RE: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-29 Thread Marchal Bruno
Colin Hales wrote

> ...
>Not really TOE stuff, so I?ll desist for now. I remain ever hopeful that one
>day I?ll be able to understand Bruno?. :-)

Ah! Thanks for that optimistic proposition :-)
Let us forget the AUDA which needs indeed some familiarity with
mathematical logic. 
But the UDA? It would help me to understand at which point you have
a problem. For example I understand where Hall Finney stops, although
I still does not understand why. I got a pretty clear idea where and
why Stephen King disagrees.  This can help me to ameliorate the
presentation. You could also help yourself  through the formulation of
precise questions. Perhaps you did and I miss it? (*)


(*) My computer crashed badly some weeks ago and I use the university
mailing system which is not so stable. Apology for funny spellings,
"RE:RE:"-addition in replies, lack of signature, etc.

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-28 Thread James N Rose
> Colin Hales wrote:
> > Here is another possible confusion: ‘emergence’ as a descriptive artefact vs
> > ‘emergence’ as real layered behaviour in a real system. The wording
> > initially looks as if you think emergence is not real. The emergence is real
> > (whatever we consider real is!). Example: There are at least 6 fundamental
> > layers of emergence from quantum froth to mind. The agreed view appears to
> > be that any formal mathematics of each layer stops at each layer whereas an
> > algorithmic approach generates/spans the layers, which are delineated by an
> > appropriately sensitised observer. Both styles of description seem
> > appropriate and able to coexist provided their character is understood.

I presented a general systems model of complexity~emergence
at the first Complexity conference held in Nashua, New Hampsire
USA by NECSI in 1997 in which I stipulated a very specific 
relationship involved in inter-tier production of emergent
complexity.  The layers do couple in very specific ways -
at any level of layering~tiering identifiable.

Info~energy which recursively loops between
the state-nodes of two or more agents in a reference
frame binds the agents into a narrower behavior
mode.  I.e., increased distribution of 
information~energy in one tier of organization can
cause behavior localization in an adjacent tier. 

Rephrased: natural or induced entropy increases in
one tier can effectively produce negentropic
complexity formation in the next higher tier of 
organixation (Rose, 1973).

Designing the algorithm involved is the key
to human survival and evolution.

Jamie Rose
Ceptual Institute

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-28 Thread Russell Standish
Colin Hales wrote:
> Here is another possible confusion: ‘emergence’ as a descriptive artefact vs
> ‘emergence’ as real layered behaviour in a real system. The wording
> initially looks as if you think emergence is not real. The emergence is real
> (whatever we consider real is!). Example: There are at least 6 fundamental
> layers of emergence from quantum froth to mind. The agreed view appears to
> be that any formal mathematics of each layer stops at each layer whereas an
> algorithmic approach generates/spans the layers, which are delineated by an
> appropriately sensitised observer. Both styles of description seem
> appropriate and able to coexist provided their character is understood.

Remember my insistence on the models being "good" (by whatever
criterion "good" is). Emergence in a poor model is most definitely not
real. But we expect good models to be capturing something about
reality, so emergence in these models is in some sense a real

However, all I really insist upon is that two observers discussing a
phenomenon agree that a particular model (or language as it were) is
good. Then they can agree upon the emergence in that case. For the
billions of people who believe in God, presumably God is equally a
real emergent phenomenon. 

> Not really TOE stuff, so I’ll desist for now. I remain ever hopeful that one
> day I’ll be able to understand Bruno…. :-)

Same here!


A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

RE: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-27 Thread Colin Hales
Russell Standish wrote:
>> Colin Hales wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I have chewed this thread with great interest.
>> Our main gripe is the issue of emergent behaviour and the mathematical
>> treatment thereof? Yes? This is the area in which Wolfram claims to have
>> made progress. (I am still wading my way through his tome).
>> ***Isn’t the 'algorithmic revolution' really a final acceptance that
>> are behaviours in numbers that are simply inaccessible to "closed form"
>> mathematical formulae?  - That closed-form mathematics cannot traverse
>> complete landscape of the solution space in all contexts?
>If this were the case, the 'algorithmic revolution' is at least 200 years
old, as people have
>known at least this long that most integrals cannot be written in "closed
>Of course, from a practical point of view, it was so expensive to solve
mathematical problems numerically,
> that hardly anyone bothered until the advent of the electronic computer.
Since then, of course
> computational science has taken off like a rocket, and keeps the likes of
me employed. But this is
> hardly new news, or philosophically interesting.
>   Cheers

We have a small confusion here (probably caused by my own choice of words).
I’m not talking about the numerical solution to a given mathematical
formula. Agreed: Mundane++. Memories of laboriously iterating on my
calculator come to mind! :-)

What I’m saying (as you seem to agree) is that for some aspects of the
universe (including those aspects we identify as emergent phenomena) there
are no formulae possible in the first place. I think I find the answer to my
original question in the last 2 paragraphs of your paper section 2., as well in your ‘emergence’
thread para where I think you have ‘nailed it’:

………. “As to mathematics predicting emergent phenomena, I believe that the
answer is categorically no. Emergent phenomena are a result of a modelling
process - eg what a brain does, not an analytic process. Mathematics can be
used to describe the emergent phenomenon after it is discovered, but I don't
think the discovery process can really be called mathematics”..

Here is another possible confusion: ‘emergence’ as a descriptive artefact vs
‘emergence’ as real layered behaviour in a real system. The wording
initially looks as if you think emergence is not real. The emergence is real
(whatever we consider real is!). Example: There are at least 6 fundamental
layers of emergence from quantum froth to mind. The agreed view appears to
be that any formal mathematics of each layer stops at each layer whereas an
algorithmic approach generates/spans the layers, which are delineated by an
appropriately sensitised observer. Both styles of description seem
appropriate and able to coexist provided their character is understood.

I think we do have a ‘revolution’ and it is a revolution that will force us
to use a wolfamesque rule-based numerical combination descriptive/predictive
method to deal with emergence whether we like it or not because it’s the
only technique that can traverse the layers and there are a multitude of
problems where we need to do exactly that. It seems more than a passing fad.
I can foresee industry based on derivation of elaborate CA to fulfil useful
requirements that cannot be achieved otherwise. I can see scientific method
and Cog. Sci. in particular undergoing a transformation of a sort as a

Not really TOE stuff, so I’ll desist for now. I remain ever hopeful that one
day I’ll be able to understand Bruno…. :-)


Colin Hales

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-24 Thread Hal Finney
I don't think I received the first of my two messages written today on
Wolfram, but it made it to the archive.  In case anyone missed it I'll
just point to it rather than re-sending.  It's available at

Hal Finney

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-24 Thread Russell Standish
Hal Finney wrote:
> My one concern is that if Wolfram is right and our universe is a random
> program from some set, and if there are much more than on the order
> of 100 bits in the program, we will never be able to find the right
> program.  If the nature of the program space is similar to what Wolfram's
> explorations suggest, that most of the space is unstructured and there
> is no way to identify the likely fruitful programs, there will be no
> way for us to know if we are on the right track or not.  We won't have
> the hope of finding a program that "almost works" and then successively
> refining it to get closer and closer, because the true program will be
> completely different from an almost-true program.
> The situation will be something like the search for a cryptographic key,
> where you can't really hope to get closer and closer until you get it.
> You're stabbing totally in the dark until you fall upon the right one.
> And if the search space is too large, you will never find the answer.
> Hal Finney

This is exactly the problem I have with the idea that we live within
one particular computational history, for all time, but can never know

There will be constraints on the set of possible histories in which
can be lived, which can be uncovered and linked to a theory of
conscious observation. All else is pure contingency. So other ideas
proposed on this list - that we can be identified with a whole sheaf
of computations that are continually diverging - seem far more appropriate.

A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-24 Thread Hal Finney
One more point with regard to Wolfram and our list's theme.  I think
that implicit in his conception of the underlying rules of the universe
you have to assume some kind of all-universe model.  The reason is that
he does not expect our universe's program to be particularly special
or unique.  He thinks it will be relatively short, but given the kind
of computational structures that might be the basis for the universe,
the program is expected to be basically random.

Every computational system has a certain percentage of its programs that
can produce interesting-looking structure, and the expectation is that
the same thing will hold for whatever computational model turns out to
most simply express the universe's program.  Whatever our program is, it
will turn out to be one of the ones that produces structure.  But these
are almost certainly a tiny percentage of the whole, based on Wolfram's
results.  And the specifics of which ones will produce structure are
very difficult to define.  Making a tiny change in a program will often
produce a completely different output, at least with the computational
systems Wolfram investigates.  The ones which produce structure are
scattered very randomly throughout the space of all possible programs.

For example, among the nearest-neighbor, 2-state, 1-dimensional CAs that
Wolfram uses as his simple exemplars, there are 256 possible different
programs, which Wolfram numbers from 0 to 255.  As it turns out, only one
of them, program number 110, produces a certain kind of complex structure
that has particle-like behavior with very complex kinds of interactions.
Of all of them, this is the one which at least superficially would be
the most likely to be able to evolve life (although it's almost certainly
too simple to actually do so).

But let's suppose that we learned that we lived in a universe based on
rule 110.  Why would that be?  Why, of all the 256 possible programs,
would only rule 110 exist?  Well, there are two plausible answers.
One is that someone selected rule 110, but that raises all kinds
of insurmountable problems of its own.  The other is that all of the
programs were instantiated, and then of course we turned out to live in
rule 110 because it was the only one that could sustain life.

So Wolfram's approach leads very naturally to the assumption that all
possible programs are being run.  If it does turn out that our universe's
program is relatively simple but still densely packed and "random" among
a vast space of comparable programs, most of which would produce sterile
universes, then I think we would be forced to seriously consider that
all of the other programs were being run, too.

My one concern is that if Wolfram is right and our universe is a random
program from some set, and if there are much more than on the order
of 100 bits in the program, we will never be able to find the right
program.  If the nature of the program space is similar to what Wolfram's
explorations suggest, that most of the space is unstructured and there
is no way to identify the likely fruitful programs, there will be no
way for us to know if we are on the right track or not.  We won't have
the hope of finding a program that "almost works" and then successively
refining it to get closer and closer, because the true program will be
completely different from an almost-true program.

The situation will be something like the search for a cryptographic key,
where you can't really hope to get closer and closer until you get it.
You're stabbing totally in the dark until you fall upon the right one.
And if the search space is too large, you will never find the answer.

Hal Finney

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-24 Thread Hal Finney
I think there are a couple of things about Wolfram's book which aren't
well understood.

Most importantly, he is not specifically commited to cellular automata.
He does focus on them, especially 1-dimensional, 2-state CAs, as a
particularly simple model of computation, which also has the property
that a relatively high percentage of randomly chosen programs produce
apparent complexity.  But he explores a number of other computational
systems, including higher dimensional and higher state CAs; mobile CAs;
Turing machines; substitution systems; sequential substitution systems;
tag systems; cyclic tag systems; register machines; symbolic systems;
arithmetic; recursive sequences; iterated maps; continuous (non-quantized)
CAs; partial differential equations; network systems; multiway systems;
constraint satisfaction systems; and higher dimension versions of many
of these.

The lesson he draws is that generally, the same kinds of patterns
are seen in virtually all of these ways of expressing computation.
You see simple, constant outputs; simple repetition; chaotic patterns;
and occasionally, the mysterious "structure" on the edge of chaos, which
often shows tantalizing particle-like phenomena and other interesting
analogs to real-world phenomena.

Where he does fall back on CAs, I don't think his point is so much
that the phenomena are based precisely on CAs, but that random, simple
algorithms when implemented in CAs often produce very similar patterns to
what we see in the real world.  And that this is probably not coincidence.
It suggests that these kinds of patterns could be considered attractors
in pattern space.  They are easier to produce than other patterns that
might seem superficially similar.  Their algorithm complexity is lower.
And this insight might inform our efforts to understand the true nature
of the phenomena which create these patterns.

Where Wolfram turns to physics, his speciality, he explicitly departs
the CA model as he tries to sketch a possible mathematical basis for
the universe that is consistent with the paradoxical phenomena of QM and
relativity.  He uses network systems, hypothetical sub-quantum "nodes"
which are connected to one another and whose connections might change
under simple rules.  This is not completely original; I think Wheeler
and others pursued ideas similar to this back in the 70s.  Wolfram takes
it a little farther in showing how you could get some relativity-style
phenomena, but it's a very bare beginning effort.

My main point is that characterizing Wolfram as saying that the universe
is a CA, or biological patterns or fluid turbulence or any other phenomena
are caused by CAs, is not correct.  He is not saying these phenomena are
caused by CAs, he is saying that extremely simple CA programs produce
similar phenomena, suggesting that such phenomena emerge spontaneously
from computational systems.

As for the universe, I think his point is that the grand, mathematical
elegance of string theory and similar methods is the wrong approach.
These beautiful mathematical models are too rigid and brittle to describe
a universe like ours.  The universe is more likely to be built out of
a messy, random and simple little program that just happens to create
patterns that have the properties necessary for life to evolve.

In the context of our list, this can be thought of as a philosophical
bias towards Schmidhuber and away from Tegmark.  In Tegmark's model,
string theory is relatively near the origin of the tree of mathematical
structure; it is simple.  If it produced enough particles and interactions
of the right kinds to allow for life, it would be an excellent candidate
for the place where we live.  But in Schmidhuber's model, it's just as
likely that some random hodgepodge of a program a few thousand bits in
length will "just happen" to produce a very robust, dynamic and varied
universe with all kinds of structure at different size scales.  Such a
universe is an inherently friendly home for life as there are so many
possible niches for it to grow.

Of course, at this point we are in no position to decide between these
two philosophies.  Wolfram's book is ultimatly a call to our intuition,
an appeal for equal time to be given to Schmidhuber-ish approaches
based on random programs, as for the traditional Tegmarkian mathematical
modelling which is done in physics.  I think there is something to be
said for this shift in perspective, and I hope that at least a small
minority of researchers will attempt to move Wolfram's program forward.

Hal Finney

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-24 Thread Russell Standish
Colin Hales wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have chewed this thread with great interest.
> Our main gripe is the issue of emergent behaviour and the mathematical
> treatment thereof? Yes? This is the area in which Wolfram claims to have
> made progress. (I am still wading my way through his tome).
> ***Isn’t the 'algorithmic revolution' really a final acceptance that there
> are behaviours in numbers that are simply inaccessible to "closed form"
> mathematical formulae?  - That closed-form mathematics cannot traverse the
> complete landscape of the solution space in all contexts?

If this were the case, the 'algorithmic revolution' is at least 200
years old, as people have known at least this long that most
integrals cannot be written in "closed form".

Of course, from a practical point of view, it was so expesnive to
solve mathematical problems numerically, that hardly anyone bothered
until the advent of the electronic computer. Since then, of course
computational science has taken off like a rocket, and keeps the likes
of me employed. But this is hardly new news, or philosophically


A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-24 Thread Tim May
My caveat before commenting: I'm an opinionated person, but I really 
don't have any particular theory of everything to share with you. No 
dreams theory, no soap bubble theory, no 18-dimensional cellular 
automaton theory. I'm currently doing a lot of reading in logic, topos 
theory, quantum mechanics, and math in general. I'm more interested 
right now in really grasping why the Kochen-Specher says what it says, 
for example. Some of you are way ahead of me. Anyway, these are some of 
my caveats before plunging in.

On Sunday, November 24, 2002, at 04:26  AM, Colin Hales wrote:

Hi Folks,

I have chewed this thread with great interest.

Our main gripe is the issue of emergent behaviour and the mathematical
treatment thereof? Yes? This is the area in which Wolfram claims to 
made progress. (I am still wading my way through his tome).

***Isn’t the 'algorithmic revolution' really a final acceptance that 
are behaviours in numbers that are simply inaccessible to "closed form"
mathematical formulae?  - That closed-form mathematics cannot traverse 
complete landscape of the solution space in all contexts?

And I believe Charles Bennett said all this more clearly and 
convincingly with his "logical depth" arguments. (See, for example, his 
long essay in an excellent book called "Fifty Years of the Turing 

The argument goes like this: suppose one is walking on a beach and 
finds a gold watch. The watch has many moving parts, many non-natural 
things like the crystal, the case, and much internal structure. (I'm 
deliberately mixing in parts of Dawkins' "Blind Watchmaker," as the 
arguments are closely related.)

The watch shows evidence that a lot of "processes" have run for a very 
long time. Not computer processes, but processes of manufacturing the 
components, of fitting them together, of learning what doesn't work and 
what does work, and of a serious industrial infrastructure.

Or consider an e. coli organism. Something like 4 GB of genetic 
material, measured in bits and bytes (if I recall this 
doesn't affect the argument if I am off by some factor).

The "complexity" of the e. coli genome is, by some measures, just this 
4 GB. But nearly all 4 GB strings (which is a very, very large number!) 
produce dead organisms. In the space of 4 GB strings, some relatively 
small "patch" of them produce functioning, reproducing organisms like 
e. coli.

Both the watch and the e. coli appear to have been the result of a lot 
of shuffling and processing of the "apparent" number of bits.

Charles Bennett calls this "logical depth." This is closely related to 
algorithmic information theory, where the shortest description of a 
string (or other object) is essentially the program or process which 
produces the object. Bennett has placed more emphasis on the "depth" of 
a series of iterated processes, but the idea is basically the same. 
(And there may have been good syntheses of the ideas in recent years...)

Another way to look at this, metaphorically, is in terms of compression 
of a spring. The evolutionary pressures and differential reproduction 
rates with e. coli, or with watches!, takes a spring and puts more 
energy into it...the energy to do things later. Even a fixed-length 
string, like 4 GB in e. coli, can be seen as being "compressed" in this 
sense. More and more logical depth is compressed into a string of fixed 
length. (Imagine a program in a competing robot, perhaps in one of 
those "Battlebots" arena shows, where the program is perhaps, by 
coincidence, limited to about 4 GB of Pentium 4 main memory. The 
program gets shuffled and changed, via either genetic algorithms (GA) 
or genetic programming (GP) or whatever. The same 4 GB program space 
("string," seen abstractly) gets more and more capable.

A cellular automaton can also have high logical depth. In fact, back 
when I read (some of ) Wolfram's earlier book on CAs, "Cellular 
Automata and Complexity," I believe it is called, this is the viewpoint 
I was reading it from.

But the fact that cellular automata exhibit this kind of logical depth 
does not mean that gold watches and e. coli are proof that the universe 
is a cellular automaton!


Now, pace Zuse, Fredkin, Lloyd, and all the others, it may in fact be 
the case that a Theory of Everything somehow involves CA-like 
computations or interactions at perhaps the Planck scale.

But nothing in Wolfram's recent book is at all convincing to me that he 
has shown this in any meaningful sense. The phenomena he has been 
experimenting with are at least 25-30 orders of magnitude away from the 
Planck scale. Believing snowflakes, crystals, and sea shells accrete 
material in CA-like ways, which I think physicists and biologists have 
been convinced of for a

RE: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-24 Thread Colin Hales
Hi Folks,

I have chewed this thread with great interest.

Our main gripe is the issue of emergent behaviour and the mathematical
treatment thereof? Yes? This is the area in which Wolfram claims to have
made progress. (I am still wading my way through his tome).

***Isn’t the 'algorithmic revolution' really a final acceptance that there
are behaviours in numbers that are simply inaccessible to "closed form"
mathematical formulae?  - That closed-form mathematics cannot traverse the
complete landscape of the solution space in all contexts?

My own approach has been to regard emergence as the repositioning of the
observer of a system such that the mathematical descriptions you have been
using fall over/cease to be relevant. The idea that the math can seamlessly
transcend an observer’s scope is, I concluded, simply meaningless as the
math is defined by the observer’s scope. The prejudices of our position as
observers are therefore automatically destined to be embedded in our
descriptors of things.

If this is the case then one cannot overlook the use of computers or the AIT
approach if you need to study, understand and replicate real-world phenomena
(in particular, MIND) that transcend the boundaries of emergence.

Will the historians look back on our obsession with closed form math and see
it as the machinations of mathematical youth? Para *** above is the clincher
and I have been unable to distil a definitive stance from all the writings.
Clues anyone?


Colin Hales
* somewhat perplexed *

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-22 Thread jamikes
George, beautiful.
Maybe I propose a line at the end:
"With a LOT of ego attached"

Best wishes
John Mikes

- Original Message - 
From: "George Levy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

> When you look at the bottom of the well,
> all the way
> deep down,
> you see yourself staring right back at you.
> And right now you look like an algorithm.
> Oh well, there was a time when you looked like clockwork
> Maybe tomorrow you'll be a brain.
> And the day after tomorrow maybe a quantum device.
> The universe that we perceive is in our own image.
> It can only be in our own image.
> Bruno is right, the foundation of physics may well be psychology.
> It could even be neurology.
> George

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-21 Thread George Levy
When you look at the bottom of the well,
all the way
deep down,
you see yourself staring right back at you.

And right now you look like an algorithm.
Oh well, there was a time when you looked like clockwork
Maybe tomorrow you'll be a brain.
And the day after tomorrow maybe a quantum device.

The universe that we perceive is in our own image.
It can only be in our own image.
Bruno is right, the foundation of physics may well be psychology.
It could even be neurology.


Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-21 Thread vznuri
RS wrote on one level how the algorithmic revolution 
was "epistemological". I objected to this partly. let me
quote the dictionary defn of epistemology

epistemology-- the branch of philosophy that deals with 
the nature and theory of knowledge.

now in newtons time, science was seen as a branch of philosophy.
however in modern times, philosophy has become somewhat disconnected
from science and followed its own course. so to me to label a genuine
scientific paradigm shift "epistemological" seems to downplay its
significance somewhat as a little too abstract. the scientific revolution
is not merely about a different way of seeing the universe, but a different
way of interacting with it. (experimental method, etc.) 

this is exactly
the way in which I insist the "algorithmic revolution" be interpreted
as I outlined..  not "merely" a shift in the way 
we view the world. (unfortunately 
"paradigm shift" terminology sometimes implies a merely conceptual,
subjective shift in view, partly due to kuhns perspective, but a
paradigm shift means much more than a mere psychological rearrangement.)

next, RS defines the clockwork metaphor in terms of the newtonian
revolution. this is very reasonable and there is a high correlation.
however I would argue the clockwork paradigm is ongoing. the
clockwork universe involved multiple new ways of seeing the
world. one of them, indeed, was newtonian mathematical laws
for physics, gravitation, etcetera. another was determinism,
ala the famous laplacian quote re: atoms as billiard balls. 

however another was simply, "universe as mechanistic". the clock is a 
machine. the clock metaphor proposes the universe runs like a kind
of automated machine subject to mathematical/physical laws. 

lets be very careful to define "clockwork universe metaphor" in terms
of the accurate history of its origination, not from our modern point
of view. note that in the middle ages, prior to
the newtonian revolution, the previous paradigm for the concept
of "force" was something sometimes involving supernatural aspects.
the world was presumed to be set in motion by god & influenced
by various spirits, entities, etcetera in ways not fully conceivable.
this is what the clockwork metaphor replaced.

the "universe as mechanistic" theme from the clockwork metaphor
persists to this day. einsteins relativistic theory involved the
consideration at clocks in moving frames. 
when physicists analyze particle dynamics,
or even search for a TOE as we are here, I would say the clockwork
metaphor is still alive. its still ticking, so to speak.. wink

again, let me contrast the algorithmic metaphor for the universe
with the clockwork one. even in newtons time, the idea was
that the universe ran **like** a clock. it was a metaphor. but
the zuse-fredkin-wolfram idea of the universe is that the
universe evolves not merely **as** a computation, but that it
**is** a computation. 

therefore, imho the algorithmic metaphor
is actually more than a metaphor, more than the clockwork model
was a metaphor.  its not merely a paradigm shift I would say, its
something more. its a new model, a new system, a new framework. 
its comparable to newtons discovery
of the law of gravitation if the program can be successfully
carried out.

is the algorithmic idea incorrect? someday we will probably
notice that it has its deficiencies just as the clockwork idea
did, but we will not discard it entirely, just as we have
not discarded the clockwork universe idea.

so imho to say the clockwork metaphor for reality is "wrong",
is (uh) wrong. imho its a simplistic/facile rejection of a 
still-legitimate paradigm.

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-20 Thread H J Ruhl
At 11/21/02, you wrote:

The clockwork
universe was shown to be wrong with Qunatum Mechanics. My gut feeling
is that the computer universe will also be shown to be wrong.

In my view there are two types of universes.  Type 1 have internal rules of 
state succession that are like computers - UD's and the like could generate 
them.   Type 2 have rules that have a degree of "do not care" in 
determining the valid next state and this "do not care" component is a 
channel to an external random oracle.  However,  I attempt to show in my 
approach that Type 1 are also subject to the external random oracle but the 
channel differs.

This means that all universes have open logic systems and can have 
exploding cows and other white rabbit events.

I believe ours to be a Type 2 universe with a rule set that allows few 
rabbit events of a macro nature and many of a micro nature.

I suspect that in some aspects we agree.  I also think that Bruno's UDA to 
the extent I think I understand it is a candidate for one of a Type 1 
universe's channels to the external random oracle.  I believe Juergen's 
work to be a candidate for the rule set of some Type 1 universes.

However, I see no bias towards one type or the other in terms of quantity 
or in terms of any any other system wide measure.


Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-20 Thread Russell Standish
> RS reformulates/reduces the term "algorithmic revolution" as:
> >1. A social revolution..
> >2. A scientific revolution..
> >3. An epistemological revolution..
> >4. A mathematical revolution..
> all true. however, wolfram-fredkin-zuse et al are not merely proposing a 
> mere "epistemological revolution" as you state with (3). they're
> saying, the "next state" of the universe _really_is_ a 
> computation, that we really are (and all reality is)
> built out of cells in a very large 3D or 4D cellular automaton. its
> not merely a metaphor. in this sense it probably cannot be seen on
> the same level as the clockwork mechanism for the universe, or
> the "universe-as-energy" from the thermodynamic/industrial/steam 
> engine perspective.

Where did the "mere" come from? Epistemological as in a revolution of
our understanding of the world.

Zoom back 150 years, and you will find that people believed that the
universe really did follow Newton's equations of motion exactly, and
that all you needed to know everything about the universe at all times
was the positions and velocities of all constituent particles _at one
moment in time_. This is what is described by the clockwork metaphor.

The Wolfram-Fredkin-Zuse thesis that the universe is a Turing machine
is described metaphorically as a "computer universe" - just as real
computers are only metaphors for Turing machines.

I'm afraid I don't appreciate the difference here. The clockwork
universe was shown to be wrong with Qunatum Mechanics. My gut feeling
is that the computer universe will also be shown to be wrong.

> this is a physical hypothesis about the universe. so far it
> is not yet testable or falsifiable. but I would argue there
> is very good circumstantial evidence.
> RS says (3) is "potentially as wrong as the clockwork model
> of the universe". but, I would argue the clockwork model
> is not really "wrong", only that it was a steppingstone that
> is now obsolete or incomplete relative to new data. it was an
> outstanding metaphor for reality & is arguably still a very strong
> element of all modern scientific thought.
> with 4, RS says this refers to "algorithmic information theory"
> and "the jury is still out" on it.
> technically this is the name for the field that is 
> involved with compressibility, i.e. chaitin-kolmogorov ideas
> (is this what RS meant?). which
> is mostly seen as a specialized subfield of computational 
> complexity theory. this is a strange reduction from my point of
> view & is definitely not the mathematical revolution associated
> with "the algorithmic revolution" I referred to earlier.

Yes - the usual name for it is algorithmic information theory, and
Greg Chaitin was probably the prolific contributer. Ming Li has
demonstrated some very interesting applications for the theory in
solving mathematical problems otherwise unsolvable. I wouldn't be
surprised if AIT turns out to be as important as differential
equations or Hilbert space theory, for example. As I said though, it
is still too early to say.


A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-20 Thread vznuri

RS reformulates/reduces the term "algorithmic revolution" as:

>1. A social revolution..
>2. A scientific revolution..
>3. An epistemological revolution..
>4. A mathematical revolution..

all true. however, wolfram-fredkin-zuse et al are not merely proposing a 
mere "epistemological revolution" as you state with (3). they're
saying, the "next state" of the universe _really_is_ a 
computation, that we really are (and all reality is)
built out of cells in a very large 3D or 4D cellular automaton. its
not merely a metaphor. in this sense it probably cannot be seen on
the same level as the clockwork mechanism for the universe, or
the "universe-as-energy" from the thermodynamic/industrial/steam 
engine perspective.

this is a physical hypothesis about the universe. so far it
is not yet testable or falsifiable. but I would argue there
is very good circumstantial evidence.

RS says (3) is "potentially as wrong as the clockwork model
of the universe". but, I would argue the clockwork model
is not really "wrong", only that it was a steppingstone that
is now obsolete or incomplete relative to new data. it was an
outstanding metaphor for reality & is arguably still a very strong
element of all modern scientific thought.

with 4, RS says this refers to "algorithmic information theory"
and "the jury is still out" on it.
technically this is the name for the field that is 
involved with compressibility, i.e. chaitin-kolmogorov ideas
(is this what RS meant?). which
is mostly seen as a specialized subfield of computational 
complexity theory. this is a strange reduction from my point of
view & is definitely not the mathematical revolution associated
with "the algorithmic revolution" I referred to earlier.

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-20 Thread Russell Standish
There seems to be more heat that light in this discussion. There's
several things going on here:

1. A social revolution in the use of information technology (mobile
phones, internet and all that). This is beyond dispute, I believe, and
I didn't see anyone on this list disputing that.

2. A scientific revolution - use of computer simulations as a 3rd way
from theory and experiment. This is using computing technology, as
opposed to information technology, and is about 2 decades older thatn
the social revolution. Again, there is little dispute in this.

3. An epistemological revolution - a paradigm shift that sees reality
cast in terms of a computational or algorithmic metaphor. This is how
Tim May interpreted "algorithmic revolution", as did I.

4. A mathematical revolution - algorithmic information theory has been
explosive since it was founded in the mid-60s. It has profound
consequences to the roots of mathematics. 

No. 3 is the type of thesis promoted by Wolfram, and goes back at
least to Konrad Zuse in the 1960s. It is worth treating with a
considerable grain of salt - it is a paradigm, as potentially wrong
as the clockwork model in the late 19th century.

No. 4 - I think the jury is still out. Practical applications of AIT
are still rather meagre compared with more traditional areas of
mathematics. But I do think it is a fascinating area of study.


A/Prof Russell Standish  Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
UNSW SYDNEY 2052 Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
Room 2075, Red Centre
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-19 Thread vznuri
hi all. re the term "algorithmic revolution" here are a few
more ideas along this thread Id like to point out.

TCM wrote
>My belief is that basic mathematics is much more important than 
>computer use, in terms of understanding the cosmos and the nature of 

ok, fair disclosure, I have a BS software engr, writing code
since age ~10, and it affects my worldview bigtime. or, one could
say, I really know how to pick a winning horse, haha.. seriously,
I recognized & planned my life around the "algorithmic revolution" 
from a young age.

at an early point I realized that software is like 
"animated mathematics".

this is a very,very deep & cosmic way of looking at algorithmics. it
captures some of the revolutionary flavor. we can suggest that
mathematics has previously attempted to grasp the concept of
change, via calculus, differential eqns etc. 

but something is fundamentally new about simulation. it captures
worlds that cannot be expressed via mathematical generalities. there
are no equations we can write down that describe the outcome of,
say, a climate simulation-- its all locally defined & then globally
simulated & the outcome is "emergent". & what are the differential
equations that describe the game of life??

imho algorithmics captures the extraordinary, currently very poorly
understood property of "emergence". just as
in the game of life there are thousands of glider types, none of
which one would expect/anticipate from the simple rules.

we can argue that algorithmics is a fundamentally new way to
look at mathematics. and one could argue, all mathematics up until
now has been transformed. at this point, it seems much more correct
to classify mathematics as a subbranch of algorithmics than vice
versa. I believe much mathematics of the future will be taught
from the "algorithmic point of view" instead.

imho, the invention & harnessing of the algorithm is roughly as significant
in human intellectual development as pythagoras's original
realization about how mathematics modelled nature. its easily on that
order of magnitude as far as a milestone in human thought, possibly
surpassing it. it seems to me, fundamentally, algorithmics entails
and surpasses mathematics as a new simultaneously conceptual and physical
tool for analyzing the universe
and its variegated phenomena.

so think. we've basically got several millenia of mathematical
thought, dating all the way back to the babylonians (who played
with perfect triangles, fractions etc), and quite well
developed in greece 2000 years ago. reaching heights of sophistication
with calculus, or the abstraction in the 20th century.
Im saying to some degree, all that
is childs play compared to the new universe of algorithmics.

re: TCMs questions about some of my points.

1st, I believe that we will eventually get the math for a TOE
that matches accelerator/particle physics 
so perfectly that it will be considered
redundant or wasteful to do the expensive supercollider experiments, because
the accelerators will never find anything that does not match the 
comprehensive theory.

that is, after all, one of the big 
reasons to look for a TOE.  but I agree, until that point, 
physicists are not going to give up the "big science"..

a crazy thought? perhaps. but lets look at atomic weaponry testing--
thats essentially whats happened. the US has been simulating atomic
weapons testing for many years now with powerful supercomputers. and
obviously the results are considered ***extremely*** accurate.  it
can indeed be done on some level.

2nd-- alas, I wish I could cite a reference. but software is
used extremely heavily in particle physics experiments to 
automatically analyze particles and classify them & find
anomalous events. its basically
AI-like software, extremely sophisticated. it can look at 
very complicated particle tracks & collisions and name
all the particle tracks based on analyzing the "big picture".

this used to be done by humans & by hand, and (as I understand it)
the discovery of many
particles from the last decade or around that range could
not have been done with this highly sophisticated sorting
software that can run through millions of events very quickly.

so there is a hidden story behind massive particle accelerators.
the software infrastructure for them is all invisible and
mostly unknown to the public, but its a vast edifice at
the core of the analysis, and has gone through revolutionary
changes in a short amount of time, mirroring the algorithmic
revolution elsewhere.

how much is that software worth?? I cant really estimate, but
I wouldnt be surprised if a significant percent of supercollider
budgets was spent on developing it.

if anyone knows references on software used in particle physics
analysis, I would really like to know myself.

a nice reference on the culture behind accelerators is 
"beamtimes & lifetimes" by sharon traweek.

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-19 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 05:12  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would take all of TCMs own citations and turn them around in my
favor. I would classify all the following as occurring under
the heading "algorithmic revolution" (not the greatest moniker I 
a provisional one for me right now)

- advent of cyberspace, web, email, browsers etcetera
- advent of mass software
- PC revolution
- microsoft & intel from zero to billion dollar companies in short 
- quantum computing is on the way
- fractals. could not be discovered without algorithms. a new metaphor
for not only nature but all reality.
- complexity theory. again, not possible before the algorithmic 
and mass computational capabilities
- simulation, "in silico science"
- moore's law
- photorealistic rendering
- (relational) databases
- mass economic shift into information technology as driving force..
"bits versus atoms".. (negroponte)
- video games
- etcetera!!

I agree that these are all huge changes.

I interpreted your "algorithmic revolution," in the context of this 
list and the Kevin Kelly article and the Wolfram brouhaha, to be about 
a revolution in terms of thinking of the universe (or multiverse) as 
being primarily computational.

My point is that the verdict on the 
Zuse/Fredkin/Wheeler/Lloyd/Wolfram/Tegmark/Schmidhuber/etc. views of 
reality is still way, way out. I stand by this point.

If by "algorithmic revolution" you meant that computers are 
increasingly important, then of course I agree.

ahem!!! what is the relevance to a TOE??? well historically it is clear
our perception of reality is based on our favorite metaphor of the 
in recent ages it was (a) the clock, "clockwork universe", (b) the
steam engine. and now it is (c) computer/algorithm/information.  
it is no coincidence whatsoever that new TOEs are essentially 
its the human race's latest-and-greatest metaphor for reality.

Yes, and our past experience in going through all of these metaphors or 
"mathematical fictions" has made  many of us wary of saying things like 
"The universe is like a hologram" or "The universe is about connection" 
or even "The universe is a gigantic Game of Life."

The issue of an ontology being a metaphor is an interesting one.

I currently have no view of any particular metaphor for what the 
universe "is." It may have computational aspects, and mathematics 
(superset of computer science, of course) may be woven throughout the 
structure of reality. It may even have "holographic" or "clockwork" or 
"cellular"-like aspects. But aspects are not the same thing as 

Greg Egan makes a good point in "Diaspora" about the limitation of the 
mathematical models we sometimes use as metaphors for reality. A mass 
falling through a borehole through the Earth acts exactly as if it's a 
mass on a spring tethered at one end. Same precise equation of motion. 
Yet a spring is not at all what the Earth is, and confusing the 
mathematical model with reality is dangerous.

Of course, at this point we have much, much less reason to speculate 
that the universe "is" a cellular automaton of some sort.

scientists have been slow to adopt to this shift, and I would argue 
are still underutilizing simulation to some extent. science & physics
is still yet to be influenced fully by the algorithmic revolution. one
striking example I think will happen-- I believe billion
dollar particle accelerators
may be downgraded in importance in favor of extremely effective 

The reason experiments are still done is because they are the real 
proof of the pudding about what the universe really _is_.

(besides-- does anyone fully realize how much software plays already 
such a
crucial, foremost role in existing accelerators??)

Not sure what you mean. I did some coding of Monte Carlo simulations in 
my physics days, and I hired some of the coders from SLAC to work on 
some of the stuff we were doing at Intel. Software is used to design 
the accelerators, the detectors, the experiments, etc. As with the rest 
of the world, computers and software are undeniably important.

I'm not doubting the importance of computers. Nor the importance of 
clocks and wristwatches. But just as we know "the universe as a 
clockwork mechanism" was not the whole picture, I think "the universe 
as a computer" is not, without a lot more evidence, very compelling. To 
me, at least.

(I am interested in being convinced otherwise. And I have my own 
interests. Today I ordered the Peter Johnstone 2-volume set "Sketches 
of an Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendium." Not that I am saying "the 
universe is a topos.")

--Tim May

Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-19 Thread vznuri

TCM challenges me on the claim that we seem to be living through
an algorithmic revolution or paradigm shift, instead apparently
preferring a big ho, hum, shrug as more apropos.

I dont really know what the disagreement
is yet, it seems to be artificial/manufactured. 
in one sense I am referring to nothing other than what KK outlined in his
wired article I posted.  

unfortunately for TCM I think he's
barking up the wrong tree, I could cite huge piles of evidence.
also, I would credit TCM as being one of the earlier commentators
on key aspects of this revolution.

unfortunately, it is difficult to realize one is living in the
middle of a revolution, and historically most revolutions are only 
identified in retrospect.

I would take all of TCMs own citations and turn them around in my
favor. I would classify all the following as occurring under
the heading "algorithmic revolution" (not the greatest moniker I admit..
a provisional one for me right now)

- advent of cyberspace, web, email, browsers etcetera
- advent of mass software
- PC revolution
- microsoft & intel from zero to billion dollar companies in short decades
- quantum computing is on the way
- fractals. could not be discovered without algorithms. a new metaphor
for not only nature but all reality.
- complexity theory. again, not possible before the algorithmic metaphor
and mass computational capabilities
- simulation, "in silico science"
- moore's law
- photorealistic rendering
- (relational) databases
- mass economic shift into information technology as driving force..
"bits versus atoms".. (negroponte)
- video games
- etcetera!!

its difficult to discriminate the distinction between 3 revolutions that
cross pollinate each other: revolution in computing power (including
storage & access of data), revolution
in communication (cyberspace), and the algorithmic revolution. 

I think it is fair to say the former two are subsumed into 
the latter. the fastest chips are completely valueless unless 
there is something to do with them (run software).  moreover, we dont
care which chips or technology our software runs on. (it may all be
quantum computers in not-so-distant future).

cyberspace is stitched out of software, such as internet protocols,
web servers, email servers, etcetera; it is in
fact a sort of "real-time algorithm".  tim berners lee invented a
set of **protocols** ("communication algorithm").

this fact becomes clearer
as the algorithmic aspects of that communication system are enhanced.
for example, ebay is not merely a communication system, its a complex
cyberspatial-algorithmic system for auctions. google is a complex
algorithmic system for traversing web pages & serving them up in
a search engine, and worth billions because they do it more effectively
than anyone, i.e. have the best and most finely tuned "algorithms". 
etcetera .. 

we see that the most valuable aspects of
cyberspace are not about passive communication but active algorithmic
enhancements and optimizations of information flow.

lately I have been tracking the mass commoditization of video games.
recently video game industry revenue for the 1st time just outdistanced 
hollywood box office receipts.

"the sims" has sold 18 million copies. new video games are starting to
replace movies as a core entertainment venue. this will all pale in the
future as mass group games are invented that run over cyberspace, 
inciting further cultural shifting. the human race is getting married
to its algorithms, so to speak.

note that we still dont know the full implications or possibilities
of algorithms. new breakthrough ones are waiting to 
be devised. for an example of an amazing
embodiment, look at what genetic algorithms are capable of. and its still
an open question whether true AI is an algorithm.

ahem!!! what is the relevance to a TOE??? well historically it is clear
our perception of reality is based on our favorite metaphor of the times.
in recent ages it was (a) the clock, "clockwork universe", (b) the
steam engine. and now it is (c) computer/algorithm/information.  clearly
it is no coincidence whatsoever that new TOEs are essentially algorithmic.
its the human race's latest-and-greatest metaphor for reality.

scientists have been slow to adopt to this shift, and I would argue they
are still underutilizing simulation to some extent. science & physics
is still yet to be influenced fully by the algorithmic revolution. one
striking example I think will happen-- I believe billion 
dollar particle accelerators
may be downgraded in importance in favor of extremely effective simulations.

(besides-- does anyone fully realize how much software plays already such a
crucial, foremost role in existing accelerators??)

now, Ive veered into some wild stuff, but I propose that a new TOE
will fully embody the "algorithmic revolution" Ive outlined above, it will

Re: Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-19 Thread jamikes
Tim wrote:To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tuesday, November 19, 2002 4:50 AM
> I just don't see any such sign of a revolution. No more so than 10
> years ago, 20 years ago. Yes, computers are now more powerful. >Problems
> tend to grow faster in size than computers do, however, and often
> having 100x the power only yields a slight improvement in accuracy, not >
qualitative leaps or breakthroughs. (Paralleling, no pun intended, the
> spacing of the Mersenne primes, where it's taking longer and longer to
> brute force find the next one, even with dramatically more computer
> power. Or the accelerator energy gap, where 10 times the accelerator
> energy doesn't produce much more new physics.)
> There are aspects of computers that are always touching on cultural
> issues.

This last sentence tries to rectify your narrow view of a "revolution",
understood not so much restricted in the quarters of Physics and other
'sciences' but in the entire life of humanity: The information-spread all
over and in all topics. Todays use of computers is not computer-stuff: it is
human lifestyle. Revolutionarily different from the lifestyle of 30 years
The "industrial revolution" was not an improved weaving machine.
Revolutions are not results of a factual change, not changing a specific
(scientific?) topical technique, they are trends, developing slowly within
human development and observable only after a period as instrumental
alterations in the facets of the entire life. And this is, what computers
*helped* to occur, not by their technological gadgetal or theoretical
improvements, but the universality of the world-information exchange -
unparallelled earlier. Internet and stuff.
The appreciable survey of newer segmental ideas and topical bestsellers you
provide pertains to the technicalities and periferals of this revolution.
There is a bigger (wider) one going on than your search for as a 'real'
"scientific revolution", which is a segmental development anyway.

> My belief is that basic mathematics is much more important than
> computer use, in terms of understanding the cosmos and the nature of
> reality.
That may be an opinion and I respect it without subscribing to it.
> --Tim May


John Mikes

Algorithmic Revolution?

2002-11-19 Thread Tim May

On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 10:15  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

as just noted by TCM, kevin kelly on a computational/algorithmic TOE,
wolfram, wheeler, etcetera, from current issue of wired.

I would say we are all in the midst of some kind
of "algorithmic revolution" that is sweeping across
culture, industry, & scientific fields etc. .. more
on that theme here

I just don't see any such sign of a revolution. No more so than 10 
years ago, 20 years ago. Yes, computers are now more powerful. Problems 
tend to grow faster in size than computers do, however, and often 
having 100x the power only yields a slight improvement in accuracy, not 
qualitative leaps or breakthroughs. (Paralleling, no pun intended, the 
spacing of the Mersenne primes, where it's taking longer and longer to 
brute force find the next one, even with dramatically more computer 
power. Or the accelerator energy gap, where 10 times the accelerator 
energy doesn't produce much more new physics.)

There are aspects of computers that are always touching on cultural 
issues. In the 60s and 70s there was much hype about "general systems 
theory" and modeling (a la Bertanlanffy, Arrow, others). Some social 
scientists expected a revolution. In the 1980s it was chaos theory, and 
fractals, with books on how financial markets are chaotic, how art is 
fractal, how civilization lives at the boundary between order and 
chaos, and so on. Trendy, and probably implicated somewhere in the 
Sokal hoax ("Transgressing the Boundaries," the quantum 
mechanics/litcrit/hermeneutics put-on). Not much of lasting value came 
out of it, insofar as the revolutions outside of the narrow fields 
directly involved are concerned.

In recent years it's been stuff about string theory, to some extent. 
The Brian Greene book, "The Elegant Universe," became a best-seller, 
even if probably fewer than one out of a hundred buyers got past the 
first 20 pages. I don't think many of the coffee table book buyers are 
expecting many revolutions outside of physics qua physics.

And of course Wolfram's book is a big seller. I won't comment, except 
that I see no particularly strong evidence that he has changed the way 
science is done, or will be done. Others have written harsher reviews. 
I admire him for his dedication, but I think he missed the boat by not 
working with others and working on specific problems.

(Tegmark works on lots of cosmology and observational astronomy 
problems, with his Everything paper as just one small facet, almost a 
hobby. Working on that theory full-time might make him a frequent 
contributor to this list, but would probably not be good either for his 
career or for getting any kind of progress or confirmation (!).)

My belief is that basic mathematics is much more important than 
computer use, in terms of understanding the cosmos and the nature of 

--Tim May