I wanted to be sure everyone knew that beginning with tonight's I-build (
I20140519-2000), Eclipse and Equinox have changed to provide SHA512 hashes 
for downloadable zips and tar files, instead of the previous MD5 and SHA1 
hash sums. 

See the references in 
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=420010#c1 for why it's a bad 
idea to continue to rely on MD5 and SHA1. 

Our "conversion" and plan is documented in bug 423714 

The disadvantage of using such a large hash is that its not something you 
can "verify" just by "looking at it" ... but ... insecure is insecure, and 
it is a pretty easy task to automate (and is a LOT easier, once you have 
done that). 

for "instructions" and links to tools. Feel free to contribute to that 
page if anyone has any "general purpose" scripts that others could use or 
know of other tools that would be handy to know about. 

Now -- here's where your feedback is needed -- we'd actually like to stop 
producing the MD5 and SHA1 checksums, say, a month after Luna release ... 
but if if this is just too disruptive or doesn't work for someone, please 
comment in Bug 423714 explaining. In the mean time, we do not "link" to 
the old MD5 or SHA1 checksums from the download page, but they are still 
there ... right where they always were ... to make sure we don't suddenly 
break someone's scripts or builds. And if you do rely on them now, we hope 
you can convert after the Luna release (if not before). 

Do feel free to comment in the bug, if this has some negative consequence 
we have not anticipated ... but, my guess is that anyone who cares about 
them in the first place will appreciate the modernization. 

My new slogan: Test early, test often, and practice safe computing! 

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