Re: Djinni vs. White Rabbit

2004-08-19 Thread Jeff Bone
On Aug 19, 2004, at 2:00 PM, Hal Finney wrote:
It's not clear to me that causality and time are inherent properties
of worlds.  I include worlds which can be thought of as n-dimensional
cells that satisfy some constraints.  Among those constraints could be
ones which induce the effects we identify as causality and time.  For
example, a two-dimensional cell where C[i,j] == C[i-1,j] XOR 
This particular definition has the property that C[i,.] depends only on
C[i-1,.], which lets us identify i as time, and introduce a notion of
causality where conditions at time i depend on conditions at time i-1.

But we could just as easily create a cell system where there was no
natural definition of time, where C[i,j] depended on i+1, i-1, j+1
and j-1.  You could still imaging satisfying this via some constraint
satisfaction algorithm.
I'll have to think about the CA implications --- what is a "cell" in 
such a CA, and what is meant by the various "nearness" relationships of 
such cells?  (I'm still processing Wolfram's book, a couple of years 
after reading it the first time. ;-)

I'm just adopting a relatively conventional GR point-of-view here, 
where time is just another direction, albeit one in which travel is (in 
most circumstances, depending on the local differential geometry and 
geometrodynamics) directionally constrained.  (I'm ignoring the 
thermodynamic interpretation of time's arrow, though when you throw 2LT 
into this particular brew things would seem to get rather interesting. 

Now these jinni worlds are ones which mostly have these conditions we
identify as time and causality, but which locally, or perhaps rarely,
do not satisfy such rules.  Seen in this perspective, there is a full
range of possibilities, from fully causal worlds, to ones which are
99.999% causal and only .0001% noncausal, to ones which are 50-50, to
ones for which no meaningful concept of causality can be defined.
We're begging the question re: causality;  it was perhaps unfortunate 
that I chose to use that word, as it's interpretive rather than 
descriptive in itself.  The argument Boulware's making appears to be 
inherently probabilistic and geometric rather than ontological.  That 
became less clear in my exposition, my bad.

I'll have to look at this.  It doesn't sound quite right.  If
probabilities are non-unitary that violates the fundamental rules of 
But do they?  This is, I think, perhaps a very interesting and 
pertinent question.  It certainly appears to throw both the QM 
formalism as well as its interpretations into disarray, but I think 
perhaps the result is less than fatal.  One can certainly do statistics 
(and hence QM) with non-unitary probabilities --- the method involves a 
kind of normalizing transformation between different probabilistic 
measures.  (In fact this very issue was dealt with by one of Gott's 
grad students;  the citation escapes me at the moment, but he found 
that you could patch things up by simply supplying a kind of local 
correction coefficient.  I.e., while this appears prohibitive on the 
surface, in fact "fixing it up" isn't all that difficult.  The 
ontological interpretation of the relationships between these patch 
coefficients, OTOH, is IMHO pretty surreal.)

I think you're getting awfully speculative here.
This is a criticism, in *this* group in particular? ;-)  It's 
admittedly speculative.

It sounds like you are suggesting that it would be simpler to suppose
that "all universes exist which contain jinn" than "all universes 
Not precisely;  I'm suggesting that "simple" is difficult to measure 
when speaking about TOEs.  There might be some measures of "simple" for 
which the above is true;  there are others, e.g. the Champernowne 
machine and so forth, for which it is certainly not.  But Occam's Razor 
isn't much help here by itself.

That doesn't seem at all plausble to me.  My heuristic is that any rule
of the form "all universes exist except X" is going to be more 
than one of the form "all universes exist".
On the surface, sure.  But consider:  the statement "all universes 
exist" presupposes a definition of universe that it omits.  What is 
meant by "universe" requires an exhaustive definition, and the 
algorithmic hypotheses make varying assumptions about that definition.  
My intuition would be that the most parsimonious definition would be 
the preferable one;  but we don't have any metrics for "parsimony" on 
such definitions.  It could be that definitions that statically embed 
such jinn might be more parsimonious by some measure than other ones;  
the statically-defined jinn might "ground out" the definition and 
permit a higher-order / more abstract / terser "universe generation 
algorithm."  (Think Python vs. its own bytecode.)

Think of it this way:  any formal system has its base axioms.  In this 
context, the "universe generator" is the system in toto;  the jinn 
could form (at least a part of) its axioms.  Or, thinking abou

Djinni vs. White Rabbit

2004-08-19 Thread Jeff Bone
At some point in the past various of us have argued about whether the 
simulation argument and / or the multiple worlds interpretation of 
quantum mechanics implies an "every possible world" (EPW) 
interpretation, i.e. one in which highly improbable events, laws of 
physics, etc. obtain.

Stumbled across an interesting if tangential paper that has something 
to say about this.  First some terminology:  let's call events that are 
highly improbable "white rabbits" and universes in which such events 
happen frequently (or universes with entirely inscrutable laws of 
physics) "white rabbit worlds."

Let's further adopt the term "djinni" or (to follow Gott's 
nomenclature) "jinni" to refer to closed time-like (causally cyclic) 
curves, and "jinn worlds" as worlds (n-dimensional "spacetime" slices 
of the higher-order spacetime, or rather n-m dimensional phase-space 
volumes where n is the total dimensionality of the phase space) that 
contain such causal cycles.  In order to explain what this means:  
these are causally consistent chains of events in which there is no 
ultimate cause, but rather a closed causal chain that traverses both 
forward and backward along the time dimension.  A peculiarity of this 
idea is that, in such a world, information "appears" without cause.  
For example a computer employing a closed time-like curve as a register 
can compute "hard" problems, but when one examines the execution 
history of the computer through time one finds that it never actually 
executes the computation!  Cf.:
Anyway, "jinni" are these little closed curves of causality in the 
presence of time travel that are consistent but defy common sense.

David G. Boulware of the University of Washington published this paper 
in PRD: which he studies the behavior of quantum fields in spaces with 
closed time-like curves.  What he finds is that probabilities are not 
"conserved", i.e. not unitary, in such spaces.  That is, the Feynman 
sum-over-histories approach always yields precisely 1 --- except when 
space contains one or more jinn.  In such cases, there are quantum 
events that simply cannot occur.

So:  jinn defeat white rabbits.  If any world-line through the phase 
space is cyclic / allowed to self-intersect, the overall phase-space is 
constrained, presumably to those set of configurations which are of 
higher probability.  The very existence of such causal cycles may 
indeed be --- meta-paradoxically ;-) --- essential in stabilizing the 
overall structure of the phase space.  It would seem that these cycles 
act as a kind of strange attractor around which probable configurations 
(universes) coalesce.

Speculation:  it may be that through studying the impact of such closed 
time-like curves in various spacetimes that we ultimately reconcile 
Cramer's transactional interpretation (retarded waves moving forward in 
time, advance waves reaching back to "handshake" on each quantum event, 
producing a kind of causal contract) of QM with MWI --- and ultimately 
COMP.  Indeed, each retarded wave-advance wave pair *is* a jinni.  
Cramer doesn't just embrace jinn in his interpretation --- he bases the 
whole idea on their existence!  (FWIW:  this seems to me an 
embarrassment of riches.  Why should *every* quantum event require a 
jinni, when a few --- acting as strange attractors --- might suffice?  
Though admittedly the latter leads to the questions which few, and 

The implication ala Boulware is that if this is a real physical effect, 
then this provides a kind of global probabilistic censorship that makes 
the world the predictable place that it is!  And --- connectionism --- 
it's rather ironic that Cramer's transactional hypothesis is based in 
part on some of Feynman's own speculation, when Feynman probably didn't 
realize the essential seemingly paradoxical consequences of pairing the 
histories approach with cyclic causality.

So that's all well and good for physics, but what about the more 
algorithmic cosmologies?  One school of thought regarding the COMP 
hypothesis is that it is easier to simulate all possible worlds than it 
is to simulate any subset of them.  (Cf. previously-discussed 
Champernowne machine / "everything" algorithm.)  But what if the 
dynamics of the simulation are such that these jinni exist as a priori 
structural parameters, "roots" if you will of the computation?  In such 
an environment, "every computable universe" is NOT every possible 

Curiouser and curiouser,

Re: Many Worlds invalidated?

2004-04-26 Thread Jeff Bone
BTW, just a caveat --- and I should've caveated the initial forward.   
I'm not endorsing this or any interpretation of this experiment at all,  
rather just offering it up to the list in case others had not seen it.



On Apr 26, 2004, at 2:34 PM, Jesse Mazer wrote:

Hal Finney wrote:

The MWI is just the quantum formalism minus
wave function collapse and is therefore perfectly compatible with this
experiment, since the experiment is itself compatible with the quantum
Would this experimental result actually be predicted by the quantum  
formalism, though? It sounds like they had a setup similar to the  
double-slit experiment and found a small amount of interference even  
when they measured which hole the particle traveled through, but I  
thought the quantum formalism predicts that interference would be  
completely destroyed by such a measurement.

Either way, the claim that this supports the transactional  
interpretation but not the MWI interpretation can't be right, since  
both are supposed to be equally compatible with the quantum formalism.


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Many Worlds invalidated?

2004-04-26 Thread Jeff Bone
Hot off the press, via Boingsters:

 Many Worlds theory invalidated

Kathryn Cramer breaks the story on a to-be-presented Harvard talk on an 
experiment that appears to invalidate both the "Many Worlds" and 
"Copenhagen" theories of quantum mechanics. Kathryn is the daughter of 
John Cramer, a physicist whose "Transactional Interpretetation" 
hypothesis is the only one left intact by the experiment's findings.

It has been widely accepted that the rival interpretations of quantum 
mechanics, e.g., the Copenhagen Interpretation, the Many-Worlds 
Interpretation, and my father John Cramer's Transactional 
Interpretation, cannot be distinguished or falsified by experiment, 
because the experimental predictions come from the formalism that all 
such interpretations describe. However, the Afshar Experiment 
demonstrates in an interaction-free way that there is a loophole in 
this logic: if the interpretation is inconsistent with the formalism, 
then it can be falsified. In particular, the Afshar Experiment 
falsifies the Copenhagen Interpretation, which requires the absence of 
interference in a particle-type measurement. It also falsifies the 
Many-Worlds Interpretation which tells us to expect no interference 
between "worlds" that are physically distinguishable, e.g., that 
correspond to the photon's passage through one pinhole or the other. 
Link (Thanks, Kathryn!)