
2008-10-16 Thread Anne van Kesteren

ECMAScript 4 had a ByteArray feature that the W3C WebApps WG wanted to use  
for XMLHttpRequest Level 2, to expose the raw response data and also to  
allow any entity body to be transmitted to the server the author could  
think of.

However, ByteArray is no longer there. HTML5 has a concept called  
CanvasPixelArray which is effectively a byte array and I suppose we could  
define something like that as well, but it seems nicer if we can just map  
it to something part of the ECMAScript.

Are there any plans for such a feature?

Kind regards,

Anne van Kesteren
Es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES3.1 Draft: 15 Jan 2009 "MountainView" version available

2009-01-15 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 14:16:04 +0100, Pratap Lakshman (VJ#SDK)  
I have uploaded to the wiki  
the 15 Jan 2009 draft of the specification for ES3.1. This is in the  
form of in-place edits and markups to the ES3 specification. Revision  
history is at the end of the document.

This shall be the document to use for review at the upcoming TC39  
meeting (28/29 Jan, MountainView, Google). If there are any updates or  
revisions prior to the meeting, we will post them on the wiki as well as  
on the discuss lists.

FWIW, it seems there is a mismatch between the draft and what Internet  
Explorer 8 appears to be shipping or maybe I am misunderstanding something.

That is, section 8.10.5 uses "get" and "set" as keywords where Internet  
Explorer 8 uses "getter" and "setter" according to its documentation.

(Section 11.1.5 pretty much has to use "get" and "set" because of three  
shipping implementations.)

Anne van Kesteren
Es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES3.1 Draft: 15 Jan 2009 "MountainView" version available

2009-01-15 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 18:40:29 +0100, Alex Russell   

On Jan 15, 2009, at 7:25 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
FWIW, it seems there is a mismatch between the draft and what Internet  
Explorer 8 appears to be shipping or maybe I am misunderstanding  

That is, section 8.10.5 uses "get" and "set" as keywords where Internet  
Explorer 8 uses "getter" and "setter" according to its documentation.

(Section 11.1.5 pretty much has to use "get" and "set" because of three  
shipping implementations.)

ES3.1 isn't settled yet, but surely using the terminology from what will  
be the next JS spec seems best...and in this case that's what MSFT did,  
I think rightly. It is super annoying that they didn't include the  
get/set aliases for compat, thought.

Your comment confuses me, but it seems the MSDN documentation was wrong  
and IE8 will use "get" and "set" as per the latest draft, so all is fine.

Anne van Kesteren
Es-discuss mailing list

Re: parseInt and implicit octal constants

2009-02-21 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Sat, 21 Feb 2009 01:47:45 +0100, Mark S. Miller   

Absent further information from the Opera folks, I agree. But if we
can, we should postpone committing to a decision until we hear about
their experience with this.

Opera folks?

We have no compatiblity bugs filed regarding parseInt as far as I can tell.

Anne van Kesteren
Es-discuss mailing list

Fwd: ByteArray

2009-06-10 Thread Anne van Kesteren
I thought I'd try posting this again.

--- Forwarded message ---
From: "Anne van Kesteren" 
Subject: ByteArray
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 09:05:30 +0200


ECMAScript 4 had a ByteArray feature that the W3C WebApps WG wanted to use
for XMLHttpRequest Level 2, to expose the raw response data and also to
allow any entity body to be transmitted to the server the author could
think of.

However, ByteArray is no longer there. HTML5 has a concept called
CanvasPixelArray which is effectively a byte array and I suppose we could
define something like that as well, but it seems nicer if we can just map
it to something part of the ECMAScript.

Are there any plans for such a feature?

Kind regards,

Anne van Kesteren
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ECMA TC 39 / W3C HTML and WebApps WG coordination

2009-09-24 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 14:36:56 +0200, Sam Ruby   
The current WebIDL binding to ECMAScript is based on ES3... this needs  
to more closely track to the evolution of ES, in particular it needs to  
be updated to ES5 w.r.t the Meta Object Protocol.

Is there a more detailed comment on this available somewhere?

In the process, we should discuss whether this work continues in the  
W3C, is done as a joint effort with ECMA, or moves to ECMA entirely.

What is the reason for moving it away from W3C? I'd much rather have it  
there since most consumers are there too. (Another reason would be that  
the W3C has a more open process.)

Anne van Kesteren
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ECMA TC 39 / W3C HTML and WebApps WG coordination

2009-09-25 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 11:38:08 +0200, Sam Ruby   
Meanwhile, what we need is concrete bug reports of specific instances  
where the existing WebIDL description of key interfaces is done in a way  
that precludes a pure ECMAScript implementation of the function.

Is there even agreement that is a goal?

I personally think the catch-all pattern which Brendan mentioned is quite  
convenient and I do not think it would make sense to suddenly stop using  
it. Also, the idea of removing the feature from Web IDL so that future  
specifications cannot use it is something I disagree with since having it  
in Web IDL simplifies writing specifications for the (legacy) platform and  
removes room for error.

Having Web IDL is a huge help since it clarifies how a bunch of things map  
to ECMAScript. E.g. how the XMLHttpRequest constructor object is exposed,  
how you can prototype XMLHttpRequest, that objects implementing  
XMLHttpRequest also have all the members from EventTarget, etc. I'm fine  
with fiddling with the details, but rewriting everything from scratch  
seems like a non-starter. Especially when there is not even a proposal on  
the table.

Anne van Kesteren
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ECMA TC 39 / W3C HTML and WebApps WG coordination

2009-09-25 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Fri, 25 Sep 2009 16:26:21 +0200, Mark S. Miller   

To clarify, AFAIK, no one on the EcmaScript committee is proposing
that WebIDL itself be moved to ECMA, but rather the WebIDL->EcmaScript
language binding.

That is the most essential part of Web IDL for most consumers though.  
Maybe one should hope for the best, but I think the WebApps WG is a much  
better place in terms of transparency and I do not see any reason why the  
ECMAScript committee cannot simply provide public feedback just like  
everyone else. Even if a person cannot be on the WG for whatever reason he  
is still allowed to join the mailing list and participate in discussion.

I think it is better in terms of transparency because all the decisions  
are made on a public list, the draft is in version control (and written in  
HTML), and it is very easy for people to participate by just emailing or chatting with the editor on IRC.

(Admittedly I also have my reservations on how certain decisions regarding  
ECMAScript have been made running contrary to deployed implementations.  
E.g. with regards to the de facto getters and setters standard. I think  
something like that would be much less likely to happen at the W3C though  
in the end of course it depends on who is involved.)

To answer a concern brought up later in the thread, neither is anyone
of the EcmaScript committee proposing that anything be removed from
WebIDL, or that the definition of these binding change in ways that
create incompatibilities with current pre-HTML5 browser APIs. Whatever
problems are created by legacy uses of WebIDL, we all accept that we
have to live with these problems for the foreseeable future
(essentially forever). Rather, the concern is that new APIs defined
using WebIDL should not magnify these problems.

I'm not sure I agree they are problems, though it might help if some  
explicit examples were given.

These are two separate points. The second point constitutes only
advice from ECMA to W3C, and demonstrates a need for dialog. The
EcmaScript committee has been evolving EcmaScript with one of our
goals being to close the gap between what DOM objects can do and what
EcmaScript objects can emulate. While we were busy trying to close the
gap, html5 was busy widening it. This is largely our fault by not
having communicated this goal. We seek dialog repair this mistake and
to avoid repeating it.

Where exactly was the gap widened?

The first point may be more contentious, but I think is also clearer.
Say Joe creates JoeLang and creates a browser plugin or something that
gives JoeLang access to the DOM. Joe should not expect W3C to define
the WebIDL->JoeLang binding. As you say, WebIDL is a nominally
language-independent formalism. As such, it should serve precisely as
the abstraction mechanism needed to allow work on host environment
APIs like browsers to proceed loosely coupled to the design on the
languages that run in such host environments.

While N languages might not be possible doing it for the 2 we care about  
does make sense I think. The specific language details also influence the  
design of Web IDL. And especially in case of ECMAScript makes reviewing  
the draft much easier because you can easily check if it matches what  
contemporary implementations do.

Catchalls are an excellent example issue for both points, in opposite
directions. Regarding the second point, yes, we believe that new host
APIs should generally seek to avoid requiring catchalls, since new
native (i.e., written in EcmaScript) APIs must, and since there are
many benefits to being able to emulate more host APIs more easily in
EcmaScript (such as the ability to interpose intermediary wrappers).
Regarding the first point, since legacy host APIs do require
catchalls, EcmaScript must eventually too. The definition of how
WebIDL-expressed catchalls map to future EcmaScript should co-evolve
with the changes to EcmaScript needed to support this mapping.

Anne van Kesteren
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Web IDL Garden Hose

2009-09-28 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Mon, 28 Sep 2009 17:20:27 +0200, Mark S. Miller   
Good point. I was indeed thinking only of HTML5. Other things being  
equal, it would seem the best way for these other projects to avoid  
blocking on
WebIDL would be for them to rely only on the previous version of WebIDL.  
Of course, other things are never equal. Why do these other projects  
need a new version of WebIDL?

There is no old version.

Anne van Kesteren
es-discuss mailing list