Re: function hoisting like var

2008-07-27 Thread Richard Cornford
Ingvar von Schoultz wrote:
> Richard Cornford wrote:

>> {
>> }
>> - is a valid ES 3 Program (even if a pointless one); A Block
>> statement containing an Expression statement (with automatic
>> semi-colon insertion making the Expression statement
>> into - 1,2,3,4,5; -).
>> eval('{1,2,3,4,5}') - results in the value 5, while -
>> eval('[1,2,3,4,5]') - returns a 5 element array.
> Yes. And if the rules for "{" remain unchanged, and "[" starts
> out assuming it's a literal, you get the same result with my rules.

And if I wanted that block scope this -

eval("{[\n eval('var a = 1'),eval('var b = 2'),eval('a + b')\n]}");

- will still give me an array (and side effects in the containing scope)?
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: function hoisting like var

2008-07-27 Thread Richard Cornford
Ingvar von Schoultz wrote:
> Igor Bukanov wrote:
>> 2008/7/28 Ingvar von Schoultz wrote:

 Any of this can be a valid ES3 code as [] always means an
 array literal.
>>> I get the impression that disambiguation would be easy.
>> eval('[]') is a valid and, in fact, useful ES3 code. Similarly
>> eval('{[]}').
> Yes, and by my rules they both create and return a new, empty
> array, which is intuitively expected and compatible.

Are you saying that a block then may never be empty as a syntax
rule? ES 3 blocks are allowed to be empty and I bet there are
examples where blocks contain nothing but an IE/JScript
conditional comment and so are going to be interpreted as
being empty by other ES 3 implementations. (Comments are
allowed inside array literal definitions at present).
> When I said that an array is a comma-separated list of values,
> the fact that I left out the empty and the single-value cases
> didn't mean that they should be seen as blocks! I just didn't
> want to write a lengthy, exhaustive full grammar...


- is a valid ES 3 Program (even if a pointless one); A Block
statement containing an Expression statement (with automatic
semi-colon insertion making the Expression statement
into - 1,2,3,4,5; -).

eval('{1,2,3,4,5}') - results in the value 5, while -
eval('[1,2,3,4,5]') - returns a 5 element array.
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Newly revised Section 10 for ES3.1.

2008-07-12 Thread Richard Cornford
Brendan Eich wrote:
> On Jul 10, 2008, at 4:02 PM, Richard Cornford wrote:
>> Something like:-
>> fucntion getSomething(arg){
>> if(caseOneTest){
>> getSomething = function(x){
>> //actions appropriate for case one
>> };
>> }else if(caseTwoTest){
>> getSomething = function(x){
>> //actions appropriate for case two
>> };
>> }else{
>> getSomething = function(x){
>> //actions appropriate for other cases
>> };
>> }
>> return getSomething(arg);
>> }
>> It is the ability to do this sort of thing that helps make
>> javascript so well suited to browser scripting.
> Oliver Steele blogged about this kind of memoization a couple
> of years ago:
> although his examples did not show top-level function being
> replaced.

I was shown examples of doing this sort of thing back in 2002
shortly after I first started using javascript, so even if it
has never become that common it certainly is not a new idea.

> But it's a good point: strict mode wants to break useful (and
> used) patterns that change the value of a property created by
> a defining form.

I spend yesterday's commute to work thinking about this and
came to the conclusion that I am completely wrong. If "Illegal
to assign to a top-level function name" is interpreted as
meaning (or re-worded to effetely say) that it is illegal to
assign to a top-level name (activation/environment object
property, or however that is best expressed) that was
created_as_the_result_of_a_function_declaration (as opposed
to a possible interpretation where it is illegal to assign
to a top-level name that happens to refer to a function
object) then there isn't really a problem.

There is no problem because if I want a self-reconfiguring
function I can create one with a function expression. I.E.:-

var getSomething = function(arg){
getSomething = function(x){
//actions appropriate for case one
}else if(caseTwoTest){
getSomething = function(x){
//actions appropriate for case two
getSomething = function(x){
//actions appropriate for other cases
return getSomething(arg);

- and have the same facility for a negligible difference in
effort. The minor change in execution, where a function
declaration creates its function during variable instantiation
and the above would create it at the execution of the assignment,
isn't too problematic. It just means that the code that creates
the function has to run before any code that attempts to use it
(which is already true of much more common constructs such as
the (so called) 'Crockford Module Pattern').

As this is "the cautious subset"/'strict' mode (or however it is
to be known) we are talking about code that is yet to be written;
so long as the facility remains the details of how it is achieved
are not too important (at least so long as the useful existing
possibilities don't become significantly more difficult to

> From Allen's list:
>·Illegal for a function to have duplicately named formal
> parameters
>·Illegal for a function to contain a top level function
> declaration with a function name that is the same as a formal
> parameter.
>·Illegal to have multiple top level function declarations
> for the same function name
>·Illegal to have a function declaration with the same name
> as var declaration.
>·Illegal for a function to contain a var declaration with
> the same name as a formal parameter.

I liked all of these from the outset. If I do any of these in the
code I write then I have made a mistake, and being told as much
ASP means that I can fix that mistake sooner rather than later.

>·Illegal to assign to a top-level function name.

And in retrospect that one is OK too. If I don't what a top-level
function replaced I can use a function declaration, and if I do I
can assign a function expression to a variable; a little externally
imposed formal discipline (and no harm in that).

> I could see banning duplicate formal parameter names (I still
> have no memory of why Shon from Microsoft wanted these
> standardized in ES1 -- possibly just because JScript already
> allowed them).

I could not think of anything useful that could be done with
multiple like-named formal parameters. The nearest I could get is
if you wanted an object with a read-only - length - property of
varying magnitude you could do something like:-

function makeFixedLengthObject(sizeOfLength){
function F(){}

Re: Newly revised Section 10 for ES3.1.

2008-07-10 Thread Richard Cornford
> In the course of this, I noticed a number of conditions that plausibly
> might be restricted in the cautious subset, but currently aren't
> specified as such:

> *Illegal to assign to a top-level function name.
> Does anybody want to advocate for  including these restrictions
> in the cautious subset.

This last would not be a good idea in a language intended for browser 
scripting. There are circumstances were code needs to test its environment 
in order to determine how it should act. In many cases the conditions 
being tested for will not change while the script is being executed (the 
nature of a browser's object model will not change while it is executing a 
script) so repeating the test on each execution of a function is 
inefficient as the results of the test will always be the same as the 

One strategy for dealing with that is to have the first call to a function 
perform the test and so decide which actions should be take in the given 
environment and, instead of taking those actions directly, assign a new 
function to replace itself where that new function only takes the chosen 
action and so avoids the overhead of testing on all subsequent calls to 
the function. Something like:-

fucntion getSomething(arg){
getSomething = function(x){
//actions appropriate for case one
}else if(caseTwoTest){
getSomething = function(x){
//actions appropriate for case two
getSomething = function(x){
//actions appropriate for other cases
return getSomething(arg);

It is the ability to do this sort of thing that helps make javascript so 
well suited to browser scripting. 

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Newly revised Section 10 for ES3.1.

2008-07-10 Thread Richard Cornford
> 10.1.8 Arguments Object

> For each non-negative integer, arg, less than the value of the
> length property, a property is created with name ToString(arg) and
> property attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false,
> [[Flexible]]: false }. The initial value of this property is the
> value of the corresponding actual parameter supplied by the caller.
> The first actual parameter value corresponds to arg = 0, the second
> to arg = 1, and so on. In the case when arg is less than the number
> of formal parameters for the Function object, this property shares
> its value with the corresponding property of the activation object.
> This means that changing this property changes the corresponding
> property of the activation object and vice versa.

The provision "that changing this property changes the corresponding 
property of the activation object and vice versa" implies a potentially 
long-term linkage between some properties of activation objects 
corresponding arguments object properties. As functions forming closures 
can have ongoing access to activation objects and references to arguments 
objects can be assigned to object properties and variables (and so remain 
accessible after the function calls for which they were created have 
finished) this implied long-term linkage could have practical 
implications. For example:-

function getToy(one, two, three){
var ar = arguments;
ar[2] = 7;
return ({
// setting the '0' property of the arguments object should
// change the value of the - one - formal parameter.
ar[0] = x;
return one;
two = x;
return ar[1];
return three;

var obj = getToy(1, 2, 3);


- could be expected to alert 5, 6 and 7, and does in Windows Safari 3 and 
Opera 9. But IE 6 and Firefox 2, for example, it alerts 1, 2 and 7. There 
the linkage breaks down outside of the execution context of the initial 
function call.

A new specification probably should pin down which of these is "correct". 
It should either reinforce the implication that the linkage is intended to 
be long term or state the lifespan of the linkage (possibly saying that it 
cannot be expected to hold past the lifespan of the execution context for 
which the arguments object was created (thus categorizing longer term 
linkage as a possible non-standard extension)). I would favour the latter 
as the inconsistency in existing implementations makes it unlikely that 
anyone is using this linkage outside of the functions whose calls create 
the arguments objects, and there is nothing that could be done with this 
linkage that could not be better (less obscurely) achieved using closures.

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