2006-08-17 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 16-août-06, à 18:36, Tom Caylor a écrit :

 I noticed that you slipped in infinity (infinite collection of
 computations) into your roadmap (even the short roadmap).  In the
 technical posts, if I remember right, you said that at some point we
 were leaving the constructionist realm.  But are you really talking
 about infinity?  It is easy to slip into invoking infinity and get away
 with it without being noticed.  I think this is because we are used to
 it in mathematics.  In fact, I want to point out that David Nyman
 skipped over it, perhaps a case in point.  But then you brought it up
 again here with aleph_zero, and 2^aleph_zero, so it seems you are
 really serious about it.  I thought that infinities and singularities
 are things that physicists have dedicated their lives to trying to
 purge from the system (so far unsuccessfully ?) in order to approach a
 true theory of everything.  Here you are invoking it from the start.
 No wonder you talk about faith.

 Even in the realm of pure mathematics, there are those of course who
 think it is invalid to invoke infinity.  Not to try to complicate
 things, but I'm trying to make a point about how serious a matter this
 is.  Have you heard about the feasible numbers of V. Sazanov, as
 discussed on the FOM (Foundations Of Mathematics) list?  Why couldn't
 we just have 2^N instantiations or computations, where N is a very
 large number?

I would say infinity is all what mathematics is about. Take any theorem 
in arithmetic, like any number is the sum of four square, or there is 
no pair of number having a ratio which squared gives two, etc.
And I am not talking about analysis, or the use of complex analysis in 
number theory (cf zeta), or category theory (which relies on very high 
infinite) without posing any conceptual problem (no more than 
Even constructivist and intuitionist accept infinity, although 
sometimes under the form of potential infinity (which is all we need 
for G and G* and all third person point of view, but is not enough for 
having mathematical semantics, and then the first person (by UDA) is 
really linked to an actual infinity. But those, since axiomatic set 
theory does no more pose any interpretative problem.
True, I heard about some ultrafinitist would would like to avoid 
infinity, but until now, they do have conceptual problem (like the fact 
that they need notion of fuzzy high numbers to avoid the fact that for 
each number has a successor. Imo, this is just philosophical play 
having no relation with both theory and practice in math.

 The UDA is not precise enough for me, maybe because I'm a
 I'm waiting for the interview, via the roadmap.

UDA is a problem for mathematicians, sometimes indeed. The reason is 
that although it is a proof, it is not a mathematical proof. And some 
mathematician have a problem with non mathematical proof. But UDA *is* 
the complete proof. I have already explain on this list (years ago) 
that although informal, it is rigorous. The first version of it were 
much more complex and technical, and it has taken years to suppress 
eventually any non strictly needed difficulties.
I have even coined an expression the 1004 fallacy (alluding to Lewis 
Carroll), to describe argument using unnecessary rigor or abnormally 
precise term with respect to the reasoning.
So please, don't hesitate to tell me what is not precise enough for 
you. Just recall UDA is not part of math. It is part of cognitive 
science and physics, and computer science.
The lobian interview does not add one atom of rigor to the UDA, albeit 
it adds constructive features so as to make possible an explicit 
derivation of the physical laws (and more because it attached the 
quanta to extended qualia). Now I extract only the logic of the certain 
propositions and I show that it has already it has a strong quantum 
perfume, enough to get an arithmetical quantum logic, and then the 
rest gives mathematical conjectures. (One has been recently solved by a 
young mathematician).


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2006-08-17 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 16-août-06, à 18:04, David Nyman a écrit :

 Bruno Marchal wrote:

 The self-reference logics are born from the goal of escaping circular

 I think here I may have experienced a 'blinding flash' in terms of your
 project. If, as I've said, I begin from self-reference - 'indexical
 David', then I have asserted my 'necessary' point of origin.

Yes but this necessity will appear to be a first person necessity, 
and as such is not communicable, and even not capturable by the 
self-reference logic. Note that the fact that that necessity is first 
person explains probably why you want to take the first person as 
primitive at the start. Unfortunately, as Godel as seen as early as 
1933, the self-reference logic does not capture, neither the knower 
(the first person) nor the its necessity.
So, curiously enough (without doubt) formal provability capture only 
opinion or belief (we lack Bp - p, with B = formal proof). But 
that is what makes the Theaetetical definition of knowledge (true 
belief, or true proof, or true justified opinion) working in this aera, 
and leading then to a notion of (unameable) first person. We will come 
Of course, the more you will be precise, the more I can criticize you 
by comparing what you say with what G and G* says. That's normal.

 From this
 point of origin, I can interview myself (and entity-analogs simulated
 or modeled within myself) and consequently discover the statements that
 express my beliefs, the truth of which I can then evaluate in terms of
 my theology. This theology will derive its consistency from provable
 theorems, its relevance from generative and explanatory power (e.g.
 with respect to both 'physical' and 'appearance' povs) and its ultimate
 validity from faith in the number realm and the operations derived from
 it. So, in performing such a process I undertake a personal voyage
 through indexical reality, and never leave it, but there is no
 tautological circularity since it's a genuinely empirical exploration
 of the prior unknown, and what I discover could be totally surprising.

 Is grandma anywhere in the right area?

Very very close indeed.


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Re: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 16-août-06, à 22:54, John M a écrit :

 But 2 is just another notation for xx.

 Why is x 'just another notation for 2? or
 why is xx not (just) a notation of 3?

Mathematician have all the right! As a mathematician you are free to 
name the number two as you want. *polite* mathematician, or just those 
who want to be as simple as possible will try to use the more standard 
notation. naming 3 by xx could be confusing in that respect.

 (because Peano said so?)

There is no authoritative argument in math. There are fashion, 
prejudice, stubbornness and many human things like that, but nobody 
serious in math will believe something because the boss said so.


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The anti-roadmap - an alternative 'Theology'

2006-08-17 Thread David Nyman

Comp is false. Let's see where *that* leads. I'm erecting
this as a signpost to indicate a direction, and I would beg the
list's indulgence in helping me to look in this direction, rather
than confining its comments to the ramshackle construction of the
signpost itself. My hope is that you will help me to expose whatever is
untrue or confused about what follows (I'm sure you will!). But I
hope you will also 'catch my drift'.

1)  The bit-stream

Comp deals with a bit-stream representation of appearance. The theorems
of comp process this bit-stream in terms of a formal system, creating a
framework within which 'true or 'false' theorems may be
evaluated. This system is by its nature closed, or tautological. The
statements that can be made, their 'truth' or 'falsehood', are
inherent in the axiomatic and operational characteristics of the formal
system as applied to the bit-stream.

2)  The instantiation

In order to implement the comp approach, an instantiation is required
that will represent the bit-stream and enact the formal operations. The
Turing machine is an idealised version of such an instantiation. A
digital computer is a physical version of a TM. Consequently comp may
be instantiated in a digital computer, and copied in innumerable media
that suitably preserve its informational structure.

3)  Dimensionality

The bit-stream is 'pure' information and as such is 0-dimensional.
Multi-dimensionality emerges only at the level of the active
instantiation of the bit-stream. Consequently what is Turing-emulable
is the bit-stream (which includes a statement of the required formal
operations - i.e. the program) and because this emulation is
0-dimensional, it is indifferent to form ('substrate-independent').
Also because it is 0-dimensional, it is inherently powerless to
interact directly with multi-dimensional reality. All such interaction
takes place because what is implicit in the bit-stream is rendered
explicit by its multi-dimensional instantiation. Although we may speak
metaphorically (i.e. 'as if' projecting 'form' on to it) of the
bit-stream as 'representational' in a virtual 0-dimensional sense,
this is powerless as such to cause any interaction with the
multi-dimensional environment. To do this requires that additional
information, merely implicit in the bit-stream, is rendered explicit by
the instantiation.

If we consider an 'intelligent program' instantiated in a digital
computer, 'explicit form' - multi-dimensionality - is 'added
back' at the interfaces where the machine interacts with the external
environment. For example, a display device transforms the bit-stream
into pixels in a 2-dimensional arrangement. At the next 'layer' up,
a user decides whether to interpret the 2-dimensional arrangements
semantically (i.e. 'these are symbols') or graphically (i.e.
'this is a quasi-3-dimensional scene'). Up another layer, and the
user transforms these judgements into direct interaction with a
multi-dimensional environment.

All pure bit-stream representations rely on implicit environmental
assumptions in order to 'execute' as intended. DNA, for example,
relies for its expression both on its multi-dimensional orientation in
space, and the materials present in the local environment. This
information is not present, though implicit, in the codons, but is
*made explicit* by the environment that instantiates them.

4)  Form

The 'physical' description of the world, as I was rightly reminded
by Peter, has no significant layering (well, perhaps it does, but more
later). Appearance, however, displays complex layering, and as we have
seen, this also 'appears' to extend to the intelligibility of the
world in which we 'appear' to participate. 'Form' and
'layering' somehow emerge from whatever the physical model
describes as a bit-stream. When we experience and interact with the
world, we do so in a way that is inherently multi-dimensional. What is
represented in this way is directly 'grasped' or 'enacted'
(i.e. represented, structured) in multi-dimensional 'form' and
unfolded by multi-dimensional 'motor units' into action in a
multi-dimensional world. This is both what makes it non-invariant to
Turing-emulation, and gives it its direct multi-dimensional linkage to
enaction in multi-dimensional environments. Certainly, 0-dimensional
bit-stream representations and pathways are entailed in such processes,
but they serve to store and transmit information, not to enact its
meaning or its consequences in the world  - i.e. its intentionality
as information-put-into-action.

5)  Correlation

How is the above to be correlated with the physical or bit-stream
representation? Through appropriate forms. We already know this from
the fertility of 'laws of form' that are intrinsic to science as
practised - whether physical, chemical, biological, physiological,
psychological, sociological, and so on up the 'levels'. At each
level, 'laws of form' are abstracted that render this world-view

Re: Platonism vs Realism WAS: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 17-août-06, à 00:14, complexitystudies a écrit :

 Again we are discussing the arithmetical realism (which I just 

 A bold assumption, if I may say so.

Frankly I don't think so. Set platonism can be considered as a bold 
assumption, but number platonism, as I said you need a sophisticated 
form of finitism to doubt it. I recall it is just the belief that the 
propositions of elementary arithmetic are independent of you. Do you 
sincerley belief that 37 could be a non prime number? Or that the 
square root of 2 can equal to a ratio of two integers?
Or that if you run a program fortran it could neither stop nor not 
stop?  (When all the default assumption are on, to evacuate contingent 
stopping of a machine implemented in some deep story)?

 But my exploration into cognitive neuroscience has exposed to me
 how mathematical thinking comes about, and that it is indeed not
 separable from our human brains.

I have not yet seen a book on human brain which does not presuppose the 
understanding of the natural numbers. Note just for using the index, 
but in the neuronal explanation themselves, implicitly or explicitly.
Eventually with comp the brain itself appears as a construct of the 
mind. The mathematical mind of the Lobian machines. Those are the 
self-referentially correct universal (sufficiently chatty) machines.

 Numbers are symbols we create in our minds to communicate with
 fellow individuals about things of importance to us.

Numbers are not symbol. Symbols can be used to talk about numbers, but 
they should not be confused with numbers.

 To paraphrase Descartes very liberally:
 We group, therefore we can count.

 Our act of arbitrary grouping (made a bit less arbitrary by
 evolution, which makes us group things which are good to
 our survival, like gazelles and spears or berries) let's us
 count and communicate the number.

The notion of same number seems to have occur much before we 
discovered counting. Farmers have most probably learn to compare the 
size of the herds of sheep without counting, just by associating each 
sheep from one herd to the another. But this as nothing to do with the 
fact that sheeps were countable before humans learn to count it.
Humans and brains learn to count countable things because they are 
I think you are confusing the subject or object of math, and the human 
mathematical theories, which are just lantern putting a tiny light on 
the subject.

If numbers and their math was really invented, why should 
mathematicians hide some results, like Pythagoras with the 
irrationality of the square root of two, ... As David Deutsch says: 
math kicks back.

 For the universe one apple may not exist, because in effect
 there are only quarks interacting. And at this level indeterminacy
 strikes mercilessly, making it all but meaningless to count quarks.

You will not find a book explaining that meaninglessness without 
taking for granted the idea of counting at the start.

 Also, concepts like infinity are most definitely not universal
 concepts out there, but products of our mind.

I doubt any mind could ever produce infinity.

 Of course, symbolisms are arbitrary, but physical instantiation makes
 all the difference.

(note that my goal consists in explaining physical instantiation 
without using physical things at all. My point is that if we 
postulate comp, then we have to do this).

 Note that if you understand the whole UDA,

 Unfortunately, not yet, but I'm reading!

Ah, ok. UDA mainly shows that the mind-body problem is two times more 
difficult than most materialist are thinking. Indeed, with comp, matter 
can no more be explained by postulating a physical world. I let you 
discover that, and feel free to ask questions if you have a problem 
with UDA.

 you should realize that the
 price of assuming a physical universe (and wanting it to be related
 with our experiences *and* our experiments) is to postulate that you
 (and us, if you are not solipsistic) are not turing emulable. No

 Why is that so? Could you clarify this issue?

It is really the point of the UDA. It shows that computationalism (the 
idea that I am a digitalizable machine) is incompatible with weak 
materialism (the idea that there is a primary stuff or matter or 
aristotelian substances).

 Absolutely. But I think we have to start with our assumptions and
 try to scrutinize them very carefully. After all, we want to devote
 our minds to problems arising out of them during our lives, and
 thus the initial choice should not be made rashly, but only after
 careful review of our current body of knowledge.

OK, but don't forget that here the idea is also to get some 
contradiction from hypotheses, so as to abandon them.
But until now, comp leads only to weirdness, not contradiction. And 
then that weirdness seems to explain the quantum weirdness ... 
Intuitively and qualitatively (already by UDA), and then technically 
through the 

Re: Platonism vs Realism WAS: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread 1Z

Bruno Marchal wrote:
 Le 17-août-06, à 00:14, complexitystudies a écrit :

  Again we are discussing the arithmetical realism (which I just
  A bold assumption, if I may say so.

 Frankly I don't think so. Set platonism can be considered as a bold
 assumption, but number platonism, as I said you need a sophisticated
 form of finitism to doubt it. I recall it is just the belief that the
 propositions of elementary arithmetic are independent of you.

Arithemtical Platonism is the belief that mathematical
structures *exist* independently of you,
not just that they are true independently of you.

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Re: Dual-Aspect Science

2006-08-17 Thread 1Z

Colin Geoffrey Hales wrote:
 A lot of the dialog below is a mismatch of ideas which indicates that I
 have underestimated the degree of difficulty to be expected in getting the
 idea of hierarchical structures across. Nevetheless..

  I think you are assuming a separateness of structure that does not
  It obviously does exist , up to a point. I am separate form this
  (and let's not confuse separateness and difference...)

 If space and matter (have a look at the cover of this weeks NewScientist)
 are different expressions of a single structure then you and space are

If they are different substructures within a further (different)
they are also unified, in that sense and to that extent.

The contentious claims here are:
a) That being multiple instances of the same structure is the only
way things can be unified.

b) Things unified in that sense are devoid of any difference or

  It is that unification that is at the heart of qualia production,
 for qualia result as another feature of the underlying structure.

  There is one and one only structure.
  If you want ot look at it that way. But it is no
  undifferentiated within itself.

 Looking at it like that is the only way that makes any sense.

So you say. You have not said anythign at all about what
makes the alternatives nonsensical.

  We are all part of it. There is no
  concept of 'separate' to be had.
  yes there is: spatial separation.

 See above.

Doesn't address the point.

  Absolutely everything is included in the
  structure. No exceptions. Space, atoms, scientists, qualia. All
  interactions at all 'scales' (scale itself) are all interactions between
  different parts of the one structure. To interact at all is to interact
  with another part of the structure.
  another in what sense ? You just said there is *no* concept
  of separation.

 eg. Matter passes through space. It is interacting with itself. Matter
 'looks' separate to space, but deep down its not. The appearance of
 separateness is how it is presented to us.

It is entirely possible that they are unified deep down and
separate on the surface. Separation need not be dismissed
as appearance.

   The idea of there being anything else
  ('not' the structure) is meaningless. If there is any 'thing' in the
  structure then the balance of the structure expressed a perfect
  There is nothing else. That is the coincept I am exploring.
  None of that has anything to do with your claim that there is
  a single *type* of structure, and that everything is composed of
  recursive combinations of its instances.
  It may be the case that everything is ultimately part of one strucutre,
  that does not imply that everything within the Great Strucutre is

 The structure is hierarchical layers of organisation only. Members of a
 layer share morphological invariance to some characteristics of layer
 layer. Properties are inherited by child layers from paretn layers. All
 the layers are contained by each other.

How very c++-ey.

 Do you have any evidence, or are you appelaing to the comfort
zone of Sofware Engineers ?

  Their presentation bestows intrinsic knowledge as a measurement to the
  embedded structure member called the scientist. This is knowledge as
  intrinsic intentionality.
  Are yu saying that qualia are marked by intentionality ?
  That would be novel.
  ,, qualia are intrinsic, consciously accessible, NON-INTENTIONAL
  features of sense-data and other non-physical phenomenal objects that
  are responsible for their phenomenal character.

 When we experience redness it is painted onto some'thing'.

Not if it is adream or hallucination ,
or the
result of pressing your eyeball.

  In _use_ it has
 intrinsic 'aboutness'.

Then that comes from the use, not the quale.

  In themselves they have none. At the instance of
 their creation they acquire intentionality _because_ they are meant for
 that very purpose - to inform 'aboutness'...That is the distinction I
 think useful.

  S.E.P, my emphasis.
  Within the experiences is regularity which can
  then be characterised as knowledge attributed to some identified
  in the structure. This attribution is only an attribution as to
  of the structure, not the structure. These attributions can be used by a
  another  scientist in their 'first person' world.
  I still think strcuture is an unhappy term for soemthign which
  cannot be reduced to abstract relations and behaviour.

 The structure can be abstracted and studied. But what you do is simulate
 it, not abstract it in the traditional sense, except to characterise the
 rules of the simulation and let them run. For example, one of the
 structural statistics that will fall out of analyses of the structure is G
 (graviatational const), another is the speed of light.and so on. The
 natural constants are statistics of the underlying 

Re: Rép : ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread 1Z

Bruno Marchal wrote:

  Note that if you understand the whole UDA, you should realize that the
  price of assuming a physical universe (and wanting it to be related
  with our experiences *and* our experiments) is to postulate that you
  (and us, if you are not solipsistic) are not turing emulable.
  Perhaps I misunderstood.  I thought it only implied that you were
  being turing emulated - not that you necessarily were.

 No, if comp is true you are certainly emulate (even before the

If comp and platonsim are both true.

 But if matter exists in a primary way (like Peter D. Jones describes
 it), then the UDA leads to our non turing emulability. UDA shows I am
 turing emulable = physics emerge from number relations.

The UDA might be capable of showing that somethign like
physics *would* emerge form a UD *if* it existed. But you
don't get the existence of a UD for free -- you have
to assume Platonism or something else.

If the UD doesn't exist, then physics is emerging from
something else, presumably matter.

The argument has to assume the necessary existence of the UD.
(If it is possible that the UD doesn't exist, it is possible
that physics is emerging from semething else)
It is difficult to see what would entail that  except Platonism.

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Re: Platonism vs Realism WAS: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread 1Z

Bruno Marchal wrote:
 Le 17-août-06, à 16:41, 1Z a écrit :

  Arithemtical Platonism is the belief that mathematical
  structures *exist* independently of you,
  not just that they are true independently of you.

 What is the difference between the proposition it exists a prime
 number is true independently of me, and the proposition it exists a
 prime number (independently of me)?

The contextual meaning of exists.

What is the difference between

Sherlock Holmes lives at 221B Baker Street


Sherlock Holmes lives ?

 I can see a nuance, and that is why I prefer to use the expression 
 Arithmetical Realism (AR) (and then I always define what I mean by
 that) instead of platonism (which I prefer to reserve when Plato is
 actually mentionned, like with the Theatetical definition of

A claim about truth as opposed to existence cannot
support the conclusion that matter does not actually exist.

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Re: The anti-roadmap - an alternative 'Theology'

2006-08-17 Thread jamikes

your post has wits. Yet it reminded me of 'atheism' which starts from the
belief it is supposed to deny. I am not an atheist, because I do not know
what to deny: what do people 'think' to call god?
My question to comp was (and I think it is different from your position):
Let me IN into learning about 'comp' from the outside, the 'no comp'
When you say: Comp is false you accepted it and argue about IT.
I ask What is comp - if I am outside the entire mindset and don't assume?

Bruno is VERY logical and knowledgeable, but his 'mindset' includes numbers
and mathematical thinking. I got a lot of good responses from him to my
questions and all started from some in theory assumption (e.g. 'assuming
comp', etc.). What if we do NOT assume it?

I asked about 'numbers' stripped from counting and quantities. Otherwise
they are only quantizing adjectives (6 what?). (Like the 'color green'?)
Pure mathematics works differently, it even substitutes the numbers with
other symbols (yes, 'symbols', if we do not think of the 'what').  I
differentiate an applied math in the sciences, working with quantities
identified within the limited topical models of the science. This is another
subject, - I want to concentrate here on the numbers concept.

Ideas 'exist' relationally (and some are translated into physical
(materialistic) features). To get to 'ideas' a receiving observer is
necessary with enough complexity to accept them.  (Then we (our mind)
interpret them into the perception of reality).
In my older thinking (prone to be revised) I defined my 'information'
concept as some difference 'accepted' into an observer. The difference can
be e.g. an electric (so called) potential and the acceptor )observer!) even
a polar(!) moelcule(!),  - or at a different level: a difference, like a
strange societal story is accepted by a reader of G.B.Shaw (observer).
(Existence in this ontology was the difference itself, observer anything
that accepts information.)

When the developing human 'mind' reached the complexity to identify
'numbers' the numbers enetered the human thinking. Does it make sense to
argue a homoiusion war whether they existed before they could be accepted?
For 'us' they started to exist when our mind became capable to 'accept' such
It is only semantical in our syntax to call this situation an invention.
It is only semantical in our syntax to call this situation an invention.
Then we started to count and think in quantities using the newly invented
'numbers'. But what are these 'numbers' without the counting and quantizing?

Do they have a quantitative original meaning? Originally the 'unit' was 2,
and '1' was half of it in certain cases. In my language which is older than
the Indo - European ones a man with 1 eye is half-eyed and with 1 hand or
foot i said to have lost his half hand or foot. Yet a man is 1, a sable is
1, not 2. Many was 5, seemingly from the fingers, and in Russian grammar
they have a dual case and a big plural above 5.  (Also: a 'unit' involves
more than one by its meaning).

David, I do not go all along your long post.
These remarks came to mind  - I don't write a dissertation.
Your idea was an intreresting one. My original reaction (above) was a
reminiscence to a 'believer's' challenge that I should 'disprove' god and my
answer was: only, if you prove something to exist can I refute it.

Best wishes

John Mikes

- Original Message -
From: David Nyman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Everything List
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:41 AM
Subject: The anti-roadmap - an alternative 'Theology'

 Comp is false. Let's see where *that* leads. I'm erecting
 this as a signpost to indicate a direction, and I would beg the
 list's indulgence in helping me to look in this direction, rather
 than confining its comments to the ramshackle construction of the
 signpost itself. My hope is that you will help me to expose whatever is
 untrue or confused about what follows (I'm sure you will!). But I
 hope you will also 'catch my drift'.

 1) The bit-stream

 Comp deals with a bit-stream representation of appearance. The theorems
 of comp process this bit-stream in terms of a formal system, creating a
 framework within which 'true or 'false' theorems may be
 evaluated. This system is by its nature closed, or tautological. The
 statements that can be made, their 'truth' or 'falsehood', are
 inherent in the axiomatic and operational characteristics of the formal
 system as applied to the bit-stream.

 2) The instantiation

 In order to implement the comp approach, an instantiation is required
 that will represent the bit-stream and enact the formal operations. The
 Turing machine is an idealised version of such an instantiation. A
 digital computer is a physical version of a TM. Consequently comp may
 be instantiated in a digital computer, and copied in innumerable media
 that suitably preserve its informational structure.

 3) Dimensionality

 The bit-stream 

RE: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Bruno Marchal writes:

 There is no authoritative argument in math. There are fashion, 
 prejudice, stubbornness and many human things like that, but nobody 
 serious in math will believe something because the boss said so.

Interesting: this marks mathematics as different from just about 
every other academic field.

Stathis Papaioannou
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RE: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Brent Meeker writes:

  Empirical science is universe-specific:  eg., any culture, no matter how 
  bizarre its psychology compared to ours, would work out that sodium 
  reacts exothermically with water in a universe similar to our own, but 
  not in a universe where physical laws and fundamental constants are 
  very different from what we are familiar with.
  Mathematical and logical truths, on the other hand, are true in all 
 But this is really ciruclar because we define possible in terms of obeying 
 rules of logic and reason.  I don't say we're wrong to do so - it's the best 
 can do.  But it doesn't prove anything.  I think the concept of logic, 
 mathematics, and truth are all in our head and only consequently in the world.

Isn't this like saying that a physical object must be perceived iin order to
exist? We define physical phenomena in terms of the effect they have on our 
senses or scientific instruments, but we assume that they are still there 
they are not being observed. 

 The lack of contingency on cultural, psychological or physical 
  factors makes these truths fundamentally different; whether you call 
  them perfect, analytic or necessary truths is a matter of taste.
 If you directly perceived Hilbert space vectors, which QM tells us describe 
 world, would you count different objects?  I think these truths are 
 on how we see the world.  I think there's a good argument that any being that 
 both intelligent and evolved will have the same mathematics - that's the jist 
 Cooper's book.

If we lived in a world where whenever two objects were put together, a third 
magically appeared, would that mean that

(a) 1+1=3, because we would think that 1+1=3
(b) 1+1=2, but we would mistakenly think 1+1=3

Stathis Papaioannou
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RE: Platonism vs Realism WAS: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Peter Jones writes (quoting Bruno Marchal):

  Frankly I don't think so. Set platonism can be considered as a bold
  assumption, but number platonism, as I said you need a sophisticated
  form of finitism to doubt it. I recall it is just the belief that the
  propositions of elementary arithmetic are independent of you.
 Arithemtical Platonism is the belief that mathematical
 structures *exist* independently of you,
 not just that they are true independently of you.

What's the difference?

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: The anti-roadmap - an alternative 'Theology'

2006-08-17 Thread David Nyman



Thanks for taking the trouble to express your thoughts at such length.
I won't say too much now, as I have to leave shortly to meet a long
lost relative - from Hungary! However, I just want to make sure it's
clear, both for you and the list, that:

  Comp is false. Let's see where *that* leads.

isn't intended as a definitive claim that comp *is* false. Rather, *if*
it is false, in what ways specifically, and what are the alternatives?
Can they be stated as clearly and explicitly as Bruno is trying to do
for his approach ('to see where it leads')? Hence the 'anti-roadmap',
or perhaps better - 'another roadmap', or some ideas for one. Most of
the thoughts in it were originally expressed in some earlier postings
on 'The Fabric of Reality' list, which Bruno was kind enough to copy to
this list.  Anyway, it's intended as a point of departure (for me
certainly) and I look forward to some strenuous critiques.

One misgiving I have, now that I've finally grasped (I think) that the
comp 'theology' entails 'faith' in the number realm, is that by this
token it seeks to provide a TOE (Bruno, am I wrong about this?) That
is, beginning with an assertion of 'faith' in UDA + the number realm,
we seek to axiomatise and 'prove' a complete theory of our origins.
Bruno is a very modest person, but I worry about the 'modesty' of the
goal. Of course, it's highly probable that I just misunderstand this
point. However, I'm having trouble with my faith in numbers,
monseigneur. My own intuition begins from my own indexical
self-assertion, my necessity, generalised to an inclusive
self-asserting necessity extending outwards indefinitely. I don't look
for a way to 'get behind' this, and to this extent I don't seek a TOE,
because I can't believe that 'everything' (despite the name of this
list) is theoretically assimilable. This may well be blindness more
than modesty, however.

Having said this, of course in a spirit of learning I'm trying to
understand and adopt *as if* true the comp assumptions, and continue to
put my best efforts into getting my head around Bruno's roadmap as it
emerges. I have a lot of experience of changing my mind (and maybe I'll
get a better one!)


 your post has wits. Yet it reminded me of 'atheism' which starts from the
 belief it is supposed to deny. I am not an atheist, because I do not know
 what to deny: what do people 'think' to call god?
 My question to comp was (and I think it is different from your position):
 Let me IN into learning about 'comp' from the outside, the 'no comp'
 When you say: Comp is false you accepted it and argue about IT.
 I ask What is comp - if I am outside the entire mindset and don't assume?

 Bruno is VERY logical and knowledgeable, but his 'mindset' includes numbers
 and mathematical thinking. I got a lot of good responses from him to my
 questions and all started from some in theory assumption (e.g. 'assuming
 comp', etc.). What if we do NOT assume it?

 I asked about 'numbers' stripped from counting and quantities. Otherwise
 they are only quantizing adjectives (6 what?). (Like the 'color green'?)
 Pure mathematics works differently, it even substitutes the numbers with
 other symbols (yes, 'symbols', if we do not think of the 'what').  I
 differentiate an applied math in the sciences, working with quantities
 identified within the limited topical models of the science. This is another
 subject, - I want to concentrate here on the numbers concept.

 Ideas 'exist' relationally (and some are translated into physical
 (materialistic) features). To get to 'ideas' a receiving observer is
 necessary with enough complexity to accept them.  (Then we (our mind)
 interpret them into the perception of reality).
 In my older thinking (prone to be revised) I defined my 'information'
 concept as some difference 'accepted' into an observer. The difference can
 be e.g. an electric (so called) potential and the acceptor )observer!) even
 a polar(!) moelcule(!),  - or at a different level: a difference, like a
 strange societal story is accepted by a reader of G.B.Shaw (observer).
 (Existence in this ontology was the difference itself, observer anything
 that accepts information.)

 When the developing human 'mind' reached the complexity to identify
 'numbers' the numbers enetered the human thinking. Does it make sense to
 argue a homoiusion war whether they existed before they could be accepted?
 For 'us' they started to exist when our mind became capable to 'accept' such
 It is only semantical in our syntax to call this situation an invention.
 It is only semantical in our syntax to call this situation an invention.
 Then we started to count and think in quantities using the newly invented
 'numbers'. But what are these 'numbers' without the counting and quantizing?

 Do they have a quantitative original meaning? Originally the 'unit' was 2,
 and '1' was half of it in certain cases. In my language which is 

RE: Dual-Aspect Science

2006-08-17 Thread Colin Hales

 Colin Geoffrey Hales wrote:
  A lot of the dialog below is a mismatch of ideas which indicates that I
  have underestimated the degree of difficulty to be expected in getting
 If they are different substructures within a further (different)
 structure, they are also unified, in that sense and to that extent.
 The contentious claims here are:
 a) That being multiple instances of the same structure is the only
 way things can be unified.

No there is only 1 structure. Within it are layers of members of different
classes of substructure. Space, Atoms. etc

 b) Things unified in that sense are devoid of any difference or
 separaration whatsoever.

They are 'difference' and 'separation' are not the same. The appearance of
separation is a physical claim. Imagine an ice-entity living in an ice-cube.
The rest of the ice cube looks like space. The ice entity can move around in
it freely. But they are made of the same (differently organised) stuff.

   Absolutely everything is included in the
   structure. No exceptions. Space, atoms, scientists, qualia. All
   interactions at all 'scales' (scale itself) are all interactions
   different parts of the one structure. To interact at all is to
   with another part of the structure.
   another in what sense ? You just said there is *no* concept
   of separation.
  eg. Matter passes through space. It is interacting with itself. Matter
  'looks' separate to space, but deep down its not. The appearance of
  separateness is how it is presented to us.
 It is entirely possible that they are unified deep down and
 separate on the surface. Separation need not be dismissed
 as appearance.

Q. If you draw a surface boundary around a human what is inside it?

A. If 99,999,999,999,999,999,999 are space. We are the remaining 1 part.

We are all but not there.

There is a fundamental and intrinsically intimate connection between every
single little atomic nuance of us and space we inhabit. The atoms' mobility
within space is an act of cooperation between the atoms and the space they
inhabit through their joint 'parent' structure. There is no actual
separateness, only behavioural separateness.

The idea of there being anything else
   ('not' the structure) is meaningless. If there is any 'thing' in the
   structure then the balance of the structure expressed a perfect
   There is nothing else. That is the coincept I am exploring.
   None of that has anything to do with your claim that there is
   a single *type* of structure, and that everything is composed of
   recursive combinations of its instances.
   It may be the case that everything is ultimately part of one
   that does not imply that everything within the Great Strucutre is
  The structure is hierarchical layers of organisation only. Members of a
  layer share morphological invariance to some characteristics of layer
  layer. Properties are inherited by child layers from paretn layers. All
  the layers are contained by each other.
 How very c++-ey.
  Do you have any evidence, or are you appelaing to the comfort
 zone of Sofware Engineers ?

I'm not appealing to any comfort zones. I'm trying to convey ideas in words
that people can follow and relate to. These concepts are well traveled and
explored and the principles can be easily applied to a 'theory of

   Their presentation bestows intrinsic knowledge as a measurement to
   embedded structure member called the scientist. This is knowledge as
   intrinsic intentionality.
   Are yu saying that qualia are marked by intentionality ?
   That would be novel.
   ,, qualia are intrinsic, consciously accessible, NON-INTENTIONAL
   features of sense-data and other non-physical phenomenal objects that
   are responsible for their phenomenal character.
  When we experience redness it is painted onto some'thing'.
 Not if it is adream or hallucination ,

This is simply internally generated qualia derived from memory rather than
sensory feed.

 or the result of pressing your eyeball.

This is a qualia generator mis-generating due to malfunctioning sensory

Neither of which actually change the argument at all. Machinery embeds
'aboutness', but it doesn't always have to be perfect or even right!
Mechanisms have normal and aberrant/pathological behaviour. Any cogent story
of qualia must account for both.

 You could just as well say the apparaent behaviour of the universe.

Yes. The universe literally can be the whole, single structure. 

   All of this is derived from a first person presentation of a
   Ergo science is entirely first operson based.
   The fact that science happens to be performed by persons
   doesn't make it irreducibly first-personal. That would
   depend on whether persons can remove themselves from
   scientific descriptions. As it happens they can. That
   is still true with 

RE: Platonism vs Realism WAS: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Peter Jones writes:

 A claim about truth as opposed to existence cannot
 support the conclusion that matter does not actually exist.

It can if you can show that the mental does not supervene 
on the physical. This is far from a generally accepted fact, 
but there but I am not yet aware of convincing arguments 
against the sort of challenge posed to the supervenience 
theory by eg. Tim Maudlin - unless you reject computationalism.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread jamikes

Bruno: is your

 I do indeed find plausible that the  number six is perfect,...
an argument?
I asked about the sixness of six, without counting or quantizing. I honor
your opinion, but it is no evidence. 6 is so nice round, VI is not.

 If you want, numbers are what makes any counting possible
No, I want: any counting makes numbers possible. On the abacus you may
count or calculate without numbers if you use identical bullets, by
comparing the length of the strings as your foot, your inch, or your elbow.

Why has 6 'divisors'? because my math teacher said so?

I see a vicious circularity here:
numbers are identified with characteristics which are said to be caused by
the numbers. Assigned characteristics, used as justification for the
character. All assumed to be so. If I do not count my fingers, why is 3
different from 5?

If 6 is so perfect, why do we generally use a decimal system? We can even
more compute in binary and even more in 24ary  (English) or in 36ary
with strings (=words) arithmetic (=syntax) and sum (=sentence - meaning).
So what is the perfect sixness in 6? Or the imperfect nineness in 9 (upside
You tell me and I will be ready to calculate a Rieman integral or a Lagrange

John Mikes

When my son was 4 we used 2 buses to the grandparents: #5 and #25. My son
was a good observer. He knew a '5'. On Sunday morning he pointed in the
newspaper to a #2 and said: a Twenty.

- Original Message -
From: Bruno Marchal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

 Ante diem XVII-um calendas Septembris as Aug. 15 (not XVI as 32-16)
 John M wrote:

  What is  -   6   - ?
  Perfect number, you say.
  If I do NOT count - or quantize, does it have ANY meaning at all?

 Again we are discussing the arithmetical realism (which I just assume).
 To be clear on that hypothesis, I do indeed find plausible that the
 number six is perfect, even in the case the branes would not have
 collide, no big bang, no physical universe.
 Six is perfect just because its divisors are 1, 2, and 3; and that
 1+2+3 = 6. Not because I know that. I blieve the contrary: it is the
 independent truth of 6 = sum of its proper divisors than eventually
 I, and you, can learn it.

  I don't see sense in saying it is more than 5 and less than 7 if I do
  know the meaning of 5 and 7 as well. And of 6 of course.

 I agree. It does not make sense YOU SAYING that 5  6  7, if YOU
 don't know the meaning of 5, and 6, and 7; unless you are lucky when
 deciding to say random sentences ('course).
 It has nothing to do with the fact that 5  6  7, independently of you
 and me. Just keep silent, in case you are not sure about the meaning of
 5, 6, and 7.

  Without quantification, what does 6 mean? Why is it perfect?  In
  Try to cut out 'counting' and 'quantities' - let us regard the symbol
  What does it symbolize?
  I can understand it in 2+4=6 on an abacus, but there it is 'counting'

 If you want, numbers are what makes any counting possible.

  What is it in the preceding line?
  In old Rome 8-3=6 was the right result (as in their back-counting
  as 8,7,6 - they included the starting (day) into the subtraction), now
  make 6  - 6 what?

 It is not because some country put salt on pancakes that pancakes do
 not exist there. Roman where writing 8 -3 for us 8 - 2. It is like
 saying 3*7 = 25 on planet TETRA. They mean 3*7 = 21, they just put it



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Re: The anti-roadmap - an alternative 'Theology'

2006-08-17 Thread jamikes

- Original Message -
From: David Nyman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Everything List
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: The anti-roadmap - an alternative 'Theology'


thanks fir the friendly and decent words. It was not questionable that you
did not 'attack' comp as false, I reflected principally as a
discussion-technique.  I like Bruno a lot and use some not-so-kind
argumentation style lately to tease out from him a stronger argument.
We agree in the goal of learning. You are more of a professional than I am.



 Thanks for taking the trouble to express your thoughts at such length.
 I won't say too much now, as I have to leave shortly to meet a long
 lost relative - from Hungary! However, I just want to make sure it's
 clear, both for you and the list, that:

   Comp is false. Let's see where *that* leads.

 isn't intended as a definitive claim that comp *is* false. Rather, *if*
 it is false, in what ways specifically, and what are the alternatives?
 Can they be stated as clearly and explicitly as Bruno is trying to do
 for his approach ('to see where it leads')? Hence the 'anti-roadmap',
 or perhaps better - 'another roadmap', or some ideas for one. Most of
 the thoughts in it were originally expressed in some earlier postings
 on 'The Fabric of Reality' list, which Bruno was kind enough to copy to
 this list.  Anyway, it's intended as a point of departure (for me
 certainly) and I look forward to some strenuous critiques.

 One misgiving I have, now that I've finally grasped (I think) that the
 comp 'theology' entails 'faith' in the number realm, is that by this
 token it seeks to provide a TOE (Bruno, am I wrong about this?) That
 is, beginning with an assertion of 'faith' in UDA + the number realm,
 we seek to axiomatise and 'prove' a complete theory of our origins.
 Bruno is a very modest person, but I worry about the 'modesty' of the
 goal. Of course, it's highly probable that I just misunderstand this
 point. However, I'm having trouble with my faith in numbers,
 monseigneur. My own intuition begins from my own indexical
 self-assertion, my necessity, generalised to an inclusive
 self-asserting necessity extending outwards indefinitely. I don't look
 for a way to 'get behind' this, and to this extent I don't seek a TOE,
 because I can't believe that 'everything' (despite the name of this
 list) is theoretically assimilable. This may well be blindness more
 than modesty, however.

 Having said this, of course in a spirit of learning I'm trying to
 understand and adopt *as if* true the comp assumptions, and continue to
 put my best efforts into getting my head around Bruno's roadmap as it
 emerges. I have a lot of experience of changing my mind (and maybe I'll
 get a better one!)



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RE: Dual-Aspect Science

2006-08-17 Thread Colin Hales

 I don't think there is a problem with science, but only with some
 scientist (and alas with those who are often more refer too in
 Actually I don't believe in any scientific field. I believe only in
 scientific attitude, which is almost just modesty, along with
 curiosity, and some amount of willingness to share.
 Science, defined as the fruit of that curious but modest attitude, can
 only go from doubt to more doubt. Despite a growing knowledge,
 ignorance grows quicker. This can be illustrated with the G and G*
 logic, but at this step, it would be useless technic. I will try to go
 back to the roadmap ...

Scientists are part of the natural world, like elephants. Scientific
behaviour, like elephant behaviour, has invariants across the entire set of
scientific disciplines (humanity) as for elephanity(!) = elephants behaving
elephantly. Not many invariants, but a few. One of those is creativity, of
which the aspects you speak are attributes and not all are adopted well by
all scientists, as you point out But there are invariants to be found,
even if they are not always adopted I have read piles of literature,
talked to many scientists. I sit in the midst of scientists every day all
day and see what they do. I swim in the literature.

Scientific behaviour can be expressed as a natural law like any other law. I
have constructed a prototype of what it may be like. The difference between
this law and all others is that it is implicit in scientists in that unlike
any other law of nature it has never been explicitly formulated, but is
passed on by mimicry. The complete set of all M+1 currently available 'laws
of nature' (any paper in any scientific journal expressing empirical results
qualifies to go into this set) is:

T = {t0, t1 ..tN, .. tJ, b1, b2, .bK ., bM }

These are the laws of appearances, the T-aspect. The special law t0 is the
one for scientific behaviour. The status of these laws is as follows:

By acting 'as-if' t0 was literally driving the natural world you can predict
(statistically) the behaviour of a scientist.
By acting 'as-if' tx was literally driving the natural world you can predict
(statistically) the behaviour of those things that were used to formulate
tx. For example newton's 2nd law f = ma reformulated into the form of the
set T members would be one such law - this would enable a human to predict
the behaviour of mass m.

All the laws in the set T can be treated as beliefs necessary to drive
behaviour of a HUMAN in order that the natural world be predictable. They
say NOTHING about the actual underlying causal necessities of the natural
world. That claim cannot be made: there is no evidence. Novel Technology
proves the laws as predictive and therefore that the causal parent = the
human behaviour resulting from believing in the laws is adequate...remember
the laws are formulated with evidence of behaviour as presented by qualia
into the head of scientists. To the best of my ability the law t0 is as

tN =The natural world in  insert context behaves as follows: insert

t0 =The natural world in the context of being scientific about the
natural world behaves as follows:  to formulate statements of type tN,
each of which is a statementNote 1 of regularityNote 2 in a specific
contextNote 3 in the natural world arrived at through the process of
critical argumentNote 4 and that in principle can be refuted through the
process of experiencingNote 5 evidenceNote 6 of the regularity Note 7.

Where I have embedded the notes down below. They don't matter much in what I
am trying to convey. Creativity is in them. Objectivity is in them.

Just like a thought about thinking is a member of the set of all possible
thoughts, the law t0 is a law of type tN about the formulation of laws of
type tN.

The set T does not have to be consistent. Different laws in set T can
contradict each other. That is they can be egregiously wrong outside their
context. The set T is growing exponentially day by day. Each member of set T
represents a net brain state (achieved during dynamic brain activity)
comprising the holding of a belief about the natural world by a scientist.
That is all that is claimed.

The property of the natural world that enables t0 is intrinsic (innate) to
brain material: the extraction of invariance from perceptual fields. The
accuracy of t0 is proven by observation of history in that it has been used
all along by scientists and can be seen to be in operation all along even
though any explicit t0 at any time could be very very wrong (it was never
written down until now)!

t0, as a 'law of science' is NOT 'scientific method'. Scientific method is
just detail inside the overall behaviour. This law t0 is novel. It is not in
science literature and it is not in philosophy literature and it is not in
anthropology literature.

Your characterisation of scientific behaviour is very romantic but it is not
scientific. It fails because it does 

RE: Dual-Aspect Science ooops

2006-08-17 Thread Colin Hales

 I don't think there is a problem with science, but only with some
 scientist (and alas with those who are often more refer too in
 Actually I don't believe in any scientific field. I believe only in
 scientific attitude, which is almost just modesty, along with
 curiosity, and some amount of willingness to share.
 Science, defined as the fruit of that curious but modest attitude, can
 only go from doubt to more doubt. Despite a growing knowledge,
 ignorance grows quicker. This can be illustrated with the G and G*
 logic, but at this step, it would be useless technic. I will try to go
 back to the roadmap ...

Scientists are part of the natural world, like elephants. Scientific
behaviour, like elephant behaviour, has invariants across the entire set of
scientific disciplines (humanity) as for elephanity(!) = elephants behaving
elephantly. Not many invariants, but a few. One of those is creativity, of
which the aspects you speak are attributes and not all are adopted well by
all scientists, as you point out But there are invariants to be found,
even if they are not always adopted I have read piles of literature,
talked to many scientists. I sit in the midst of scientists every day all
day and see what they do. I swim in the literature.

Scientific behaviour can be expressed as a natural law like any other law. I
have constructed a prototype of what it may be like. The difference between
this law and all others is that it is implicit in scientists in that unlike
any other law of nature it has never been explicitly formulated, but is
passed on by mimicry. The complete set of all J+1 currently available 'laws
of nature' (any paper in any scientific journal expressing empirical results
qualifies to go into this set) is:

T = {t0, t1 ..tN, .. tJ } ooops! cut and paste error!

These are the laws of appearances, the T-aspect. The special law t0 is the
one for scientific behaviour. The status of these laws is as follows:

By acting 'as-if' t0 was literally driving the natural world you can predict
(statistically) the behaviour of a scientist.
By acting 'as-if' tx was literally driving the natural world you can predict
(statistically) the behaviour of those things that were used to formulate
tx. For example newton's 2nd law f = ma reformulated into the form of the
set T members would be one such law - this would enable a human to predict
the behaviour of mass m.

All the laws in the set T can be treated as beliefs necessary to drive
behaviour of a HUMAN in order that the natural world be predictable. They
say NOTHING about the actual underlying causal necessities of the natural
world. That claim cannot be made: there is no evidence. Novel Technology
proves the laws as predictive and therefore that the causal parent = the
human behaviour resulting from believing in the laws is adequate...remember
the laws are formulated with evidence of behaviour as presented by qualia
into the head of scientists. To the best of my ability the law t0 is as

tN =The natural world in  insert context behaves as follows: insert

t0 =The natural world in the context of being scientific about the
natural world behaves as follows:  to formulate statements of type tN,
each of which is a statementNote 1 of regularityNote 2 in a specific
contextNote 3 in the natural world arrived at through the process of
critical argumentNote 4 and that in principle can be refuted through the
process of experiencingNote 5 evidenceNote 6 of the regularity Note 7.

Where I have embedded the notes down below. They don't matter much in what I
am trying to convey. Creativity is in them. Objectivity is in them.

Just like a thought about thinking is a member of the set of all possible
thoughts, the law t0 is a law of type tN about the formulation of laws of
type tN.

The set T does not have to be consistent. Different laws in set T can
contradict each other. That is they can be egregiously wrong outside their
context. The set T is growing exponentially day by day. Each member of set T
represents a net brain state (achieved during dynamic brain activity)
comprising the holding of a belief about the natural world by a scientist.
That is all that is claimed.

The property of the natural world that enables t0 is intrinsic (innate) to
brain material: the extraction of invariance from perceptual fields. The
accuracy of t0 is proven by observation of history in that it has been used
all along by scientists and can be seen to be in operation all along even
though any explicit t0 at any time could be very very wrong (it was never
written down until now)!

t0, as a 'law of science' is NOT 'scientific method'. Scientific method is
just detail inside the overall behaviour. This law t0 is novel. It is not in
science literature and it is not in philosophy literature and it is not in
anthropology literature.

Your characterisation of scientific behaviour is very romantic but it is not
scientific. It fails because 

Re: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
 Brent Meeker writes:
Empirical science is universe-specific:  eg., any culture, no matter how 
bizarre its psychology compared to ours, would work out that sodium 
reacts exothermically with water in a universe similar to our own, but 
not in a universe where physical laws and fundamental constants are 
very different from what we are familiar with.

Mathematical and logical truths, on the other hand, are true in all possible 

But this is really ciruclar because we define possible in terms of obeying 
rules of logic and reason.  I don't say we're wrong to do so - it's the best 
can do.  But it doesn't prove anything.  I think the concept of logic, 
mathematics, and truth are all in our head and only consequently in the world.
 Isn't this like saying that a physical object must be perceived iin order to
 exist? We define physical phenomena in terms of the effect they have on our 
 senses or scientific instruments, but we assume that they are still there 
 they are not being observed. 

I don't see the analogy with defining possible worlds as those obeying some 
logic and then saying that logic is a prior or analytic because it obtains in 
all possible worlds.  I agree that logically possible is broader than what we 
think is nomologically possible.

The lack of contingency on cultural, psychological or physical 
factors makes these truths fundamentally different; whether you call 
them perfect, analytic or necessary truths is a matter of taste.

If you directly perceived Hilbert space vectors, which QM tells us describe 
world, would you count different objects?  I think these truths are 
on how we see the world.  I think there's a good argument that any being that 
both intelligent and evolved will have the same mathematics - that's the jist 
Cooper's book.
 If we lived in a world where whenever two objects were put together, a third 
 magically appeared, would that mean that
 (a) 1+1=3, because we would think that 1+1=3
 (b) 1+1=2, but we would mistakenly think 1+1=3

I say (a), but someone might still invent Peano arithmetic in which 1+1=2.  It 
would be called non-standard arithmetic and only a few, ill regarded 
mathematicians would study it.  :-)

Brent Meeker

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Re: Platonism vs Realism WAS: ROADMAP (well, not yet really...

2006-08-17 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
 Peter Jones writes (quoting Bruno Marchal):
Frankly I don't think so. Set platonism can be considered as a bold
assumption, but number platonism, as I said you need a sophisticated
form of finitism to doubt it. I recall it is just the belief that the
propositions of elementary arithmetic are independent of you.

Arithemtical Platonism is the belief that mathematical
structures *exist* independently of you,
not just that they are true independently of you.
 What's the difference?
 Stathis Papaioannou

You could regard the theorems of arithmetic as just being relative to Peano's 
axioms: 1+1=2 assuming Peano  Somewhat as Bruno presents his theorems as 
relative to the axiom of COMP.

Brent Meeker

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Re: Quantum Mysteries

2006-08-17 Thread Brent Meeker

Norman Samish wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Brent Meeker [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Brent, you say, . . . It seems to me that an information theoretic 
 analysis should be able to place a lower bound on how small a 
 probability can be and not be zero.
 Doesn't a lower limit on probability repudiate the notion of Tegmark, 
 Vilenkin, et al, that there are necessarily duplicate worlds to ours, if 
 only we go out far enough?  

I don't see why these questions are related.  There are only *necessarily* 
duplicate worlds if there is an infinity of worlds of a higher order than the 
information content of a world.

If you repudiate duplicate worlds, do you 
 also repudiate infinite space?

Space could be infinite without there being duplicate worlds.  Repudiate is 
too strong a word.  I doubt they are relevant.

 E.g., Alex Vilenkin (Beyond the Big Bang, Natural History, July/August 
 2006, pp 42 - 47) says, A new cosmic worldview holds that countless 
 replicas of Earth, inhabited by our clones, are scattered throughout the 
 Vilenkin's view is that this conclusion arises from Alan Guth's theory 
 of inflation and false vacuum put forth in 1980.  The unstable false 
 vacuum (which eternally inflates exponentially) has regions where random 
 quantum fluctuations cause decay to a true vacuum.  

You can't go to those different universes.  Their supposed existence is 
entirely dependent certain theories being correct.  But those theories are 
contingent on suppositions about a quantum theory of spacetime - which is not 
hand.  So, while I'm willing to entertain them as hypotheses, I neither accept 
nor deny their existence.

The difference in 
 energy of the false vacuum and the true vacuum results in a big bang.  
 In the infinity of the false vacuum there are, therefore, an infinity of 
 big bangs.  The big bangs don't consume the false vacuum because it 
 inflates faster than the big bangs expand.  Vilenkin figures the 
 distance to our clone at about 10 raised to the 10^90 power, in meters.  
 (This roughly agrees with Tegmark's number.)  (An unanswered question is 
 where and why did this initial infinity of high-energy false vacuum 

If one can originate, then any number can.  But I don't see that such an 
infinity has any implications.

 Now 10 raised to the 10^90 power is a big number.  Therefore the ratio 
 of duplicate Earths to all worlds is exceedingly small - but not zero!  
 Do you think it should be zero?

I think it might be of measure zero.  Or there might not be any duplicate 

Brent Meeker

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