Using enigmail version 2.0.12 (20190707-1417)
Thunderbird 60.8.0 (64-bit)
gpg 2.2.4
in UbuntuStudio 18.04 LTS

I noticed over the past couple of weeks that occasional emails in gnupg or 
enigmail lists appeared to have no content, only the footer. The message source 
showed these were signed messages.

Investigation [Thunderbird's About Enigmail] showed that enigmail "failed to 
access its core function" on the line where it normally shows "Using gpg 
executable /usr/bin/gpg to encrypt and decrypt"

I checked and gpg and gpg-agent were running.

I haven't changed anything in the setup for years except for recent advice 
about keyservers. I ran the Enigmail wizard but it seems to hang whatever 
initial selection I make - but curiously after about 10 minutes when I've given 
up expecting anything to happen, I suddenly find a setup dialogue with 
preferences and showing that gpg has been found in /usr/bin/gpg. This seems to 
enable enigmail to locate gpg and it all works.

Next boot up and start of Thunderbird and I'm back in the same non-functional 

Any hints as to where I might find why enigmail can't start automatically when 
I launch Thunderbird?


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