Many Fermis Interpretation Paradox -- So why aren't they here?

2002-09-30 Thread Tim May

If the alternate universes implied by the mainstream MWI (as opposed to 
variants like consistent histories) are actual in some sense, with 
even the slightest chance of communication between universes, then why 
have we not seen solid evidence of such communication?

Amongst the universes, many (many is a huge number, obviously)  of 
them will be way ahead of us. Some will have had galactic civilizations 
for a billion years. Some will be versions of Earth except that the 
Egyptians pioneered electronics and hence the world is a few thousand 
years ahead of our world...even assuming time is commensurate with 

And so on. You can all imagine the rich possibilities.

If these universes are even remotely able to affect each other, through 
perhaps enormously advanced technology, then the vast number of such 
possible worlds would suggest that at least some of them have figured 
out how to do so.

And yet they aren't here. No visitors from alternate universes. No 
signals sent in, a la Benford's Timescape.

Perhaps we don't know how to listen. Perhaps there are so many possible 
universes to potentially visit that we just haven't been gotten to yet. 
Perhaps in a multiverse of so many possibilities, ours is just not an 
interesting destination. Maybe there's a kind of MWI censorship going 
on: since we are still debating the validity of MWI, we obviously are 
in a universe where MWI has not been proved through such a visit.

(There are many divergent series here, making even crude estimates 
difficult and probably worthless.)


--Tim May Prime, resident of Earth Prime

Re: Many Fermis Interpretation Paradox -- So why aren't they here?

2002-09-30 Thread Russell Standish

It could just mean that communication between the universes is
impossible. Which is not surprising, really, as the division between
universes in the MWI is what allows conscious thought to exist.

It is perhaps of more interest to other multi-universe scenarios that
are independent of the anthropic principle - I'm thinking here of
Smolin's black hole universes, and also patches that lie outside our
lightcone, which is almost the same thing. There is a cosmic
censorship conjecture, that singularities can never be naked. Perhaps
the Fermi Where are they argument almost proves the case.


Tim May wrote:
 If the alternate universes implied by the mainstream MWI (as opposed to 
 variants like consistent histories) are actual in some sense, with 
 even the slightest chance of communication between universes, then why 
 have we not seen solid evidence of such communication?
 Amongst the universes, many (many is a huge number, obviously)  of 
 them will be way ahead of us. Some will have had galactic civilizations 
 for a billion years. Some will be versions of Earth except that the 
 Egyptians pioneered electronics and hence the world is a few thousand 
 years ahead of our world...even assuming time is commensurate with 
 And so on. You can all imagine the rich possibilities.
 If these universes are even remotely able to affect each other, through 
 perhaps enormously advanced technology, then the vast number of such 
 possible worlds would suggest that at least some of them have figured 
 out how to do so.
 And yet they aren't here. No visitors from alternate universes. No 
 signals sent in, a la Benford's Timescape.
 Perhaps we don't know how to listen. Perhaps there are so many possible 
 universes to potentially visit that we just haven't been gotten to yet. 
 Perhaps in a multiverse of so many possibilities, ours is just not an 
 interesting destination. Maybe there's a kind of MWI censorship going 
 on: since we are still debating the validity of MWI, we obviously are 
 in a universe where MWI has not been proved through such a visit.
 (There are many divergent series here, making even crude estimates 
 difficult and probably worthless.)
 --Tim May Prime, resident of Earth Prime

A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 ()
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Re: Many Fermis Interpretation Paradox -- So why aren't they here?

2002-09-30 Thread r strasser
Let's consider Tim May's question, "why have we not seen solid evidence of such communication," and Russell Standish's statement, "It could just mean that communication between the "universes" is impossible."  Now lets list the relevant constants andsome interpretationsof quantum theory as they could apply to the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics (Everett). 1. The theory mandates multiple states for every particle in existence. 2. The collapse model says our observations affect the outcome of experiments: it assigns a central role to consciousness. 3. Photons, electrons, and other subatomic particles are not hard and indivisible. They behave as both waves and particles. 4. Particles can appear out of nothing - a pure void - and disappear again. 5. Physicists have teleported atoms and moved them from one place to another without passing through intervening space. 6. A single particle occupies not just one position, but exists here, there, and many places in between. 7. Quantum theory must hold at every level of reality - not just the subatomic world (David Deutsch). 8. The double slit experiment offers a rare example of two overlapping realities, in which photons in one universe interfere with those in another. 9. All quantum states are equally real, and if we see only one result of an experiment, other versions of us must see all the remaining possibilities. 10. "I don't think there are any interpretations of quantum theory other than many worlds.The others deny reality." (David Deutsch).   Given the constants and some interpretations of quantum theory, I would like a wide variety of views on what's theoretically required to communicate with "many worlds," and what would present "solid evidence of such communication."  For starters, let's consider David Deutsch's conjecture: "In fact, says Deutsch, a quantum computer could in theory perform a calculation requiring more steps than there are atoms in the entire universe. To do that, the computer would have to be manipulating and storing all that information somewhere. Computation is, after all, a physical process; it uses real resources, matter and energy. But if those resources exceed the amount available in our universe, then the computer would have to be drawing on the resources of other universes. So Deutsch feels that if such a computer is built, the case for many worlds will be compelling."  -Bob Strasser   - Original Message - From: Russell Standish Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 6:49 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Many Fermis Interpretation Paradox -- So why aren't they here? It could just mean that communication between the "universes" isimpossible. Which is not surprising, really, as the division between"universes" in the MWI is what allows conscious thought to exist.It is perhaps of more interest to other multi-universe scenarios thatare independent of the anthropic principle - I'm thinking here ofSmolin's black hole universes, and also patches that lie outside ourlightcone, which is almost the same thing. There is a "cosmiccensorship conjecture", that singularities can never be naked. Perhapsthe Fermi "Where are they argument" almost proves the case.CheersTim May wrote:  If the alternate universes implied by the mainstream MWI (as opposed to  variants like consistent histories) are "actual" in some sense, with  even the slightest chance of communication between universes, then why  have we not seen solid evidence of such communication?  Amongst the universes, many ("many" is a huge number, obviously) of  them will be way ahead of us. Some will have had galactic civilizations  for a billion years. Some will be versions of Earth except that the  Egyptians pioneered electronics and hence the world is a few thousand  years "ahead" of our world...even assuming time is commensurate with  ours.  And so on. You can all imagine the rich possibilities.  If these universes are even remotely able to affect each other, through  perhaps enormously advanced technology, then the vast number of such  possible worlds would suggest that at least some of them have figured  out how to do so.  And yet they aren't here. No visitors from alternate universes. No  signals sent in, a la Benford's "Timescape."  Perhaps we don't know how to listen. Perhaps there are so many possible  universes to potentially visit that we just haven't been gotten to yet.  Perhaps in a multiverse of so many possibilities, ours is just not an  interesting destination. Maybe there's a kind of MWI censorship going  on: since we are still debating the validity of MWI, we obviously are  in a universe where MWI has not been proved through such a visit.  (There are many divergent series here, making even crude estimates  difficult and probably worthless.)  Hmmm   --Tim May Prime, resident of Earth Prime A/Prof Russell Standish DirectorHigh Performance