***SPAM*** leilao boer baby canal do bou dia 15-11-2007

2007-11-08 Thread luciano

Bom dia

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para voce e Gostaria de saber se você(s) pode(m) repassar esta mensagem abaixo a
seus contatos?
Assista no
dia 15 de Novembro de 2007 
Leilao de Boer da Fazenda Esperança Boer Baby no Canal do Boi dia 15 de novembro
a partir das 20 hs. : 
Serão ofertados vários
lotes de Cabritos e Cabritas Boer PO com
150 cabritas ½ sangue, ¾
,7/8 e PO sem registro
A oportunidade que você
7 anos de seleção em um
Você não corre o Risco
comprando Embriões, já leva o animal
Entrega Gratuita ate
Acesse o Site: www.fazendaesperanca.net e participe
CONVIDADOS. Este leilão terá a duração aproximada de
um mês, do dia 30 de Outubro de 2007 até as 16h00min do dia 30 de Novembro de
2007, onde durante o 5º Dia de Campo e Leilão da Fazenda Esperança e convidados
na sede da fazenda, serão captados lances para finalização deste leilão
eletrônico. Acesse já o site www.fazendaesperanca.net
e dê o seu lance.
O 5º Dia de Campo e Leilão
de Caprinos Fazenda Esperança, será no dia 30 de novembro(sexta-feira) em
Ivaiporã a partir das 09:00 horas. Haverá palestras sobre caprinocultura ,
mercado da caprinocultura e também sobre a garantia de compra dos
A partir das 14:00 hrs,
haverá o Grande Leilão de caprinos em 10 parcelas, onde serão

  - 20 machos Boer PO (com e
  sem registro) 
  - 10 fêmeas Boer
  - 20 Fêmeas 7/8 de
  - 20 Fêmeas 3/4
  -100 Cabritas 1/2 sangue
  -100 Cabritas ½ sangue
  Boer cobertas de Boer PO 
  -100 Cabras SRD (Prenhas
  ou Paridas) 
Então se você que quer
começar sua criação com garantia da compra de sua produção pela Caprinorte e
pela Fazenda Esperança, que hoje estão comprando o cabrito gordo por R$ 120,00
cada arroba, não deixe de participar deste evento.
Ligue já e faça sua
inscrição pelo telefone (43) 3472-3912 ou pelo e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Clique no link para
visualizar o convite.http://www.fazendaesperanca.net/visualizar_noticia.asp?id=6/
Acesse o novo site da
fazenda: http://www.fazendaesperanca.net
Atenciosamente,Luciano R.
Es4-discuss mailing list

RE: compiled to JavaScript idea

2007-11-08 Thread Thomas Reilly

Thanks for the rebutal, I was wondering if my wild claims would go
unchallenged ;-)

> The flash version is indeed snappy by comparison, but it's kind of a
rigged game. 

Despite my allegences to the mother ship I wasn't recommending Flash or
Silverlight.  I was pointing out that folks are feeling compelled to
resort to them for performance reasons.   Why does Gmail use flash under
the covers for instance?  I'll leave it as a dtrace exercise for the
curious but I bet performance might have something to do with it.

> If we can get similar performance for tasks like this in 
> raw-browser environments (on today's ES3 implementations), 
> then biting off the entire rendering phase is absolutely the 
> wrong problem to solve. 

Again, not my point, its not like these engines are using ES3 to do the
rendering (although I could go off on a tangent about how if you had ES4
and certain key optimizations in the JIT than you could write a fine
renderer in ES4).

> Your example points out to me not that having a better VM
matters...it's that the level of 
> effort to get to a UI which is completely inappropriate on my Mac is
tremendously high ;-)

I know right?  Where's the mac love?  If you don't need more performance
out of your JS engine then good for you!  Lots of people I think want
more performance out of there browsers scripting language and ES4 will
be a catalyst for getting there.  My point is that certain ES4 features
(ie classes and strong typing) will enble (in theory) ES4
implementations to provide the same level of performance Java and C#

This is the second time I've heard Safari 3's performance being raved
about.  Anyone have any benchmark pointers?

> > Salient point:  we should pimp the performance potential of 
> ES4 more 
> > and label the anti-ES4 crowd as performance-haters which I 
> don't think 
> > is far from the truth.
> This strikes me as both dangerous and wrong. That many of the 
> folks railing against ES4 are using weak arguments doesn't 
> seem to me to be a green light to do the same in favor of the 
> new language.

Why is my argument weak?  Please tell me how ES3 can reach the same
level of performance as Java/C#, I'd love to hear it!  

Maybe its an indulgence on my part to jump to the conclusion that
certain ES4 detractors are doing so b/c they don't want ES4
implementation to match their own preferred language/platform in
performance but I stand by my claim that ES4 is an enabler for such
performance gains.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Is ES3 good enough? Was incrementally strengthening ES3 paradigms considered?

2007-11-08 Thread Peter Michaux
I've been reading the blogs and fuss over the the ES4 proposal. It
seems to me that if ES3 was so horribly inadequate then big changes to
the language would be welcomed unanimously. It must be that ES3 is
sufficient to get by well enough that we have the luxury to argue
about the worth of the proposed changes.

Was incremental change to the ES3 language ever considered at the
beginning of the process for ES4? It seems there are many places where
the ES3 language could be improved without changing it's character (ie
adding classes). If ES was developed in a hurry then perhaps there was
plenty of room to strengthen the paradigms it already contains. If
work had continued on ES immediately after ES3 was released, isn't
that what would have happened?

There are things that cannot be done with ES3 that could be added...

Could the Self aspect of ES be strengthened? For example, more control
over prototypes and the prototype chain would make programming with
that model of inheritance a stronger competitor to class-based
inheritance. The read/write __proto__ property could be standardized.
Objects could have multiple prototypes like in Self. A obj.clone()

Could the Scheme aspect of ES be strengthened? Tail recursion and let
statements seem like good additions. What about macros? Please!

Binary download for hiding code seems to be something people have been
trying to achieve through obfuscation but cannot truly do with ES3.

Complete support for secure mash-ups seems essential and not just
because Douglas Crockford says so. Developers want to mash-up and are
doing it now even with the security risks to their unknowing users.

Adding types, classes and interfaces is drawing inspiration from
languages with other models of programming. The new look of ES4 is
very Java-like. Are the screams from the Java programmers enough to
control the future of ES? Adding these constructs seems like an
attempt to try to please everyone. This is the classic anti-pattern in

There is an argument that the changes in ES4 are needed for the open
web to keep up with rich platforms like Flash and Silverlight. As far
as snazzy, sparkley user interfaces go, the ES3 language isn't the
problem here but rather it is HTML, the DOM and CSS. Even if Internet
Explorer and all browsers suddenly implemented these other standards
correctly an HTML/JavaScript/CSS page wouldn't be very impressive
compared with a Flash animation. I gulped last weekend when I saw a
friend's flash portfolio with sound, video and vector graphics and
then thought about my rectangular tabbed panes and drop down menus. I
won't be able to do any of the Flash-like stuff with ES4. This
paragraph isn't intended as an argument against changing ES but I
don't think change to ES should be justified by the "keeping up"

Has ES3 proven itself to be such a disaster that trying to improve it
incrementally while retaining its character is obviously the wrong
choice? Was ES founded on such poor choices (Self and Scheme) that we
should be moving to completely different style of programming (Java)?

I wouldn't be writing this email had others not spoken up. It seems
somewhat inappropriate and rude to speak against what Brendan Eich is
proposing since it is his language.

Es4-discuss mailing list

***SPAM*** leilao boer baby canal do bou dia 15-11-2007

2007-11-08 Thread luciano

Bom dia

Estou enviando este email
para voce e Gostaria de saber se você(s) pode(m) repassar esta mensagem abaixo a
seus contatos?
Assista no
dia 15 de Novembro de 2007 
Leilao de Boer da Fazenda Esperança Boer Baby no Canal do Boi dia 15 de novembro
a partir das 20 hs. : 
Serão ofertados vários
lotes de Cabritos e Cabritas Boer PO com
150 cabritas ½ sangue, ¾
,7/8 e PO sem registro
A oportunidade que você
7 anos de seleção em um
Você não corre o Risco
comprando Embriões, já leva o animal
Entrega Gratuita ate
Acesse o Site: www.fazendaesperanca.net e participe
CONVIDADOS. Este leilão terá a duração aproximada de
um mês, do dia 30 de Outubro de 2007 até as 16h00min do dia 30 de Novembro de
2007, onde durante o 5º Dia de Campo e Leilão da Fazenda Esperança e convidados
na sede da fazenda, serão captados lances para finalização deste leilão
eletrônico. Acesse já o site www.fazendaesperanca.net
e dê o seu lance.
O 5º Dia de Campo e Leilão
de Caprinos Fazenda Esperança, será no dia 30 de novembro(sexta-feira) em
Ivaiporã a partir das 09:00 horas. Haverá palestras sobre caprinocultura ,
mercado da caprinocultura e também sobre a garantia de compra dos
A partir das 14:00 hrs,
haverá o Grande Leilão de caprinos em 10 parcelas, onde serão

  - 20 machos Boer PO (com e
  sem registro) 
  - 10 fêmeas Boer
  - 20 Fêmeas 7/8 de
  - 20 Fêmeas 3/4
  -100 Cabritas 1/2 sangue
  -100 Cabritas ½ sangue
  Boer cobertas de Boer PO 
  -100 Cabras SRD (Prenhas
  ou Paridas) 
Então se você que quer
começar sua criação com garantia da compra de sua produção pela Caprinorte e
pela Fazenda Esperança, que hoje estão comprando o cabrito gordo por R$ 120,00
cada arroba, não deixe de participar deste evento.
Ligue já e faça sua
inscrição pelo telefone (43) 3472-3912 ou pelo e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Clique no link para
visualizar o convite.http://www.fazendaesperanca.net/visualizar_noticia.asp?id=6/
Acesse o novo site da
fazenda: http://www.fazendaesperanca.net
Atenciosamente,Luciano R.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: compiled to JavaScript idea

2007-11-08 Thread zwetan
On Nov 8, 2007 12:33 PM, Alex Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The flash version is indeed snappy by comparison, but it's kind of a
> rigged game. The silverlight version it needs is an alpha, and they'll
> have plenty of chances to iterate. I don't think this demo is a dig
> against ES3 in any way. Indeed, we can do better than the Silverlight
> example without resorting to plugins of any variety:
> see:
> http://download.dojotoolkit.org/release-1.0.0/dojo-release-1.0.0/dojox/grid/tests/
> for locked columns and virtual scrolling:
> http://download.dojotoolkit.org/release-1.0.0/dojo-release-1.0.0/dojox/grid/tests/test_change_structure.html
> For full effect, try it on Safari 3 or a recent Minefield/GranParadiso
> build.
> If we can get similar performance for tasks like this in raw-browser
> environments (on today's ES3 implementations), then biting off the
> entire rendering phase is absolutely the wrong problem to solve. Your
> example points out to me not that having a better VM matters...it's
> that the level of effort to get to a UI which is completely
> inappropriate on my Mac is tremendously high ;-)
> [ snip ]

if you stay on ES3 the only place where you can improve the performance
is the engine interpreting the JS,
but even with the best of breed interpreter you ll hit a dead end at
one moment or another
(I mean you can not infinitely squeeze performance out of the engine,
it has limits)

types and other things added in ES4 can help an engine to have better
wether if you got an engine that interpret the raw script or a VM that
run the bytecode
of the compiled script,
but even with that I think a VM will be able to squeeze out even more

I don't say Tamarin and ES4 are fully related, but the combination of the two
is exactly what gonna bring huge performance improvement imho.

so, you must have guessed, I don't agree

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: compiled to JavaScript idea

2007-11-08 Thread Alex Russell

On Monday 05 November 2007 1:18 pm, Thomas Reilly wrote:
> There's this hookey idea percolating that somehow we can use whatever
> language we want and compile it to JavaScript and that will be great.
> Hold that thought, now check this out:
> http://community.netikatech.com/demos/
> I don't care how tricked out your JavaScript VM is, or how awesome
> your source language and compiler are, JavaScript today will never
> reach this richness of UI.   Look how big and snappy the Flash data
> grid example is.  (I love how slow the silverlight one is so slow to
> load, can anyone say applets? sorry couldn't help it...)

The flash version is indeed snappy by comparison, but it's kind of a 
rigged game. The silverlight version it needs is an alpha, and they'll 
have plenty of chances to iterate. I don't think this demo is a dig 
against ES3 in any way. Indeed, we can do better than the Silverlight 
example without resorting to plugins of any variety:


for locked columns and virtual scrolling:

For full effect, try it on Safari 3 or a recent Minefield/GranParadiso 

If we can get similar performance for tasks like this in raw-browser 
environments (on today's ES3 implementations), then biting off the 
entire rendering phase is absolutely the wrong problem to solve. Your 
example points out to me not that having a better VM matters...it's 
that the level of effort to get to a UI which is completely 
inappropriate on my Mac is tremendously high ;-)

[ snip ]

> Salient point:  we should pimp the performance potential of ES4 more
> and label the anti-ES4 crowd as performance-haters which I don't
> think is far from the truth.

This strikes me as both dangerous and wrong. That many of the folks 
railing against ES4 are using weak arguments doesn't seem to me to be a 
green light to do the same in favor of the new language.


Alex Russell
[EMAIL PROTECTED] A99F 8785 F491 D5FD 04D7 ACD9 4158 FFDF 2894 6876
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