RE: ES4 draft: Map

2008-03-02 Thread Lars Hansen
Following up to myself: 

> -Original Message-
> From: Lars Hansen 
> Sent: 3. mars 2008 08:04
> To: 'Waldemar Horwat'
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: ES4 draft: Map
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Waldemar Horwat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 1. mars 2008 01:53
> >
> > Why does get return null instead of undefined when it fails 
> > to find an instance?
> No good reason that I can think of.  I think undefined is at 
> least as sensible; will fix.

Actually, it was for Java compatibility (the API is modelled on
Java, but imperfectly).  No matter.

> > A version of get with a second parameter X that returns X when the 
> > value isn't present would be useful.
> I agree, and that parameter could be optional and default to 
> undefined.  Will fix.

There is actually a problem with an arbitrary optional parameter, 
and the problem also comes up if -- as somebody sent me private
mail about -- we want put() to return the previous value for the
key, if there is one.  For strict mode we probably would like
get() to be declared to returning V or at most (V|undefined).
So X would be constrained likewise.

In summary, this seems reasonably simple:

  function get(key:K, default:(V|undefined)=undefined):(V|undefined) ...

  function put(key:K, value:V,
default:(V|undefined)=undefined):(V|undefined) ...

with the proviso that if the table may associate K with the
value undefined then the programmer has to be careful and
use "has".

Es4-discuss mailing list

RE: ES4 draft: Map

2008-03-02 Thread Lars Hansen
> -Original Message-
> From: Waldemar Horwat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 1. mars 2008 01:53
> To: Lars Hansen
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: ES4 draft: Map
> > The optional /hashcode/ argument is a function that takes a key and 
> > returns a numeric code for it. This code may be used to find 
> > associations more quickly in the map. Two calls to the /hashcode/ 
> > function on the same key value must return the same numeric code,
> > the /hashcode/ function must always return the same numeric code for

> > two objects that compare equal by the /equals/ function. The default

> > value for /hashcode/ is the intrinsic global function |hashcode|.
> Dost thou desire arbitrary numeric hashcodes or integral ones?

Good point.  intrinsic::hashcode returns uint.  Since the signature 
of the Map constructor does not yet -- and probably should not, for
compatibility with scripts -- have a very constraining signature for the
hashcode argument, the most natural thing to do seems to be to require
it to return a value that can be converted to uint, and require the
implementation to convert the return value from the hashcode function 
to uint.  Will fix.

> >   Map( object )
> > 
> > When the |Map| class object is called as a function, it creates a
> > |Map| object from |EnumerableId| to |*|, populating the new |Map| 
> > |Map| object with the own properties of /object/.
> Making Map(x) do something specialized like this seems like a 
> bad idea.  If x is already a Map, I'd expect Map(x) to be 
> idempotent and return x.

This is what most built-ins in ES3 does, and we've agreed in the past to
carry the behavior forward for several of the new classes (Map, Vector, 
and the primitive classes int, uint, double, decimal, string, and
at least) but I agree that it would be more natural for Map(x) to return
if x is already a Map.  Will fix.

> Should thou need this functionality, use a static method to get it.

We've been down that road and we rejected it.

> Why does get return null instead of undefined when it fails 
> to find an instance?

No good reason that I can think of.  I think undefined is at least as
sensible; will fix.

> A version of get with a second parameter X that returns X 
> when the value isn't present would be useful.

I agree, and that parameter could be optional and default to
undefined.  Will fix.

> Need a clear() method that deletes all bindings.

I always make a new hashtable, but sure, why not.

> The iteration protocol makes a copy before starting to 
> iterate.  It might be implemented via copy-on-write but I'd 
> like to see how expensive this is.

See my answer to Erik, which I believe answers this.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Default argument values

2008-03-02 Thread Steven Mascaro
One last issue. I was going to leave it till later, but I realised it
may affect ES4.

The nicest syntax for named arguments would be to use ':', just like
with object literals. e.g.:

/// Define
function foo(arg1 = 0, arg2 = 1) { ... }

/// Call
foo(arg2: 10, arg1: 5);

(I find this even more attractive than the Python syntax.) But this
could potentially conflict with the type annotation syntax. e.g.:

/// Call
foo(arg1: ClassA, arg2);

At the moment, the RI throws a ParseError for that, so there's no
conflict. I'd like to request that this syntax be reserved solely for
named arguments.
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