Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
I'm not sure I follow much of what you are saying here. Maybe I need to go
away and sleep on it.

Then again, it's hard to answer comments on your memory of another thread...

One thing about 1984 is that the Party are, I think interestingly,
powerless. They never let *anyone* who commits thoughtcrime go free, they
are always cured and then executed. This means the Party is simply a
machine that follows this pattern, with no choice in the matter.

On 18 March 2014 17:15, wrote:

 On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:43:58 AM UTC, wrote:

 On Monday, March 17, 2014 11:37:36 PM UTC, Liz R wrote:

 On 18 March 2014 05:01, wrote:

  Well, to get on track, we would need to assert trade offs, fixes, and
 solutions, rather than promote mere complaint. This goes for myself, but
 few seem to feel this way. If we want a clean green Earth, then problem
 solving is essential. In that attempt to problem solve, we may come up with
 a decent idea, or promote one we have heard of.

 That is exactly how I feel about it. However I suspect that your rants
 about how [insert special interest group here] are a bunch of [insert
 despised political group here] planning to create a [insert feared
 political system here] may not have helped people appreciate that this is
 your position.

 What's interesting about the way you write this as a fill-the-blanks
 template, is the question of how close your template comes to ubiquity in
 terms of total-humans/humans-filtering-the-world-through-lizzies-

 At least partially filtering through the template anyway. Keeping
 meaningfulness by requiring instances of whole template usage, not partial.

 Staying with that measure, a further question would be how much more
 closely does your template define the contemporary era than others in
 history? Then, defining each era in terms of how much your template
 captures it, what does history look like on those terms? Does it tell a
 coherent story? Like, are there lizzie template spikes at the major
 milestones, like the French Revolution, or the Bolshevik Takeover of
 Russia, or during the Cold War.  Would that template alone be enough to
 define every historical period sufficiently that each one, say, had its own
 distinctive template usage character.

 For example the Cold War might feature massive usage, but with everything
 breaking down into two templates in most common use. One for soviet and the
 other for American sympathy. Bolshevik could also be largely broken into
 two, one involving, say, the bourgeoisie or something. French Revolution
 might pair around 'aristocracy'.

 Thinking about it, could not the emergent pattern from history be that
 there is generally a reactionary and revolutionary template? A template for
 the incumbent and for would-be nemesis. Or in time, of the power that ruled
 in time going backwards and power that rules in time going
 forwards...around some point. The cold war template would kind of break
 into four..two each for East and West, such that both represent both

 But does the contemporary situation fit the historical pattern? It seems
 vastly more complex to me. In all the other instances, there was major
 backing for the template...two elites, or one elite and one would-be elite,
 would be ultimate backers of one of the two mirroring templates.

 Everyone pretty much knew who the elites were. At least that could be
 said. Do we know now? What would the template usage say, keeping with the
 idea of that being the only information allowed to define history. Would
 the template usage that said knowledge of elites was fairly strong, show a
 division about two ways? That'd fit with historical situation. What about

 Fair enough history must have had some outlying daft theories like now,
 so let's elimate those. Also control for the information revolution and the
 extents, then, of templates becoming more complex due to people being
 influenced online.

 One way to do this would be to select a sample of the most mainstream
 template. Surely most of us have some experience of the mainstream. Either
 we're moving in the direction of it, or moving the other way. But generally
 we know something about it. Does the mainsteam template know who our elites
 are right now? Do you? Do people even here in this thread agree on this
 question? How many different views on this are here alone?

 It's a world of infinite infinities, bocktime multiverses, endless
 potentials and exponentially growing optimism...where to say otherwise is
 literally bad philosophy by definition. There is even the suggestion that
 elites cannot exist at all...not cohersive ones anyway..,that to say
 otherwise is bad philosophy too (i.e. Deutsch).

 Maybe that's a reason why no one knows. Because no such thing exists.
 Maybe the reason fewer and fewer people talk about such a thing as an
 incumbent elite. Fewer news references, fewer political references, fewer

Re: video of Andrei Linde hearing gravity wave news

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
Is it just me? I find things like this make me cry. I saw Alan Guth on the
news earlier today, and I just ... well I almost teared up. This is someone
who came out with this theory 30 years or more ago, it's like when Higgs
was on TV the other year talking about the discovery of the Higgs

And then we had the supreme example of bathos from the presenter.

And now, from the origins of the universe, we take you to sport.

My 12 year old daughter looked at me and said, Why is sport news?

On 18 March 2014 18:27, meekerdb wrote:


  Original Message 
 Here is a Stanford video you might like to watch of Andrei Linde hearing
 the news about gravity waves.  Enjoy.

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Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-03-18 Thread Pierz

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 2:36:25 AM UTC+11, wrote:

 At some point, Pierz, one has to use one's senses. 

Quite so, but you were making a completely invalid leap of reasoning from 
your sense data - something along the lines of I see birds singing in the 
trees, so mass species extinction is humbug. That is obviously fallacious. 
The species extinction rate is estimated at 0.01% per annum by the WWF, so 
of course there is still a vast majority of species left, including those 
starlings out your window. 1-10K times background does not translate 
necessarily to a large proportion of observed species, especially in the 
near-monoculture inhabited by urban humans. That is just so blindingly 
clear and indisputable that you should really just retract that remark. 

 This is part or the scientific endeavor as well. Observe, record, and 
 measure, hopefully in common units, milibars, meters, kilograms, parsecs. 
 But one must observe and try to make sense of things. Just as the oil 
 companies say no, no, no, we pollute nothing, the environmentalists push 
 for a common goal as well. One is driven by greed to lie, the other by a 
 hunger for power-to save the world. Of the two sets of bastards, I have 
 learned to mistrust the environmentalist even more so than the petro kings. 

Environmentalists get things wrong due to knee-jerk, party-line responses 
to issues - the objection to all nuclear power may be an example. But the 
motivation to preserve the life of all beings on this planet is always 
going to trump naked, short-term greed in my book when it comes to which 
bastard I trust.

 On another note, I think you have probably heard of the physical 
 anthropological papers indicating that the paleo-south americans, did an 
 excellent job of sustaining the rain forests, by simply doing what was in 
 their interests. Damming streams using logs and boulders, and mud, removing 
 natural dams in the uplands by digging using tree branches, crude shovels, 
 their hands. 

I hear the (not-so) faint background anthem of right-wing ideology. 
Self-interest can be trusted to bring us all the best possible result. 
Let's all get out of the way and let the market save us all. You can bet 
the corporations will be building sea-walls if the ocean does start to rise 
dramatically, but the fact is the interests of corporations are way too 
short-term. CEOs care about this year's balance sheet, next year's, and 
maybe, just maybe the balance sheet in five years' time. Beyond their own 
retirement horizon they couldn't give a damn (or a dam). And corporations 
are enmeshed in the inertia of how things have always been done. 

Finally, with regard to saving the planet even at the expense of 
humanity, that's like talking about saving the ocean even at the expense 
of the fish. We are utterly dependent on the health of this planet. 
Certainly there are real tensions between environmental and human concerns 
- do we let community X clear-fell a certain forest? If we don't the 
community will suffer economically. But ultimately if we let every 
community log every forest at will, we will end up with an atmosphere that 
can't regenerate its own oxygen supply. Those Amerindians couldn't do too 
much damage through their self-interested actions precisely because they 
only had their hands and a few primitive tools. It's the power of modern 
technology that is the game changer. We can't be one-sidedly 
environmentalist and just ban all logging. Rather we need to work with the 
tension of these competing concerns and use all our human ingenuity to find 
technical and social solutions to these immensely challenging problems. The 
world is complex - no simple-minded ideology like trust the market is 
likely to hold the answer.

 Remember Paul Ehrlich the population biologist who wrote The Population 
 Bomb, and made dramatic extinction scenarios? His scenarios seem to be 
 stimulus-response in their inception/purpose. Get the lemmings to jump to 

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Re: video of Andrei Linde hearing gravity wave news

2014-03-18 Thread Alberto G. Corona
What impressed me is this:

Let's just hope that it is not a trick

2014-03-18 9:17 GMT+01:00 LizR

 Is it just me? I find things like this make me cry. I saw Alan Guth on the
 news earlier today, and I just ... well I almost teared up. This is someone
 who came out with this theory 30 years or more ago, it's like when Higgs
 was on TV the other year talking about the discovery of the Higgs

 And then we had the supreme example of bathos from the presenter.

 And now, from the origins of the universe, we take you to sport.

 My 12 year old daughter looked at me and said, Why is sport news?

 On 18 March 2014 18:27, meekerdb wrote:


  Original Message 
 Here is a Stanford video you might like to watch of Andrei Linde hearing
 the news about gravity waves.  Enjoy.

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RE: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread Chris de Morsella


[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of
industrial civilization


Personally, I am more in fear of nuclear war then I am about environmental
devastation. This is not to say the natural world is not in big trouble
because of human encroachment, but for Maslows hierarchy of needs, my fear
is that humans disappear, and the weeds and rats and insects take over, and
a great silence descends on the radio waves emanating from the spiral galaxy
we inhabit. My fear is that so many greens seem attuned with die-off so as
to preserve the natural order, which humans disrupt. This is not something
this primate can tolerate.


That last sentence doesn't even make sense. What can you possibly be trying
to say - or perhaps imply - by stating that so many greens seem attuned
with die-off to preserve the natural order?  Are they somehow advocating
for genocide in order to restore some kind of natural order? That is a
potentially very serious charge you seem to be making. If you are going to
slander a whole swath of society you had better have some pretty darn
compelling evidence - and real factual evidence, not political argument - to
back it up.


-Original Message-
From: Alberto G. Corona
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Mar 17, 2014 11:48 am
Subject: Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of
industrial civilization

An excellent piece of postmarxist (marxism rephrased as sociological
science)  by the church of progressivism.






Unless the budget of the NASA and specially these experts is increased and
a change in global politics and another international bureau of world
engineers is created overcoming democratic control. Of course it must be
headed by these experts 


2014-03-15 13:46 GMT+01:00 Edgar L. Owen

All, this seems like a very reasonable scenario and is in line with my
thinking.. Edgar

NASA-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible


Natural and social scientists develop new model of how 'perfect storm' of
crises could unravel global system

 This NASA Earth Observatory released on

This Nasa Earth Observatory image shows a storm system circling around an
area of extreme low pressure in 2010, which many scientists attribute to
climate change. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

A new study sponsored by Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted
the prospect that global industrial civilisation could collapse in coming
decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal
wealth distribution.

Noting that warnings of 'collapse' are often seen to be fringe or
controversial, the study attempts to make sense of compelling historical
data showing that the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent
cycle found throughout history. Cases of severe civilisational disruption
due to precipitous collapse - often lasting centuries - have been quite

The research project is based on a new cross-disciplinary 'Human And Nature
DYnamical' (HANDY) model, led by applied mathematician Safa Motesharri of
the US National Science Foundation-supported
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, in association with a team of
natural and social scientists. The study based on the HANDY model has been
accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed Elsevier journal, Ecological

It finds that according to the historical record even advanced, complex
civilisations are susceptible to collapse, raising questions about the
sustainability of modern civilisation:

The fall of the Roman Empire, and the equally (if not more) advanced Han,
Mauryan, and Gupta Empires, as well as so many advanced Mesopotamian
Empires, are all testimony to the fact that advanced, sophisticated,
complex, and creative civilizations can be both fragile and impermanent.

By investigating the human-nature dynamics of these past cases of collapse,
the project identifies the most salient interrelated factors which explain
civilisational decline, and which may help determine the risk of collapse
today: namely, Population, Climate, Water, Agriculture, and Energy.

These factors can lead to collapse when they converge to generate two
crucial social features: the stretching of resources due to the strain
placed on the ecological carrying capacity; and the economic
stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or 

RE: Gravity Wave Signature Discovered

2014-03-18 Thread Chris de Morsella


[] On Behalf Of LizR


You might also like to see Chris de Morsella's post.

I'm not sure how to link to it but the title is First direct evidence of
cosmic inflation


Here is the link:



On 18 March 2014 12:21, LizR wrote:

This is very cool. Gravitational waves and inflation in one feel swoop.
(Well, a 3-year fell swoop.)


On 18 March 2014 12:20, LizR wrote:


On 18 March 2014 11:24, wrote:

On Monday, March 17, 2014 9:21:20 PM UTC, Kim Jones wrote:

OK - so I should have written Gravitational Wave (Gravity waves are
something else.)




Oh, thanks for saying thatI thought they meant gravity waves. Which - I
thought - was a major prediction of Inflation. 

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RE: First direct evidence of cosmic inflation

2014-03-18 Thread Chris de Morsella


[] On Behalf Of meekerdb
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: First direct evidence of cosmic inflation


The interesting question is which cosmogony models are ruled out by this.  I
think it rules out the d-brane collision models and maybe other string based


Interesting. Could you be more specific why. is it because of the nature of
the signature of these ripples in spacetime. 



On 3/17/2014 2:10 PM, LizR wrote:

 Inline images 1 

Wow. That is so cool, the first (sort-of) direct detection of gravitational
waves, as opposed to infering their existence from binary neutron stars'
orbital decay. (This is kind of parallel to how the neutrino was discovered,
come to think of it.)

That pattern looks so regular, like atoms blown up to the size of
galaxies... they say they spent 3 years checking the data for local sources
and I can see why, that looks like a really clear signal. And evidence for
inflation, too ... (can they deduce anything about how it happened, how long
for etc, yet?)


On 18 March 2014 09:26, Chris de Morsella wrote:

First direct evidence of cosmic inflation


March 17, 2014


Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics


Almost 14 billion years ago, the universe we inhabit burst into existence in
an extraordinary event that initiated the Big Bang. In the first fleeting
fraction of a second, the universe expanded exponentially, stretching far
beyond the view of our best telescopes. All this, of course, was just
theory. Researchers now announce the first direct evidence for this cosmic
inflation. Their data also represent the first images of gravitational
waves, or ripples in space-time. These waves have been described as the
first tremors of the Big Bang. Finally, the data confirm a deep connection
between quantum mechanics and general relativity.




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Re: First direct evidence of cosmic inflation

2014-03-18 Thread meekerdb

On 3/18/2014 3:13 AM, Chris de Morsella wrote:

*From:* [] *On 
Behalf Of *meekerdb

*Sent:* Monday, March 17, 2014 6:16 PM
*Subject:* Re: First direct evidence of cosmic inflation

The interesting question is which cosmogony models are ruled out by this.  I think it 
rules out the d-brane collision models and maybe other string based models.

Interesting. Could you be more specific why... is it because of the nature of the 
signature of these ripples in spacetime.


The brane-collision model was invented to explain why there wasn't b-mode polarization in 
the CMB, in case there wasn't.  It didn't require the inflationary period.  But I'm told 
by my more erudite friend Lawrence Crowell that there are versions of the ekpyrotic model 
that will have inflationary bubbles and b-mode polarization - so I guess only the simpler 
collision model is ruled out.


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Re: First direct evidence of cosmic inflation

2014-03-18 Thread Richard Ruquist
The black-hole big-bang theory hypothesized by Smolin and derived by
Poplawski is also ruled out as it does not have a cosmic inflation phase.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 8:25 AM, meekerdb wrote:

  On 3/18/2014 3:13 AM, Chris de Morsella wrote:

 *From:* []
 *On Behalf Of *meekerdb
 *Sent:* Monday, March 17, 2014 6:16 PM
 *Subject:* Re: First direct evidence of cosmic inflation

 The interesting question is which cosmogony models are ruled out by this.
 I think it rules out the d-brane collision models and maybe other string
 based models.

 Interesting. Could you be more specific why... is it because of the nature
 of the signature of these ripples in spacetime.


 The brane-collision model was invented to explain why there wasn't b-mode
 polarization in the CMB, in case there wasn't.  It didn't require the
 inflationary period.  But I'm told by my more erudite friend Lawrence
 Crowell that there are versions of the ekpyrotic model that will have
 inflationary bubbles and b-mode polarization - so I guess only the simpler
 collision model is ruled out.


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Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread John Clark
Jesse, somehow our conversation has bifurcated into 2 quite different
topics, environmental concerns and fundamental physics, today I'll just
talk about the physics.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Jesse Mazer wrote:

  I already addressed your confusion about the implications of black hole
 entropy in detail in my post at 
 you never replied to.

And I never responded to it because it was incoherent, I give the following
exchange as a example:

John: If there are 2 different states of the universe that could have
produced things as they are now then there is no way to decide between them
and history is unknowable (just as it is in the Game of Life) and the laws
of physics are not reversible.

Jesse: You think in classical statistical mechanics there can't be 2
different ways to get to a given *macrostate*??? If so you are badly

And I'm the one who is supposed to be confused??? There is not one drop of
Quantum Mechanics or probability in the Game of Life, it is 100% classical
mechanics,  and yet there CAN be 2 or more ways to get to a given
macrostate. It's 100% deterministic so if I show you a Game of Life pattern
you can calculate what  it's future evolution will be (there doesn't seem
to be anything analogous to chaos in the Game)  but you can't figure out
it's history was, or at least not a unique history.

 Today the deepest understanding of entropy comes from the study of Black
 Holes. From:

 S [entropy ] is the log of the number of quantum mechanically distinct
 ways that the black hole could have been made, or information lost in the
 creation of the black hole

  Are you suggesting that this new deep understanding invalidates the
 older understanding of entropy as the number of microstates for a given
 macrostate, the one you yourself quoted in your last post?

I am saying that Kip Thorn, one of the world's best physicists, wrote on
page 446 of his book  A Black Hole's entropy is the logarithm of the
number of ways that the hole could have been made.  And I'm saying that in
classical physics a state can produce only one future state, but any given
state can have been produced in more than one way, therefore the number of
microstates in a Black Hole must equal to k times the number of states that
made it where k is some constant integer. Therefore if Entropy is
proportional to the logarithm of the number of microstates in a system then
according to the laws of logarithms Entropy MUST also be proportional to
the logarithm of the number of ways the system could have been produced.

 Assuming the unitary nature of quantum mechanics is preserved so that
 information is not lost when things fall in [into a Black Hole]

That is quite a assumption, today it's one of the greatest controversies in
physics and nobody knows if that assumption is valid; see Leonard
Susskind's book The Black Hole Wars.

 the number of quantum microstates that any macrostate can have NOW must
 be the same as the number of initial quantum microstates in the PAST which
 would have led to the current macrostate, so the number of distinct ways
 it [the current macrostate] could have been made would be exactly the same
 as the number of distinct quantum microstates it could be in now

So why in hell do you say Entropy is proportional to the logarithm of the
number of microstates something can be in and still have the same
macrostate,  but it is not proportional  to the logarithm of the number of
ways the thing could have been produced?

  in practice, I think almost any real-world experiment you could do in an
 elevator in free fall in deep space wouldn't show any divergence from the
 predictions of special relativity that would be measurable by modern

Not true. As far back as 1963 it was noticed that  clocks tick slower on
the first floor of the physics building at MIT than they do on the second
floor, Special Relativity had no explanation for this but General
Relativity did, clocks on the first floor were closer to the center of the
Earth than those on the second floor and thus were in a stronger
gravitational field and thus ticked slower.  And today the standard GPS
receiver in your car must synchronize it's internal clock with the clocks
in 3 or more navigation satellites, to do this it must take into account
some pretty exotic things; for example, the satellite is moving very fast
so due to Special Relativity the satellite's clock will LOSE 7210
nanoseconds a day, but the satellite's clock is in a weaker gravitational
field than the clock in your car because it is further from the Earth's
center, so due to GENERAL RELATIVITY the clock will GAIN 45850 nanoseconds
a day. Taking these 2 factors into account the satellite's clocks gains
45850 -7210 = 38,640 nanoseconds a day relative to the clock in your car.
If your car GPS receiver 

Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread meekerdb

On 3/18/2014 8:14 AM, John Clark wrote:
Jesse, somehow our conversation has bifurcated into 2 quite different topics, 
environmental concerns and fundamental physics, today I'll just talk about the physics.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Jesse Mazer wrote:

  I already addressed your confusion about the implications of black hole 
in detail in my post at 
which you
never replied to.

And I never responded to it because it was incoherent, I give the following exchange as 
a example:

John: If there are 2 different states of the universe that could have produced things 
as they are now then there is no way to decide between them and history is unknowable 
(just as it is in the Game of Life) and the laws of physics are not reversible.

Jesse: You think in classical statistical mechanics there can't be 2 different ways to 
get to a given *macrostate*??? If so you are badly confused.

And I'm the one who is supposed to be confused??? There is not one drop of Quantum 
Mechanics or probability in the Game of Life, it is 100% classical mechanics,  and yet 
there CAN be 2 or more ways to get to a given macrostate. It's 100% deterministic so if 
I show you a Game of Life pattern you can calculate what  it's future evolution will be 
(there doesn't seem to be anything analogous to chaos in the Game)  but you can't figure 
out it's history was, or at least not a unique history.

 Today the deepest understanding of entropy comes from the study of 
Holes. From:

S [entropy ] is the log of the number of quantum mechanically distinct 
that the black hole could have been made, or information lost in the 
creation of
the black hole

 Are you suggesting that this new deep understanding invalidates the 
understanding of entropy as the number of microstates for a given 
macrostate, the
one you yourself quoted in your last post?

I am saying that Kip Thorn, one of the world's best physicists, wrote on page 446 of his 
book  A Black Hole's entropy is the logarithm of the number of ways that the hole could 
have been made.  And I'm saying that in classical physics a state can produce only one 
future state, but any given state can have been produced in more than one way, therefore 
the number of microstates in a Black Hole must equal to k times the number of states 
that made it where k is some constant integer. Therefore if Entropy is proportional to 
the logarithm of the number of microstates in a system then according to the laws of 
logarithms Entropy MUST also be proportional to the logarithm of the number of ways the 
system could have been produced.

But Kip is speaking loosely.  If you look at the original paper with Zurek

you see that they are counting up the number of states by imagining adding quanta of 
energy as small as possible at each step to building up a black hole.  But this is just a 
way to aid the counting, the result has no dependence on the imagined order.  It's just a 
way to calculate the number of internal states consistent with the macro-states of the 
no-hair theorem.

 Assuming the unitary nature of quantum mechanics is preserved so that 
is not lost when things fall in [into a Black Hole]

That is quite a assumption, today it's one of the greatest controversies in physics and 
nobody knows if that assumption is valid; see Leonard Susskind's book The Black Hole 

 the number of quantum microstates that any macrostate can have NOW must 
be the
same as the number of initial quantum microstates in the PAST which would 
have led
to the current macrostate, so the number of distinct ways it [the current
macrostate] could have been made would be exactly the same as the number of
distinct quantum microstates it could be in now

So why in hell do you say Entropy is proportional to the logarithm of the number of 
microstates something can be in and still have the same macrostate,  but it is not 
proportional  to the logarithm of the number of ways the thing could have been produced?

 in practice, I think almost any real-world experiment you could do in an 
in free fall in deep space wouldn't show any divergence from the 
predictions of
special relativity that would be measurable by modern equipment.

Not true. As far back as 1963 it was noticed that  clocks tick slower on the first floor 
of the physics building at MIT than they do on the second floor, Special Relativity had 
no explanation for this but General Relativity did, clocks on the first floor were 
closer to the 

Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread spudboy100
Why is it that the Koch's figure so highly in your focus of vilification, but 
George Soros dies not? Why is political meddling by one side gets targeted but 
the other doesn't. You seem to have a decided preference for certain 
billionaires, rather then have a mistrust of all. 

-Original Message-
From: Chris de Morsella
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Mar 17, 2014 12:56 pm
Subject: RE: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial 

[] On Behalf Of Alberto G. Corona 
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 8:48 AM
To: everything-list
Subject: Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial 

An excellent piece of postmarxist (marxism rephrased as sociological science) 
 by the church of progressivism.

I suppose you believe that the only climate change science is being done by the 
Heritage Foundation and other such Koch brother funded “think tanks”? If you 
have some actual science based reason to criticize this study, by all means 
share it with us. But you don’t do you – you have not even bothered to read it 
now have you? Be honest. Your rebuttal of the NASA study is sorely lacking in 
scientific rigor, preferring instead to rely on a series of colorful adjectives 
to present your case.
If you are such a lover of science then use science and scientific data, and 
arguments based on clear deductions from that data to try to make your 
As it is all you have shared is a stale retreaded Tea Party rant; frankly its 
Worn out and weak.




Unless the budget of the NASA and specially these experts is increased and a 
change in global politics and another international bureau of world engineers 
is created overcoming democratic control. Of course it must be headed by these 


2014-03-15 13:46 GMT+01:00 Edgar L. Owen

All, this seems like a very reasonable scenario and is in line with my 
thinking.. Edgar

NASA-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?


Natural and social scientists develop new model of how 'perfect storm' of 
crises could unravel global system

This Nasa Earth Observatory image shows a storm system circling around an area 
of extreme low pressure in 2010, which many scientists attribute to climate 
change. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

A new study sponsored by Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted the 
prospect that global industrial civilisation could collapse in coming decades 
due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth 
Noting that warnings of 'collapse' are often seen to be fringe or 
controversial, the study attempts to make sense of compelling historical data 
showing that the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle 
found throughout history. Cases of severe civilisational disruption due to 
precipitous collapse - often lasting centuries - have been quite common.
The research project is based on a new cross-disciplinary 'Human And Nature 
DYnamical' (HANDY) model, led by applied mathematician Safa Motesharri of the 
US National Science Foundation-supported National Socio-Environmental Synthesis 
Center, in association with a team of natural and social scientists. The study 
based on the HANDY model has been accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed 
Elsevier journal, Ecological Economics.
It finds that according to the historical record even advanced, complex 
civilisations are susceptible to collapse, raising questions about the 
sustainability of modern civilisation:

The fall of the Roman Empire, and the equally (if not more) advanced Han, 
Mauryan, and Gupta Empires, as well as so many advanced Mesopotamian Empires, 
are all testimony to the fact that advanced, sophisticated, complex, and 
creative civilizations can be both fragile and impermanent.

By investigating the human-nature dynamics of these past cases of collapse, the 
project identifies the most salient interrelated factors which explain 
civilisational decline, and which may help determine the risk of collapse 
today: namely, Population, Climate, Water, Agriculture, and Energy.
These factors can lead to collapse when they converge to generate two crucial 
social features: the stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the 
ecological carrying capacity; and the economic stratification of society into 
Elites [rich] and Masses (or Commoners) [poor] These social phenomena have 
played a central role in the character or in the process of the collapse, in 
all such cases over the last five thousand years.
Currently, high levels of economic stratification are linked directly to 

Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread spudboy100
Its not about my ideology, its about your ideology, actually. I am not here to 
sell my deep suspicions that would never be accepted. Ideology is like a faith, 
or rather a faith movement. No solutions offered or even desired, simply 
obedience to the ruling class. Nice. 

-Original Message-
From: LizR
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Mar 17, 2014 7:37 pm
Subject: Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial 

On 18 March 2014 05:01, wrote:

Well, to get on track, we would need to assert trade offs, fixes, and 
solutions, rather than promote mere complaint. This goes for myself, but few 
seem to feel this way. If we want a clean green Earth, then problem solving is 
essential. In that attempt to problem solve, we may come up with a decent idea, 
or promote one we have heard of.

That is exactly how I feel about it. However I suspect that your rants about 
how [insert special interest group here] are a bunch of [insert despised 
political group here] planning to create a [insert feared political system 
here] may not have helped people appreciate that this is your position.

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Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-03-18 Thread spudboy100
Breaking your ideas down, I do still hold that the figure cited as 10,000 is 
imprecise. It seems as a selling point. But with a focus on accurate measures, 
and I say that whats been presented is not accurate. However, it could even be 
worse than 10,000. As I have tried to get environmentalists here, to cite ideas 
on remediation, sans government control. Why? Because then it becomes an excuse 
to rule us more and more, on the pretense of fixing a problem. So, I try to 
focus on technology and ask what do you want to do, what technology? I get 
suspicious when, if I receive any response at all, its vague, and indistinct. I 
would fix issues with tech, rather than having bureaucratic fascists rule us 
all, Few on this list agree with this approach. They want everything under 
government control, as long as they agree with the dictator. When it becomes 
apparent that people are after the control of others, it needs to be resisted. 
The market is closer to human freedom then government rule, but it is not to be 
trusted completely. Again, technology first please,

-Original Message-
From: Pierz
To: everything-list
Sent: Tue, Mar 18, 2014 5:19 am
Subject: Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 2:36:25 AM UTC+11, wrote:
At some point, Pierz, one has to use one's senses. 

Quite so, but you were making a completely invalid leap of reasoning from your 
sense data - something along the lines of I see birds singing in the trees, so 
mass species extinction is humbug. That is obviously fallacious. The species 
extinction rate is estimated at 0.01% per annum by the WWF, so of course there 
is still a vast majority of species left, including those starlings out your 
window. 1-10K times background does not translate necessarily to a large 
proportion of observed species, especially in the near-monoculture inhabited by 
urban humans. That is just so blindingly clear and indisputable that you should 
really just retract that remark. 

This is part or the scientific endeavor as well. Observe, record, and measure, 
hopefully in common units, milibars, meters, kilograms, parsecs. But one must 
observe and try to make sense of things. Just as the oil companies say no, no, 
no, we pollute nothing, the environmentalists push for a common goal as well. 
One is driven by greed to lie, the other by a hunger for power-to save the 
world. Of the two sets of bastards, I have learned to mistrust the 
environmentalist even more so than the petro kings. 

Environmentalists get things wrong due to knee-jerk, party-line responses to 
issues - the objection to all nuclear power may be an example. But the 
motivation to preserve the life of all beings on this planet is always going to 
trump naked, short-term greed in my book when it comes to which bastard I 

On another note, I think you have probably heard of the physical 
anthropological papers indicating that the paleo-south americans, did an 
excellent job of sustaining the rain forests, by simply doing what was in their 
interests. Damming streams using logs and boulders, and mud, removing natural 
dams in the uplands by digging using tree branches, crude shovels, their hands. 

I hear the (not-so) faint background anthem of right-wing ideology. 
Self-interest can be trusted to bring us all the best possible result. Let's 
all get out of the way and let the market save us all. You can bet the 
corporations will be building sea-walls if the ocean does start to rise 
dramatically, but the fact is the interests of corporations are way too 
short-term. CEOs care about this year's balance sheet, next year's, and maybe, 
just maybe the balance sheet in five years' time. Beyond their own retirement 
horizon they couldn't give a damn (or a dam). And corporations are enmeshed in 
the inertia of how things have always been done. 

Finally, with regard to saving the planet even at the expense of humanity, 
that's like talking about saving the ocean even at the expense of the fish. 
We are utterly dependent on the health of this planet. Certainly there are real 
tensions between environmental and human concerns - do we let community X 
clear-fell a certain forest? If we don't the community will suffer 
economically. But ultimately if we let every community log every forest at 
will, we will end up with an atmosphere that can't regenerate its own oxygen 
supply. Those Amerindians couldn't do too much damage through their 
self-interested actions precisely because they only had their hands and a few 
primitive tools. It's the power of modern technology that is the game changer. 
We can't be one-sidedly environmentalist and just ban all logging. Rather we 
need to work with the tension of these competing concerns and use all our human 
ingenuity to find technical and social solutions to these immensely challenging 
problems. The world is complex - 

Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread John Mikes
Dear Hal Ruhl,

it has been for long since we had our last exchangeI clicked the URL
and found mostly agreeable general ideas (with my peculiar thoughts in
frequent questioning).

*May I ask WHAT kind of LIFE are you talking about?*

I believe our Terresstrial 'bio' is only a segment. Then again evolution
etc. are not within my agnostic framework of worldview, so your explanation
would find fertile grounds.

Good to hear from you again

John Mikes oldtimer

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 6:28 PM, Hal Ruhl wrote:

 Hi everyone

 Below is a URL from one of my posts on the subject of life being
 inherently self destructive which I believe it to be.  It provides my
 curent argument on the subject.

 I think such discussion is relevant to the main history of this group's
 threads because if life is indeed always inherently self
 destructive wherever it appears in any allowed universe then why is there
 such a down select in the types of allowed universes.




 Hal Ruhl

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Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
Am I right in assuming that in a quantum mechanical universe you can trace
the history backwards?

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Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread Jesse Mazer
Yes, if you have the exact present quantum state and you're assuming the
normal quantum rules for continuous wavefunction evolution, you can
determine the past quantum state. The answer might change if you assume
that there's an objective physical reality to the collapse of
wavefunction with measurement, distinct from the normal wavefunction
evolution rules.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 5:33 PM, LizR wrote:

 Am I right in assuming that in a quantum mechanical universe you can trace
 the history backwards?

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Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
OK, thanks.


I realise that wavefunction collapse involves information loss and creates
a fundamental time asymmetry, but I was under the impression that's the
only place in QM that those things can occur - hence Stephen Hawking
famously losing a bet (I thnk the prize was an encyclopaedia). So it's nice
to have that view confirmed by someone who knows a lot more about the
subject than I ever will.

On 19 March 2014 10:52, Jesse Mazer wrote:

 Yes, if you have the exact present quantum state and you're assuming the
 normal quantum rules for continuous wavefunction evolution, you can
 determine the past quantum state. The answer might change if you assume
 that there's an objective physical reality to the collapse of
 wavefunction with measurement, distinct from the normal wavefunction
 evolution rules.


 On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 5:33 PM, LizR wrote:

 Am I right in assuming that in a quantum mechanical universe you can
 trace the history backwards?

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Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
Speaking of 1984

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Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
On 19 March 2014 08:46, wrote:

 Breaking your ideas down, I do still hold that the figure cited as 10,000
 is imprecise. It seems as a selling point. But with a focus on accurate
 measures, and I say that whats been presented is not accurate. However, it
 could even be worse than 10,000. As I have tried to get environmentalists
 here, to cite ideas on remediation, sans government control. Why? Because
 then it becomes an excuse to rule us more and more, on the pretense of
 fixing a problem. So, I try to focus on technology and ask what do you
 want to do, what technology? I get suspicious when, if I receive any
 response at all, its vague, and indistinct. I would fix issues with tech,
 rather than having bureaucratic fascists rule us all, Few on this list
 agree with this approach. They want everything under government control, as
 long as they agree with the dictator. When it becomes apparent that people
 are after the control of others, it needs to be resisted. The market is
 closer to human freedom then government rule, but it is not to be trusted
 completely. Again, technology first please,

Technology is being used to place almost everything under government
control right now. At the risk of repeating myself...

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Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread meekerdb
But in general that would mean knowing the state of everything the system had interacted 
with in the past, since it is now entangled with them.  So even if you suppose there is no 
collapse of the wavefunction, decoherence has the same effect.


On 3/18/2014 2:52 PM, Jesse Mazer wrote:
Yes, if you have the exact present quantum state and you're assuming the normal quantum 
rules for continuous wavefunction evolution, you can determine the past quantum state. 
The answer might change if you assume that there's an objective physical reality to the 
collapse of wavefunction with measurement, distinct from the normal wavefunction 
evolution rules.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 5:33 PM, LizR wrote:

Am I right in assuming that in a quantum mechanical universe you can trace 
history backwards?

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Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread Hal Ruhl
Hi John:
It is a distinct pleasure to hear from you.
To answer your question I think the narrowest characterization of the type 
of life I talk about is that it is one of the possible processes within a 
universe that if implemented increase the entropy of that universe.  
Further all such processes will be implemented in any universe in which 
they are possible.  Since entropy has a fixed maximum in a closed system (a 
universe) then life must enable its own extinction.

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 5:23:58 PM UTC-4, JohnM wrote:

 Dear Hal Ruhl,

 it has been for long since we had our last exchangeI clicked the URL 
 and found mostly agreeable general ideas (with my peculiar thoughts in 
 frequent questioning).

 *May I ask WHAT kind of LIFE are you talking about?*

 I believe our Terresstrial 'bio' is only a segment. Then again evolution 
 etc. are not within my agnostic framework of worldview, so your explanation 
 would find fertile grounds. 

 Good to hear from you again

 John Mikes oldtimer

 On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 6:28 PM, Hal Ruhl 

 Hi everyone
 Below is a URL from one of my posts on the subject of life being 
 inherently self destructive which I believe it to be.  It provides my 
 curent argument on the subject.
 I think such discussion is relevant to the main history of this group's 
 threads because if life is indeed always inherently self 
 destructive wherever it appears in any allowed universe then why is there 
 such a down select in the types of allowed universes.   
 Hal Ruhl


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Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
On 19 March 2014 12:47, meekerdb wrote:

  But in general that would mean knowing the state of everything the
 system had interacted with in the past, since it is now entangled with
 them.  So even if you suppose there is no collapse of the wavefunction,
 decoherence has the same effect.

I was only asking about the theoretical possibility, given unrealistically
perfect information about the state of the system. To put it another way,
in the Game of Life, even with perfect information, you can't trace the
state of the system backwards because it loses information. So even the
laws of physics couldn't work backwards in a universe based on the GOL. QM,
I'm informed, doesn't lose information, so (very much in theory) you could
work backwards - or (less in theory) the laws of physics could.

I wasn't asking whether I could build a chronoscope and watch the past
happening on TV.

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Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-03-18 Thread meekerdb

On 3/18/2014 4:12 PM, LizR wrote:

On 19 March 2014 08:46, wrote:

Breaking your ideas down, I do still hold that the figure cited as 10,000 is
imprecise. It seems as a selling point. But with a focus on accurate 
measures, and I
say that whats been presented is not accurate. However, it could even be 
worse than
10,000. As I have tried to get environmentalists here, to cite ideas on 
sans government control. Why? Because then it becomes an excuse to rule us 
more and
more, on the pretense of fixing a problem. 

It's not an *excuse* nor a *pretense* because there is no plausible way that the problem 
will be addressed without government action. When there is an air pollutant that it costs 
money to avoid or remove (like automobile exhaust pollutants) it is only a *disadvantage* 
to individuals and enterprises to spend their money to clean up.  But the government can 
provide incentives to make cleaner energy production cheaper.  This is only forcing costs 
that had been externalized to be internalized.

There is also the development of technologies which are too expensive, too riskly, or too 
likely to be stopped by litigation for any private organization to develop. LFTRs are the 
obvious example, but also various CO2 sequestering schemes and insolation reduction by 

So, I try to focus on technology and ask what do you want to do, what 
I get suspicious when, if I receive any response at all, its vague, and 
I would fix issues with tech, 

But technology development takes money and sometimes protection.

rather than having bureaucratic fascists rule us all, Few on this list 
agree with
this approach. 

Few agree with your ridiculous equation of all bureaucrats with fascists and all 
government programs with communism.

They want everything under government control, as long as they agree with 
dictator. When it becomes apparent that people are after the control of 
others, it
needs to be resisted. The market is closer to human freedom then government 
but it is not to be trusted completely. Again, technology first please,

The market means you can have as much freedom as you can pay for.


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Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread meekerdb

On 3/18/2014 4:52 PM, Hal Ruhl wrote:

Hi John:
It is a distinct pleasure to hear from you.
To answer your question I think the narrowest characterization of the type of life I 
talk about is that it is one of the possible processes within a universe that if 
implemented increase the entropy of that universe.

But every process defined at the macro level does that - so it's not much of a 
definition.  I'd define life as a process in which systems reproduce, with variation, fast 
enough that natural selection can act to produce evolution.

Further all such processes will be implemented in any universe in which they 
are possible.  Since entropy has a fixed maximum in a closed system (a universe)

But that's not true.  An expanding universe in which maximum entropy is proportional to 
the area of the hubble sphere doesn't have a fixed maximum.  And on a more practical level 
we are many orders of magnitude from the maximum.

then life must enable its own extinction.

Enable is vague.  All of life on Earth would be wiped out by a nearby gamma-ray burster; 
but life on Earth did nothing to enable that.


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Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
On 19 March 2014 12:52, Hal Ruhl wrote:

 To answer your question I think the narrowest characterization of the type
 of life I talk about is that it is one of the possible processes within a
 universe that if implemented increase the entropy of that universe.
 Further all such processes will be implemented in any universe in which
 they are possible.  Since entropy has a fixed maximum in a closed system (a
 universe) then life must enable its own extinction.

I'm told (mainly by PCW Davies iirc) that the maximum entropy in an
expanding universe increases indefinitely. This is how a big bang fireball
that was more or less at thermodynamic equilibrium could turn into a
universe full of dissipative systems.

This may not however prevent life from enabling its own extinction (at
least in the very, very, very long run) - although I'd say at the present
epoch it is mainly stars that are enabling its extinction. (Along with its
existence, too, of course.)

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Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
On 19 March 2014 13:27, meekerdb wrote:

 The market means you can have as much freedom as you can pay for.

Nicely put. I may put that in my collection of quotes.

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Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread meekerdb

On 3/18/2014 5:07 PM, LizR wrote:

On 19 March 2014 12:47, meekerdb wrote:

But in general that would mean knowing the state of everything the system 
interacted with in the past, since it is now entangled with them.  So even 
if you
suppose there is no collapse of the wavefunction, decoherence has the same 

I was only asking about the theoretical possibility, given unrealistically perfect 
information about the state of the system.

The universe (assuming unitary QM) is reversible.  In fact from the standpoint of QM there 
is no arrow of time - it's deterministic, just like Laplace's universe.  So, as always, 
when the word possibility is used there has to be some context.  To *calculate* a 
history of the universe from it's present state would require knowing its *complete* 
present state, including your mental state. Is that theoretically possible?  I think it 
involves a paradox of self-reference.

To put it another way, in the Game of Life, even with perfect information, you can't 
trace the state of the system backwards because it loses information. So even the laws 
of physics couldn't work backwards in a universe based on the GOL. QM, I'm informed, 
doesn't lose information, so (very much in theory) you could work backwards - or (less 
in theory) the laws of physics could.

Yes the universe doesn't lose information like the GoL.  But relative to any point it 
loses information across spacetime horizons.  So there's no way to gather that information 
up into a calculation unless you have some God's eye view from outside the universe, in 
which case you could see the past anyway.

There's a couple of nice papers about this by Yasunori Nomura: arXiv:1205.267v2 is a 
popular exposition and arXiv:1205.5550v2 is a more technical paper.


I wasn't asking whether I could build a chronoscope and watch the past 
happening on TV.

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Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
Thanks. I couldn't find the exact references. Is this the popular one?

On 19 March 2014 13:57, meekerdb wrote:

  On 3/18/2014 5:07 PM, LizR wrote:

  On 19 March 2014 12:47, meekerdb wrote:

  But in general that would mean knowing the state of everything the
 system had interacted with in the past, since it is now entangled with
 them.  So even if you suppose there is no collapse of the wavefunction,
 decoherence has the same effect.

  I was only asking about the theoretical possibility, given
 unrealistically perfect information about the state of the system.

 The universe (assuming unitary QM) is reversible.  In fact from the
 standpoint of QM there is no arrow of time - it's deterministic, just like
 Laplace's universe.  So, as always, when the word possibility is used
 there has to be some context.  To *calculate* a history of the universe
 from it's present state would require knowing its *complete* present state,
 including your mental state.  Is that theoretically possible?  I think it
 involves a paradox of self-reference.

  To put it another way, in the Game of Life, even with perfect
 information, you can't trace the state of the system backwards because it
 loses information. So even the laws of physics couldn't work backwards in a
 universe based on the GOL. QM, I'm informed, doesn't lose information, so
 (very much in theory) you could work backwards - or (less in theory) the
 laws of physics could.

 Yes the universe doesn't lose information like the GoL.  But relative to
 any point it loses information across spacetime horizons.  So there's no
 way to gather that information up into a calculation unless you have some
 God's eye view from outside the universe, in which case you could see the
 past anyway.

 There's a couple of nice papers about this by Yasunori Nomura:
 arXiv:1205.267v2 is a popular exposition and arXiv:1205.5550v2 is a more
 technical paper.


  I wasn't asking whether I could build a chronoscope and watch the past
 happening on TV.

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Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread meekerdb

On 3/18/2014 6:13 PM, LizR wrote:
Thanks. I couldn't find the exact references. Is this the popular one?

Yep, that's it.  Sorry, I left a digit off.


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Re: Entropy and curved spacetime

2014-03-18 Thread LizR
On 19 March 2014 14:16, meekerdb wrote:

  On 3/18/2014 6:13 PM, LizR wrote:

 Thanks. I couldn't find the exact references. Is this the popular one?

 Yep, that's it.  Sorry, I left a digit off.

 Odd. According to QM that should be impossible...

(Sorry :-)

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Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread Russell Standish
On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 02:40:16PM +1300, LizR wrote:
 On 19 March 2014 14:27, Hal Ruhl wrote:
  Hi Liz:
 Hi Hal
  The physics that I learned holds that the energy in a universe is
  constant.  Therefore entropy in such a universe can not exceed 100% of this
  energy being unable to do work.  That seems a max limit to me.
 The increase in the entropy ceiling is caused by expansion of the universe.
 This effectively increases the potential energy of its constituents. This
 would still reach some maximum in a universe without dark energy, however,
 note that the vacuum energy thought to be accelerating the expansion of the
 universe is constant per unit volume, and so the amount of it increases
 indefinitely in an expanding universe. Although it may not be harnessable
 by life or other entropic systems.

More to the point, our best cosmology models give a value of precisely
zero for the total mass-energy of the universe. This is because the
mass-energy we see is exactly balanced by the negative gravitational
potential energy.

So an expanding universe should give rise to increasing maximum
entropy, but the total energy remains constant (at zero). As for what
happens to the free energy (stuff available for work), its a bit more
complicated, but it appears that processes reducing the free energy
(or increasing the entropy, as its the same thing) are not currently
keeping up with the increase in maximum entropy caused by an expanding


Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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RE: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial civilization

2014-03-18 Thread Chris de Morsella


[] On Behalf Of


Why is it that the Koch's figure so highly in your focus of vilification, but 
George Soros dies not? Why is political meddling by one side gets targeted but 
the other doesn't. You seem to have a decided preference for certain 
billionaires, rather then have a mistrust of all. 

The Koch brothers are the principal financiers of the climate change skeptic 
think tanks – it seems clear they are motivated to do so by a desire to protect 
the future valuation of their considerable coal reserves.. a major component of 
their vast holdings. It is not the Koch brothers per se, but what they are 
backing and funding and how they are seeking to influence public policy in ways 
I oppose and that I feel are highly detrimental to our future survivability as 
a species and as a culture.

When have I ever voiced support for George Soros, since you accuse me of doing 
so? Show me a single example. You can’t because I haven’t. There are a many 
billionaires I do not mention specifically because they are not funding a 
astroturf movement – that is organized similar to and in fact staffed by many 
of the same propagandists who worked so hard for so long to discredit the 
science linking tobacco use and the many diseases now known to be caused or 
exacerbated by it.

You say so many things without backing them up with facts. Please show me some 
examples of my alleged support for Soros; if you cannot I wonder if you have 
the courage to admit your error.


-Original Message-
From: Chris de Morsella
To: everything-list
Sent: Mon, Mar 17, 2014 12:56 pm
Subject: RE: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial 



From: [ ] On Behalf Of Alberto G. Corona 
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 8:48 AM
To: everything-list
Subject: Re: New NASA study predicts high probability of collapse of industrial 


An excellent piece of postmarxist (marxism rephrased as sociological science) 
 by the church of progressivism.


I suppose you believe that the only climate change science is being done by the 
Heritage Foundation and other such Koch brother funded “think tanks”? If you 
have some actual science based reason to criticize this study, by all means 
share it with us. But you don’t do you – you have not even bothered to read it 
now have you? Be honest. Your rebuttal of the NASA study is sorely lacking in 
scientific rigor, preferring instead to rely on a series of colorful adjectives 
to present your case.

If you are such a lover of science then use science and scientific data, and 
arguments based on clear deductions from that data to try to make your 

As it is all you have shared is a stale retreaded Tea Party rant; frankly its 

Worn out and weak.





Unless the budget of the NASA and specially these experts is increased and a 
change in global politics and another international bureau of world engineers 
is created overcoming democratic control. Of course it must be headed by these 


2014-03-15 13:46 GMT+01:00 Edgar L. Owen

All, this seems like a very reasonable scenario and is in line with my 
thinking.. Edgar

NASA-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?


Natural and social scientists develop new model of how 'perfect storm' of 
crises could unravel global system

 This NASA Earth Observatory released on

This Nasa Earth Observatory image shows a storm system circling around an area 
of extreme low pressure in 2010, which many scientists attribute to climate 
change. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

A new study sponsored by Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted the 
prospect that global industrial civilisation could collapse in coming decades 
due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth 

Noting that warnings of 'collapse' are often seen to be fringe or 
controversial, the study attempts to make sense of compelling historical data 
showing that the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle 
found throughout history. Cases of severe civilisational disruption due to 
precipitous collapse - often lasting centuries - have been quite common.

The research project is based on a new cross-disciplinary 'Human And Nature 
DYnamical' (HANDY) model, led by applied mathematician Safa Motesharri of the 
US National Science Foundation-supported National