Re: Array subclassing, .map and iterables (Re: Jan 30 TC39 Meeting Notes)

2013-02-14 Thread Brendan Eich

Andreas Rossberg wrote:

I'd say that either we properly clean up the Array hierarchy, or we
leave it alone. A half-baked solution that only applies to typed
arrays, and divorces them from the Array hierarchy, seems less
attractive than just doing the naive thing, i.e., TypedArray<  Array.

Agree with that, and I'll go further: we should leave alone what's 
already shipped and in use for a long time.

TypedArray < Array sounds good to me.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: A case for removing the seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps

2013-02-14 Thread Brendan Eich

Andreas Rossberg wrote:

On 14 February 2013 19:16, David Bruant  wrote:

Le 14/02/2013 18:11, Andreas Rossberg a écrit :

You're being vastly over-optimistic about the performance and the
amount of optimisation that can realistically be expected for proxies.
Proxies are inherently unstructured, higher-order, and effectful,
which defeats most sufficiently simple static analyses. A compiler has
to work much, much harder to get useful results. Don't expect anything
anytime soon.

 var handler = {set: function(){throw new TypeError}}
 var p = new Proxy({a: 32}, handler);


It's possible *at runtime* to notice that the handler of p doesn't have a
get trap, optimize p.[[Get]] as target.[[Get]] and guard this optimization
on handler modifications. Obviously, do that only if the code is hot.
I feel it's not that much work than what JS engines do currently and the
useful result is effectively getting rid of the forwarding overhead.
Is this vastly over-optimistic?

Yes. Proxies hook into many different basic operations, and there are
many special cases you could potentially optimise for each of them,
many of which don't come for free. I very much doubt that any vendor
currently has serious plans to go down that rathole instead of
spending their energy elsewhere. Certainly not before it is clear how
(and how much) proxies will actually be used in practice.

You're right in general, and we have not optimized, e.g. inlining 
scripted trap calls.

We did do something special for our new DOM bindings I wanted to pass 
along, in case anyone is interested:

Thanks to bz for the link. This is yet another inline cache 
specialization for expandos on nodelists.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
that is assuming nobody ever call the constructor without new keyword and
no inheritance is involved, since the sub constructor would be trapped
behind the parent.

That would be even more magic ... I kinda like it, not sure is explicit
enough though ... but yeah, if freeze(this) would do that, it would be

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:50 PM, Kevin Gadd  wrote:

> Ideally the JIT would, at runtime, just identify the pattern where
> your constructor ends with an Object.freeze(this) call, and turn it
> into the equivalent of an immutable, pass-by-value packed struct. IIRC
> v8 and SpiderMonkey are both able to do some of this already based on
> looking at your constructor and using shape information...
> -kg
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Andrea Giammarchi
>  wrote:
> > One more thought ... the best scenario **ever** would be the ability to
> > define a frozen prototype and create already fixed shaped instance at
> > runtime.
> >
> > I think Object.freeze() semantic is not the right one to do this, but I
> am
> > dreaming about something like this:
> >
> > var MyStaticShapeConstructor = Object.createStaticConstructor(
> >   inheritFrom, // either null or actually not extremely important
> >   descriptors // descriptors we know
> > );
> >
> > var instance = new MyStaticShapeConstructor;
> >
> > We might discuss if the "constructor" property in descriptors should
> have a
> > handy, exceptional, treatment (ie invoked with arguments)
> >
> > {
> >   constructor: {
> > value: function (a, b, c) {
> >   // invoked when new MyStaticShapeConstructor(1,2,3)
> > }
> >   }
> > }
> >
> >  or simply encourage the usage of o.init(arg1, ..., argN);
> >
> > I know this is way too much magic behind the scene but it would be
> straight
> > forward from different points of view, at least for JS users, IMHO, and
> > really easy to polyfill.
> >
> > Thoughts on this would be much appreciated, thanks.
> >
> > Apologies if already discussed and I have missed that thread.
> >
> > br
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Andrea Giammarchi
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> the `delete` changes the shape of the object, right? so I
> >> think is more a problem of devs using objects as trash bin but this is
> the
> >> opposite scenario of a frozen object.
> >>
> >> I understand ES5 descriptors are an overhead during an object lifecycle
> >> but I think a mechanism to make frozen object that fast would be a win
> while
> >> we wait for better options on statically defined types.
> >>
> >> "Binary Arrays" are indeed frozen objects, at least in Firefox, and
> ultra
> >> fast:
> >> Object.isFrozen(new Float32Array()) // true in Firefox
> >>
> >> Since these are ultra fast in Chrome too but not frozen, I believe there
> >> is already a way to speed up typed stuff (didn't check how it's done
> though)
> >> so I wonder how come Object.freeze() is not taking similar approach
> >> "typizing" behind the scene the object improving all static properties
> >> getters (probably dropping those getters where possible unless defined
> as
> >> such)
> >>
> >> Will this cost more than now at freeze() time? I understand this might
> be
> >> undesired but think about libraries or modules that do not want to be
> >> extended, would like to be as fast as possible, and are loaded once and
> >> never again.
> >>
> >> Thanks for all thoughts and info already provided, also agreed on some
> >> bench.
> >> I usually do that on jsPerf 'cause I don't know how to reach those
> bigger,
> >> widely tested, one.
> >>
> >> Any hint here appreciated.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Andreas Rossberg  >
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On 14 February 2013 21:12, Kevin Gadd  wrote:
> >>> > I'm pleased to report that Object.freeze does not seem to cause an
> >>> > enormous performance hit in v8 anymore. Hooray! Unfortunately, the
> >>> > call to Object.freeze itself shows up as a bottleneck in V8 profiles,
> >>> > and the 'freeze enabled' version is slower in both versions (though
> at
> >>> > least only slightly slower).
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for doing the benchmark, very interesting!
> >>>
> >>> That freeze bottleneck will hopefully vanish in the foreseeable future.
> >>>
> >>> /Andreas
> >>> ___
> >>> es-discuss mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Kevin Gadd
Ideally the JIT would, at runtime, just identify the pattern where
your constructor ends with an Object.freeze(this) call, and turn it
into the equivalent of an immutable, pass-by-value packed struct. IIRC
v8 and SpiderMonkey are both able to do some of this already based on
looking at your constructor and using shape information...


On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Andrea Giammarchi
> One more thought ... the best scenario **ever** would be the ability to
> define a frozen prototype and create already fixed shaped instance at
> runtime.
> I think Object.freeze() semantic is not the right one to do this, but I am
> dreaming about something like this:
> var MyStaticShapeConstructor = Object.createStaticConstructor(
>   inheritFrom, // either null or actually not extremely important
>   descriptors // descriptors we know
> );
> var instance = new MyStaticShapeConstructor;
> We might discuss if the "constructor" property in descriptors should have a
> handy, exceptional, treatment (ie invoked with arguments)
> {
>   constructor: {
> value: function (a, b, c) {
>   // invoked when new MyStaticShapeConstructor(1,2,3)
> }
>   }
> }
>  or simply encourage the usage of o.init(arg1, ..., argN);
> I know this is way too much magic behind the scene but it would be straight
> forward from different points of view, at least for JS users, IMHO, and
> really easy to polyfill.
> Thoughts on this would be much appreciated, thanks.
> Apologies if already discussed and I have missed that thread.
> br
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Andrea Giammarchi
>  wrote:
>> the `delete` changes the shape of the object, right? so I
>> think is more a problem of devs using objects as trash bin but this is the
>> opposite scenario of a frozen object.
>> I understand ES5 descriptors are an overhead during an object lifecycle
>> but I think a mechanism to make frozen object that fast would be a win while
>> we wait for better options on statically defined types.
>> "Binary Arrays" are indeed frozen objects, at least in Firefox, and ultra
>> fast:
>> Object.isFrozen(new Float32Array()) // true in Firefox
>> Since these are ultra fast in Chrome too but not frozen, I believe there
>> is already a way to speed up typed stuff (didn't check how it's done though)
>> so I wonder how come Object.freeze() is not taking similar approach
>> "typizing" behind the scene the object improving all static properties
>> getters (probably dropping those getters where possible unless defined as
>> such)
>> Will this cost more than now at freeze() time? I understand this might be
>> undesired but think about libraries or modules that do not want to be
>> extended, would like to be as fast as possible, and are loaded once and
>> never again.
>> Thanks for all thoughts and info already provided, also agreed on some
>> bench.
>> I usually do that on jsPerf 'cause I don't know how to reach those bigger,
>> widely tested, one.
>> Any hint here appreciated.
>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Andreas Rossberg 
>> wrote:
>>> On 14 February 2013 21:12, Kevin Gadd  wrote:
>>> > I'm pleased to report that Object.freeze does not seem to cause an
>>> > enormous performance hit in v8 anymore. Hooray! Unfortunately, the
>>> > call to Object.freeze itself shows up as a bottleneck in V8 profiles,
>>> > and the 'freeze enabled' version is slower in both versions (though at
>>> > least only slightly slower).
>>> Thanks for doing the benchmark, very interesting!
>>> That freeze bottleneck will hopefully vanish in the foreseeable future.
>>> /Andreas
>>> ___
>>> es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
I wodner how come Firefox behaves like that then but I don't have tests to
compare any difference between these two. I will write some, thanks

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

> On 14 February 2013 21:36, Andrea Giammarchi
>  wrote:
> > "Binary Arrays" are indeed frozen objects, at least in Firefox, and ultra
> > fast:
> > Object.isFrozen(new Float32Array()) // true in Firefox
> >
> > Since these are ultra fast in Chrome too but not frozen, I believe there
> is
> > already a way to speed up typed stuff (didn't check how it's done
> though) so
> > I wonder how come Object.freeze() is not taking similar approach
> "typizing"
> > behind the scene the object improving all static properties getters
> > (probably dropping those getters where possible unless defined as such)
> Frozenness is largely irrelevant for typed arrays, since all array
> accesses are defined by a magic nameless getter/setter pair per the
> WebIDL spec.
> /Andreas
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
One more thought ... the best scenario **ever** would be the ability to
define a frozen prototype and create already fixed shaped instance at

I think Object.freeze() semantic is not the right one to do this, but I am
dreaming about something like this:

var MyStaticShapeConstructor = Object.createStaticConstructor(
  inheritFrom, // either null or actually not extremely important
  descriptors // descriptors we know

var instance = new MyStaticShapeConstructor;

We might discuss if the "constructor" property in descriptors should have a
handy, exceptional, treatment (ie invoked with arguments)

  constructor: {
value: function (a, b, c) {
  // invoked when new MyStaticShapeConstructor(1,2,3)

 or simply encourage the usage of o.init(arg1, ..., argN);

I know this is way too much magic behind the scene but it would be straight
forward from different points of view, at least for JS users, IMHO, and
really easy to polyfill.

Thoughts on this would be much appreciated, thanks.

Apologies if already discussed and I have missed that thread.


On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Andrea Giammarchi <> wrote:

> the `delete` changes the shape of the object, right? so I
> think is more a problem of devs using objects as trash bin but this is the
> opposite scenario of a frozen object.
> I understand ES5 descriptors are an overhead during an object lifecycle
> but I think a mechanism to make frozen object that fast would be a win
> while we wait for better options on statically defined types.
> "Binary Arrays" are indeed frozen objects, at least in Firefox, and ultra
> fast:
> Object.isFrozen(new Float32Array()) // true in Firefox
> Since these are ultra fast in Chrome too but not frozen, I believe there
> is already a way to speed up typed stuff (didn't check how it's done
> though) so I wonder how come Object.freeze() is not taking similar approach
> "typizing" behind the scene the object improving all static properties
> getters (probably dropping those getters where possible unless defined as
> such)
> Will this cost more than now at freeze() time? I understand this might be
> undesired but think about libraries or modules that do not want to be
> extended, would like to be as fast as possible, and are loaded once and
> never again.
> Thanks for all thoughts and info already provided, also agreed on some
> bench.
> I usually do that on jsPerf 'cause I don't know how to reach those bigger,
> widely tested, one.
> Any hint here appreciated.
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
>> On 14 February 2013 21:12, Kevin Gadd  wrote:
>> > I'm pleased to report that Object.freeze does not seem to cause an
>> > enormous performance hit in v8 anymore. Hooray! Unfortunately, the
>> > call to Object.freeze itself shows up as a bottleneck in V8 profiles,
>> > and the 'freeze enabled' version is slower in both versions (though at
>> > least only slightly slower).
>> Thanks for doing the benchmark, very interesting!
>> That freeze bottleneck will hopefully vanish in the foreseeable future.
>> /Andreas
>> ___
>> es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 14 February 2013 21:36, Andrea Giammarchi
> "Binary Arrays" are indeed frozen objects, at least in Firefox, and ultra
> fast:
> Object.isFrozen(new Float32Array()) // true in Firefox
> Since these are ultra fast in Chrome too but not frozen, I believe there is
> already a way to speed up typed stuff (didn't check how it's done though) so
> I wonder how come Object.freeze() is not taking similar approach "typizing"
> behind the scene the object improving all static properties getters
> (probably dropping those getters where possible unless defined as such)

Frozenness is largely irrelevant for typed arrays, since all array
accesses are defined by a magic nameless getter/setter pair per the
WebIDL spec.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
the `delete` changes the shape of the object, right? so I
think is more a problem of devs using objects as trash bin but this is the
opposite scenario of a frozen object.

I understand ES5 descriptors are an overhead during an object lifecycle but
I think a mechanism to make frozen object that fast would be a win while we
wait for better options on statically defined types.

"Binary Arrays" are indeed frozen objects, at least in Firefox, and ultra
Object.isFrozen(new Float32Array()) // true in Firefox

Since these are ultra fast in Chrome too but not frozen, I believe there is
already a way to speed up typed stuff (didn't check how it's done though)
so I wonder how come Object.freeze() is not taking similar approach
"typizing" behind the scene the object improving all static properties
getters (probably dropping those getters where possible unless defined as

Will this cost more than now at freeze() time? I understand this might be
undesired but think about libraries or modules that do not want to be
extended, would like to be as fast as possible, and are loaded once and
never again.

Thanks for all thoughts and info already provided, also agreed on some
I usually do that on jsPerf 'cause I don't know how to reach those bigger,
widely tested, one.

Any hint here appreciated.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

> On 14 February 2013 21:12, Kevin Gadd  wrote:
> > I'm pleased to report that Object.freeze does not seem to cause an
> > enormous performance hit in v8 anymore. Hooray! Unfortunately, the
> > call to Object.freeze itself shows up as a bottleneck in V8 profiles,
> > and the 'freeze enabled' version is slower in both versions (though at
> > least only slightly slower).
> Thanks for doing the benchmark, very interesting!
> That freeze bottleneck will hopefully vanish in the foreseeable future.
> /Andreas
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 14 February 2013 21:12, Kevin Gadd  wrote:
> I'm pleased to report that Object.freeze does not seem to cause an
> enormous performance hit in v8 anymore. Hooray! Unfortunately, the
> call to Object.freeze itself shows up as a bottleneck in V8 profiles,
> and the 'freeze enabled' version is slower in both versions (though at
> least only slightly slower).

Thanks for doing the benchmark, very interesting!

That freeze bottleneck will hopefully vanish in the foreseeable future.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 14 February 2013 20:56, Herby Vojčík  wrote:
> The problem is proliferation of ` = null` in "normal" code, where
> sometimes you want to remove some property (maybe it was an expando, or it
> is realy not needed any more in the actual phases of the lifecycle). In such
> cases, doing `delete` would degrade your optimized instance into a Hash.
> Thus, people do ` = null` even if what they want to do is `delete

By definition, if you want to delete it, it's not a "normal" property.
In most languages, you couldn't even do that. The reason that you can
in JavaScript is mostly historic. (And fortunately, I don't see a
"proliferation" of this in practice.)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Kevin Gadd
This is definitely the case. Recent performance guidance from V8
developers strongly discouraged the use of 'delete' so I've gone to
some lengths to avoid using it in my own code, mostly through design
(trying to avoid scenarios that require the deletion of attributes).
If this guidance isn't accurate anymore, I certainly never heard about
it. Then again engine developers have said that they intentionally
avoid publishing performance guidance since people continue to follow
it after it becomes outdated - so I guess this is just support for
that policy. :/

Anyway! I spent an hour or so building a simplified real-world
benchmark for Object.freeze, by modifying a HTML5 game port to use
Object.freeze at construction time for its immutable structured
objects. These objects are basically simple tuples of integers/floats
that are frequently constructed and passed around - think a Vector2 or
Point data structure, etc.

This file has detailed timings from the latest versions of Chrome
Canary and Firefox Nightly with the Object.freeze call disabled and
enabled, respectively, along with a URL you can hit to run it

I'm pleased to report that Object.freeze does not seem to cause an
enormous performance hit in v8 anymore. Hooray! Unfortunately, the
call to Object.freeze itself shows up as a bottleneck in V8 profiles,
and the 'freeze enabled' version is slower in both versions (though at
least only slightly slower). So, I guess you could start using freeze
in applications now if your users are all on latest FF/Chrome, and
hope that in the future it will actually make you faster.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions (though if they're
questions about the benchmark, maybe don't spam es-discuss with them
:) )


On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Herby Vojčík  wrote:
> Andreas Rossberg wrote:
>> On 14 February 2013 19:26, Herby Vojčík  wrote:
>>> I meant "de facto". People wanting to remove property bar from foo do not
>>> write `delete` anymore; they (at least some significant subset)
>>> have
>>> learned to write ` = null;` or ` = undefined;`. The reason
>>> is
>>> perf - `delete` deoptimized hidden classes.
>> And with ES6, those people will hopefully realise that for those
>> cases, using a Map is a cleaner alternative anyway.
> No, it is another scenario. If an object is used as a Map, it should degrade
> to HashMap, it's ok.
> The problem is proliferation of ` = null` in "normal" code, where
> sometimes you want to remove some property (maybe it was an expando, or it
> is realy not needed any more in the actual phases of the lifecycle). In such
> cases, doing `delete` would degrade your optimized instance into a Hash.
> Thus, people do ` = null` even if what they want to do is `delete
>> /Andreas
> Herby
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Herby Vojčík

Andreas Rossberg wrote:

On 14 February 2013 19:26, Herby Vojčík  wrote:

I meant "de facto". People wanting to remove property bar from foo do not
write `delete` anymore; they (at least some significant subset) have
learned to write ` = null;` or ` = undefined;`. The reason is
perf - `delete` deoptimized hidden classes.

And with ES6, those people will hopefully realise that for those
cases, using a Map is a cleaner alternative anyway.

No, it is another scenario. If an object is used as a Map, it should 
degrade to HashMap, it's ok.

The problem is proliferation of ` = null` in "normal" code, where 
sometimes you want to remove some property (maybe it was an expando, or 
it is realy not needed any more in the actual phases of the lifecycle). 
In such cases, doing `delete` would degrade your optimized instance into 
a Hash. Thus, people do ` = null` even if what they want to do is 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: A case for removing the seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps

2013-02-14 Thread Brendan Eich

Andreas Rossberg wrote:

But more importantly, I think you get too hung up on proxies as the
proverbial hammer. Proxies are very much an expert feature. Using them
for random micro abstractions is like shooting birds with a nuke. A
language that makes that necessary would be a terrible language. All
programmers messing with home-brewed proxies on a daily basis is a
very scary vision, if you ask me.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: A case for removing the seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 14 February 2013 01:05, Allen Wirfs-Brock  wrote:
> Where "do without", means replaced with  set/getIntegrity traps and objects
> have explicit internal state whose value is one of
> normal/non-extensible/sealed/frozen  (and possibly)  "fixed-inheritance"
> between normal and non-extensible to freeze [[Prototype]]).
> [[SetIntegrity]] can increase the integrity level but not decrease it.
> The perf and invariant complexity concerns come from the fact that the
> sealed/frozen status of an object can only be inferred by inspecting all of
> its methods. Having an explicit state eliminates the need to do this
> inspection.  It also simplifies the MOP by merging all of the
> extensible/sealed/frozen related MOP operations into only two ops.  But, one
> way or another, these object state transitions must be accounted for in the
> MOP.
> For this to fly, implementation have to be able to expand their current 1
> bit of of extensible state to at least 2 bits (3 would be better).  Or
> perhaps not, I suppose we could just introduce the MOP level changes and a
> lazy implementation could continue to infer the state by examining all its
> methods.

I still must be missing something. Why should the language be changed
when the proposed change is equivalent anyway? Why is this an
optimisation that the spec should worry about instead of the

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 14 February 2013 19:26, Herby Vojčík  wrote:
> I meant "de facto". People wanting to remove property bar from foo do not
> write `delete` anymore; they (at least some significant subset) have
> learned to write ` = null;` or ` = undefined;`. The reason is
> perf - `delete` deoptimized hidden classes.

And with ES6, those people will hopefully realise that for those
cases, using a Map is a cleaner alternative anyway.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: A case for removing the seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 14 February 2013 19:16, David Bruant  wrote:
> Le 14/02/2013 18:11, Andreas Rossberg a écrit :
>> You're being vastly over-optimistic about the performance and the
>> amount of optimisation that can realistically be expected for proxies.
>> Proxies are inherently unstructured, higher-order, and effectful,
>> which defeats most sufficiently simple static analyses. A compiler has
>> to work much, much harder to get useful results. Don't expect anything
>> anytime soon.
> var handler = {set: function(){throw new TypeError}}
> var p = new Proxy({a: 32}, handler);
> p.a;
> It's possible *at runtime* to notice that the handler of p doesn't have a
> get trap, optimize p.[[Get]] as target.[[Get]] and guard this optimization
> on handler modifications. Obviously, do that only if the code is hot.
> I feel it's not that much work than what JS engines do currently and the
> useful result is effectively getting rid of the forwarding overhead.
> Is this vastly over-optimistic?

Yes. Proxies hook into many different basic operations, and there are
many special cases you could potentially optimise for each of them,
many of which don't come for free. I very much doubt that any vendor
currently has serious plans to go down that rathole instead of
spending their energy elsewhere. Certainly not before it is clear how
(and how much) proxies will actually be used in practice.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Herby Vojčík

Mark S. Miller wrote:

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Herby Vojčík>> wrote:

Kevin Gadd wrote:

Frozen and sealed objects are both dramatically slower in most JS
engines I've tested. In the ones where they're not dramatically
they are never faster.

The last time I asked on the mozilla and v8 bug trackers I was
informed that there is no plan to optimize for these features
and that
the design of the respective JS engines would make such
difficult anyway.

(I find this extremely unfortunate.)

I, on the other hand, find it fortunate. Otherwise, some people
would prematurely freeze objects to gain speed. It would be same
disaster akwardness as v8 did with removing `delete` in
favour of `= null`.

What are you referring to? What 'delete' was removed?

I meant "de facto". People wanting to remove property bar from foo do 
not write `delete` anymore; they (at least some significant 
subset) have learned to write ` = null;` or ` = 
undefined;`. The reason is perf - `delete` deoptimized hidden classes.




es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread David Bruant

Le 14/02/2013 19:08, Mark S. Miller a écrit :
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Kevin Gadd > wrote:

Frozen and sealed objects are both dramatically slower in most JS
engines I've tested. In the ones where they're not dramatically slower
they are never faster.

The last time I asked on the mozilla and v8 bug trackers I was
informed that there is no plan to optimize for these features and that
the design of the respective JS engines would make such optimizations
difficult anyway.

(I find this extremely unfortunate.)

Likewise. And unlikely.

Based on history, I suggest that the best way to get this situation 
fixed is benchmarks.

Agreed 100%

Either create a new benchmark or a variation of an existing benchmark. 
For example, if someone created a variant of SunSpider in which all 
objects that don't need to not be frozen were frozen, and posted the 
measurements, that would help get everyone's attention. The situation 
might then improve rapidly.
Choice of the specific benchmark aside, this is a very good idea. This 
could also be applied to strict mode.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Mark S. Miller
It was just an example. Feel free to make an alternative and more informed
suggestion ;).

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

> On 14 February 2013 19:08, Mark S. Miller  wrote:
> > Based on history, I suggest that the best way to get this situation
> fixed is
> > benchmarks. Either create a new benchmark or a variation of an existing
> > benchmark. For example, if someone created a variant of SunSpider in
> which
> > all objects that don't need to not be frozen were frozen, and posted the
> > measurements, that would help get everyone's attention. The situation
> might
> > then improve rapidly.
> Gulp. Mark, you didn't just suggest using SunSpider as the basis for a
> future benchmark, did you? My eyes must have tricked me.
> /Andreas

es-discuss mailing list

Re: A case for removing the seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps

2013-02-14 Thread David Bruant

Le 14/02/2013 18:11, Andreas Rossberg a écrit :

On 13 February 2013 13:39, David Bruant  wrote:

Warning: In this post, I'll be diverging a bit from the main topic.

Le 12/02/2013 14:29, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Loss oread onlyf identity, extra allocations, and forwarding overhead remain

I'm doubtful loss of identity matters often enough to be a valid argument
here. I'd be interested in being proved wrong, though.

I understand the point about extra allocation. I'll talk about that below.

The forwarding overhead can be made inexistent in the very case I've exposed
because in the handler, the traps you care about are absent from the
handler, so engines are free to optimize the [[Get]]&friends as operations
applied directly to the target.

You're being vastly over-optimistic about the performance and the
amount of optimisation that can realistically be expected for proxies.
Proxies are inherently unstructured, higher-order, and effectful,
which defeats most sufficiently simple static analyses. A compiler has
to work much, much harder to get useful results. Don't expect anything
anytime soon.

var handler = {set: function(){throw new TypeError}}
var p = new Proxy({a: 32}, handler);


It's possible *at runtime* to notice that the handler of p doesn't have 
a get trap, optimize p.[[Get]] as target.[[Get]] and guard this 
optimization on handler modifications. Obviously, do that only if the 
code is hot.
I feel it's not that much work than what JS engines do currently and the 
useful result is effectively getting rid of the forwarding overhead.

Is this vastly over-optimistic?

I've seen this in a previous experience on a Chrome extension where someone
would seal an object as a form of documentation to express "I need these
properties to stay in the object". It looked like:
 function C(){
 // play with |this|
 return Object.seal(this)

My point here is that people do want to protect their object integrity
against "untrusted parties" which in that case was just "people who'll
contribute to this code in the future".

Anecdotally, the person removed the Object.seal before the return because of
performance reasons, based on a JSPerf test [3].
Interestingly, a JSPerf test with a proxy-based solution [4] might have
convinced to do proxies instead of Object.seal.

Take all these JSPerf micro benchmark games with two grains of salt;

... that's exactly what I said right after :-/
"But that's a JSPerf test and it doesn't really measure the GC overhead 
of extra objects."
"JSPerf only measures one part of perf the story and its nice conclusion 
graph should be taken with a pinch of salt."

lots of them focus on premature optimisation.
I'm quite aware. I fear the Sphinx [1]. I wrote "might have convinced to 
do proxies instead of Object.seal". I didn't say I agreed. and I 
actually don't.

Also, seal and freeze
are far more likely to see decent treat than proxies.

Why so?

But more importantly, I think you get too hung up on proxies as the
proverbial hammer. Proxies are very much an expert feature. Using them
for random micro abstractions is like shooting birds with a nuke. A
language that makes that necessary would be a terrible language. All
programmers messing with home-brewed proxies on a daily basis is a
very scary vision, if you ask me.

hmm... maybe.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 14 February 2013 19:08, Mark S. Miller  wrote:
> Based on history, I suggest that the best way to get this situation fixed is
> benchmarks. Either create a new benchmark or a variation of an existing
> benchmark. For example, if someone created a variant of SunSpider in which
> all objects that don't need to not be frozen were frozen, and posted the
> measurements, that would help get everyone's attention. The situation might
> then improve rapidly.

Gulp. Mark, you didn't just suggest using SunSpider as the basis for a
future benchmark, did you? My eyes must have tricked me.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 14 February 2013 19:01, Kevin Gadd  wrote:
> The last time I asked on the mozilla and v8 bug trackers I was
> informed that there is no plan to optimize for these features

Well, regarding V8, there is now. :)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Herby Vojčík  wrote:

> Kevin Gadd wrote:
>> Frozen and sealed objects are both dramatically slower in most JS
>> engines I've tested. In the ones where they're not dramatically slower
>> they are never faster.
>> The last time I asked on the mozilla and v8 bug trackers I was
>> informed that there is no plan to optimize for these features and that
>> the design of the respective JS engines would make such optimizations
>> difficult anyway.
>> (I find this extremely unfortunate.)
> I, on the other hand, find it fortunate. Otherwise, some people would
> prematurely freeze objects to gain speed. It would be same
> disaster akwardness as v8 did with removing `delete` in favour
> of `= null`.

What are you referring to? What 'delete' was removed?

> Herby
>  -kg
> __**_
> es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Herby Vojčík

Kevin Gadd wrote:

Frozen and sealed objects are both dramatically slower in most JS
engines I've tested. In the ones where they're not dramatically slower
they are never faster.

The last time I asked on the mozilla and v8 bug trackers I was
informed that there is no plan to optimize for these features and that
the design of the respective JS engines would make such optimizations
difficult anyway.

(I find this extremely unfortunate.)

I, on the other hand, find it fortunate. Otherwise, some people would 
prematurely freeze objects to gain speed. It would be same 
disaster akwardness as v8 did with removing `delete` in 
favour of `= null`.



es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Kevin Gadd  wrote:

> Frozen and sealed objects are both dramatically slower in most JS
> engines I've tested. In the ones where they're not dramatically slower
> they are never faster.
> The last time I asked on the mozilla and v8 bug trackers I was
> informed that there is no plan to optimize for these features and that
> the design of the respective JS engines would make such optimizations
> difficult anyway.
> (I find this extremely unfortunate.)

Likewise. And unlikely.

Based on history, I suggest that the best way to get this situation fixed
is benchmarks. Either create a new benchmark or a variation of an existing
benchmark. For example, if someone created a variant of SunSpider in which
all objects that don't need to not be frozen were frozen, and posted the
measurements, that would help get everyone's attention. The situation might
then improve rapidly.

> -kg
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Andrea Giammarchi
>  wrote:
> > If not, any particular reason these are not, being immutable and
> > representable similar to a C struct ?
> >
> > If they could, any idea which engine is planning to optimize and when?
> >
> > Thanks and Best Regards
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Kevin Gadd
Frozen and sealed objects are both dramatically slower in most JS
engines I've tested. In the ones where they're not dramatically slower
they are never faster.

The last time I asked on the mozilla and v8 bug trackers I was
informed that there is no plan to optimize for these features and that
the design of the respective JS engines would make such optimizations
difficult anyway.

(I find this extremely unfortunate.)


On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Andrea Giammarchi
> If not, any particular reason these are not, being immutable and
> representable similar to a C struct ?
> If they could, any idea which engine is planning to optimize and when?
> Thanks and Best Regards
es-discuss mailing list

Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-14 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
If not, any particular reason these are not, being immutable and
representable similar to a C struct ?

If they could, any idea which engine is planning to optimize and when?

Thanks and Best Regards
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Array subclassing, .map and iterables (Re: Jan 30 TC39 Meeting Notes)

2013-02-14 Thread Herby Vojčík

Nathan Wall wrote:

Hey Allen, thanks for clarifying.

What will happen to other Array methods which currently return
Arrays? `filter` is the primary one that comes to mind. Will
`uint32array.filter((v) =>  v != 0)` return a Uint32Array? (I think
it should behave the same way `map` does.)

I know I already said that, but I repeat: `map` transforms elements, 
`filter` just selects a subset. Therefore I am 100% for `filter` doing 
the same kind of collection as the receiver. Bit not necessarily for `map`.

So I think, not, `filter` should not behave same as `map`.

Additionally, what will happen with the return values of `slice`,
`splice`, and `reverse`?.. not to mention `concat`, which I know is a
much more complex beast.

I think `filter` should behave the same as `slice`, `splice`, `reverse` 
and `concat`. They have clear rationale to use same kind of container.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: A case for removing the seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 13 February 2013 13:39, David Bruant  wrote:
> Warning: In this post, I'll be diverging a bit from the main topic.
> Le 12/02/2013 14:29, Brendan Eich a écrit :
>> Loss of identity, extra allocations, and forwarding overhead remain
>> problems.
> I'm doubtful loss of identity matters often enough to be a valid argument
> here. I'd be interested in being proved wrong, though.
> I understand the point about extra allocation. I'll talk about that below.
> The forwarding overhead can be made inexistent in the very case I've exposed
> because in the handler, the traps you care about are absent from the
> handler, so engines are free to optimize the [[Get]]&friends as operations
> applied directly to the target.

You're being vastly over-optimistic about the performance and the
amount of optimisation that can realistically be expected for proxies.
Proxies are inherently unstructured, higher-order, and effectful,
which defeats most sufficiently simple static analyses. A compiler has
to work much, much harder to get useful results. Don't expect anything
anytime soon.

> I've seen this in a previous experience on a Chrome extension where someone
> would seal an object as a form of documentation to express "I need these
> properties to stay in the object". It looked like:
> function C(){
> // play with |this|
> return Object.seal(this)
> }
> My point here is that people do want to protect their object integrity
> against "untrusted parties" which in that case was just "people who'll
> contribute to this code in the future".
> Anecdotally, the person removed the Object.seal before the return because of
> performance reasons, based on a JSPerf test [3].
> Interestingly, a JSPerf test with a proxy-based solution [4] might have
> convinced to do proxies instead of Object.seal.

Take all these JSPerf micro benchmark games with two grains of salt;
lots of them focus on premature optimisation. Also, seal and freeze
are far more likely to see decent treat than proxies.

But more importantly, I think you get too hung up on proxies as the
proverbial hammer. Proxies are very much an expert feature. Using them
for random micro abstractions is like shooting birds with a nuke. A
language that makes that necessary would be a terrible language. All
programmers messing with home-brewed proxies on a daily basis is a
very scary vision, if you ask me.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Array subclassing, .map and iterables (Re: Jan 30 TC39 Meeting Notes)

2013-02-14 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 14 February 2013 02:35, Allen Wirfs-Brock  wrote:
> As we discussed at the meeting,  to rationally place Typed Arrays into the 
> same class hierarchy as Array would require refactoring Array.prototype into 
> multiple abstract superclasses.  This seems like too large of a change.  
> Instead the plan that we agreed to  is to introduce TypedArray as an abstract 
> superclass of all of the specific Typed Array constructors.  
> TypedArray.prototype will be specified to have all of the Array.prototype 
> methods that don't dynamic change the length of an array.  
> (TypedArray.prototype will also define set and subarray from the Khronos 
> Typed Array spec.)

I'm still not convinced that introducing a separate class only for
masking a handful of length-modifying array methods is worthwhile.
After all, ordinary arrays can be sealed or frozen, too, while still
providing those methods, so typed arrays are not new or different in
that regard.

I'd say that either we properly clean up the Array hierarchy, or we
leave it alone. A half-baked solution that only applies to typed
arrays, and divorces them from the Array hierarchy, seems less
attractive than just doing the naive thing, i.e., TypedArray < Array.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Array subclassing, .map and iterables (Re: Jan 30 TC39 Meeting Notes)

2013-02-14 Thread Nathan Wall
Hey Allen, thanks for clarifying.

What will happen to other Array methods which currently return Arrays? `filter` 
is the primary one that comes to mind. Will `uint32array.filter((v) => v != 0)` 
return a Uint32Array? (I think it should behave the same way `map` does.)

Additionally, what will happen with the return values of `slice`, `splice`, and 
`reverse`?.. not to mention `concat`, which I know is a much more complex beast.


> Subject: Re: Array subclassing, .map and iterables (Re: Jan 30 TC39 Meeting 
> Notes)
> From:
> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 17:49:27 -0700
> CC:;; 
> To:
> On Feb 11, 2013, at 7:13 PM, Nathan Wall wrote:
> > Thank you for this explanation. This is very interesting! If you don't 
> > mind, I have some questions/concerns I'd like to clear up. (In particular I 
> > want to make sure I understand; I don't intend to argue for one side or the 
> > other ATM, but this change may require me to refactor some old code to be 
> > future-ready).
> >
> > Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
> >> The choice we agreed to, at the meeting is
> >>
> >> 1) produces the same kind of array that it was applied 
> >> to, so:
> >>
> >> for the above example
> >> m instance of V will be true.
> >>>v.toSring()) produces an Int32Array. The strings produced 
> >> by the map function get converted back to numbers.
> >
> > Sounds cool! Does it work?
> >
> > I rely on the genericness of Array methods quite a lot. For example, it's 
> > fairly common for me to write something like the following:
> >
> > var map =,
> > select = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);
> >
> > var ids = map(select('div'), function(el) { return; });
> >
> > Currently this would get me an array of string ids for every div on a page. 
> > In a future ES6 with a future DOM where NodeList extends Array, will `ids` 
> > no longer hold an array of strings but try to remain a NodeList?
> Anything that works with ES5 semantics should continue to work, assuming 
> nothing else changes.
> If NodeList was turned into an actual subclass of Array, then the default 
> behavior of when applied to a NodeList will be to create 
> a new NodeList, assuming that NodeList supports all the mechanism that map 
> uses to create its result object. Of course, the design of this new NodeList 
> has the option of over-riding the inherited definition of map and/or opt-ing 
> out of the create something other than Array instance behavior.
> Regardless, because of backwards compatibility concerns, I'm skeptical that 
> NodeList could ever be made into an Array subclass. It seems more likely that 
> a new kind of DOM Node collection that was an Array subclass might be 
> introduced
> >
> > There's a good chance this will break some of my code. I'm capable of 
> > changing my code and writing this to be more future-friendly from now on 
> > (I'm not one who prefers backwards compatibility over a better language). 
> > But I would have always assumed I was doing things correctly before, and 
> > I'm curious if the rest of the internet will be okay..?
> We can't break existing code. Where things get messy is when old code is 
> combined with new code that uses new features. For example, you map function 
> will produce a SubArray instance if it is called with a SubArray instance 
> assuming that SubArray is a real ES6 subclass of Array as its first argument.
> Allen   
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Private symbols vs property attributes

2013-02-14 Thread Tom Van Cutsem
2013/2/13 David Bruant 

>  The trap in itself no, but it's possible to keep track of all exchanged
> symbols and add them to the whitelists as they are observed before being
> shared. It all relies on the fact that for 2 parties to exchange symbols,
> they have to share it through a "public" communication first (get trap,
> etc.).
At some point, I thought it had a runtime cost, but Tom proved me wrong [1].
> It seems realistic to consider that all proxies of the same membrane can
> all share the same set instance as a whitelist making the space cost as
> small as it could be.

This doesn't solve Mark's use case: he wants to be able to share symbols
freely among trust boundaries without those symbols necessarily flowing
through a membrane.
At that point, there's no way for the proxy to intercept the symbol and add
it to its whitelist, and transparency is broken.

As I said before, I think Andreas' proposal is agnostic to the interaction
between proxies and symbols.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: A case for removing the seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps

2013-02-14 Thread Tom Van Cutsem
2013/2/14 Allen Wirfs-Brock 

> On Feb 13, 2013, at 12:53 PM, David Bruant wrote:
>  Interesting.
> So what would happen when calling Object.isFrozen on a proxy? Would
> Object.isFrozen/isSealed/isExtensible reach out directly to the target? or
> a unique "state" trap returning a string for all of them? ("state" is too
> generic of a name, but you get the idea)
> This is a question regarding proxy design, rather than the MOP. Either
> get/setIntegrity traps to the handler or it forwards directly to the
> target.  That's would be a design issue for Tom, but my starting point is
> to simply follow the current design decisions made for
> [[PreventExtensions]]/[[IsExtensible]]

A get/setIntegrity trap with the invariant constraints of
isExtensible/preventExtensions would be the obvious path to take.

One thing that remains unclear to me: if the state of an object becomes
explicit, we introduce the risk for this state to become inconsistent with
the state from which it is derived.

For example, setting the integrity of an object to "frozen" must still make
all own properties non-configurable, i.e.

Reflect.setIntegrity(obj, "frozen")

should have the same effect as


Likewise, turning the last configurable property of a non-extensible object
into a non-configurable property should automagically change the state to
"frozen", i.e.

Object.defineProperty(obj, "lastProperty", { configurable: false }) // must
update internal state as well as the property
Reflect.getIntegrity(obj) === "frozen"

Will this not just shift the current complexity someplace else?

> Regardless on the final decision on (full) notification proxies, maybe
> these operations (isSealed/isFrozen) could have notification trap. The
> invariant is that the answer has to be the target one (all the time), so
> the trap return value is irrelevant. Like the getPrototypeOf trap.
> Right, one way or another these operations need to be part of the MOP.

If we go for get/setIntegrity I wouldn't re-introduce all the derived
operations as notification traps. Then we might as well leave things the
way they are.

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