Re: UDA query

2010-01-15 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 15 Jan 2010, at 03:52, Brent Meeker wrote:

Bruno Marchal wrote:

Le 14-janv.-10, à 09:01, Brent Meeker a écrit :

I think there may be different kinds of consciousness, so a look- 
up-table (like Searle's Chinese Room) may be conscious but in a  
different way.

In a way distinguishable by the person? From its own (first person)  


I don't think it makes sense to attribute consciousness to anything  
which "do" the computation, but only to the (abstract or  
immaterial) person supervening on the logical and arithmetical  
relations defining those computations, (infinitely many exist).

Persons need to be self-referentially correct relatively to their  
most probable computations, only.

I don't understand what "self-referentially correct" means nor in what
sense computations can be "theirs"?

A machine (number) x is self-referentially correct relatively to a  
history/computation y if the proposition asserted by x are true  
relatively to y.

Rough example: the machine is an altimeter in a plane. The plane is  
500 miles above the ground. The altimeter asserts "1000 miles". Given  
that the altimeter *is* in the plane, it is not self-referentially  
correct relatively to the most probable computation (already well  
approximatized by Newton, best described (if ever) by appropriated  
quantum fields, but (if comp is correct and uda valid) only correctly  
described by the fields emerging from the numbers in fine.

Despite the "self" in self-referentially correct, it is a third person  
form of self-reference, it is not the first person, but a first person  
can be attached to it by the Theaetetus definition as I attempt to  
sketch below.

Persons are conscious, not machine, nor computation, nor states,  
nor numbers, except in a metaphorical way.

So you take "person" as well as arithmetic to be fundamental.

Not at all. I take "person" as an important concept, even a key  
concept. But it is not "fundamental". It does not belong to the  
ontology. Matter and mind, histories and persons, realities and  
consciousness,  emerge already from addition and multiplication,  
assuming comp.

Digital Mechanism obviously assumes the existence of consciousness and  
persons. This has to be done, if only implictly, by the doctor. It  
would be annoying, if not frightening, if the doctor tells you that  
after examining you he has come to the conclusion that you are a  
zombie and that you will got a digital brain independently of you  
saying "yes" or "no".

So comp assumes persons, like it assumes some amount of consensual  
reality. But not necessarily as fundamental.

But then ...

... the uda reasoning leads to the conclusion that, ONCE we assume  
comp, the best TOE we can ever dream of is elementary arithmetic.  Or,  
you can chose your favorite universal system, and consider its minimal  
first order logical specification. Ontologically it is enough. Any  
Sigma_1-complete segment of arithmetic is enough. From the "persons"  
inside this will already be immeasurably *bigger*.

I prefer elementary arithmetic because it is virtually believed by all  
those who have been lucky enough to have followed good primary school.  
It is hardly the case for java, lisp, the combinators or quantum  

So what is a person?

In auda I opt for a minimalist conception.  A first person is defined  
by its true beliefs. If it is a correct machine it inherits a  
"theology" from the subtraction TARSKI (truth theory) \minus GODEL  
(provability theory). That gives the 8 hypostases/universal person  
points of view. That theology is correct for all "correct lobian  

I limit myself to correct machine.
You may though that for such machines "true belief" = "belief". And  
you are, of course correct.

But   (important "but"!) ...

... the machine is correct, and thus consistent, and so is prevented  
by Gödel to prove or believe its correctness, so the machine doesn't  
know, nor believes that "true belief" = "belief", and the logic of  
true beliefs of the machine is different from the machine logic of  
All the 6 + 2 * infinity universal machine person points of view  
differentiates through that gap between truth and provability.

For the ontology, we need no more than Sigma_1 completeness. Like  
Robinson Arithmetic.

For the epistemology (and the unravelling of the internal views), we  
need no more than "provable Sigma_1 completeness". Like Peano  
Arithmetic, Zermelo-Fraenkel, etc.

It is a pure first person,I am talking here,  like a soul before the  
fall. It is before getting its self entangled to deep probable  
universal histories, with many universal being capable of sharing the  
most normal (probable) "video games".

No machine can represent its "first person notion". Correct machines  
will compulsively NOT believe their are machines. Yet they will  
understand (prove) that if they are correct machine, it is normal,  
even necessary, th

Re: Everything List Survey

2010-01-15 Thread Torgny Tholerus

Stathis Papaioannou skrev:

2010/1/14 Stathis Papaioannou :


Interesting so far:
- people are about evenly divided on the question of whether computers
can be conscious
- no-one really knows what to make of OM's
- more people believe cats are conscious than dogs

Oh, and one person does not believe that they are conscious! Come on,
who's the zombie?


It's me.

(The question on whether computers can be conscious, should have three 

1)  Both computers and humans can be conscious.
2)  Humans, but not computers can be conscious.
3)  Neither humans nor computers can be conscious.

(The alternative: Computers, but not humans can be conscious, is not 

Torgny Tholerus
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Re: R/ASSA query

2010-01-15 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
2010/1/15 Brent Meeker :

> I guess I should be more explicit.  I found your post bemusingly
> inconsistent.  You theorized that the continuity of your experience was an
> illusion produced by evolution and you "really" exist as a sequence of
> discrete OMs.  But evolution is a process that acts on genes and in order to
> have any effect on the "real" you requires continuity, not only of your body
> moment-by-moment and day-by-day but of your genes over millenia.  So it
> strikes me as very strange to invoke it as creating an *illusion* of
> continuity.  Sort of like the Sun producing an illusion of daylight.

Genes and everything else change over time. There is no absolute basis
for saying one physical object is "the same" as another, although by
convention we ignore what we consider unimportant changes and say it
is the same object. Sometimes the changes are not unimportant but we
still say it's "the same". For example, the infant may share almost
nothing physically or mentally with the adult but we say they are "the
same person" because there is a continuous series of intermediate
stages between them. But when we consider duplication thought
experiments not only is there a physical discontinuity, we may end up
with several copies each of whom has equal claim to being "the same
person" as the original. What is the truth of the matter regarding the
person who gets copied? Who should get access to his bank accounts?
How is it possible that I could find myself waking up somewhere other
than in my bed tomorrow if I am surreptitiously copied during the
night when the original stays in bed undisturbed? And how do I talk
about being "the same person" if it turns out we live in a multiverse?

At the very least, if we speak in terms of person-stages or
observer-moments it allows us to refer to what we mean unambiguously.
The specification can be a physical description of the person-stage
but from a subjective point of view it is better to speak of
observer-moments, since I am mainly interested in my mind and only
indirectly in the hardware that produces it. The duration of a
"moment" can be as long as it needs to be for the discussion at hand.
However, you can see that if I can be copied at any moment, then there
is no absolute reason why the next moment should be "me"; it's only
"me" contingently, because there are no competing OM's. And if there
are competing OM's there is no absolute way to say which one or more,
if any, should continue as "me". In practice, I calculate
probabilities as if I am still living in the single track world in
which humans evolved.

My conclusion is that in general it is simplest to think in terms of
discrete OM's which associate into persons due to their information
content. Only in the special case of the single track world with which
we are all familiar is it simpler to say that there is a unique person
persisting through time.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Re: R/ASSA query

2010-01-15 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

2010/1/15 Brent Meeker :


Or why not suppose you are your body (including your genes).  Then evolution
would be able to have had the imputed effect on "you" that you suppose it

The actual effect of any adaptive behaviour must be through the genes,
but evolution could not work directly on a belief about genes. Our
psychology may act against our genes if we are taken out of the
environment in which we evolved; for example the number of children
people choose to have in the modern world is inversely proportional to
the resources they control.

I guess I should be more explicit.  I found your post bemusingly 
inconsistent.  You theorized that the continuity of your experience was 
an illusion produced by evolution and you "really" exist as a sequence 
of discrete OMs.  But evolution is a process that acts on genes and in 
order to have any effect on the "real" you requires continuity, not only 
of your body moment-by-moment and day-by-day but of your genes over 
millenia.  So it strikes me as very strange to invoke it as creating an 
*illusion* of continuity.  Sort of like the Sun producing an illusion of 

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