re:Re: QM not (yet, at least) needed to explain why we can't experience other minds

2002-12-27 Thread Marchal Bruno
Dear Stephen,

When you say:

We might not be able to know what it is like to be a bat
but surely we could know what it is like to be an ameoba!

It is amusing because I describe often---for exemple my thesis
or my whole
work as an attempt to know what it is like to be an amoeba.
In my thesis I express myself exactly like that.
I am thinking for sure to a self-dividing amoeba, and that's what
has lead me to the comp indeterminacy.
Frankly if you know what it does look like to be an amoeba,
even in between self-divisions, you should try to describe it!

Bruno, I am still not convinced that the statements that If 
we are consistent machine we cannot know which machine we are 
and Godel's and Lob's incompleteness prevent us to identify
any intuitive first person knowledge with objective third person
communicable statements mutes my question since it seems that
it makes my predicament much worse! It seems that your idea 
prevents me from knowing what it is like to be a bat by not 
allowing me to have any 1-person certainty at all.

I don't see why. You can still have a lot of 1-person certainties.
It is just that 'knowing which machine you are' is not among them.
But you can keep the 1-certainty that 1+1 = 2, or that there is no
integers p and q such that p/q = sqrt(2), etc.
You can *bet* that you are well defined at such or such level of
description, but you cannot consistently assert you can prove
being well-defined at those levels. (A non-computationalist just
pretend that there are no such levels, not even the quantum one
because the quantum level is emulable classicaly).

All what follows from Godel in this setting is that you cannot 
consistently ascribe univocally a well defined machine to your
1-person experience. Once you bet on a level, you can ascribe 
to your experience an infinite vague sets of machines, though. 
Those machines are going through an infinite vague set of 
histories. I should have said perhaps that
you cannot know *precisely* which machine you are.

(Z1* should provide, by construction, the geometry of that vagueness).

Best Regards,


Re: Quantum Probability and Decision Theory

2002-12-27 Thread Joao Leao

Thanks for clarifying that point. I take it it was a misprint. I am new to
this list and am still trying to understand what you guys are talking about.
Forgive me if I pick on you but your interventions seem to me the most lucid
of the ones I have read thus far! I have two naive comments at this stage:

1) I am as puzzled with your suspicion that all minds are quantum mechanical
as I would perhaps be with the obverse suspicion that all minds are classical
mechanical! Both seem to me rather vaccuous statements since we don't
really yet have a theory, classical or quantum or whathaveyou , of what a
mind is or does. I don't mean an emprirical, or verifiable, or decidable
or merely speculative theory! I mean ANY theory. Please show me I
am wrong if you think otherwise.

2) I deduce from your web pages that you are curious about and sympathetic
of daring spaculations on these frontier matters. So am I. But you are
and abler than me if you understand Kitada's papers. It may just be that he
expresses himself so poorely in english that the ideas don't quite come
He appears to believe in something like a quantum origin of abstract concepts

which is an interesting subject, at least to me. Maybe you can explain how
this comes out of his internal time! I fail to see the chain of reasoning...



Stephen Paul King wrote:

 Dear Joao,

 Forgive me if my writting gave you that opinion. I meant to imply that
 any mind, including that of a bat, is quantum mechanical and not classical
 in its nature. My ideas follow the implications of Hitoshi Kitada's theory
 of Local Time.

 Kindest regards,


 - Original Message -
 From: Joao Leao [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Stephen Paul King [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:47 PM
 Subject: Re: Quantum Probability and Decision Theory

  I am sorry but I have to ask: why would minds be quantum
  mechanical but bat minds be classical  in your suspicions?
  I am not sure I am being batocentric here but I can anticipate
  a lot of bats waving their wings in disagreament...
  Stephen Paul King wrote:
   Yes. I strongly suspect that minds are quantum mechanical. My
   arguement is at this point very hand waving, but it seems to me that if
   minds are purely classical when it would not be difficult for us to
   i.e. compute, what it is like to be a bat or any other classical mind.
  Joao Pedro Leao  :::  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
  1815 Massachussetts Av. , Cambridge MA 02140
  Work Phone: (617)-496-7990 extension 124
  VoIP Phone: (617)=384-6679
  Cell-Phone: (617)-817-1800
  All generalizations are abusive (specially this one!)


Joao Pedro Leao  :::  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
1815 Massachussetts Av. , Cambridge MA 02140
Work Phone: (617)-496-7990 extension 124
VoIP Phone: (617)=384-6679
Cell-Phone: (617)-817-1800
All generalizations are abusive (specially this one!)

Re: Quantum Probability and Decision Theory

2002-12-27 Thread Wei Dai
On Thu, Dec 26, 2002 at 08:21:38PM -0500, Stephen Paul King wrote:
 Forgive me if my writting gave you that opinion. I meant to imply that
 any mind, including that of a bat, is quantum mechanical and not classical
 in its nature. My ideas follow the implications of Hitoshi Kitada's theory
 of Local Time.

Please explain how your ideas follow from Hitoshi Kitada's theory
of Local Time. Keep in mind that most of us are not familiar with that 

Also, any quantum computer or physical system can be simulated by a
classical computer. So in theory, even if human minds are quanum
mechanical, we can simulate a complete human being from conception to
adulthood in a classical computer, and then copy him to another classical
computer, so the no-cloning theorem doesn't prevent copying of minds.

Besides, the no-cloning theorem only says that there's no method for
duplicating arbitrary quantum systems in such a way that no statistical
test can tell the difference between the original and the copy. There is
no evidence that the information that can't be copied are crucial to the
workings of a human mind. I think current theories of how the brain works
have its information stored in macroscopic states such as neuron
connections and neurotransmitter concentrations, which can be copied.

Re: Quantum Probability and Decision Theory

2002-12-27 Thread Stephen Paul King
Dear Wei,


- Original Message -
To: Stephen Paul King [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: Quantum Probability and Decision Theory

 On Thu, Dec 26, 2002 at 08:21:38PM -0500, Stephen Paul King wrote:
  Forgive me if my writting gave you that opinion. I meant to imply
  any mind, including that of a bat, is quantum mechanical and not
  in its nature. My ideas follow the implications of Hitoshi Kitada's
  of Local Time.

 Please explain how your ideas follow from Hitoshi Kitada's theory
 of Local Time. Keep in mind that most of us are not familiar with that


It is hard for me to condense the theory of Local Time, it is better to
refer you to Hitoshi Kitada's papers. You will find them here:

 Also, any quantum computer or physical system can be simulated by a
 classical computer.


Bruno has made similar statements and I do not understand how this is
true. I have it from multiple sources that this is not true. Do you recall
the famous statement by Richard Feynman regarding the exponential slowdown
of classical system attempting to simulate QM systems?  Let me quote from a
paper by Karl Svozil et al:

4  Summary
We have reviewed several options for a classical ``understanding'' of
quantum mechanics. Particular emphasis has been given to techniques for
embedding quantum universes into classical ones. The term ``embedding'' is
formalized here as usual. That is, an embedding is a mapping of the entire
set of quantum observables into a (bigger) set of classical observables such
that different quantum observables correspond to different classical ones
The term ``observables'' here is used for quantum propositions, some of
which (the complementary ones) might not be co-measurable, see Gudder [14].
It might therefore be more appropriate to conceive these ``observables'' as
``potential observables.'' After a particular measurement has been chosen,
some of these observables are actually determined and others (the
complementary ones) become ``counterfactuals'' by quantum mechanical means;
cf. Schrödinger's catalogue of expectation values [42]. For classical
observables, there is no distinction between ``observables'' and
``counterfactuals,'' because everything can be measured precisely, at least
in principle.

We should mention also a caveat. The relationship between the states of a
quantum universe and the states of a classical universe into which the
former one is embedded is beyond the scope of this paper.

As might have been suspected, it turns out that, in order to be able to
perform the mapping from the quantum universe into the classical one
consistently, important structural elements of the quantum universe have to
be sacrificed:

  Since per definition, the quantum propositional calculus is
nondistributive (nonboolean), a straightforward embedding which preserves
all the logical operations among observables, irrespective of whether or not
they are co-measurable, is impossible. This is due to the quantum mechanical
feature of complementarity.
  One may restrict the preservation of the logical operations to be valid
only among mutually orthogonal propositions. In this case it turns out that
again a consistent embedding is impossible, since no consistent meaning can
be given to the classical existence of ``counterfactuals.'' This is due to
the quantum mechanical feature of contextuality. That is, quantum
observables may appear different, depending on the way by which they were
measured (and inferred).
  In a further step, one may abandon preservation of lattice operations such
as not and the binary and and or operations altogether. One may merely
require the preservation of the implicational structure (order relation). It
turns out that, with these provisos, it is indeed possible to map quantum
universes into classical ones. Stated differently, definite values can be
associated with elements of physical reality, irrespective of whether they
have been measured or not. In this sense, that is, in terms of more
``comprehensive'' classical universes (the hidden parameter models), quantum
mechanics can be ``understood.''

What this paper points out is that it is impossible to completely embed
a QM universe in a classical one. If, as you say, it is possible to
simulate quantum computer or physical system by a classical computer, then
we find outselves in an odd predicament.

  Let me quote from some other papers to reinforce my argument.


For over fifty years the Turing machine model of computation has defined

what it means to ''compute'' something; the foundations of the modern

theory of computing are based on it. Computers are reading text, recognizing

Re: The Mind (off topic, but then, is anything off topic on this list?)

2002-12-27 Thread Eric Hawthorne
See response attached as text file:

Joao Leao wrote:

Both seem to me rather vaccuous statements since we don't
really yet have a theory, classical or quantum or whathaveyou , of what a
mind is or does. I don't mean an emprirical, or verifiable, or decidable
or merely speculative theory! I mean ANY theory. Please show me I
am wrong if you think otherwise.

If you don't like my somewhat rambling ideas on the subject, below, perhaps try
A book by Steven Pinker called How the Mind Works. It's supposed to be pretty
good. I've got it but haven't read it yet.



What does a mind do?

A mind in an intelligent animal, such as ourselves, does the following:

1. Interprets sense-data and symbolically represents the objects, relationships, 
and more generally, situations that occur in its environment.
  Extra buzzwords: segmentation, individuation,
   cutting the world with a knife into this and not-this 
   (paraphrased from Zen  The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance)
2. Creates both specific models of specific situations and their constituents,
and abstracted, generalized models of important classes of situations and situation
constituents, using techniques such as cluster analysis, logical induction and 
bayesian inference (or effectively equivalent processes).
  Extra buzzwords: structure pump, concept formation, episodic memory 

3. Recognizes new situations, objects, relationships, processes as being instances
of already represented specific or generalized situations, objects, relationships, 

The details of the recognition processes vary across sensory domains, but probably
commonly use things like: matching at multiple levels of abstraction with feedback
between levels, massively parallel matching processes, abstraction lattices.

Extra buzzwords: patterns, pattern-matching, neural net algorithms, 
 constraint-logic-programming, associative recall

4. Builds up, through sense-experience, representation, and recognition processes, 
over time, an associatively interrelated library of symbolic+probabilistic models or 
micro-theories about contexts in the environment.

5. Holds micro-theories in degrees of belief. That is, in degrees of being considered
a good simple, corresponding, explanatory, successfully predictive model of some
aspect of the environment.

6. Adjusts degrees of belief through a continual process of theory extension,
hypothesis testing against new observations, incremental theory revision, assessment of
competing extended theories etc. In short, performs a mini, personalized equivalent
of the history of science forming the evolving set of well-accepted scientific 

Degree of belief in each micro-theory is influenced by factors such as: 

a. Repeated success of theory at prediction under trial against new observations

b. Internal logical consistency of theory.

c. Lack of inconsistency with new observations and with other micro-theories of 
identical or constituent-sharing contexts.

d. Generation of large numbers of general and specific propositions which are
deductively derived from the assumptions of the theory, and which are independently
verified as being corresponding to observations. 

e. Depth and longevity of embedding of the theory in the knowledge base. i.e.
the extent to which repeated successful reasoning from the theory has resulted in the 
theory becoming a basis theory or theory justifying other extended or analogous 
theories in the knowledge base. 

7. Creates alternative possible world models (counterfactuals or hypotheticals),
by combining abstracted models with episodic models but with variations generated
through the use of substitution of altered or alternative constituent entities,
sequences of events, etc.

 Extra buzzwords: Counterfactuals, possible worlds, modal logic, dreaming 

8. Generates, and ranks for likelihood, extensions of episodic models into the future,
using stereotyped abstract situation models with associated probabilities to predict
the next likely sequences of events, given the part of the situation that has
been observed to unfold so far.
9. Uses the extended and altered models, (hypotheticals, counterfactuals), as a context
in which to create and pre-evaluate through simulation the likely effectiveness of 
plans of action designed to alter the course of future events to the material 
advantage of the animal.

10. Chooses a plan. Acts on the world according to the plan, either indirectly, 
through communication with other motivated intelligent agents, or directly by 
controlling its own body and using tools.

10a. Communicates with other motivated intelligent agents to assist it in carrying
out plans to affect the environment:
Aspects of the communication process:
- Model (represent and simulate) the knowledge, motivations and reasoning processes of