2019-11-11 Thread Lissette Olivares
--empyre- soft-skinned space--Dear -empyre-, 

so excited by the conversations so far, by the tremendous effort and knowledge 
of week 1 and the looming questions we must contend with…the concept of ruderal 
witchcraft to begin with, an offering by Oliver I am still hoping to continue 
activating, I was so struck by Marisa Prefer’s reminder that we are in the 
waxing moon in Capricorn, by their sensibilities about Red Hook’s ocean water 
who is reclaiming a space once called home, and by their introduction to 
Spartina, a plant feared as invasive, whose roots sends texts that stimulate 
microbial expansion in the crust of the earth…as well as with their 
sensibilities to the way we contend with the limitations of binary language and 
structures, where natives and invasives are categorized as oppositional…I am 
eager to learn more of the history of European witch-hunts and wonder if 
contemporary so called invasive hunts being practiced across Abya Yala now 
might be triggered by parallel conjunctures. I love the idea of a rude ruderal, 
a growth with side eye to the idea of a pure or undisturbed past, and am eaten 
away by Whitefeather's “leave it the fuck alone” transmission and the question 
if the slow violence of ecocide can be healed only over extended time lapses, 
beyond those perhaps that we as homo aspens may be able to experience…There is 
so much to respond to, there are lagoons between these reflections, I will 
return...each post has been a world I want to swim within, and I hope that my 
carrier bag of queer kin will help us to digest the muck, as we slowly begin to 
receive and respond to the posts of -empyre- please forgive our delay. Please 
also accept my apology for a missing discussant and sibling who got cut from my 
curatorial care, Lucian O’Connor, whose bio, I attach now, here.

Lucian O’Connor (Irish American in Továngar) (they, them, theirs and he, him, 

Lucian O’Connor is a critical theorist and artist who lives in
southern California. They hold a master’s degree in Performance
Studies from NYU (2003) and a doctorate in History of Consciousness
from UC Santa Cruz (2012). Research interests include semiotics,
decoloniality, evolutionary biology, aesthetics, the history of ideas,
and ethnography. While not working, O’Connor enjoys hiking, gardening,
and spending quality time with loved ones.

As for the incredible guest only recently introduced,  Joan Haran, your 
invitation to cat’s cradle with Donna Haraway, Starhawk, Niamh Moore, Maria 
Puig de Bellacasa, adrienne maree brown, et. Al thank you..let us continue to 
share constellations and trace collective dreams with our stardust.


empyre forum


2019-11-11 Thread margaretha haughwout
--empyre- soft-skinned space--Dear -empyre-,

I am honored to introduce a number of discussants to the CONJURING
RE-ENCHANTMENT conversation this week, many of whom Ciclón ( aka
Lissette-Tatiana Olivares) has brought on for what I'm sure will be highly
enchanting exchange. I met Ciclón in October 2017 on -empyre- during the
multispecies  worlding conversation, and have learned so much from them
ever since.

I have been loving the conversation so far and big thank you to those who
have participated. The RUDERAL WITCHCRAFT conversation can continue as
CONJURING ebbs into the mix.


Ciclón ( aka Lissette-Tatiana Olivares) (US/CL/CO) they/ their/ theirs
is the co-founder and co-director of Sin Kabeza Productions and SK
Symbiotic, activist research platforms developed in collaboration with
Cheto Castellano to work across diverse media and together with multiple
life-forms. As a diasporic trans* Latinx that is non-binary and gender
defiant Olivares’ applies transmedia storytelling to research that engages
mestizx, cyborg, and companion species consciousness.  Postanthropocentric
and SF imaginaries become palpable through mediated environments as well as
intragalactic conversations with the extraterrestrial cyborg Coco Rico.
Olivares’ more than human ethnography is approached with diverse
technologies that include creative writing, performance, intervention,
experimental film and sound, architecture, design fiction, and multimedia
installation. Olivares acquired critical research skills from study
programs at Vassar College, Peking University, and the Whitney Museum’s
Independent Study Program as a Helena Rubenstein Fellow in Critical
Studies. A co-taught class on Multispecies Storytelling by Donna Haraway
and Anna Tsing in 2010 offered the working space to develop a performative
approach to multispecies storytelling while pursuing studies in the History
of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Between 2010 and 2012 Olivares was an Assistant Professor and Faculty
Fellow at the Gallatin School of Individualized Studies where they* were
supported by a NYU Provost Postdoctoral Fellowship for Academic Diversity.
In 2012 curator Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev invited Sin Kabeza Productions
to submit a collection of their experimental video works with multispecies
and SF themes to The Worldly House: An Archive Inspired by Donna Haraway’s
Multispecies Writings on CoEvolution at dOCUMENTA(13). It was in this same
context that SKP produced their first architectural intervention, SEEDBANK:
An eco evo devo design fiction in the SF Mode, designed as a living
posthumanist research site for dOCUMENTA(13). After an unexpected encounter
with an orphaned hedgehog during their artistic residency in Kassel they
became committed to wildlife rehabilitation and multispecies architecture,
and have worked with Indian free roaming dogs, raccoons, squirrels, and
white-tailed deer.  Between 2012-2013 they presented some of their initial
and colorful fieldwork as OPEN TV in collaboration with Raqs Media
Collective at the Devi Art Foundation in Delhi and Donaufestival in
Austria. Between 2015-2016 Olivares and Castellano were research fellows at
Terreform ONE where they investigated Speculative architecture and design
for a Post Anthropos/Anthropocene. In 2016 Olivares presented SKP’s
multispecies architectural platform at the Yinchuan Biennale Conference in
China, while their multispecies architectures were displayed at the NGBK
gallery in Berlin as part of the Animal Lovers exhibition. SKP’s SEED:
Visualscapes from the Future was recently exhibited at the Edith Russ Haus
for New Media Art in Oldenburg and at Muzeum Sztuki as part of Pangea
United . Their* intradisciplinary research has been supported by the
Fulbright Fellowship, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship, ICI-Berlin Curatorial
Fellowship, and A Blade of Grass’ Artist Files Fellowship, which recognizes
socially engaged art production. SKP and SK Symbiotic are currently engaged
in a coevolutionary dream that envisions a refuge, research, and
rehabilitation center for dis/placed and crip wildlife that will jointly
serve as an eco art laboratory and community setting in a 1730 Georgian
stone house they are renovating and remodeling in rural NJ.

Fabi Borges (BR) she/her/hers
Fabiane M. Borges: Acts at the intersection between clinic, art and
technology. She works as a Psychologist (in person and online) and as an
essayist, having written and organized publications between academic
journals, collections and personal books. She articulates two international
networks/festivals: Technoshamanism (technology & ancestry) and
Intergalactic Commune (art & space sciences). She has a Post-phd in Visual
Arts at EBA / UFRJ - School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro / 2016-2018. She did a Phd in Visual Arts at Goldsmiths University
of London / 2011, and currently she is doing two post-phd: one at ECA / USP
(School of Communicatio