I support adoption.

> On Dec 15, 2022, at 5:29 PM, Peter Yee <pe...@akayla.com> wrote:
> This is an adoption call for RFC 7170bis (draft-dekok-emu-rfc7170bis-00)[1].
> I'd call this mostly a formality since it's pretty clear the WG is
> interested in updating TEAP and TEAP was already adopted by the WG (back in
> May 2011). With Alan having generated a new working version to host the
> update and even preparing a Git repository[2] to that end, I believe we're
> in a good place to revise RFC 7170. That said, if anyone has an objection to
> starting off from Alan's kind offering, please let us know by December 22,
> 2022. 
> Joe and Peter
> 1) https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dekok-emu-rfc7170bis/
> 2) https://github.com/alandekok/rfc7170-bis.git
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