The question I have is about the internal [[DefaultValue]] function.

When [[DefaultValue]] is called with hint String, it first looks for a
toString method. This seems strange because every native object would
have a toString method in the prototype chain.

To get the [[DefaultValue]](String) to call O's valueOf, it is
necessary to shadow any toString method with a primitive value.

({"0" : 12})
[{toString:1,valueOf:function(){return "0";}}]

Firefox 3, Webkit:
Opera 9.5

Why is it this way?

   When the [[DefaultValue]] method of O is called with hint String, the
   following steps are taken:

   1. Call the [[Get]] method of object O with argument "toString".
   2. If Result(1) is not an object, go to step 5.
   3. Call the [[Call]] method of Result(1), with O as the this value
   and an empty argument list.
   4. If Result(3) is a primitive value, return Result(3).
   5. Call  the [[Get]] method of object O with argument "valueOf".
   6. If Result(5) is not an object, go to step 9. 7. Call the [[Call]] method
   of Result(5), with O as the this value and an empty argument list.
   8. If Result(7) is a primitive value, return Result(7).
   9. Throw a TypeError exception.
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