Re: [ESS] readline with trailing space
Jeremie, i am runnnig ess-version: 18.10.3snapshot [elpa: 20210109.1455] (loaded from /home/minshall/.emacs.d/elpa/ess-20210109.1455/) under arch linux. i don't see the behavior you see. in my configuration, both test() and test1() seem to accept a line of characters. have you tried starting emacs -whatever (like, -q or -Q or ...)? cheers, Greg __ mailing list
[ESS] readline with trailing space
Hello, I have noticed a behavior that I don't understand. When I call the following function from the prompt. test <- function(){ a <- readline("selection: ") a } > test() > selection: | I can only type one character and the readline function exits before I can press enter. however test1 <- function(){ a <- readline("selection:") a } > test1() > selection:| works as expected. > selection: abc[Ret] However calling directly readline with a space in the prompt does what I would expect. > a <- readline("selection: ") > selection: abc[Ret] > a > "abc" It is the expected behavior or am I missing something? I can reproduce this behavior on Windows and Linux. I cannot reproduce this behavior in a bash terminal, or on RStudio. I'm using ess-version: 18.10.3snapshot [elpa: 20200825.829] (loaded from /home/djj/.emacs.d/elpa/ess-20200825.829/) but the problem still persist in the latest version. Best regards. -- Jeremie Juste __ mailing list