecom/radio):
        > - Manufacturer Responsibilities
        > - Role of CABs
        > - Competent Bodies' Role (EMC)
        > - Notified Bodies' Role - both EMC and TTE
        > - Annexes I - IV of the TTE Directive (98/13/EC)
        > - Exchange of Test Reports, Etc. during the Transition Period
        > - Confidence Building
        > P.M.  Overview of the Proposed R&TTE Directive:
        > - Description of the provisions of the directive
        > - Essential requirements
        > - Role of voluntary standards; shift from CTRs to TBRs or other
        >       standards, etc.
        > - Availability of network technical information
        > - Role of notified bodies
        > - Need for quality systems
        > The week following, ICC has arranged for a seminar and workhops
        > will allow for further elaboration, including full discussion on
        > new R&TTE Directive that will replace the TTE Directive covered
        > the MRAs.  This will provide you with valuable insights into where
        > Conformity Assessment of information and communications technology

        > (ICT) equipment approvals is moving:
        > The Third Annual Approvals Seminar
        > Dallas, Texas
        > May 3 & 4, 1999 at the Intercontinental Hotel.
        > This year's program looks as if it will be the most significant 
        > event in North America this year, on world-wide approvals and 
        > compliance issues.
        > Mark Bogers of the European Commission, who has the primary 
        > responsibility for expediting the R&TTE Directive will talk about 
        > how this will revolutionize the principles of equipment approval 
        > in Europe, and he expects, on a global scale.  Mark will speak in 
        > the morning and conduct a workshop in the afternoon.
        > Manfred Mall of Siemens, the chair of an EC Implementation ad-hoc 
        > on the R&TTE Directive (and an active member of TIA TR41 during
        > years of service in Boca Raton) will speak about the need for
        > significant simplification on a global scale, in the longer term.

        > He will elaborate on an ECTEL/Eurobit Green Paper on "Global
        > Approval for the Future" a proposal to the WTO.   Manfred will
        > in the morning as well and conduct a parallel workshop in the 
        > afternoon.
        > The second day of the seminar will be devoted to extensive
        > treatment of approvals issues in South America, North America, 
        > Central Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, China, Japan 
        > and Brazil.
        > Approval manuals for the Africas, Americas, Asia-Pacific, 
        > Central & East Europe, Europe and the Gulf States will be 
        > on display (and sale, I assume). 
        > For more info look up
        > To register, contact Pat Cannon at <> 
        > Hope to see you'all there,
        > Vic Boersma

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