Re: numbers?

2010-08-05 Thread John Mikes
I am not sure whether I reply to Brian, or to Bruno? there are remarks on *my
texts to Brian* without marking the replier and at the end it reads: *
Bruno* with no further ado.
Never mind, I want to be short.

...Rectangles are not found in nature and not are numbers; both are
abstractions of things we see in nature...
Pray: what things? and how are they 'abstracted into numbers? (Rectangles
etc. - IMO - are artifacts made (upon/within) a system of human
Yet numbers and rectangles (and many other abstractions) have a
suspiciously good use for modeling in nature
   ---   - u s e - . (?) -

Equivalence of III + IV as VII? Or in other numbering systems (letters,
etc.) used in various languages? In Bruno's example some time ago the II + I
= III definitely referred to the quantity of the I lines. He even went up
to some I or similar. Now in my
feeble mind to construct 'symbols' for expressing *how many Is there
are*is not the other way around. 3 stands for III, the COUNTED
amount of the
lines and not vice versa.

So: what are those *naturally occurring* things that serve for being
abstracted into numbers?

Axioms are statements - not controversial to what I stated. And please, do
not divert into quite different topics, where you may have a point in some
other aspect. We are talking about numbers, not the masculinity of the US

Exist is something to be identified. IMO physical existence is a figment
pertinent to the figment of a physical world - quite outside of my
position. I don't permit physical existence.

To your(?) question after my signature (whoever asked it) I gave already my
apologetic deference conceding to Quentin's retort on that badly applied
sentence of mine. So I repeat it now: sorry, it does not make sense.

I have no comment on those paragraphs after the - line.

If I may repeat: so WHAT ARE NUMBERS? (symbols for what? how do they apply
them to quantitative considerations? what if another 'logic' uses them in a
different math (e.g. where 17 is not identifiable as a prime number? Is it
likely that more will be found - as was the zero, or are we in a
mathematical omniscience already? Is our restriction to the 'naturals' -
natural, or just a consequence of our insufficient knowledge (caabilities)?

May I quote a smart person: there are no stupid questions, only stupid
answers. I ask them.

John Mikes

On 8/4/10, Brian Tenneson wrote:

 John Mikes wrote:

 nothing could be more remote for me than to argue 'math' (number's
 application and theories) with you. I thinkyou mix up* 'counting'* for the
 stuff that serves it. As I usually do, I looked up Google for the Peano
 axioms and found nothing in them that pertains to the origination of
 numbers. They USE them and EXPLAIN sich usage. Use what

 Indeed, counting and what I'm referring to as numbers are different.
 Counting is a mental process while numbers have nothing to do with mind
 though the mind may apprehend and understand numbers to some extent.

 Counting is not the origin of numbers.  Counting inspired the discovery of
 numbers as elucidated by people like Peano.  Numbers are idealized models
 for the process of counting much like how a rectangle is an idealized model
 for the blueprint of an architectural  structure's foundation.  Rectangles
 are not found in nature and neither are numbers; both are abstractions of
 things we see in nature.

 Yet numbers and rectangles (and many other abstractions) have a
 suspiciously good use for modeling things in nature.

  I wonder if you have an example where application of numbers is
 extractable from ANY quantity the numbers refer to?
 Three plus four is not different from blue plus loud, sound plus
 speed, *whatever*, meaningless words bound together. UNless - of course -
 you as a human, with human logic and complexity, UNDERSTAND the amount *
 three* added to a *comparable* amount of *four *and RESULT in 
 *sevenpertaining to the same kind of amount.

 I only mean to reference the difference between numbers and the quantity
 they point to.  In an important way, 3+4 is different from your other
 examples in that 3+4 can be translated into a language devoid of human
 baggage and symbolically manipulated so as to show an equivalence between
 the symbols 3+4 and 7.

 *Axioms* however sounds to my vocabulary like inventions helping to
 justify our theories. Sometimes quite weird.
 And *Brent* was so right:  *...I don't think the existence of some number
 of distinct things is the same as the existence of numbers*  -
 Tegmark's quoted accounted for... is not consists of.
 *To 'explain'   *something by a conceptualization does not substitute for
 the existence and justification of such conceptualization.

 Axioms are statements.  Do humans need to exist in order for the statement
 the galaxy is approximately a spiral shape to exist?  How about 

Re: numbers?

2010-08-05 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 05 Aug 2010, at 01:18, Brian Tenneson wrote:

Hmm... Lawvere has tried to build an all encompassing universal  
mathematical structure, but he failed. It was an interesting failure  
as he discovered the notion of topos, (discovered also independently  
by Groethendieck) which is more a mathematical mathematician than a  
mathematical universe.
Also Tegmark is not aware that Digital Mechanism entails the non  
locality, the indeterminacy and the non cloning of matter, and that  
DM makes the physical into a person-modality due to the presence of  
the mathematician in the arithmetical reality.

Quanta are special case of first person plural sharable qualia.


I'm not looking for a truly all-encompassing mathematical  
structure.  What I'm looking for is a mathematical structure in  
which all mathematical structures can be embedded.  By mathematical  
structure, I mean there is a symbol set S consisting of constant  
symbols, relation symbols, and function symbols, and the pairing of  
a set with a list of rules that interpret the symbols.  In Tegmark's  
papers on ultimate ensemble TOE and the mathematical universe,  
he refers to what I call a mathematical structure as a formal  
system (and also mathematical structure).

The structure I'm looking for wouldn't encompass anything that isn't  
a mathematical structure, like a category with no objects/elements.

You may encounter a problem with the notion of 1-person, and  
'material' bodies.

Tegmark argues that reality is a mathematical structure.  What's  
cute about his argument is that while invoking the concept of a TOE,  
his argument is independent of what that TOE might be.  He defines a  
TOE to be a complete description of reality.  Whether or not this  
can be expressed in a finite string is an open problem as far as I  
know.  (I doubt it can.)  He argues that a complete description of  
reality must be expressible in a form that has no human baggage and  
I would add to that is something that exists independent of humans  
in the sense that while the symbols used to provide that complete  
description will depend on humans, what is pointed to by the symbols  
is not.

Computationalism entails something very near such view indeed. It  
entails also that if such structure make sense, then its cardinality  
is unknowable by the self-aware beings that could be generated inside.  
The statement that the cardinality of the mathematical universe is  
countable or not is absolutely undecidable, from 'inside'.

Tegmark argues that reality is a mathematical structure and states  
that an open problem is finding a mathematical structure which is  
isomorphic to reality.  This might or might not be clear: the  
mathematical structure with the property that all mathematical  
structures can be embedded within it is precisely the mathematical  
structure we are looking for.

The problem is in defining embedded. I am not sure it makes set  
theoretical sense, unless you believe in Quine's New foundation (NF).  
I am neutral on the consistency of NF.
With a large sense of embedded I may argue that the mathematical  
structure you are looking for is just the (mathematical) universal  
machine. In which case Robinson arithmetic (a tiny fragment of  
arithmetical truth, on which both platonist and non platonist  
(intuitionist) is enough. Indeed, I argue with comp that Robinson  
arithmetic, or any first order specification of a (Turing) universal  
theory is enough to derive the appearance of quanta and qualia.

I am confident that I have found such a structure but only over a  
fixed symbol set; I need such a structure to be inclusive of all  
symbol sets so as to cast away the need to refer to a symbol set.

This again follows from Church thesis, for the 'computationalist' TOE.

The technique I used was to use NFU, new foundations set theory with  
urelements--which is known to be a consistent set theory, to first  
find the set of all S-structures.

All right, then.

Then I take what I believe is called the reduced product of all S- 
structures.  Then I show that all S-structures can be embedded  
within the reduced product of all S-structures.  Admittedly, there  
is nothing at all deep about this; none of my arguments are deeper  
than typical homework problems in a math logic course.

That may be already a lot for non mathematical logicians ...

My next move is to find justification for the existence of a math  
structure with the important property that all structures can be  
embedded within it --independent of the symbol set-- and thus  
eliminating the need to refer to it.

One thing I wonder is how to define all your notions such as  
mathematician, n-brains, n-minds, and digital mechanism in  
terms of mathematical structures.

This is done. Everything is defined in term of number and number  
relation. But it is not asked that the relation is arithmeticaly  
definable. For example, the ONE of Plotinus 

RE: 3-Brain - 1-Mind?

2010-08-05 Thread Stephen P. King

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