[EPEL-devel] Re: EPEL 10 status update

2024-09-03 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 4:01 PM Troy Dawson  wrote:

>  I hope this helps.

It does.  Thanks.
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[EPEL-devel] Re: EPEL 10 status update

2024-08-13 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 9:12 AM Stephen Smoogen  wrote:

> This is something I wanted to do in previous EPEL splits, but it has usually 
> gotten too many complaints from packagers to consider. Many packagers don't 
> want their packages in EPEL at all but will do so if there are requests from 
> someone or that there is going to be a branch packager for EPEL packages. 
> Many EPEL branch packagers really only want to support one release because 
> that is what they are using versus multiple ones.

There is also the case (I had one), where a package
(in epel8) was later incorporated by RH into EL9, for
which automatic branch requests might have been an
issue (unless the automatic approval processes already
checks for that and rejects the branch request).

> That said, I think it is something to revisit like we did for EL7, EL8 and 
> EL9 :).

Personally, automatic branching would work fine
for me, but often my bigger issue is opening the
bugzilla tickets for the often large dependency
chain for some scripting languages asking for
each package to be actually built, and then
waiting for the packager to have the resources
to build them.  If one starts with the premise that
the packagers should control the creation of all
branches then auto-creating all those dependency
branch/build bugzillas (and *their* dependency
branch/build bugzillas, and so on) might be a
better step forward to reduce the process delays.
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[EPEL-devel] Re: EPEL2RHEL - New Wording? - New Workflow?

2023-03-27 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 7:22 PM Troy Dawson  wrote:

> I see your point.  It sometimes also happens when the EPEL package is a 
> dependency of the important package, the customers aren't actually asking for 
> the EPEL package.

While I am sure that occasionally RH chooses to add
a package to RHEL just because they think it is a good
idea[0], I would expect that these days adding a
package is mostly about customer requirements[1],
even if it is an indirect requirement (even as a
dependency of a dependency of a dependency).

I think your new wording is fine.

There will of course still be a few EPEL maintainers
who will ask the question of "why now?", but those
are likely to be few enough to handle on a case by
case basis.


[0] Although I suspect that is not a common occurrence,
as few organizations want to add to their ongoing
support burden without something more formal than a

[1] Formal requests, or easily anticipated requests
based on industry technology directions, and/or from
the various industry advisory boards.
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[EPEL-devel] Re: EPEL2RHEL - New Wording? - New Workflow?

2023-02-19 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 9:33 AM Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski

> It would be really nice if the wording of the bug could contain some
> kind of a "thank you" note to the EPEL maintainers of the package in
> question. Not everyone will understand this process as "great, I don't
> have to maintain package X anymore, Red Hat will be doing that for me
> from now on". Some folks may take it as "Oh no! Red Hat is taking away
> my toy! Why?!" Ideally, there should still be a way for EPEL
> maintainer(s) to continue contributing to the RHEL package.

Perhaps add something like (wordsmithed by someone
competent in such things):

"The package you have been maintaining in EPEL is now
considered important enough to a large enough part of our
customers that Red Hat has decided to promote it to being
an officially supported part of the product"
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[EPEL-devel] Re: Thoughts: epel-release auto-enable crb repo

2022-06-04 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Sat, Jun 4, 2022 at 8:52 PM Troy Dawson  wrote:

> What do others think?

Almost everything *I* care to do with el eventually
needs epel and/or CRB/Powertools.

I also do not think CRB/Powertools should be
auto-enabled by epel (epel does not own them,
and should not touch them).

And, yes, a couple of my ansible scripts do enable
epel and crb/powertools in order to install packages,
but that is my choice, not someone else's.
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[EPEL-devel] Re: SPDX identifiers in old branches?

2022-05-24 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 12:47 AM Maxwell G  wrote:

> I don't follow. What "rpm spec file support" are you referring to?

I interpreted the proposal as adding a
new stanza SPDX: in addition to License:
which requires changing the definition.

The follow up suggested that the license
field be differently formatted.

I disagree with such explanatory
prefixes, as it requires yet more apps
to parse/support various prefixes.

If msuchy's proposal is not accepted
(allow packagers to use SPDX in all)
lets just go back to one of the original
proposals and have proven packagers
just do a bulk conversion after giving
existing packagers time to do their own
conversion.  One and done (and, yes,
wrong some of the time, but that too
can be fixed).
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[EPEL-devel] Re: SPDX identifiers in old branches?

2022-05-24 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 11:29 PM Chris Adams  wrote:

> Would it make sense to make ALL the new tags be SPDX:, at least for
> an interim period (of years most likely) where both old and new tags are
> allowed?

I don't think that is going to work unless the rpm spec
file support would be backported to previous releases
(without another macro that tries to do some magic).
And the goal for some of us is to have one spec file
work across all currently supported releases.
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[EPEL-devel] Re: Default for 'dnf copr enable'

2022-04-11 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 1:37 PM Miroslav Suchý  wrote:

> Can you please tell me what is good default for you:
> Centos Stream 9:
> 1) epel-9-$arch
> 2) centos-stream-9-$arch
> 3) centos-stream+epel-next-9-$arch
> 4) no default, print error and let user explicitly declare the chroot

As someone who has experienced
some of the challenges, if I have to
choose from those, 4 is the only one
that for me results in the least surprise
(you know what you are getting).

However, is there a 5th option?  That
would check to see if there are builds
in only one chroot, and select that (with
message), and if there more than one
chroot that contains builds reject the
request.  I suppose there is also a 6th
option, which would be to enable all
the chroots (and let the section enabled,
priorities and package versioning sort
it all out).  I don't really like 5 or 6,
as they can lead to later surprises,
but they at least have some appeal
for some common use cases.
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[EPEL-devel] Re: slowing down the stalled request process

2022-03-30 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 5:03 AM Carl George  wrote:
> However, despite the good intentions, I've observed some frustrations
> among Fedora packagers when collaborators are added via this process.
> We do not want maintainers to feel rushed or circumvented.  That said,
> I am firmly of the opinion that nobody "owns" Fedora packages, we
> maintain them.  Packagers wanting to take action on EPEL requests
> should have a way to do that if the existing maintainers have not
> taken action within a reasonable amount of time.  What I would like to
> discuss is what amount of time is reasonable.

Have you asked the existing packagers who are
unhappy with having other collaborators being
added to a package when they have not yet
responded why they did not respond?  There
difference between they never saw the email
(and then sending even dozens might not
matter), and they were so overwhelmed that
they just had no time even to reply with
something like "I'll get to this in (around) a
month; ping me again then".

And while you are asking that question, perhaps
ask if the packager has any good ideas on
alternative solutions that they think could work
better (there may be some common thread in
the responses).

FWIW, while I think two weeks is a bit too tight
(there are numerous events that can take
someone away from such activities for more
than two weeks(*)), knowing any common
reasons for not responding may point to better


(*) And while a month seems better, I also see
that timeframe being frustrating to others who
want to use those packages, or to build
dependent packages.  No great answers.
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[EPEL-devel] Re: Does EPEL 9 maintain upgrade path from EPEL 8?

2022-02-20 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 8:21 PM Miro Hrončok  wrote:

> Once I remove the Obsoletes line from Fedora, should I worry about merging 
> that
> commit to the epel9 branch or not? Logic dictates that the Obsolete should
> remain in EPEL 9 forever, but I wonder if there is a policy/rule of thumb. 
> E.g.
> in Fedora, we only support upgrades to Fedora N+2. Do we support upgrades of
> EL+EPEL systems as well and how "far"?

My own personal rule of thumb is that while I
much prefer spec file cleanliness, leaving the
Obsoletes: in the spec file (essentially) forever
does no harm, and can support less common
situations, since "users do the darndest things".
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[EPEL-devel] Re: State of EPEL mock chroots?

2022-02-04 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 2:05 PM Richard Shaw  wrote:

> So most of them work, but not EPEL.

That specific example is being tracked in RHBZ #2049024

The discussion started back in November 2021

> So which SHOULD I be using for EPEL package development?

I will note that mock-core-configs-36.4-1,
which has been sitting in testing for some time
(due to ongoing discussions and issues with
some tooling, as I recall), and presumably the
soon to be available next version of core configs
have changed things around IRT the epel
related mock cfgs (as I recall the new new version
removes the epel-8 cfgs entirely, since they are,
as you experienced, broken).  The new normal
for (at least) some use cases will be something
of the form centos-stream+epel-
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[EPEL-devel] Re: Revisiting policy for limited arch packages?

2022-01-31 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 4:55 PM Kevin Fenzi  wrote:

> The limited arch policy we had for epel7 had a number of problems.
> At first we just said 'rebuild the exact rhel version' and then we
> switched to 'add a 0 to release so the rhel package always gets
> installed in favor of it'.

It (probably?) would not hurt to have the epel
repos have a higher cost in the repo config
to discourage choosing the epel package over
the rhel package (if all things are equal, but
of course, they are not always equal).

For some specific cases where I needed to
build the -devel package in a copr (until or
unless I can get the -devel packages shipped
in CRB (or equivalent)) I have manually set
the cost for the copr repos to be high so that
for a non -devel install I got the rhel versions.
I would love to know if there is a better way.
It all just seems so non-optimal.
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[EPEL-devel] Re: The incredibly shrinking RHEL

2022-01-15 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 6:29 PM Orion Poplawski  wrote:

> I don't buy any of these arguments, and it doesn't really address the
> situation of "missing -devel" packages.

The missing devel packages for shipped libraries
are a clear pain point for those that just want build
something for their EL system(s), and not go through
something like mock to do it (or create/build/maintain
their own -epel package).

This is not a new issue, though.  A number of
missing devel packages were identified with
EL8, with the statement that the long term
would be to open tickets requesting the devel
packages be added to CRB.  As I recall, some
were, and some were not.  I would have
preferred the EL8 experience was taken to heart
for EL9, and if it was felt necessary to ship the
base library, the devel package would have
been in CRB by default just to avoid a repeat
of the pain point.  To be fair, I have seen some
devel packages for EL9 libraries (after a bugzilla
ticket) being added to the stream 9 CRB repo,
so the RH teams are being responsive, even
as I am sure there are internal processes to
work through.
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[EPEL-devel]Re: Libcec rebase for epel7 – incompatible upgrade?

2022-01-11 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 6:39 PM Andrew Bauer

> I’ve read the EPEL documentation regarding incompatible upgrades, and I am 
> not entirely sure this falls under that category. Yes, it is a major version 
> upgrade, but it is unclear to me if that makes it “incompatible”.

As I recall, v3 to v4 changed the API (hopefully they
bumped the soname, but I do not know if they did).
That means that upgrading to a new version would
require you to create a side tag and rebuild (and
possibly fix any FTBFS) all dependent packages,
and/or you would need to create a compat package
to continue to support the old API (possibly requiring
changes to the packages to explicitly call out the
old (compat) version(s)).

In the case of libcec, I am going to guess that
a fair number of the apps that use it are in 3rd party
repos, making coordination of such upgrades a
bit of a challenge (side tags obviously do not work
across 3rd party repos, and other such bumps
have created issues with those 3rd party repos).

My gut says to leave EPEL7 alone (EL7 has moved
to maintenance only support level as I recall), and
only build/support the recent libcec (6.something)
in EPEL8/9 for public consumption.
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[EPEL-devel] Re: EPEL 9 branch?

2021-12-05 Thread Gary Buhrmaster
On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 4:09 AM Kevin Fenzi  wrote:

> yes, yesterday.
> See the announcement:
> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/epel-annou...@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/5UJSW3FBGQMLXWWV7BGHWZTOFLH4NH3G/

*sigh*.  Sorry, I missed it (I think I need to
add yet another mail list to the firehouse
about Fedora that I get email from).

Sorry for the noise.
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