QM formalist wanted

2005-07-04 Thread vznuri

hi all. I am posting a want ad for a QM formalist who is
very conversant in the mathematical formalism. here is the proposal:

over the last few years I have developed an ad hoc theory that
I believe comes very close to the QM formalism. this theory is
classical  local. it is very easily visualized  the mathematics
is quite elementary yet its deeper implications are compelling  I believe,
beyond the scope of existing conventional thought. 

it is not widely appreciated/understood/realized/known
at all how close a classical theory can come to matching virtually ALL
the formaliism of QM.

an easy way to visualize it is as follows. it is similar to t'hoofts
new theory about SHOs (see quant-ph archives) although 
I initially developed it independently.

imagine a set of detectors and emitters for sound. the emitters
are just speakers that vary perfectly sinusoidally. the detectors
are simply DIGITIZERS. the theory arises completely 
naturally from considering the behavior  dynamics
of the most sensitive bit of the digitizers, the LSB. the emitters
are analogous to particles in QM.

much more elaboration on the specifics 
in the archives of my group, qm2 @ yahoogroups.com. Ive mostly focused
on interpretation, not so much the formalism.

the mission for the formalist mathematician, should you accept it:

I have written scientific papers before alone but would prefer a 
collaboration. I would like to work with someone who has written
a scientific paper. an online collaboration.

I will outline the full contents of the paper very carefully, 
all the conceptual level details. 
we will work thru it together. you will get all the
nitty gritty mathematics correct, and boil it down into something
extremely elegant but missing most of the mind-numbing complexity
of most existing QM papers-- something that can be readily understood
by a gifted undergraduate. 

you will function as the scribe, compiler
 secretary outside of the cases where I will be depending on your 
specific talent for getting the formalism precisely right.

the key requirement on your part is an excellent understanding of 
the wavefn as it operates uniquely 
in both classical and QM systems-- something
that is (imho) surprisingly lacking in existing literature  mass
physicist consciousness. 

also needed, the desire to advance scientific knowledge
to where no one has gone before  solve the intensely perplexing
problems that have defied a century's greatest minds. 

and, intense focus that can be carried over a long period of time.  
motivated by nothing else but curiosity  shere intellectual/scientific 

finally, desire to communicate a critical discovery in the most
efficient and lucid way possible.

if you know anyone of this type, plz pass along this post  have
them contact me.

(otherwise I will just have to do it all myself in a bit more time, wink)

tx very much

t'hooft the digitizer theory of reality

2004-08-17 Thread vznuri

hi all. re: t'hooft's paper.

I have skimmed t'hoofts recent paper
considering a local hidden variable theory for
QM. I believe it is identical to a very simple
model Ive been developing for years but only
recently came up with a nice analogy.

consider a set of speakers and a microphone.
let the speakers vary sinusoidally.

describing this system mathematically gives rise
to a wave equation and a superposition of waves.
also, a hilbert space of parameters controlling the
speakers. (in t'hoofts paper, this is a set of
simple harmonic oscillators)

now imagine the microphone is actually a digitizer.
now consider the LSB, least significant bit.

that bit has a 50% chance of firing when a wave
passes thru the speaker. but no matter what you do to the
setup, you cannot increase this probability.

it appears to me the firing LSB is analogous
to the detection of a photon in quantum theory.

now, this is classical physics LHV (local hidden variable) theory
totally consistent with QM in a limited domain.
why? bells thm supposedly rules out such a construction.

the answer is very simple. the hidden variables
determine detection probabilities, and may
sometimes specify no event. if you study
bells thm very carefully, you will find it cannot
rule out this possibility. (note, this is not
the same as the detector efficiency loophole noted
in the literature.)

Ive been promoting this theory on my mailing list:


(am always looking for a good mathematician or qm
theorist to collaborate with. would like to write
a paper on the subject but havent been able to
get the free time so far.)

algorithmic complexity theory

2002-12-30 Thread vznuri

hi all. Ive been poking at computational complexity theory to various
degrees for close to a decade.

the recent comments on the subject are interesting  its not
surprising it has popped up on this list.

I believe complexity theory is going to shed some deep
new light on physics, and has already done so. one area of
intense study is the satisfiability transition point which
has many deep analogies to physics and thermodynamics under
very active investigation. I can cite some refs if
there is interest. 

one of the deepest analogies yet to be explored, I suspect,
is that of entropy.  in physics, 
entropy is a measure of disorder. I suspect in
complexity theory, hardness of a problem is a measure/analog of
entropy. the more disorder involved in the computational function,
the more difficult.

another thing to point out here. while there are no proofs that
P!=NP, there are some good results in computational complexity
theory separating some complexity classes. its a very active
area of research. 

one of my most favorite results Ive been getting
into lately is that it has been proven that some problems require
an exponential # of AND,OR circuit families (by razborov in 1985,
for which he won the nevinlanna prize).  if it could be 
proven for an NP complete problem and AND,OR,NOT gates, then P!=NP.

hans moravec (wow, welcome to the list!!) writes:
By the way, it is known that factoring into
primes is easier than the TSP. 

as HF pointed out, factoring has not been proven to be NP
complete or easier than NP complete 
(it is conjectured to be easier than NP hard) in any sense
as far as I know. this is definitely a very cutting edge
area of research. shor's quantum-P-time factoring algorithm is definitely
one of the very important breakthroughs in this area.

let us note some of the other key open questions. it is
not known if quantum computers can solve NP complete problems
in P time in general. it is not known how to most efficiently
convert an arbitrary algorithm to a quantum algorithm, although
there are hints of this (disordered database lookup, shor's
factoring algorithm, etc)

re: qm computing, I highly recommend julian browns outstanding book
quest for the quantum computer which I recently finished,
much good food for thought for anyone on this list.

many of these themes can be found in the revised theory-edge
FAQ v2.0 (qm computers,satisfiability problem,complexity theory,etc)


polynomial vs exponential time problems clarification

2002-12-30 Thread vznuri
hi all. re: the exponential vs polynomial time thread.
imho HFs comments could be interpreted as roughly correct
but stated in a very confusing way  I would say, hence
the ensuing confusion. lets give this another shot.

there are no problems for which it has been proven that
there is a **lower bound** of exponential time except
for those that also require exponential space (for which
the exponential time lower bound is trivial). (space is
the number of tape squares used by a TM, time is the number
of steps). this of course is quite frustrating  even embarrassing
to researchers and a gaping open problem in the theory.

the big P!=NP problem depends on showing that there is some
P-space problem that has a lower bound of exponential time, i.e.
it cannot be solved any faster than exponential time.

literally, there are many problems for which it has been shown or even
proven that they can be verified in P time and can 
be solved in exponential time.

in fact every NP complete problem has this property. what has
not been proven or is not known is that exponential time is
also a **lower bound**.

so it can be very confusing if someone says: there are no
problems that are known to be checkable/verifiable in P time but take
exponential time. the term take must be used very carefully, imho
it should be avoided as just too ambiguous.
sometimes people mean as a lower bound (as HF did below), or 
sometimes it just means a solution exists at that speed (as I write

forget NP complete for a minute  
suppose I have a problem that is solvable in P time. does it
take exponential time? in one sense, yes, there exists also
algorithms that run in exponential time to solve it. but in another
sense, no, that is not the lower bound, the lower bound is polynomial.

also note that defining NP in terms of verification in P time
is done in terms of a regular deterministic TM machine, not 
an nondeterministic one. the sense that NP 
can be defined in terms of nondeterministic
TMs is: it is the set of problems that can be solved by nondeterministic
TMs in P time.

that straightens it all out, right???

there are many different ways to look at the P vs NP problem,
in this way it is like godel's problem, and this can lead
to knowledge in the sense that a little knowledge is a
dangerous thing..

HF writes
 On 31-Dec-02, Hal Finney wrote:
  One correction, there are no known problems which take exponential
  time but which can be checked in polynomial time. If such a problem
  could be found it would prove that P != NP, one of the greatest
  unsolved problems in computability theory.

 What about Hamiltonian circuits or factoring an integer or roots of a
 Diophantine equation?

I don't believe any of those are known to take exponential time.  For all
we know a polynomial time solution may yet be found for all of these.

HM writes

Communications glitch here.  The definition
of NP is problems that can be solved in
polynomial time on a nondeterministic
machine, that is one that can test
simultaneously all candidate solutions
(effectively by creating exponentially
many processes for testing all possible
combinations of undetermined variables,
each individual combination taking polynomial
time to check)

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-21 Thread vznuri
RS wrote on one level how the algorithmic revolution 
was epistemological. I objected to this partly. let me
quote the dictionary defn of epistemology

epistemology-- the branch of philosophy that deals with 
the nature and theory of knowledge.

now in newtons time, science was seen as a branch of philosophy.
however in modern times, philosophy has become somewhat disconnected
from science and followed its own course. so to me to label a genuine
scientific paradigm shift epistemological seems to downplay its
significance somewhat as a little too abstract. the scientific revolution
is not merely about a different way of seeing the universe, but a different
way of interacting with it. (experimental method, etc.) 

this is exactly
the way in which I insist the algorithmic revolution be interpreted
as I outlined..  not merely a shift in the way 
we view the world. (unfortunately 
paradigm shift terminology sometimes implies a merely conceptual,
subjective shift in view, partly due to kuhns perspective, but a
paradigm shift means much more than a mere psychological rearrangement.)

next, RS defines the clockwork metaphor in terms of the newtonian
revolution. this is very reasonable and there is a high correlation.
however I would argue the clockwork paradigm is ongoing. the
clockwork universe involved multiple new ways of seeing the
world. one of them, indeed, was newtonian mathematical laws
for physics, gravitation, etcetera. another was determinism,
ala the famous laplacian quote re: atoms as billiard balls. 

however another was simply, universe as mechanistic. the clock is a 
machine. the clock metaphor proposes the universe runs like a kind
of automated machine subject to mathematical/physical laws. 

lets be very careful to define clockwork universe metaphor in terms
of the accurate history of its origination, not from our modern point
of view. note that in the middle ages, prior to
the newtonian revolution, the previous paradigm for the concept
of force was something sometimes involving supernatural aspects.
the world was presumed to be set in motion by god  influenced
by various spirits, entities, etcetera in ways not fully conceivable.
this is what the clockwork metaphor replaced.

the universe as mechanistic theme from the clockwork metaphor
persists to this day. einsteins relativistic theory involved the
consideration at clocks in moving frames. 
when physicists analyze particle dynamics,
or even search for a TOE as we are here, I would say the clockwork
metaphor is still alive. its still ticking, so to speak.. wink

again, let me contrast the algorithmic metaphor for the universe
with the clockwork one. even in newtons time, the idea was
that the universe ran **like** a clock. it was a metaphor. but
the zuse-fredkin-wolfram idea of the universe is that the
universe evolves not merely **as** a computation, but that it
**is** a computation. 

therefore, imho the algorithmic metaphor
is actually more than a metaphor, more than the clockwork model
was a metaphor.  its not merely a paradigm shift I would say, its
something more. its a new model, a new system, a new framework. 
its comparable to newtons discovery
of the law of gravitation if the program can be successfully
carried out.

is the algorithmic idea incorrect? someday we will probably
notice that it has its deficiencies just as the clockwork idea
did, but we will not discard it entirely, just as we have
not discarded the clockwork universe idea.

so imho to say the clockwork metaphor for reality is wrong,
is (uh) wrong. imho its a simplistic/facile rejection of a 
still-legitimate paradigm.

wolfram speaks at comdex

2002-11-21 Thread vznuri

wolfram at comdex on the universe as software idea etc


Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-19 Thread vznuri
hi all. re the term algorithmic revolution here are a few
more ideas along this thread Id like to point out.

TCM wrote
My belief is that basic mathematics is much more important than 
computer use, in terms of understanding the cosmos and the nature of 

ok, fair disclosure, I have a BS software engr, writing code
since age ~10, and it affects my worldview bigtime. or, one could
say, I really know how to pick a winning horse, haha.. seriously,
I recognized  planned my life around the algorithmic revolution 
from a young age.

at an early point I realized that software is like 
animated mathematics.

this is a very,very deep  cosmic way of looking at algorithmics. it
captures some of the revolutionary flavor. we can suggest that
mathematics has previously attempted to grasp the concept of
change, via calculus, differential eqns etc. 

but something is fundamentally new about simulation. it captures
worlds that cannot be expressed via mathematical generalities. there
are no equations we can write down that describe the outcome of,
say, a climate simulation-- its all locally defined  then globally
simulated  the outcome is emergent.  what are the differential
equations that describe the game of life??

imho algorithmics captures the extraordinary, currently very poorly
understood property of emergence. just as
in the game of life there are thousands of glider types, none of
which one would expect/anticipate from the simple rules.

we can argue that algorithmics is a fundamentally new way to
look at mathematics. and one could argue, all mathematics up until
now has been transformed. at this point, it seems much more correct
to classify mathematics as a subbranch of algorithmics than vice
versa. I believe much mathematics of the future will be taught
from the algorithmic point of view instead.

imho, the invention  harnessing of the algorithm is roughly as significant
in human intellectual development as pythagoras's original
realization about how mathematics modelled nature. its easily on that
order of magnitude as far as a milestone in human thought, possibly
surpassing it. it seems to me, fundamentally, algorithmics entails
and surpasses mathematics as a new simultaneously conceptual and physical
tool for analyzing the universe
and its variegated phenomena.

so think. we've basically got several millenia of mathematical
thought, dating all the way back to the babylonians (who played
with perfect triangles, fractions etc), and quite well
developed in greece 2000 years ago. reaching heights of sophistication
with calculus, or the abstraction in the 20th century.
Im saying to some degree, all that
is childs play compared to the new universe of algorithmics.

re: TCMs questions about some of my points.

1st, I believe that we will eventually get the math for a TOE
that matches accelerator/particle physics 
so perfectly that it will be considered
redundant or wasteful to do the expensive supercollider experiments, because
the accelerators will never find anything that does not match the 
comprehensive theory.

that is, after all, one of the big 
reasons to look for a TOE.  but I agree, until that point, 
physicists are not going to give up the big science..

a crazy thought? perhaps. but lets look at atomic weaponry testing--
thats essentially whats happened. the US has been simulating atomic
weapons testing for many years now with powerful supercomputers. and
obviously the results are considered ***extremely*** accurate.  it
can indeed be done on some level.

2nd-- alas, I wish I could cite a reference. but software is
used extremely heavily in particle physics experiments to 
automatically analyze particles and classify them  find
anomalous events. its basically
AI-like software, extremely sophisticated. it can look at 
very complicated particle tracks  collisions and name
all the particle tracks based on analyzing the big picture.

this used to be done by humans  by hand, and (as I understand it)
the discovery of many
particles from the last decade or around that range could
not have been done with this highly sophisticated sorting
software that can run through millions of events very quickly.

so there is a hidden story behind massive particle accelerators.
the software infrastructure for them is all invisible and
mostly unknown to the public, but its a vast edifice at
the core of the analysis, and has gone through revolutionary
changes in a short amount of time, mirroring the algorithmic
revolution elsewhere.

how much is that software worth?? I cant really estimate, but
I wouldnt be surprised if a significant percent of supercollider
budgets was spent on developing it.

if anyone knows references on software used in particle physics
analysis, I would really like to know myself.

a nice reference on the culture behind accelerators is 
beamtimes  lifetimes by sharon traweek.

KK wired article on TOE etc

2002-11-18 Thread vznuri

as just noted by TCM, kevin kelly on a computational/algorithmic TOE,
wolfram, wheeler, etcetera, from current issue of wired.


I would say we are all in the midst of some kind
of algorithmic revolution that is sweeping across
culture, industry,  scientific fields etc. .. more
on that theme here


oscillons as an outstanding but unknown TOE candidate

2002-11-10 Thread vznuri

hi all. I dont recall I mentioned the oscillons phenomenon on this list
before (the archive seems to be down as I write this).  so, FYI.

some months ago I was going thru an old file of paper physics 
clippings/leads and ran into one on oscillons from 1996 based on a 
new york times article (see below). at the time I found the article
in the 1st place, despite the cautiously optimistic tone in it
 by the quoted scientists, I was sure that huge momentum 
would soon grow  be built around it. 

here it is over a half decade later, I had forgotten entirely
about it, and went back and looked into the literature. there
are indeed a smattering of oscillon papers out there, including
several in the arXiv. 

oscillons are very similar to solitons,
and solitons are well appreciated as a very interesting mathematical
model that involves emergent schroedinger eqn. like properties.
there are several entire books written on solitons. (particle like phenomena
emerging from fiendishly complex nonlinear differential eqns.)

however it seems to me that the full implications of oscillons have 
not been pursued. so far nobody is seriously suggesting they 
may be a big picture theory of everything. 
but it seems obvious to propose them as
a very viable/provisional candidate highly worthy of further research.

I would certainly like to take credit for this hypothesis, but it would
probably at least require me to write a real paper on the subject for anyone
to cite/credit me (haha).

this is my conceptual sketch of a TOE. I propose that some fairly simple
CA rules on a 3D grid give rise to the same nonlinear oscillon equations.
next, oscillons are a model for particles. oscillons can combine
and separate into superparticles, that has already been demonstrated
empirically in papers and experiments. (in fact a triad-like phenomenon
is found already, and I immediately reminded of the quark model which
come in 3's.)

they have attraction and 
repulsion properties. I propose gravity is just a very subtle emergent
attraction property arising from large collections of superparticles.

perhaps one of the most striking aspects of oscillons that almost nobody has
realized yet: the models give predictions for **fundamental masses**
of (super)particles as an emergent property of the deeper simulation dynamics
parameters, something that no other theories I know of can come
close to, including (most conspicuously) the massive
 venerable Standard Model built from decades of massive and
painstaking 20th century research.

frankly, I just dont know why there is not much excitement about 
oscillons in the larger physics community  esp among particle 
physicists at this point. Im hoping its just the relative obscurity
of the subject  that it will change in the near future. imho, they could
very well be the fundamental framework for 21st century physics. its
a natural conjecture/hypothesis. 
yet I cannot find a single paper proposing that yet so far.

moreover, recently on sci.physics.research I proposed that some fraction
of the vast billions spent on supercolliders be invested into large
oscillon simulations  investigations running on supercomputers or perhaps
ongoing physical experiments, as a hedge in the [expensive] bet. 
seems only reasonable to me.  (physicists are right now planning a 
$6-8Billion dollar international supercollider.)

there is no doubt one can create oscillon like supercollider experiments
based on existing theory (projecting one oscillon into others either via
a simulation or physical experiment), 
but nobody has tried that obvious idea yet.  imho, its a vast 
open frontier/terra incognita worth exploring ASAP.

following is a set of odds  ends, links, papers etcetera Ive 
collected/compiled on oscillons recently for your convenience.


nice AMS article on solitons by Terng and Uhlenbeck
with all the equations


these are movies by Oleg Lioubashevski who is working
with jay fineberg. clay oscillons
notice a dipole  tripole configurations.
the tripole configuration reminds me of quarks which combine
in triplets as I understand it!!


michael cross caltech 
java simulations
pattern formation in nonequilibrium systems


this paper by crawford  riecke considers mathematical eqns
for solitons and some of the attraction properties. I didnt
notice if they observed repulsion. am still looking for a single
paper observing attraction repulsion in general.


imho the above pictures seem eerily reminscent of ***quark***
interactions, possibly. I cant believe particle physicists seem
not to be studying oscillons at all!!!

   Title: A Continuum Description of Vibrated Sand
   Authors: Jens Eggers, Hermann Riecke


   Title: Localized and Cellular Patterns in a Vibrated Granular 

wheeler walked away from MWI

2002-09-26 Thread vznuri

hi all. I just read an amazing factoid in john gribbins
search for sch.cat. it says that wheeler, in spite
of his initial enthusiasm for MWI  promoting it, and being
the advisor to everett, eventually abandoned
it, feeling it carried too much metaphysical baggage
or something like that. I was not aware of that. is
everyone else? I wonder if there are other refs on the
subject. I will quote the gribbin section if ppl are interested.

Re: wheeler walked away from MWI

2002-09-26 Thread vznuri

ok thanks HF for the clarification. I didnt realize
all the recent threads on tegmark were also referring
to a tegmark-wheeler article.

fyi, here is the quote from gribbin. I havent noticed,
but is everyone aware of this book? good stuff.. from 1984,
a bit dated, but it keeps getting reprinted apparently
because its so superb. gribbin is a big advocate of MWI in
a later chapter  cites a lot of early science fiction ideas
relating to it. he's got a phd in astrophysics. very good
on the conceptual history/foundations of QM. 

perhaps it is only fair, at this point,
to mention that wheeler himself has recently expressed
doubts about the whole business. in response to a questioner
at a symposium held to mark the centenary of einstein's birth,
he said of the MWI, I confess that I have reluctantly
had to give up my support of that POV in the end,
much as I advocated it in the beginning--because I m
afraid it carries too great a load of metaphysical baggage.
this shouldnt be read as pulling out the rug from under
the everett interpretation; the fact that einstein changed
his mind about the statistical basis of QM didnt pull
the rug from under that interpretation.

as for your point in your post about wheeler attaching
his name to the theory, I think its ok for proponents
and not originators of a theory to be named along with it.
for example lately Ive been referring to the
fredkin-wolfram thesis. fredkin is far more the 
originator; wolfram is far more the proponent. seems
to me the everett-wheeler theory can be fairly seen in the
same way.

btw, I recently finished deutschs fabric of reality
which imho is really outlandish  unfocused in places.
after reading it I thought he earned the nickname
mad scientist heh heh

noisy digitizer interpretation of QM

2002-09-05 Thread vznuri

hi all. 

the dialogue here on everything-list is extremely interesting  I know
several subscribers/participants from long ago acquaintances.

I was tipped off on this list by scerir, who posts regularly
on qm2  whom I have a lot of admiration for!! 
he has some really outstanding credentials
but will rarely ever mention them!! the address again


I am not so into the philosophical side of QM, and as soon
as wigners friend is mentioned I know I am ready to leave, but
let me write a little here for this great audience. by the
way, how many subscribers are on this list??

I wrote a paper, quant-ph/9808008, that reveals my directions
from 4 years ago.

let me summarize my current directions as follows since it
impinges on the current dialogue, which Ive hammered out after
about a half decade.

we have a purely **classical model** version of the double slit experiment
for both photons  electrons in the new theory, the noisy digitizer
interpretation of QM, which stands in contradiction to some of
the aspects of the copenhagen interpretation.

noisy digitizer

the atom is seen as a digitizer of incoming light wavefronts.
each wavefront causes the atom to click or not to click
(that is the question!!) a click is an energy transition. 
therefore, collapse of the wavefunction is the same as the way
the LSB of a digitizer is in fact a strange combination of
noise and signal.

the interpretation holds that the click is precisely determined
by the internal state of the atom, but that state is so far
unmeasurable, although I believe there are experiments that
reveal this connection but are not being interpreted correctly
yet. (bunching and antibunching concepts in the literature). the
atom has a dead time after a click such that it cannot click
within a minimum window. possibly based on a formula relating
to planks constant or heisenberg uncertainty eqn.

I would be pleased to answer any questions on the noisy digitizer

the collapse of the wavefunction is in fact a mathematical abstraction
that is only an approximation of what happens in reality. I will
expand on this if others like, it would help if some people are familiar 
with the quantum formalism.

digitizers are now ubiquitous in the cyberspace age  I think
a nice new metaphor for quantum mechanics and its future.

Ive found a formula called noise equivalent power that gives
a dark count/efficiency tradeoff for all photon detection apparatuses.
it involves the plank constant. its actually a false positive/negative
formula that shows an inherent physical tradeoff. I believe bell
formula derivations are not properly taking it into account. I believe
there may be a derivation that says there can be no violation of
nonlocality based on taking into account the NEP of the detector.

therefore apparently QM is in fact an approximation of reality where 
NEP=0, i.e. a detector with no noise. all detectors have noise, NEP0,
and I believe right now this noise is enough to invalidate the existing
theoretical/mathematical derivations of the bell inequality.

interesting, eh? right now would really like to correspond to
someone who understands NEP of detectors. maybe even the original
derivation. apparently its very obscure.
this is my latest writeup on the subject.


qm2 mailing list

2002-09-04 Thread vznuri

hi all. Ive started a group dedicated to finding a sequel
theory to quantum mechanics focusing on local hidden
variables. now 1 year old, almost 3000 msgs already,
100 subscribers. several graduate students, one practicing
QM physicist working in superconductors etc., hope to
see you there. will be posting a compendium of links
shortly. esp seeking people who can pull off the mathematics.
extremely active  high traffic right now.


we're not so into philosophical discussions such as
on MWI, looking more for focus on the mathematics  
experiment that could prove aspects of reality not
previously accepted or understood. for example, is
there a bell-like test of MWI that could distinguish
a MWI universe from a non MWI universe? I would
consider that inquiry on charter.