
I'm new to use Enigmail/PGP. I have the following problem. After sending
an encrypted E-Mail I cannot decrypt/read it anymore. Enigmail shows a
red highlighted error (translated from german), saying:

"Error: no suiteable private/secret keys found for decryption; Fore more
informations press button "Details".

Details shows a message-box reapeating the problem and telling me that
the message has been encrypted/ using the key-id of the recipient
e-mail. The key mentioned is the one of my contact the mail has been
sent to and this key already exists in my key-pool of Enigmail.

For some reason Enigmail does not use it. I can decrypt/read E-Mails
send by the other party in my Inbox. But I cannot decrypt/read my
E-Mails sent to him (messages in "Sent Items" Mailbox).

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Best regards

Gabriel Kaufmann

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