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sending it again i am a member now

-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         Fwd: [Private Internet Access] Re: pia and thunderbird
Date :  Thu, 17 May 2018 13:23:39 +0200
De :    christophe salomon <csalomo...@aol.com>
Pour :  enigmail-users@enigmail.net

Dear support and users,

As you will see below , Pia is not letting send encrypted enigmail.

Does anyone have a solution to use enigmail with vpn pia.


-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         [Private Internet Access] Re: pia and thunderbird
Date :  Wed, 16 May 2018 07:20:21 +0000
De :    Jason V. (Private Internet Access)
Répondre à :    Private Internet Access
Pour :  Csalomon26 <csalomo...@aol.com>

##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request (654860) has been updated. To add additional comments,
reply to this email.

*Jason V.* (Private Internet Access)

May 16, 01:20 MDT

Hello Salomon,

Any VPN provider that does not retain logs must block outgoing SMTP
traffic due to rampant spam associated with usage of VPN services. This
is necessary for the security and privacy of our customers, and we
apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

With that said, we can whitelist (allow) any outgoing email server that
a) require authentication, and b) is correctly setup so as not to be an
open relay.

Unfortunately at this time we have temporarily suspended whitelisting
SMTP servers.

This is due to extreme excessive abuse and as a result we are currently
making some technical and policy changes to prevent it from occurring again.

We will make an announcement regarding our new policy and procedure in
the near future.


Jason V.
Customer Support Agent
Private Internet Access™

Private Internet Access: We've Got Your Back
Links: Security Best Practices
| Private Internet Access: FOSS Repositories <https://pia-foss.github.io/>


May 15, 12:54 MDT

Hi i cant send emails from thunderbird when i use pia

i get messages "L’envoi du message a échoué.
Le message n’a pas pu être envoyé en utilisant le serveur sortant (SMTP)
« smtp-mail.outlook.com » pour une raison inconnue. Veuillez vérifier
que les paramètres de votre serveur sortant (SMTP) sont corrects et
essayez à nouveau." which means in french outgoing smtp server could not
be used to send the email , it asks me to check the parameters of my
outgoing smtp server and then try again
i have tried and tried the pia settings but they seem tobe refused by
thunderbird, can you help me

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