Re: UDA last question (was UDA step 9 10).

2001-07-06 Thread Marchal

Joel Dobrzelewski wrote:

So the Universal Dovetailer simply enumerates all possible states for me.

Yes. I prefer to say it generates  all computations going through that
states(°). Bennett has introduced a nice notion of depth from string, which is
grosso modo the runtime to produce it. It is still possible (even probable)
that me is deep and you are deep so that the occurence in UD* of you
and me can be taken as evidence that we do share a long computation.

(°) I see Hal Finney says the same thing.

(Whatever me is, is unimportant).  And somehow, these states are joined by
their similarity to one another, which allows (virtual) motion from one
state to the next.

I think the relation of similarity, or proximity bears on the
computations/histories/dreams. But you are correct. The only way
to keep sharing the same deep computation, and thus sharing our
domain of undeterminacy, is that the computation is linear in our common
ignorance. This will multiply both of us, in some conservative way,
and in extremely explosive way. 
I guess the first person *plural* has it origin in such self multiplication

So, if I am currently sitting in the state of sitting at my desk, I have
several realities branching off from this one where in the next moments I am
rising from my chair, or still sitting at my desk, or petting a white

In case comp is true, I'm afraid necessarily so. 
Note that the existence of QM
gives confirming evidence that there is some branching. And perhaps
you can guess that comp predicts that any machine looking at her
neighborood sufficiently closely, i.e. below her level of substitution
will discover some observable weirdness and other continua of
parallel computations ... 
Note that histories can be considered as fusing by difference amnesy.
I really hope to succeed in rediscovering the quantum computer
through machine's introspection. 

But I am left with one nagging question.

I really hope so Joel. My strongest goal with UDA is to show that
computationalism or mechanism does not solve *per se* the mind
body problem. Quite the contrary. Before UDA you can believe there
is only a consciousness problem, after UDA you got a body problem
too. Understanding comp consists in understanding that matter/space
/time is necessarily not obvious and must be recovered from the
space of all computations as seen as some internal points of views. 
I told you that my UD or your MUCA or Schmidhuber's Great Programmer, ...
are not the solution, there are only steps
toward a mathematical *formulation* of the problem.

Of course the formulation gives insight, (the reversal)... and 
that's nothing compare to the arithmetisation of that formulation,  
weird quantum logics, but that's technical ... (if you know modal logic
search for LASE in the archive).

1) Where is Time?

Time is *the* first person concept par excellence. It is linked
with intuition, consciousness, but also construction, and truth.
The arithmetical translation of UDA let me hope that time is captured
by the modal logic known in the literature as S4Grz.

1a) What governs the trajectory of one's awareness through all his/her
possible states?

The geometry generated by the notion of proximity on the (maximal ?)
consistent extensions (our alternative completed futures).
Or if you prefer, what governs the possible trajectory of awaraness is
Schroedinger Equation. Our problem: extract it from the geometry above.

1c) How do I get from one state to another?

You 3-don't. You 1-do. This must be related to the geometry above.

1d) Isn't this awareness, and its motion path necessarily outside those
states and the Universal Dovetailer?

No. But perhaps you are close. A bizare thing is that if someone look
at a portion of a representation of UD*, he can say there is, in some sense,
 no awareness possible in that portion. 
And this remains true for all finite portions of UD*.
The meaning appears only when the whole UD* is considered. This is coherent
with the fact that the neighborhood of first person state are defined
on that limit. 

An image is that each instant, each observer moment perhaps, is defined
by a trip from the base of the cone (UD*) to the (non existing) top,
at infinite speed, just because we cannot be aware of the delays, nor
of any initial represention. 

Since I am into cellular automata, I always assumed that time is implemented
naturally... by the automaton... from one tick to the next - just like a

That's the integers sequence. No?

Can we really assume UD* exists?  

Unless you are finitist you can realise that with comp you cannot escape its
existence. You get UD* once you accept the existence of *all* natural numbers,
and all their describable relations.

But no problem without changing your mind. Abandoning comp by abandoning
arithmetical platonisme is a way like another :-) 

Doesn't it take Time to execute UD?

No. Only a concrete UD, concrete relatively to your most probable 
histories, will 

Re: UDA last question (was UDA step 9 10).

2001-07-06 Thread Saibal Mitra

Questions 1) and 1a) have been answered in this article:


Joel wrote:

 Bruno and fellow Everythingers...

 Sorry I've been disconnected for a while.  I think Bruno's last message
 really helped me to understand the Universal Dovetailer.

  Some of those computations will generate the 3-states corresponding
  to my preparing coffe 1-state. Because we accept comp. Now if I
  prepare a cup of coffee, my brain will go through a sequence of
  states (third person describable computational state, at the right
  level of description of myself). and I have pick one of those
  state---like in a duplication experiment).
  So the UD generates that state eventually (by going through a
  computation which emulates my doing or dreaming of doing that cup of

 So the Universal Dovetailer simply enumerates all possible states for
 (Whatever me is, is unimportant).  And somehow, these states are joined
 their similarity to one another, which allows (virtual) motion from one
 state to the next.

 So, if I am currently sitting in the state of sitting at my desk, I have
 several realities branching off from this one where in the next moments I
 rising from my chair, or still sitting at my desk, or petting a white

 But I am left with one nagging question:

 1) Where is Time?

 1a) What governs the trajectory of one's awareness through all his/her
 possible states?

 1b) What defines the current state?

 1c) How do I get from one state to another?

 1d) Isn't this awareness, and its motion path necessarily outside
 states and the Universal Dovetailer?

 Since I am into cellular automata, I always assumed that time is
 naturally... by the automaton... from one tick to the next - just like a

 Can we really assume UD* exists?  Doesn't it take Time to execute UD?


Re: First, Third Person and Continuum

2001-07-06 Thread Marchal

George Levy wrote:   (complete message below)

This illustrates the difference in the observations. Observing a spark
with no detonation has a probability of 0.25 for a third person observer
but 0.33 for a first person observer.

I agree, at least intuitively, with your reasoning.

But as you perhaps remember Jacques Mallah trapped me in some 
probability reasoning, and that motivated me more for
my arithmetical translation. Unfortunately this has led
only to the definition of the particular case of probability
one. Still, it is striking that such probability has some
important quantum features.

Most of the time I agree with your reasoning, although I cannot
say I am sure (but then I am sure of nothing!).

Some of your dream comments are very nice, but I am
very far of being able to ask the sound machine (through
G or G*) what she thinks about that.

But it is interesting having different approach leading
to similar propositions.

The spark itself is neither a
first nor third person event. It is in-between.

But this, I'm not sure I understand.
Could you elaborate a little bit? Is there a relationship
with the first *plural* person, which makes
possible some intermediaries between the 1 and 3 person?


Original message:

In my opinion, the concept of first person and third person perspective
is really a special case of a continuum.

A first person observation of an event occurs when the event is 100%
coupled with the continued existence of the observer.
A third person observation of an event occurs when the coupling between
the event and the observer's existence is 0%.
A continuum of possibilities exists between the two. In Tegmark suicide
experiment for example, the observation of the very preliminary phase of
the experiment is third person. The observation of the non-explosion of
the pack of dynamite is first person.

Modifying that experiment slightly, let's say that the detonation of the
deadly explosive is intended if a quantum coin lands tail. Let's say the
the mechanism operates  in two steps in rapid non-observable succession
with the following probabilities:.
1) A 50% chance p1 that the electrical circuit fires, which is a
function of the outcome states of the coin. If or when the circuit fires
it generates a visible spark  intended to trigger the explosive.
2) A 50% chance p2 that the chemical responds to the spark and
detonates. (because it is (quantum?) wet for example)

Here is the Third Person Perspective:

Coin Head - Probability = (1-p1) = 0.50

Coin Tail = Spark = Non Detonation;  Probability = (1-p1)(1-p2) =

Coin Tail = Spark = Detonation; Probability = (1-p1)p2 = 0.25

The third person probability of live outcome is (1-p1) + (1-p1)(1-p2) =

The First Person Perspective is obtained by normalizing the third person
probabilities such that the sum of the live outcomes equals 1.

Coin Head = Probability =  (1-p1)/((1-p1) + (1-p1)(1-p2)) = 0.50/0.75 =

Coin Tail = Spark = Non Detonation; Probability = (1-p1)(1-p2)/((1-p1)
+ (1-p1)(1-p2)) = 0.33

Coin Tail = Spark = Detonation; Probability = 0.0

This illustrates the difference in the observations. Observing a spark
with no detonation has a probability of 0.25 for a third person observer
but 0.33 for a first person observer. The spark itself is neither a
first nor third person event. It is in-between.