Re: A thought on MWI and its alternative(s)

2017-06-13 Thread Brent Meeker

6/13/2017 4:11 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:

The reason why it would follow is precisely the point of my rhetorical
question above. If you take the wave function seriously, then you take
seriously that qubits really do exist in a superposition of states,
and this explains the exponential increase in computational power as
you add qubits to the systems in certain configurations. I guess you
can accept superposition and deny many worlds, but I would say that it
is quite an awkward move.

Being in a superposition is just a matter choosing the basis.  If it's a
pure state then there's some basis in which it is not a superposition.
And if it's not in a superposition, then you can choose another basis in
which it is.


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Re: A thought on MWI and its alternative(s)

2017-06-13 Thread Bruce Kellett
You seem to be taking the older view of many worlds that is favoured by 
David Deutsch. This approach has serious problems with the notorious 
basis problem, and there does not seem to be any principled way from 
within the theory to select unambiguosly the basis in which all of these 
worlds form. More recent understandings of MWI take decoherence into 
account. Decoherence provides a principled dynamical way to solve the 
basis problem, but it means the worlds do not actually form until there 
is decoherence -- worlds cannot form until they know what basis is relevant!

I recommend the paper I suggested to Telmo:

Michael Cuffaro,

Cuffaro discusses the problems with the older form of MWI and suggests 
that although many worlds might be a useful heuristic in quantum 
computing, decoherence is required before worlds could be considered to 
have any ontological basis. The exponential speedup with a quantum 
computer is then seen in the fact that the QC manipulates the phases 
inherent in the entanglement of qbits, and doesn't have to actually 
calculate the function in question for all possible inputs, as the older 
many worlds view requires.


On 14/06/2017 4:09 am, John Clark wrote:
On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 8:32 PM, Bruce Kellett>>wrote:

​ >> ​
​I agree Interference must take place in a single world, but
where did all the information that produced the interference
come from, where did the computations that produced all those
wrong answers (and a few correct ones) come from?

​ > ​
What calculations are performed in these parallel worlds?

​Whatever algorithm you and your ​doppelgangers decided to run on 
their quantum computer.

​ > ​
And what performs those calculations?

​Computers made of matter that obey the laws of physics.

​ > ​
You are the one who insists that calculation is possible only on a
physical computer.

​Yes, but you almost make that sound as if it were a contradiction of 
some sort.

​ > ​
Who constructed all these physical computers in the parallel worlds?

​If the MWI is correct and if you're a computer engineer then ​
you and your ​doppelganger
​ s​
​ made the quantum computer, made lots and lots of them actually.

​ >> ​
Even the 2-slit experiment will not produce interference if
you remove the photographic plate and just allow the photons
to continue into infinite space after they pass the slits
because then the world splits but the two never recombine
again so no interference.

​ > ​
Of course the interference continues -- for ever if necessary. The
screen or photographic plate is only there to enable you to see it.

​No, in the ​Many World's theory it doesn't matter if anybody sees the 
results, in fact a brick wall would work just as well as a screen or a 
photographic plate, the only thing the MWI is interested in is that 
all of those things destroy the photon.

After the photon passed the slits that photon was the only difference 
between those 2 universes, when it is destroyed in both universes by a 
screen or photographic plate or brick wall there is no longer a 
difference between universes so they merge back together, 
but indications it went through slot A and indications it went through 
slot B remain. And that produces the interference pattern. We don't 
usually see this weird quantum effect in our everyday macro-world 
because when a large change is made between universes it's hard to 
arrange things so they evolve together toward the same point, become 
the identical again, and thus merge back together. That's why making a 
quantum computer is hard.

​ > ​
Of course the interference continues -- for ever if necessary.
​  [...] ​
Try moving the position of the screen, what happens?

​What happens is if you remove the ​
screen or photographic plate or brick wall
​ and just let the photon ​continue on into infinite space then 
*NON*-interference will continue forever because the 2 universes will 
always remain different and thus never recombine.

In the MWI the rules are crystal clear about when things split and 
when things merge back together. And In MWI

​ ​
everything that can happen does happen, so when a photon approaches 2 
slits the universe splits and one

​ ​
photon goes through the right slit and one goes through the left slit.
​ After
​ those 2​
​ s​
​ ​
a photographic plate
​ or screen ​
or a brick wall
​ the​
 photons no longer exist in either universe and so they merge back 
together into one universe

​ ,​
and this merger causes the interference lines. If instead
​ ,​
after passing the slits there is no photographic plate or
​ screen or ​
brick wall and the photons
​ ​
are allowed to continue on into infinite space then the 2 universes 
remain different and remain separated forever.

​ And so no inte

Re: A thought on MWI and its alternative(s)

2017-06-13 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 11 Jun 2017, at 19:07, David Nyman wrote:

On 11 Jun 2017 16:44, "Bruno Marchal"  wrote:

On 11 Jun 2017, at 12:24, David Nyman wrote:

On 11 June 2017 at 10:14, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

On 09 Jun 2017, at 20:21, David Nyman wrote:

On 9 June 2017 at 12:34, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

On 08 Jun 2017, at 02:05, Bruce Kellett wrote:

On 7/06/2017 10:38 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 07 Jun 2017, at 11:42, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 7/06/2017 7:09 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 06 Jun 2017, at 01:23, Bruce Kellett wrote:

I have been through this before. I looked at Price again this  
morning and was frankly appalled at the stupidity of what I saw.
Let me summarize briefly what he did. He has a very cumbersome  
notation, but I will attempt to simplify as far as is possible. I  
will use '+' and '-' as spin states, rather than his 'left',  

He write the initial wave function as for the case when you and I  
agree in advance to have aligned polarizers:

|psi_1> = }me, electrons,you> = |me>(|+-> - |-+>)|you>
  = |me, +,-,you> - |me,-,+,you>

He says that at this point no measurements have been made, and  
neither observer is split. But his fundamental mistake is already  

A little test for you: what is wrong with the above set of  
equations from a no-collapse pov?

skipping some tedium, he then gets

|psi_3> = |me[+],+,-,you[-]> - |me[-],-,+,you[+]>

where the notation me[+] etc means I have measured '+', you[-]  
means you have measured '-'.

He then claims that the QM results of perfect anticorrelation in  
the case of parallel polarizers has been recovered without any non- 
local interaction!

Spoiler -- in order to write the final line for |psi_1> he has  
already assumed collapse, when I measure '+', you are presented  
*only* with '-', so of course you get the right result -- he has  
built that non-locality in from the start.


From the start shows that it is local.

Your failure to see the problem here is symptomatic of your  
complete failure to understand EPR in the MWI.

I could say the same, but emphatic statements are not helping. My  
feeling is that you interpret the singlet state above like if it  
prepares Alice and Bob particles in the respective + and - states,  
but that is not the case. The singlet state describe a multiverse  
where Alice and Bob have all possible states, yet correlated.

The singlet state is rotationally invariant, yes, and can be  
expanded in any basis of the 2-d complex Hilbert space. That has  
never been in doubt.


Then in absence of collapse, all interactions, and results are  
obtained locally, and does not need to be correlated until they  
spread at low speed up their partners.

That does not follow. Although there are an infinity of possible  
bases for the singlet state, these are potential only,

I don't understand this. Potential? That is no more the MW.

and do not exist in any operative sense until the state interacts  
with something that sets a direction.

That looks more like Bohr than Everett.

You appear to claim that A and B exist in separate worlds  
corresponding to each of this infinity of bases.

Yes. It is the rotaional invariance of the singlet states "taken  
seriously" when we drop the idea of collapse, or of special  
dualism between observer and the observed.

But that is a misunderstanding. They are in superpositions in  
every base, sure, but that does not mean that there are 'worlds'  
corresponding to each possible base until some external  
interaction occurs.

This is even more fuzzy than the collapse. It looks like  
consciousness not only reduce the wave, but create the physical  
reality. That is correct in Mechanism, but that is another story.

As you yourself have said, a world is something that is closed to  
interaction. But superpositions are not closed to interaction,  
they can interfere -- as in the two slit experiment, and  
essentially every other application of QM.


So there are no separate worlds corresponding to every possible  
orientation of the polarizers. Worlds can arise only after  
interaction and decoherence has progressed so that the overlap  
between the branches of the superposition is zero (FAPP if you  
like). It is only then that the branches can no longer interfere  
(interact) and are closed to interaction, and thus constitute  
different worlds.

We will have to disagree with this. I use the Y=II rules, like  
Deutsch. In this case the reading of the singlet state gives  
2^aleph_zero constantly spreading histories figuring Bob and  
Alice. With mechanism, those worlds/histories are more like  
dreams. They will be epistemological personal (and plural in the  
spreading interaction based spheres).

The standard procedure in quantum mechanics when one is faced with  
a superposition that interacts with something external, is to  
expand the superposition in a base that corresponds to the  
external context.

OK. In this case, A

Re: A thought on MWI and its alternative(s)

2017-06-13 Thread Bruce Kellett

On 13/06/2017 9:11 pm, Telmo Menezes wrote:

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 3:43 AM, Bruce Kellett

On 11/06/2017 1:31 am, Telmo Menezes wrote:

I think you built a straw man and now you're attacking it. When I
heard Deutsch make the argument, he was referring explicitly to Shor's
algorithm. This is sufficient to demonstrate an increase in
computational power that would be impossible in the classical world.

No one is denying that Shor's algorithm on a quantum computer would
factorize numbers exponentially faster that a classical Turing machine could
do it. But that does not mean that a quantum computer is just  lot of
classical Turing machines acting in parallel.

No, but it does mean that a quantum computer can have the
computational power of a lot of Turing machines acting in parallel,
and it is normal to ask "why?", and be unsatisfied with a theory that
does not answer this question.

I have come across an interesting paper that discusses these questions, 
and comes to the conclusion that it is problematic to see quantum 
computing as accessing the computing power of other worlds.

Michael Cuffaro,

The explanation for exponential speedup is:
"On this view, quantum computers are faster than classical computers 
because they perform /fewer/, not more, computations. By means of 
entanglement, quantum computers make it possible to manipulate the 
correlations present between the logical elements of a computation 
without representing these elements themselves.far from computing 
all of the values of a function simultaneously, quantum computers are 
faster because they avoid the calculation of any values of the function 
whatsoever, this time by exploiting the difference between classical and 
quantum logic."

I find that to be a quite satisfying explanation of quantum computer 

I don't see how that could follow. The wave function exists in complex
configuration space -- that is not the "real world".

Well, I'm no sure about that, but classical mechanics exists in R^3
configuration space that is demonstrably not the real world (although
it is the model that most closely matches our day-to-day perception of

Actually, it is more usual to say that classical physics exists in 
6N-dimensional phase space for N particles. But that relates directly to 
positions and momenta in ordinary 3-space.

The reason why it would follow is precisely the point of my rhetorical
question above. If you take the wave function seriously, then you take
seriously that qubits really do exist in a superposition of states,
and this explains the exponential increase in computational power as
you add qubits to the systems in certain configurations. I guess you
can accept superposition and deny many worlds, but I would say that it
is quite an awkward move.

Cuffaro argues that many worlds can be a useful heuristic for certain 
types of quantum algorithms, but that reifying the elements of 
superpositons as defining different 'worlds' runs into difficulty with 
the basis problem.

In other posts you alluded to a purely probabilistic interpretation of
quantum mechanics. In that case, I would say that it also becomes
awkward to explain the exponential increase in computational power for
the quantum Fourier transform. These are all just intuitions, of
course. We all have ours.

Not really difficult to explain if you look at in the right way. See above.

Another problem for me with the purely probabilistic interpretation is
that it gives base-level reality to true randomness, and that would
also be quite mysterious in my view. My point being: you argue as if
probabilistic interpretations remove weirdness from the explanation,
but for me true randomness is weirder than many worlds.

Well, we all have our intuitions, as you say. If it is the case that 
there is an objective collapse mechanism, as in Bohm's theory, Ghirardi 
et al, or Penrose and others, then there is base level randomness and we 
just have to get used to it. Intuitions developed in a deterministic 
classical world do not necessarily carry across into the quantum realm.


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Re: A thought on MWI and its alternative(s)

2017-06-13 Thread John Clark
On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 8:32 PM, Bruce Kellett 

​>> ​
>> ​I agree Interference must take place in a single world, but where did
>> all the information that produced the interference come from, where did the
>> computations that produced all those wrong answers (and a few correct ones)
>> come from?
> ​> ​
> What calculations are performed in these parallel worlds?

​Whatever algorithm you and your ​doppelgangers decided to run on their
quantum computer.

> ​> ​
> And what performs those calculations?

​Computers made of matter that obey the laws of physics.

> ​> ​
> You are the one who insists that calculation is possible only on a
> physical computer.

​Yes, but you almost make that sound as if it were a contradiction of some

> ​> ​
> Who constructed all these physical computers in the parallel worlds?

​If the MWI is correct and if you're a computer engineer then ​
you and your ​doppelganger

​made the quantum computer, made lots and lots of them actually.

> ​>> ​
>> Even the 2-slit experiment will not produce interference if you remove
>> the photographic plate and just allow the photons to continue into infinite
>> space after they pass the slits because then the world splits but the two
>> never recombine again so no interference.
> ​> ​
> Of course the interference continues -- for ever if necessary. The screen
> or photographic plate is only there to enable you to see it.

​No, in the ​Many World's theory it doesn't matter if anybody sees the
results, in fact a brick wall would work just as well as a screen or a
photographic plate, the only thing the MWI is interested in is that all of
those things destroy the photon.

After the photon passed the slits that photon was the only difference
between those 2 universes, when it is destroyed in both universes by a screen
or photographic plate or brick wall there is no longer a difference between
universes so they merge back together, but indications it went through slot
A and indications it went through slot B remain. And that produces the
interference pattern. We don't usually see this weird quantum effect in our
everyday macro-world because when a large change is made between universes
it's hard to arrange things so they evolve together toward the same point,
become the identical again, and thus merge back together. That's why making
a quantum computer is hard.

> ​> ​
> Of course the interference continues -- for ever if necessary.
> ​  [...] ​
> Try moving the position of the screen, what happens?

​What happens is if you remove the ​
screen or photographic plate or brick wall
​ and just let the photon ​continue on into infinite space then
will continue forever because the 2 universes will always remain different
and thus never recombine.

In the MWI the rules are crystal clear about when things split and when
things merge back together. And In MWI
​ ​
everything that can happen does happen, so when a photon approaches 2 slits
the universe splits and one
photon goes through the right slit and one goes through the left slit.

​those 2​
a photographic plate
​or screen ​
or a brick wall
 photons no longer exist in either universe and so they merge back together
into one universe
and this merger causes the interference lines. If instead
after passing the slits there is no photographic plate or
​screen or ​
brick wall and the photons
​ ​
are allowed to continue on into infinite space then the 2 universes remain
different and remain separated forever.
​ And so no interference between them ever occurs.

​> ​
> Superpositions occur everywhere, and no new worlds are split off until
> there is decoherence.

But we don't ALWAYS see a superposition of states. You can place a detector
​to ​
one of the slits so you you know which slit each photon went through, but
if you do that the interference pattern disappears because interference
needs at least 2 different things to interferer with and with this modified
​ ​
the universe doesn't split so it can't recombine so you see no interference
pattern. In the unmodified
​ ​
​ ​
after the photon makes its decision on
​ ​
which of the 2 slits to go through
​ i​
t then hits a
​ ​
screen or
​ ​
photographic plate or brick wall. When that happens
​ ​the
 photons in
​ ​
both universes are destroyed and thus there is no longer any difference
​ ​
between the two, so the universes will merge back together. T
you will
​ ​
see a superposition of states. Then you will see indications that you live
​ ​
in a universe where the photon went through slot A only and indications
​ ​
you live in a universe where the photon went through slot B only,
​ ​
and that is why you see an interference effect even if you only send one
​ ​
photon at a time at the slits.
​ ​
If you got rid of the film (or the brick wall) and let the photon head out
​ ​
into infinite space after it passed the slits then the unive

Re: A thought on MWI and its alternative(s)

2017-06-13 Thread Telmo Menezes
On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 3:43 AM, Bruce Kellett
> On 11/06/2017 1:31 am, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 1:11 AM, Bruce Kellett
>>  wrote:
>>> On 10/06/2017 2:36 am, Telmo Menezes wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 12:37 AM, Bruce Kellett

> The idea that the explanation is epistemological rather that
> ontological
> has
> been my preferred position for a long time. If the wave-function is
> merely
> an epistemological device for calculating probabilities and not a
> really
> existing object, all worries about collapse and action-at-a-distance
> vanish.
> Of course, multi worlds also vanish, but in my opinion that is no bad
> thing.

 So what's your position on Deutsch's argument about quantum computers?
 Where does the extra computing power come from?
>>> It has long been understood that Deutsch is out to lunch on this.
>>> He appears
>>> to assume that a quantum computer is just using the same algorithms that
>>> a
>>> classical computer would use, only executing them in a massively parallel
>>> manner.
>> I find it very hard to believe that David Deutsch does not have a good
>> understanding of quantum computers.
>>> This is manifestly false. Quantum computers operate in a completely
>>> different way -- that is why there are so few actual algorithms for
>>> quantum
>>> computers to execute that gain massive speed improvements.
>> I think you built a straw man and now you're attacking it. When I
>> heard Deutsch make the argument, he was referring explicitly to Shor's
>> algorithm. This is sufficient to demonstrate an increase in
>> computational power that would be impossible in the classical world.
> No one is denying that Shor's algorithm on a quantum computer would
> factorize numbers exponentially faster that a classical Turing machine could
> do it. But that does not mean that a quantum computer is just  lot of
> classical Turing machines acting in parallel.

No, but it does mean that a quantum computer can have the
computational power of a lot of Turing machines acting in parallel,
and it is normal to ask "why?", and be unsatisfied with a theory that
does not answer this question.

>> As for more general speed improvements, there is for example Grover's
>> algorithm, that offers a quadratic improvement in searching unsorted
>> lists. This has wide applicability in software engineering.
>> Of course, building more complex quantum computers is still beyond our
>> technical abilities. I don't think that's news for anyone...
>>> As Brent says in his recent post, Scott Aaronson points out:
>>> "The way a quantum algorithms work is that they arrange for wrong answers
>>> to
>>> destructively interfere while the desired answer interferes
>>> constructively.
>>> Interference requires that they take place in the same world."
>> Yes, but this is not classical interference, it's interference between
>> superpositions of states. So how can this computation happen in the
>> physical world?
> No one is suggesting that this is classical interference. Interference
> between superpositions of states does happen in the physical world!

Yes, this was a rhetorical question.

> Are you
> suggesting that two-slit interference does not happen in the physical world?
> Interference between qbits happens in the physical world just as much as
> two-slit interference. If you define a "world" as something closed to
> outside interactions, then interference can only take place in the one
> world.
>>   For me, that gives more credence to the claim that the
>> wave function describes a real object.
> I don't see how that could follow. The wave function exists in complex
> configuration space -- that is not the "real world".

Well, I'm no sure about that, but classical mechanics exists in R^3
configuration space that is demonstrably not the real world (although
it is the model that most closely matches our day-to-day perception of

The reason why it would follow is precisely the point of my rhetorical
question above. If you take the wave function seriously, then you take
seriously that qubits really do exist in a superposition of states,
and this explains the exponential increase in computational power as
you add qubits to the systems in certain configurations. I guess you
can accept superposition and deny many worlds, but I would say that it
is quite an awkward move.

In other posts you alluded to a purely probabilistic interpretation of
quantum mechanics. In that case, I would say that it also becomes
awkward to explain the exponential increase in computational power for
the quantum Fourier transform. These are all just intuitions, of
course. We all have ours.

Another problem for me with the purely probabilistic interpretation is
that it gives base-level reality to true randomness, and that would
also be quite mysterious in my view. My point being: you argue as if
probabilistic i