Fedora EPEL Update Notification
2017-09-22 07:29:03.005526

Name        : fldigi
Product     : Fedora EPEL 7
Version     : 4.0.9
Release     : 1.el7
URL         : http://www.w1hkj.com/Fldigi.html
Summary     : Digital modem program for Linux
Description :
Fldigi is a modem program which supports most of the digital modes used by
ham radio operators today. You can also use the program for calibrating your
sound card to WWV or doing a frequency measurement test. The program also comes
with a CW decoder. fldigi is written with the help of the Fast Light Toolkit X
GUI. Fldigi is a fast moving project many added features with each update.

Flarq (Fast Light Automatic Repeat Request) is a file transfer application
that is based on the ARQ specification developed by Paul Schmidt, K9PS.
It is capable of transmitting and receiving frames of ARQ data via fldigi.

Update Information:

Version 4.0.9    doc update    clock_gettime     * Change np-compat.m4 to
provide for conditional       use of library calls to clock_gettime       -
allow for compiling on OS X < 10.12 using         Xcode 8.xxx       - use
./configure --without-clock_gettime    spectrum display     * Changed from fft
mode to spectrum display paradigm       - spectrum display available independent
of digital mode in use.       - spectrum display dialog opens from "View" menu
- removed all code relating to the original fftscan modem       - added new fltk
widget, spectrum based on fldigi's         digiscope widget    Test Signal
Dialog     * Correct IMD range controls    dxcluster fonts     * fix dxreport
font rendition     * add resizable groups to correctly resize tabs    Spot
buffer     * add clear RE buffer after a successfull match    Winkeyer clones
* added longer time out for character echo.       - requirement for ZLP clone of
Winkeyer         http://www.g4zlp.co.uk/unified/DigiMaster_CW.htm    RX Text
capture     * Fix loss of capture when Rx text scrolls or user's       mouse
clicks off of the target    PSK s/n imd     * Changed s/n display code to avoid
displaying misleading values     * Changed Noise/Offset/IMD test signal
generator         IMD can be specified in dB and signal will correctly emulate
an over driven transmit signal.  IMD generator modified to         correctly
computer 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th  harmonics of PSK         fundamental (15.625
Hertz).     * Removed "--noise" command line parameter     * Added Test Signal
Dialog with         S/N         IMD         tx freq offset       controls     *
disabled display of Rx IMD, s/n values if |imd| > |s/n|    PSK viewer     *
Added the following modes to the multi-channel viewer       - PSK31, PSK63,
PSK63F, PSK125, PSK250, PSK500       - PSK125R, PSK250R, PSK500R       - QPSK31,
QPSK63, QPSK125, QPSK250, QPSK500

  [ 1 ] Bug #1476538 - fldigi- is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update programs.  Use
su -c 'yum update fldigi' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "YUM", available at

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GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at
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