Tourist magnet
August 26, 2019  Ana Marie Pamintuan

BANGKOK – It was dark and stormy when I arrived Saturday afternoon in this
Thai capital, and traffic was slow as my limo taxi entered the city. But the
slog though traffic was made more bearable by the high-speed wi-fi in the
vehicle, with the apt connection name “welcome.”

The driver was also quick to offer me three wire connections that could be
plugged into portable devices, which he said I could use “for chat.” As I
don’t engage in chats on whatever device, I didn’t know what that was about.
But the menthol candies he offered when I began coughing, that helped. When
it comes to tourism, the Thais aim to please. 

Tourism is the lifeblood of this country. At the end of June, the head of
the Tourism Authority of Thailand was despairing over a slowdown in tourist
arrivals in the first half of the year. The official blamed the strong baht,
the US-China trade wars, uncertainties over Brexit and a global economic
slowdown for the lower-than-expected arrivals. The worrisome figure? “Only”
20 million foreign visitors, who spent a trillion baht on top of the 560
billion baht spent by domestic tourists. (As of Friday, one Thai baht was
officially pegged at P1.70.)

Thai officials are optimistic that they can still achieve the target foreign
arrivals of up to 45 million for 2019 – slightly up from last year’s
eye-watering (for us Pinoys) 38.5 million.

*      *      *
I know, Thailand has a tourism edge over its Southeast Asian neighbors
because of its distinctive culture. But it has also not been complacent. It
has combined aggressive global marketing with the preservation and
enhancement of its culture as well as the provision of tourism
infrastructure, from a wide range of reasonably priced accommodations to
roads, telecommunications, mass transport systems and a world-class regional
air hub.

Thai cuisine has gained such global distinction that there is now a Bangkok
Michelin guide. It was a big deal for the Thais when they succeeded in
growing white truffles in the highlands of Chiang Mai, disproving the belief
that truffles don’t grow in the tropics. This was in September 2017. Today
they are positioning to compete with the world’s best white truffles, from
the town of Alba in Italy’s Piedmont region (a kilo can cost from $3,500 to

Traffic is still awful in Bangkok, but the network of light railways running
overhead and underground (yes, they beat us to a subway) makes it easier for
travelers to move around and visit the numerous tourist destinations right
here in the capital. 

All the destinations are packed day and night with tourists: temples, all
types of dining areas, the bargain shopping malls, Chatuchak and various
specialty markets.

*      *      *
I think Divisoria, with a bit of improved packaging, can compete with
Chatuchak. The city of Manila also has the Dangwa flower center, which can
be a major tourist destination. Maybe Mayor Isko can add beautification and
destination packaging to his clean-up campaign.

It’s good that lifestyle guru Martha Stewart visited the pearl merchants of
Greenhills Mall. That pearl center is unique and deserves better marketing.

Thailand has also modernized its iconic tuk-tuks. Instead of changing the
design of the tricycle, however, the traditional look has been preserved,
the paint jazzed up, and electric-powered engines installed starting about
two years ago. E-tuk-tuks are becoming ubiquitous all the way to Chiang Mai.

The tuk-tuks can pick up passengers even in five-star hotels; they are in
fact in demand among foreign tourists. 

Bangkok has also taken another step ahead of Manila by fielding hop-on,
hop-off sightseeing buses. Called Siam Hop, they aren’t the double-decker
red buses that are ubiquitous in Europe, the US and several other advanced
destinations. On Expedia, a one-day pass on the red orange, single-deck Siam
Hop bus could be purchased for as low as $10.52 as of the weekend.

User reviews as of last month weren’t too good. Passengers complained that
maps and information weren’t accurate and the horrid Bangkok traffic made it
tough to match the information with the stops. But if you’ve been in this
city before and have time to kill, the ride might be worth it.

*      *      *
In Metro Manila, it’s good that the subway project is finally getting
underway, and that it’s being undertaken by the Japanese, who are experts in
earthquake- and flood-resilient infrastructure.

Last March, Indonesia beat us to a subway, opening its first system in
congested, traffic-choked Jakarta. I think the Indonesian capital is the
only place in this part of the planet where the traffic mess is worse than
in Metro Manila.

An Indonesian journalist here told me that their President Joko Widodo is
seriously considering moving the capital to Borneo, because he thinks
Jakarta is hopelessly mired in urban blight. The massive expense is the
biggest obstacle to this plan.

Thailand, as far as I know, has no such plans. Where their powerful king
lives, I guess, is where the capital is located. But the country has
developed several other tourist destinations outside the capital, such as
the highlands and the province of Phuket with the popular beaches.

These destinations are easily reached by air from Bangkok. Air connectivity
is one of the biggest tourist assets of Thailand. From Suvarnabhumi
International Airport, there are direct flights to key gateways all over
Europe, Asia and other parts of the planet.

Leaving Manila through the NAIA Terminal 1 at around noon on Saturday, I was
pleased to breeze through immigration and the security check. The wait at
Bangkok immigration was much longer, but perhaps this was because there were
just hordes of travelers arriving constantly at Suvarnabhumi, and there were
long, snaking lines to the many immigration counters.

I still couldn’t help feeling a pang of envy as I walked through the
numerous, fast-moving travelators and past the many restrooms all over the
vast airport. The restrooms were clean and with all the amenities.

Beyond feeling envious, I prefer to look on the bright side, at
infrastructure development projects that are now ongoing or in the pipeline.
We should be able to catch up.
 Thailand electric tuk-tuks wifi  image search

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