Re: complexity tax

2008-03-29 Thread David Teller
Well, most languages have better support for libraries than C or C++.
But there are things that even C has and JS2 doesn't:
* #include
* a linker
* a somewhat standard manner of distributing these libraries (.a or .so)
* arguably, a [not necessarily hacker-proof] mechanism for sharing
symbols between several components without exposing them to the client.

Note that I'm not attempting to advocate the merits of #include, which I
find rather ugly. I also have no idea whether the linker is part of the
spec or not -- but then, I wasn't discussing specs, more developer
experience, and linkers have been part of the standard package for as
long as I've been programming.

Now, with JS2, to get something linke #include + linking (or Java's
import), you need to use somewhat more convoluted methods. In addition,
all the techniques I have seen require some hard-wiring inside the
document, which may be good for small webpages, but looks like a rather
bad practice when you're talking about whole applications: essentially,
this is equivalent to putting all your #includes inside the UI code.
Finally, while the methods may work in a webpage, not all of them apply
well to non-web JS -- I'm thinking about off-line extensions, XPCOM or
server-side JS.

This strikes me as a good reason to improve library management in JS.
Which was the case last time I looked at ES4, although I may have missed
a few developments on that front.


On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 10:30 -0400, Mike Shaver wrote: 
 I don't quite understand this -- could you give an example of a
 language that has better support for libraries as part of its language
 specification?  I don't think the C specification includes linking (or
 even the ABI, though C++ grew an ABI specification later), so it seems
 to be about at the same point of get your code into scope somehow.
 Browsers use script for that, and many an AJAX toolkit has added new
 capabilities to the environment through just that means.
David Teller
 Security of Distributed Systems
 Angry researcher: French Universities need reforms, but the LRU act brings 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: complexity tax

2008-03-27 Thread David Teller

On Wed, 2008-03-26 at 08:23 -0700, Douglas Crockford wrote:
 The difficulties we have had in the development community since 1999 
 were not due to over-minimization. They were due to features that did not 
 as expected or reliably over the various brands and versions. 

In my experience, the main problem with JS was the impossibility of
extending it. That is, no notion of libraries and no built-in
pre-processor (although reflexivity could be used for similar purposes).
A consequence was that any extension deemed important by the developers
of a browser had to be bolted-on in non-specified manners.

Now, all the features I see en ES4 are nice (my favorite being the
hybrid type system, although type inference is going to be a heck to
design and implement) and I can see myself using most of them, but I
would have been content with just the addition of libraries and

David Teller
 Security of Distributed Systems
 Angry researcher: French Universities need reforms, but the LRU act
brings liquidations. 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: complexity tax - mobile devices - Microsoft + Adobe tools + future browsers

2008-03-27 Thread David Teller
On Wed, 2008-03-26 at 14:56 -0700, ToolmakerSteve98 wrote:
 I am putting together a toolset that bridges .NET  Silverlight development 
 tools with Adobe's tools. I've decided to do a proof-of-concept for a given 
 scope of language, specifically using type-inference technology in F# to 
 provide a statically-type-bound compilation of a subset of ES4. 

Do I understand correctly that you're compiling your subset of ES4 to
F# ? Sounds interesting. Do you keep a blog on that ?


David Teller
 Security of Distributed Systems
 Angry researcher: French Universities need reforms, but the LRU act
brings liquidations. 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: performance of OO dispatch in inner loops

2008-03-25 Thread David Teller
On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 13:45 -0700, Brendan Eich wrote:
 You really should read the papers, and Andreas Gal's blog. 

Probably. I'm not an expert in [dynamic] optimisations, my line of work
is mostly related to static analysis. Do you suggest any specific papers
other than the blog ?

 types are only one of many kinds of information available to runtime  
 optimizers. Tracing loops allows hoisting and even allocation  
 elimination, using escape analysis. Common sub-expression elimination  
 can consider trace-invariant expressions. One can guard all sorts of  
 on-trace assumptions and compensate to the interpretr, re-tracing  
 other hot paths. It's not just about types.

I'm quite aware that there's more to optimisation than removing dynamic
type checks  consolidating dynamic method dispatch. I was just
answering that particular point.

 Having written this, there are open issues with tree folding to avoid  
 proliferation of paths in the trace tree. Again, see http:// for more.

Thanks for the reference.


David Teller
 Security of Distributed Systems
 Angry researcher: French Universities need reforms, but the LRU act
brings liquidations. 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft LAST CALL: Map

2008-03-21 Thread David Teller
I have a question related to collections in general.

I have the impression that ES4 will someday accept some kind of high-level 
concurrency, possibly Erlang-style. If so, we will probably need the ability to 
perform some kind of (destructive) pattern-matching/switch-type on the contents 
of a collection. Now, maybe this kind of pattern-matching will only needed for 
some concurrency-specific data structure, say a dynamically-typed Mailbox (à la 
Erlang) or a statically-typed Channel (à la Concurrent ML) or perhaps something 
higher-level (à la JoCaml).

With the current definition of Map and collections, this form of 
pattern-matching may probably be hand-coded using an iterator and 
intrinsic::remove, although the process is relatively unfriendly and the 
thread-safety will remain uncertain until there's a concurrency model for ES4.

Now, on to my question: should we add a method for finding some data in a 
collection from destructive pattern-matching or should this be left for later ?


Quoting Lars Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Last call for comments.  Minor changes since previous drafts (and some
 comments at the beginning to address changes that are known to come).


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: performance of OO dispatch in inner loops

2008-03-21 Thread David Teller
I'm not sure about necessary but for useful, see for instance _Practical 
Soft Typing_, by Andrew Wright. Performance analysis for softly typed Scheme 
show that, on the benchmark, 20% to 50% of the time of the execution was spent 
performing run-time checks which may be automatically removed.


Quoting ToolmakerSteve98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 was [Re: Any discussion of compact subset for mobile devices?]

 Brendan Eich wrote:
 Why do you believe static typing is necessary for performance? Just

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Dylan 'nullable' types [Was: Close review of Language Overview whitepaper]

2007-12-04 Thread David Teller
I guess it's one of these things we may try and static-analyze-away.


 Should I mention OCaml's option types or Haskell's maybes at this
point ?

On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 14:06 -0800, Graydon Hoare wrote:
 P T Withington wrote:
  I must say, coming from Dylan, es3's undefined _and_ null seem like  
  overkill... but we're stuck with them now!
 I think they feel like overkill to everyone, but yeah. Backward 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Opaque / abstract types ?

2007-10-28 Thread David Teller
   Hi list,

 After reading the Outline document, I find myself wondering if there's
a way to provide a type without any method for the user to manually
create an inhabitant of that type ? 

 This is a technique commonly used in functional programming (and
sometimes used in Java/C#, too, I believe) to provide type-checked
safety / security, e.g. you can only call function read_from_file with
an argument of type FileOpenedForReading, which itself may only be
obtained from function open_file and cannot be forged. Of course, this
example applies to files, but could just as well apply to any kind of

 From the Outline, operator as and reflexivity make me think it's not
possible. Am I wrong ?


David Teller --
Security of Distributed Systems ---
Project JStify: Static Analysis for JavaScript 2  -
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Rule 317

2007-10-26 Thread David Teller
Ok, I think I'm now understanding something that I had completely missed
about that syntax: it's LR(1). I was assuming it was something much more
complicated with unlimited backtracking.

Dumping my code and restarting the parser with lighter tools...

Thanks and cheers,

On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 19:20 +0200, liorean wrote:
 On 23/10/2007, David Teller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So I guess this could just be handled by making this rule have a lowest
  priority ?
 Not really. In statement context, a function without a name should be
 a syntax error

David Teller --
Security of Distributed Systems ---
Project JStify: Static Analysis for JavaScript 2  -
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans

Es4-discuss mailing list

Rule 317

2007-10-23 Thread David Teller
Hello list,

 I'm still fighting the syntax of JS2. Attempting to feed it into a
parser generator (menhir, for the moment), has already allowed me to
find a few typoes in the spec and a few useless variables in the
reference implementation, which is all I have to show for the moment.
That and the fact that all XML* productions seem absent from the RI.

At the moment, though, I'm being puzzled by rule 317:

|  ListExpression (allowColon, allowIn) 
   [if lookahead not in { function, let, { }]

Besides the fact that this rule is annoying to implement, does it
actually mean what it intends ? In addition to blocks, it also prevents
an assignment to an object pattern from starting the ListExpression. Is
that desired ?


 I forgot where I found that version of the grammar, it's dated
14/10/2007, so I assume it's the latest. Where are they to be found, in
general ?

David Teller --
Security of Distributed Systems ---
Project JStify: Static Analysis for JavaScript 2  -
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Rule 317

2007-10-23 Thread David Teller
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 14:58 +0200, liorean wrote:
 It's there to prevent the grammar from being ambiguous. function,
 let and { have different meaning in statement context from
 expression context. If the ExpressionStatement construct allowed them,
 then they would be ambigous in statement context, they could have
 either the statement or the expression semantics. So, in order to
 prevent this ambiguity, they are not allowed in ExpressionStatement.

So I guess this could just be handled by making this rule have a lowest
priority ?


David Teller --
Security of Distributed Systems ---
Project JStify: Static Analysis for JavaScript 2  -
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: 'switch' operator improvement

2007-10-16 Thread David Teller
Pattern-matching with views [1,2], anyone ?



On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 20:11 +0200, liorean wrote:
 On 16/10/2007, Peter Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  already you can do something like this:
  var str;
  case /a/.test(str):
  case /b/.test(str):
 I can only imagine that solution being preferable to chained
 if..else-statements in one case, and that would be if you actually
 used the fall through mechanism. If you don't fall through, it's just
 bloat without any gain.
David Teller --
Security of Distributed Systems ---
Project JStify: Static Analysis for JavaScript 2  -
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans

Es4-discuss mailing list

Yacc ?

2007-10-15 Thread David Teller
Just a simple question about the reference implementation: why is the
parser hard-coded rather than written with ml-yacc ? I admit that I'm
somewhat tired about converting this parser manually to OCaml with
bunches of regexps + human proofreading, so I'm wondering if I shouldn't
skip this and go directly to Yacc or equivalent.


David Teller --
Security of Distributed Systems ---
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans

Es4-discuss mailing list

Type Annotations ?

2007-10-03 Thread David Teller
Hi everyone,
 I'm still working on my static analysis tool for ES4. This tool will
make use of custom type (or type-like) annotations. I wonder if there
are already syntax guidelines for this kind of things. I assume I should
put them somewhere in comments. Should I use something like Java's
@annotation tag ?


David Teller --
Security of Distributed Systems ---
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Type Annotations ?

2007-10-03 Thread David Teller
The type annotations I have in mind would be related to side effects.

So, should I go for something like

function write_to_file(f : String /*file_name*/): void /*write f*/ {



On Wed, 2007-10-03 at 07:44 -0700, Lars T Hansen wrote:
 The ES4 syntax for type annotations is invariably a postfix : type
 phrase: put it on variable bindings, parameters, functions (following
 the parameter list).

David Teller --
Security of Distributed Systems ---
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: URI Proposal

2007-09-13 Thread David Teller
Just one quick word: be careful when designing a URI class that it
should be able to deal with URNs, too.


On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 14:29 -0700, Garrett Smith wrote:
 I've decided to propose a URI class to deal with the handling of URIs
 that is so prevalent in Ajax apps and also in Flash and to a lesser
 extent, Adobe Reader.
 I propose this idea here because noticed that there are other places
 besides the web that can use it (Flash, Reader). A URI class could be
 implemented in ES to cover all these needs.
 I have a proposal page at
 I won't copy paste the entire thing here. It prints on 3 pages if you
 set margin to 0 and scale to 70%.
 Is this the appropriate way to make a proposal?
David Teller --
Security of Distributed Systems ---
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans

Es4-discuss mailing list