Re: observation selection effects

2004-10-10 Thread Jesse Mazer
John M wrote:
Dear Kory,
your argument pushed me off balance. I checked your table and found
it absolutely true. Then it occurred to me that you made the same
assumption as in my post shortly prior to yours:
a priviledge of "ME" to switch, barring the others.
I continued your table to situations when the #2 player is switching and
then when #3 is doing it - all the way to all 3 of us did switch and found
that such extension of the case returns the so called 'probability' to the
uncalculable (especially if there are more than 3 players) like a many -
many body problem.
Why would it matter if the other players switch? Based on the description of 
the game at I thought the "winning flip" was 
determined solely by what each player's original flip was, not what their 
final bet was. In other words, if two players get heads and the other gets a 
tails, then the winning flip is automatically tails, even if the two players 
who got heads switch their bet to tails.

Assuming this is true, it's pretty easy to see why it's better to 
switch--although it makes sense to say the winning flip is equally likely to 
be heads or tails *before* anyone flips, seeing the result of your own 
coinflip gives you additional information about what the winning flip is 
likely to be. If I get heads, I know the only possible way for the winning 
flip to be heads would be if both the other players got tails, whereas the 
winning flip will be tails if the other two got heads *or* if one got heads 
and the other got tails.


Re: observation selection effects

2004-10-10 Thread Kory Heath
At 02:57 PM 10/10/2004, John M wrote:
Then it occurred to me that you made the same
assumption as in my post shortly prior to yours:
a priviledge of "ME" to switch, barring the others.
I think this pinpoints one of the confusions that's muddying up this 
discussion. Under the Flip-Flop rules as they were presented, the Winning 
Flip is determined before people switch, and the Winning Flip doesn't 
change based on how people switch. In that scenario, my table is correct, 
and there is no paradox.

We can also consider the variant in which the Winning Flip is determined 
after people decide whether or not to switch. But that game is functionally 
identical to the game where there is no coin-toss at all - everyone just 
freely chooses Heads or Tails, then the Winning Flip is determined and the 
winners are paid. Flipping a coin, looking at it, and then deciding whether 
or not to switch it is identical to simply picking heads or tails! The 
coin-flips only matter in the first variant, where they determine the 
Winning Flip *before* people make their choices.

In this variant, it doesn't matter whether you switch or not (i.e. whether 
you choose heads or tails) - you are more likely to lose than win. We can 
use the same 3-player table we've been discussing to see that there are 
eight possible outcomes, and you only win in two of them. Once again, 
there's no paradox, although you might *feel* like there is one. You might 
reason that the Winning Flip is equally likely to be heads or tails, so no 
matter which one you pick, your odds of winning will be 50/50. What's 
missing from this logic is the recognition that no matter what you pick, 
your choice will automatically decrease the chances of that side being in 
the minority.

-- Kory

Re: observation selection effects

2004-10-10 Thread Kory Heath
At 04:47 PM 10/10/2004, Jesse Mazer wrote:
If I get heads, I know the only possible way for the winning flip to be 
heads would be if both the other players got tails, whereas the winning 
flip will be tails if the other two got heads *or* if one got heads and 
the other got tails.
I agree with this, but I want to add a subtle point: it's correct to switch 
*even if I haven't looked at my own coin*. That's because, despite the fact 
that I don't know whether my own coin is heads or tails, I know that, 
whichever it is, it's more likely to be in the majority than the minority.

That's not to say that *nobody* needs to look at my coin. In order to 
determine whether or not my choice to "switch" puts me in the heads or the 
tails group, *someone's* going to have to look at my coin. But the rules of 
the game allow me to pass off this act of looking to someone else - they 
essentially allow me to tell the casino worker "hey, take a look at my 
coin, will ya, and assign me to the opposite". The important point is that 
I can safely pass off this instruction to switch without even knowing the 
result of my coin-flip, because I know that, whatever my coin is, it's more 
likely to be in the majority group.

If we change the rules of the game slightly, and say that, instead of 
choosing whether or not to "switch", you have to actually choose "heads" or 
"tails", then, of course, you yourself do need to see the result of your 
own coin-flip.

-- Kory

re: observation selection effects

2004-10-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
You're right, as was discussed last week. It seems I clicked on the wrong 
thing in my email program and have re-sent an old post. My apologies for 
taking up the bandwidth!

From: Kory Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: re: observation selection effects
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 18:17:50 -0400
At 10:35 AM 10/9/2004, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
From the point of view of typical player, it would seem that there is not: 
the Winning Flip is as likely to be heads as tails, and if he played the 
game repeatedly over time, he should expect to break even, whether he 
switches in the final step or not.
That's not correct. While it's true that the Winning Flip is as likely to 
be heads as tails, it's not true that I'm as likely to be in the winning 
group as the loosing group. Look at the case when there are only three 
players. There are eight possible outcomes:

Me: H  Player 1: H  Player 2: H - WF: T
Me: H  Player 1: H  Player 2: T - WF: T
Me: H  Player 1: T  Player 2: H - WF: T
Me: H  Player 1: T  Player 2: T - WF: H
Me: T  Player 1: H  Player 2: H - WF: T
Me: T  Player 1: H  Player 2: T - WF: H
Me: T  Player 1: T  Player 2: H - WF: H
Me: T  Player 1: T  Player 2: T - WF: H
I am in the winning group in only two out of these eight cases. So my 
chances of winning if I don't switch are 1/4, and my chances of winning if 
I do switch are 3/4. There's no paradox here.

-- Kory
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Re: observation selection effects

2004-10-10 Thread Kory Heath
At 07:17 PM 10/10/2004, Kory Heath wrote:
We can also consider the variant in which the Winning Flip is determined 
after people decide whether or not to switch.
In a follow-up to my own post, I should point out that your winning chances 
in this game depend on how your opponents are playing. If all of your 
opponents are playing randomly, then you have a negative expectation no 
matter what you do. If your opponents are not playing randomly, then you 
may be able to exploit patterns in their play to generate a positive 

-- Kory

The FLip Flop Game

2004-10-10 Thread Norman Samish

In one version of Flip Flop, each of an odd number of players simply flips a
coin.  The majority result, heads or tails, pays the casino $1 each while
the minority result gets paid $2 each.  Based on these rules, I worked out
Kory's tables for 3, 5, 7 and 9 players.

The results show that the player's expectation changes according to how many
players there are.

For example, if there are 3 players then the long-term odds are that each
game costs each player 25 cents.  If there are 5 players, the average cost
goes down to 6.3 cents per game.  If there are 7 players, they make on the
average 3.1 cents per game.  If there are 9 players  they make about 9 cents
per game.

It isn't clear to me why this should be so.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kory Heath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: observation selection effects

At 07:17 PM 10/10/2004, Kory Heath wrote:
>We can also consider the variant in which the Winning Flip is determined
>after people decide whether or not to switch.

In a follow-up to my own post, I should point out that your winning chances
in this game depend on how your opponents are playing. If all of your
opponents are playing randomly, then you have a negative expectation no
matter what you do. If your opponents are not playing randomly, then you
may be able to exploit patterns in their play to generate a positive

-- Kory