Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-25 Thread Mark Peaty

Thanks John, now I don't feel so bad. 

For what it's worth, my plain-English translations of the terms 
you mention:
_mass_ = the intrinsic [its own] resistance to being pushed of 
something that isn't otherwise stuck down;
_energy_ = motion, particularly as measured and accounted for in 
scientific terms, ie energy is to science and engineering what 
money is to economics and housekeeping;
_space-time_ = where and when everything is and happens;
_matter_ = anything that can fall to bits or otherwise 
disintegrate and become dirt.

NB: I have no problem with the word 'belief'. I think we only 
get into real problems if we don't acknowledge what is opinion 
and belief. Ultimately belief is all for us who claim to be 
aware that we exist. 'Knowledge' is just tested beliefs that 
have so far proved to be the most effective and efficient 
descriptions of our world. I happen to *believe* that our 
experience, to the extent that we are aware of it and at least 
part of the time feel sufficiently confident to call 
consciousness, is constructed by and within our own brains - 
with help from our friends and relations of course. A little 
thought shows that, if what I am assuming is true, then by 
definition all we ever have is belief and science is just the 
most effective method of deriving  ['constructing'] the best 
descriptions for dealing with practical problems and challenges. 
In particular scientific method is good where the objects of 
observation and manipulation do not learn from their 
experiences, unless it is only mechanisms and parts of the 
learning process that are being studied.

Scientific method can assist with other methods in dealing with 
people and their/our problems but memory, self-reference, and 
reflection mean that we are changed by what we do and thus are 
not all interchangeable like atoms and molecules are [etc].


Mark Peaty  CDES


John Mikes wrote:
> Mark,
> let me play with your postulate (plain English) vs your text YOU wrote.
> To be translated into plain language: Mass, energy, space-time, even 
> 'matter'. (The last one SOUNDS like plain English, yet not in the 
> context we use it.)
> Don't take it too hard. We are used to this lingo, after the 1000th 
> level of applying its consequences all assumptions sound real. We THINK 
> we understand them. (Did not write: believe, because Russell does not 
> take it kindly if I hint to 'religious science' beliefs.)
> I like your idea to call the pre-inflational 'seed' of our universe a 
> very concentrated (massive?) central(?) point. I faced the problem in my 
> narrative-writing to eliminate the dreamed-up 'inflation' (dreamed up - 
> just to have a better fit of the equations applied by the physical(ist)  
> cosmology-narrative) and ended up with the pop-up 'seed' of some  
> complexity (postulated in the spaceless-timeless plenitude of everything 
> - for logical reasons I do not go into now) and got assigned to form 
> THIS universe - a system WITH the ordinates "space and time" (whatever 
> they are). Now the transition from a spaceless construct into a 'spaced' 
> one means the emergence of (a huge) space from a zero one (= no space at 
> all), which could be mistaken by the cosmo-  physicists as inflation. 
> Glory saved.
>  Time ditto, when the originating concepts formed from a timeless into a 
> timed system, the forming occurrences happened in that VERY first 
> instant (introducing TIME into the timelessness), explaining the 
> "calculated?" times of the first BB-steps as "in the 1st - 1^-42th sec, 
> or 1^-32th sec  froze out this or that". Weird.
> Then came the inflation (space).
> All nicely calculated in the quantitative correlations deduced from our 
> observations in the 'expanded' (i.e. unconcentrated) physical system's 
> rules. And - propagated linearly (reversing as was linearly retrogaded) 
> in the nonlinear development we live in.
> I don't think Brent and you are talking from the same platform. Nor do 
> I.  I don't know how 'densly matter-energy was packed in the early 
> Universe' (it was before my time) - I don't have to assign different 
> characteristics to some 'early' universe, if I accept that our ideas of 
> the  material world are fictive. (Some say: consciousness before matter 
> and NO primitive material world).
> The best
> John M
> On 3/24/07, *Mark Peaty* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> No.  I don't know of any cosmogony that postulates a massive
> central point.  They generally assume zero mass-energy.
> Well, OK, put that into plain-English. I think that in doing so
> you have to explain why the e= m.c^2 mass-energy 'equivalence' is
> not a problem. You can 'assume zero mass-energy' to start with,
> but straight after that you did have mass and energy to spare.
> Furthermore I understand that it has been all of space-time that
> has

Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-24 Thread Brent Meeker

Mark Peaty wrote:
> No.  I don't know of any cosmogony that postulates a massive 
> central point.  They generally assume zero mass-energy.
> Well, OK, put that into plain-English. I think that in doing so 
> you have to explain why the e=m.c^2 mass-energy 'equivalence' is 
> not a problem. You can 'assume zero mass-energy' to start with, 
> but straight after that you did have mass and energy to spare. 

No you don't.  In these calculations material mass-energy is cancelled by the 
negative potential energy of gravity.  However, it is not clear that there is 
any meaning to "the total energy" of the universe.  Even though the energy is 
zero in local comoving coordintes and is zero when summed up assuming 
asympotically flat spacetime, there is no invariant way to sum up total energy 
for the universe we appear to have, c.f.  gr-qc/0607103, gr-qc/0701058

Brent Meeker

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Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-24 Thread John Mikes
let me play with your postulate (plain English) vs your text YOU wrote.
To be translated into plain language: Mass, energy, space-time, even
'matter'. (The last one SOUNDS like plain English, yet not in the context we
use it.)
Don't take it too hard. We are used to this lingo, after the 1000th level of
applying its consequences all assumptions sound real. We THINK we understand
them. (Did not write: believe, because Russell does not take it kindly if I
hint to 'religious science' beliefs.)

I like your idea to call the pre-inflational 'seed' of our universe a very
concentrated (massive?) central(?) point. I faced the problem in my
narrative-writing to eliminate the dreamed-up 'inflation' (dreamed up - just
to have a better fit of the equations applied by the physical(ist)
cosmology-narrative) and ended up with the pop-up 'seed' of some  complexity
(postulated in the spaceless-timeless plenitude of everything - for logical
reasons I do not go into now) and got assigned to form THIS universe - a
system WITH the ordinates "space and time" (whatever they are). Now the
transition from a spaceless construct into a 'spaced' one means the
emergence of (a huge) space from a zero one (= no space at all), which could
be mistaken by the cosmo-  physicists as inflation. Glory saved.
 Time ditto, when the originating concepts formed from a timeless into a
timed system, the forming occurrences happened in that VERY first instant
(introducing TIME into the timelessness), explaining the "calculated?" times
of the first BB-steps as "in the 1st - 1^-42th sec, or 1^-32th sec  froze
out this or that". Weird.
Then came the inflation (space).

All nicely calculated in the quantitative correlations deduced from our
observations in the 'expanded' (i.e. unconcentrated) physical system's
rules. And - propagated linearly (reversing as was linearly retrogaded) in
the nonlinear development we live in.

I don't think Brent and you are talking from the same platform. Nor do I.  I
don't know how 'densly matter-energy was packed in the early Universe' (it
was before my time) - I don't have to assign different characteristics to
some 'early' universe, if I accept that our ideas of the  material world are
fictive. (Some say: consciousness before matter and NO primitive material

The best

John M

On 3/24/07, Mark Peaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No.  I don't know of any cosmogony that postulates a massive
> central point.  They generally assume zero mass-energy.
> Well, OK, put that into plain-English. I think that in doing so
> you have to explain why the e=m.c^2 mass-energy 'equivalence' is
> not a problem. You can 'assume zero mass-energy' to start with,
> but straight after that you did have mass and energy to spare.
> Furthermore I understand that it has been all of space-time that
> has been expanding from the 'beginning' and carrying 'matter'
> with and within it and indeed I think it is more correct to see
> matter as no more and no less than regions of concentrated,
> convoluted and self-referencing space-time. This still leaves me
> with the idea that our universe, at least prior to its
> 'inflation', WAS indescribably concentrated, and in some way
> very dense, even if we are not allowed to call this mass/energy.
> What was it?
> My understanding now of the Hubble red-shift is that the overall
> expansion of space-time, through which the ancient energy
> signals have been passing, is what has stretched the wave
> lengths to the extent that has been calculated. A corollary of
> this is that energy and matter were much more densely packed in
> the early universe.
> Regards
> Mark Peaty  CDES

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Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-24 Thread Mark Peaty

No.  I don't know of any cosmogony that postulates a massive 
central point.  They generally assume zero mass-energy.

Well, OK, put that into plain-English. I think that in doing so 
you have to explain why the e=m.c^2 mass-energy 'equivalence' is 
not a problem. You can 'assume zero mass-energy' to start with, 
but straight after that you did have mass and energy to spare. 
Furthermore I understand that it has been all of space-time that 
has been expanding from the 'beginning' and carrying 'matter' 
with and within it and indeed I think it is more correct to see 
matter as no more and no less than regions of concentrated, 
convoluted and self-referencing space-time. This still leaves me 
with the idea that our universe, at least prior to its 
'inflation', WAS indescribably concentrated, and in some way 
very dense, even if we are not allowed to call this mass/energy. 
What was it?

My understanding now of the Hubble red-shift is that the overall 
expansion of space-time, through which the ancient energy 
signals have been passing, is what has stretched the wave 
lengths to the extent that has been calculated. A corollary of 
this is that energy and matter were much more densely packed in 
the early universe.


Mark Peaty  CDES


Brent Meeker wrote:
> Mark Peaty wrote:
>> Brent, how is this for whimsy:
>> what are now called black holes, and apparently quite well 
>> verified [and totally not falsified], are conceived to be 
>> regions of space time in which gravity is so strong that nothing 
>> from within can escape. Each black hole is centred upon and 
>> generated by a mass of collapsed matter within which all other 
>> forces have been overwhelmed by gravity so that the mass is 
>> always accelerating inwards towards a 'singularity'.
>> The 'big bang' theory of where the universe came from appears to 
>> posit some indescribably more massive central starting point 
>> from which everything now in existence came. 
> No.  I don't know of any cosmogony that postulates a massive central point.  
> They generally assume zero mass-energy.
>> To me there is 
>> something wrong with this idea because there is no reason for 
>> thinking that the strength of gravity now is any more than it 
>> has been in the past, so how come everything managed to escape? 
>> "Does not compute" says I.
>> So how about this: There was never any 'singularity' in the 
>> sense of an isolated ball of energy/mass which exploded 
>> 'outwards' to spread itself ever more thinly through the 'empty' 
>> space-time that grew and continues to grow. 
> All current theories suppose that spacetime is expanding - not that a ball of 
> matter expands into a pre-existing spacetime.
> Brent Meeker
>> Instead what 
>> actually happened, for reasons as yet very unclear, the 
>> infinitely extended plenum of completely entangled and 
>> connected, spaceless, energy/mass broke. It cracked open and a 
>> bubble developed. This bubble of what we now call space-time 
>> grew because all the rest of spaceless energy/mass was and still 
>> is all connected and entangled so it keeps tightly to itself. 
>> What we infer as an expanding universe is in some sense 'within' 
>> but effectively separated out of black hole stuff. Entropy is 
>> increasing because the inner surface of our bubble universe is 
>> expanding at the speed of light. What we consider to be matter 
>> [stuff] is built out of the flotsam left over as the inner 
>> surface of the bubble disintegrated, possibly in some sort of 
>> fractal manner.
>> If this were all true, then what is 'out there' beyond the edge 
>> of our universe is basically the same as the singularity at the 
>> centre of each black hole.
>> :-)
>> Regards
>> Mark Peaty  CDES
>> Brent Meeker wrote:
>>> Mohsen Ravanbakhsh wrote:
 It was an interesting hypothesis,
 When we're talking black holes we should consider them as the sources of 
 reduction of entropy; since when something gets into a black hole we 
 have no more information about it and so the overall information of the 
 world decreases and the same happens to entropy.
 In your the world is moving toward black holes so the entropy of the 
 world should decrease! But that seems not to be the the case, it's 
 somehow inconvenient.
>>> It's also wrong, according to our best theory of BHs, the entropy of a BH 
>>> is proportional to it's surface area and the maximum entropy configuration 
>>> of a given mass is for it to form a BH.  The information interpretation of 
>>> this is that the information that seems to be "lost" by something falling 
>>> into a black hole is encoded in correlations between what falls in and the 
>>> black-body Hawking radiation from the surface.  So the entropy increases in 
>>> that microscopically encoded information be

Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-22 Thread Jef Allbright

On 3/14/07, Colin Hales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> See previous posts here re EC - Entropy Calculus. This caught my eye,
> thought I'd throw in my $0.02 worth.
> I have been working on this idea for a long while now. Am writing it up as
> part of my PhD process.

Makes *complete* sense to me, with the understanding that it's
necessarily *incomplete*.

- Jef

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Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-22 Thread Brent Meeker

Mark Peaty wrote:
> Brent, how is this for whimsy:
> what are now called black holes, and apparently quite well 
> verified [and totally not falsified], are conceived to be 
> regions of space time in which gravity is so strong that nothing 
> from within can escape. Each black hole is centred upon and 
> generated by a mass of collapsed matter within which all other 
> forces have been overwhelmed by gravity so that the mass is 
> always accelerating inwards towards a 'singularity'.
> The 'big bang' theory of where the universe came from appears to 
> posit some indescribably more massive central starting point 
> from which everything now in existence came. 

No.  I don't know of any cosmogony that postulates a massive central point.  
They generally assume zero mass-energy.

>To me there is 
> something wrong with this idea because there is no reason for 
> thinking that the strength of gravity now is any more than it 
> has been in the past, so how come everything managed to escape? 
> "Does not compute" says I.
> So how about this: There was never any 'singularity' in the 
> sense of an isolated ball of energy/mass which exploded 
> 'outwards' to spread itself ever more thinly through the 'empty' 
> space-time that grew and continues to grow. 

All current theories suppose that spacetime is expanding - not that a ball of 
matter expands into a pre-existing spacetime.

Brent Meeker

>Instead what 
> actually happened, for reasons as yet very unclear, the 
> infinitely extended plenum of completely entangled and 
> connected, spaceless, energy/mass broke. It cracked open and a 
> bubble developed. This bubble of what we now call space-time 
> grew because all the rest of spaceless energy/mass was and still 
> is all connected and entangled so it keeps tightly to itself. 
> What we infer as an expanding universe is in some sense 'within' 
> but effectively separated out of black hole stuff. Entropy is 
> increasing because the inner surface of our bubble universe is 
> expanding at the speed of light. What we consider to be matter 
> [stuff] is built out of the flotsam left over as the inner 
> surface of the bubble disintegrated, possibly in some sort of 
> fractal manner.
> If this were all true, then what is 'out there' beyond the edge 
> of our universe is basically the same as the singularity at the 
> centre of each black hole.
> :-)
> Regards
> Mark Peaty  CDES
> Brent Meeker wrote:
>> Mohsen Ravanbakhsh wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>> It was an interesting hypothesis,
>>> When we're talking black holes we should consider them as the sources of 
>>> reduction of entropy; since when something gets into a black hole we 
>>> have no more information about it and so the overall information of the 
>>> world decreases and the same happens to entropy.
>>> In your the world is moving toward black holes so the entropy of the 
>>> world should decrease! But that seems not to be the the case, it's 
>>> somehow inconvenient.
>> It's also wrong, according to our best theory of BHs, the entropy of a BH is 
>> proportional to it's surface area and the maximum entropy configuration of a 
>> given mass is for it to form a BH.  The information interpretation of this 
>> is that the information that seems to be "lost" by something falling into a 
>> black hole is encoded in correlations between what falls in and the 
>> black-body Hawking radiation from the surface.  So the entropy increases in 
>> that microscopically encoded information becomes unavailable to use 
>> macroscopic beings.  This is where all entropy comes from anyway - the 
>> dynamical evolution of QM is deterministic (at least in the MWI) and so 
>> information is never lost or gained.  
>> Brent Meeker
>>> If we accept the idea of CA as the fundamental building blocks of the 
>>> nature we should explain: why some patterns and not the others. Some 
>>> that have lead to our physical laws and not the other possibilities?
>>> In this situation the idea of multiverse might help.
>>> On 3/15/07, *Colin Hales* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>> > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> See previous posts here re EC - Entropy Calculus. This caught my eye,
>>> thought I'd throw in my $0.02 worth.
>>> I have been working on this idea for a long while now. Am writing it
>>> up as
>>> part of my PhD process.
>>> The EC is a lambda calculus formalism that depicts reality. It's actual
>>> instantation with one particular and unbelievable massive axiom set
>>> is the
>>> universe we are in. The instantation is literally the CA of the EC
>>> primitives.
>>> As cognitive agents within it, made of the EC-CA, describing it, we can
>>> use abstracted simplified EC on a computational substrate (also made of
>>> the CA...a computer!) to explore/describe the universe. But the
>>> abstractions (l

Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-22 Thread Mark Peaty

Brent, how is this for whimsy:

what are now called black holes, and apparently quite well 
verified [and totally not falsified], are conceived to be 
regions of space time in which gravity is so strong that nothing 
from within can escape. Each black hole is centred upon and 
generated by a mass of collapsed matter within which all other 
forces have been overwhelmed by gravity so that the mass is 
always accelerating inwards towards a 'singularity'.

The 'big bang' theory of where the universe came from appears to 
posit some indescribably more massive central starting point 
from which everything now in existence came. To me there is 
something wrong with this idea because there is no reason for 
thinking that the strength of gravity now is any more than it 
has been in the past, so how come everything managed to escape? 
"Does not compute" says I.

So how about this: There was never any 'singularity' in the 
sense of an isolated ball of energy/mass which exploded 
'outwards' to spread itself ever more thinly through the 'empty' 
space-time that grew and continues to grow. Instead what 
actually happened, for reasons as yet very unclear, the 
infinitely extended plenum of completely entangled and 
connected, spaceless, energy/mass broke. It cracked open and a 
bubble developed. This bubble of what we now call space-time 
grew because all the rest of spaceless energy/mass was and still 
is all connected and entangled so it keeps tightly to itself. 
What we infer as an expanding universe is in some sense 'within' 
but effectively separated out of black hole stuff. Entropy is 
increasing because the inner surface of our bubble universe is 
expanding at the speed of light. What we consider to be matter 
[stuff] is built out of the flotsam left over as the inner 
surface of the bubble disintegrated, possibly in some sort of 
fractal manner.

If this were all true, then what is 'out there' beyond the edge 
of our universe is basically the same as the singularity at the 
centre of each black hole.


Mark Peaty  CDES


Brent Meeker wrote:
> Mohsen Ravanbakhsh wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> It was an interesting hypothesis,
>> When we're talking black holes we should consider them as the sources of 
>> reduction of entropy; since when something gets into a black hole we 
>> have no more information about it and so the overall information of the 
>> world decreases and the same happens to entropy.
>> In your the world is moving toward black holes so the entropy of the 
>> world should decrease! But that seems not to be the the case, it's 
>> somehow inconvenient.
> It's also wrong, according to our best theory of BHs, the entropy of a BH is 
> proportional to it's surface area and the maximum entropy configuration of a 
> given mass is for it to form a BH.  The information interpretation of this is 
> that the information that seems to be "lost" by something falling into a 
> black hole is encoded in correlations between what falls in and the 
> black-body Hawking radiation from the surface.  So the entropy increases in 
> that microscopically encoded information becomes unavailable to use 
> macroscopic beings.  This is where all entropy comes from anyway - the 
> dynamical evolution of QM is deterministic (at least in the MWI) and so 
> information is never lost or gained.  
> Brent Meeker
>> If we accept the idea of CA as the fundamental building blocks of the 
>> nature we should explain: why some patterns and not the others. Some 
>> that have lead to our physical laws and not the other possibilities?
>> In this situation the idea of multiverse might help.
>> On 3/15/07, *Colin Hales* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> See previous posts here re EC - Entropy Calculus. This caught my eye,
>> thought I'd throw in my $0.02 worth.
>> I have been working on this idea for a long while now. Am writing it
>> up as
>> part of my PhD process.
>> The EC is a lambda calculus formalism that depicts reality. It's actual
>> instantation with one particular and unbelievable massive axiom set
>> is the
>> universe we are in. The instantation is literally the CA of the EC
>> primitives.
>> As cognitive agents within it, made of the EC-CA, describing it, we can
>> use abstracted simplified EC on a computational substrate (also made of
>> the CA...a computer!) to explore/describe the universe. But the
>> abstractions (like string theory) are not the universe - they are merely
>> depictions at a certain spatiotemporal observer-scales.  Reality is a
>> literal ongoing massively parallel theorem proving exercise in Entropy
>> Calculus. The EC universe has literally computed you and me and my dogs.
>> Coherence/Bifurcation points in the CA correspond to new descriptive
>> 'levels of underlying reality' - emergence. Atoms, Molecul

Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-21 Thread Mohsen Ravanbakhsh

On 3/20/07, Bruno Marchal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could be interested by a paper introducing String theory as a
> syntactical logical structure by the "other Schmidhuber" (Juergen's
> brother Christof):
> Here:
>   What are strings made of? The possibility is discussed that strings
> are purely mathematical objects, made of logical axioms. More
> precisely, proofs in simple logical calculi are represented by graphs
> that can be interpreted as the Feynman diagrams of certain large-N
> field theories. Each vertex represents an axiom. Strings arise, because
> these large-N theories are dual to string theories. These ``logical
> quantum field theories'' map theorems into the space of functions of
> two parameters: N and the coupling constant. Undecidable theorems might
> be related to nonperturbative field theory effects.
> This is infinitely better than Wolfram pure classical CA approach which
> has no rules for distinguishing 1 and 3 person notion, and so miss the
> idea of internal emerging physical laws.
> Le 14-mars-07, à 10:23, Mohsen Ravanbakhsh a écrit :
> > I'm thinking there's some kind of similarity between string theory and
> > depicting the world as a big CA. In String theory we have some
> > vibrating strings which have some kind of influence on each other and
> > can for different matters and fields. CA can play such role of
> > changing patterns and of course the influence is evident. Different
> > rules in CA might correspond to various basic shapes of vibration in
> > strings...
> > I don't know much about S.T. but the idea of such mapping seems very
> > interesting.
> >
> > --
> > Mohsen Ravanbakhsh.
> >
> >
> >  >
> >
> >


Mohsen Ravanbakhsh,
Sharif University of Technology,

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Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-20 Thread John M

thanks for the info. Very educational (although I skip reading Christof's 
entire text). 
From your excerpt: I have a "2nd question": how about "waves"? they must be 
of the same 'stuff' as the 'strings', maybe in a lesser number of dimensions. 
And let me skip my retrograde series of going through (the) other concepts...
They are all deductions from the (as you put it) primitive material world view, 
and its closed model, called "physics".  At the end of my 'skipped' series you 
may find 'numbers', I may wish to go further (but cannot?) 


John M
  - Original Message - 
  From: Bruno Marchal 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:25 AM
  Subject: Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

  You could be interested by a paper introducing String theory as a syntactical 
logical structure by the "other Schmidhuber" (Juergen's brother Christof):


  What are strings made of? The possibility is discussed that strings are 
purely mathematical objects, made of logical axioms. More precisely, proofs in 
simple logical calculi are represented by graphs that can be interpreted as the 
Feynman diagrams of certain large-N field theories. Each vertex represents an 
axiom. Strings arise, because these large-N theories are dual to string 
theories. These ``logical quantum field theories'' map theorems into the space 
of functions of two parameters: N and the coupling constant. Undecidable 
theorems might be related to nonperturbative field theory effects.

  This is infinitely better than Wolfram pure classical CA approach which has 
no rules for distinguishing 1 and 3 person notion, and so miss the idea of 
internal emerging physical laws. 

  Le 14-mars-07, à 10:23, Mohsen Ravanbakhsh a écrit :

I'm thinking there's some kind of similarity between string theory and 
depicting the world as a big CA. In String theory we have some vibrating 
strings which have some kind of influence on each other and can for different 
matters and fields. CA can play such role of changing patterns and of course 
the influence is evident. Different rules in CA might correspond to various 
basic shapes of vibration in strings... 
I don't know much about S.T. but the idea of such mapping seems very 

Mohsen Ravanbakhsh.



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Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-20 Thread Bruno Marchal
You could be interested by a paper introducing String theory as a 
syntactical logical structure by the "other Schmidhuber" (Juergen's 
brother Christof):


  What are strings made of? The possibility is discussed that strings 
are purely mathematical objects, made of logical axioms. More 
precisely, proofs in simple logical calculi are represented by graphs 
that can be interpreted as the Feynman diagrams of certain large-N 
field theories. Each vertex represents an axiom. Strings arise, because 
these large-N theories are dual to string theories. These ``logical 
quantum field theories'' map theorems into the space of functions of 
two parameters: N and the coupling constant. Undecidable theorems might 
be related to nonperturbative field theory effects.

This is infinitely better than Wolfram pure classical CA approach which 
has no rules for distinguishing 1 and 3 person notion, and so miss the 
idea of internal emerging physical laws.

Le 14-mars-07, à 10:23, Mohsen Ravanbakhsh a écrit :

> I'm thinking there's some kind of similarity between string theory and 
> depicting the world as a big CA. In String theory we have some 
> vibrating strings which have some kind of influence on each other and 
> can for different matters and fields. CA can play such role of 
> changing patterns and of course the influence is evident. Different 
> rules in CA might correspond to various basic shapes of vibration in 
> strings...
> I don't know much about S.T. but the idea of such mapping seems very 
> interesting.
> -- 
> Mohsen Ravanbakhsh.
>  >

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Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-17 Thread Brent Meeker

Mohsen Ravanbakhsh wrote:
>  Hi,
> It was an interesting hypothesis,
> When we're talking black holes we should consider them as the sources of 
> reduction of entropy; since when something gets into a black hole we 
> have no more information about it and so the overall information of the 
> world decreases and the same happens to entropy.
> In your the world is moving toward black holes so the entropy of the 
> world should decrease! But that seems not to be the the case, it's 
> somehow inconvenient.

It's also wrong, according to our best theory of BHs, the entropy of a BH is 
proportional to it's surface area and the maximum entropy configuration of a 
given mass is for it to form a BH.  The information interpretation of this is 
that the information that seems to be "lost" by something falling into a black 
hole is encoded in correlations between what falls in and the black-body 
Hawking radiation from the surface.  So the entropy increases in that 
microscopically encoded information becomes unavailable to use macroscopic 
beings.  This is where all entropy comes from anyway - the dynamical evolution 
of QM is deterministic (at least in the MWI) and so information is never lost 
or gained.  

Brent Meeker

> If we accept the idea of CA as the fundamental building blocks of the 
> nature we should explain: why some patterns and not the others. Some 
> that have lead to our physical laws and not the other possibilities?
> In this situation the idea of multiverse might help.
> On 3/15/07, *Colin Hales* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> Hi,
> See previous posts here re EC - Entropy Calculus. This caught my eye,
> thought I'd throw in my $0.02 worth.
> I have been working on this idea for a long while now. Am writing it
> up as
> part of my PhD process.
> The EC is a lambda calculus formalism that depicts reality. It's actual
> instantation with one particular and unbelievable massive axiom set
> is the
> universe we are in. The instantation is literally the CA of the EC
> primitives.
> As cognitive agents within it, made of the EC-CA, describing it, we can
> use abstracted simplified EC on a computational substrate (also made of
> the CA...a computer!) to explore/describe the universe. But the
> abstractions (like string theory) are not the universe - they are merely
> depictions at a certain spatiotemporal observer-scales.  Reality is a
> literal ongoing massively parallel theorem proving exercise in Entropy
> Calculus. The EC universe has literally computed you and me and my dogs.
> Coherence/Bifurcation points in the CA correspond to new descriptive
> 'levels of underlying reality' - emergence. Atoms, Molecules,
> Crystalsetc...
> One of the descriptive abstractions of the EC-CA is called
> 'Maxwells-Equations'. Another is the Navier-Stokes equations (different
> context), another is Quantum Mechanics, the standard particle model
> and so
> on. None of them are reality - merely depictions of a surface
> behaviour of
> it. In the model there is only one universe and only one justified or
> needed. Which is a bummer if you insist on talking about
> multiverses.they are not parsimonious or necessary to explain the
> universe. I can't help it if they are unnecessary!
> You know , it's funny what EC makes the universe look like. the
> boundary of the universe is the collective event horizon of all black
> holes. On the other side is nothing. The endlessly increasing size of
> black holes is what corresponds to the endlessly increasing entropy
> (disorder - which is the dispersal of the deep universe back to
> nothing at
> the event horizons). The measure of the surface area of the black
> holes is
> the entropy of the whole universe.
> The process of dispersal at the boundary makes it look like the universe
> is expanding - to us from the inside. The reality is actually the
> reverse
> - the spatiotemporal circumstances are of shrinkage  - due to the
> loss of
> the redundant fabric of the very deepest layers of reality being
> eaten by
> the black holes, dragging it inwhilst the organisation of
> collections
> of it at the uppermost layers is maintained (like space, atoms etc).
> (Imagine a jumper knitted of wool with a huge number of threads in the
> yarn - remove the redundant threads from the inside and the jumper
> shrinks, but is still a jumper, just getting smaller(everything else
> around looks like it's getting bigger from the point of view of
> being the
> jumper.) our future?...we'll all blink out of existence as the event
> horizons of black holes that grow and grow and grow and do it faster
> and
> faster and faster until. merging and merging until they all
> me

Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-17 Thread Mohsen Ravanbakhsh
It was an interesting hypothesis,
When we're talking black holes we should consider them as the sources of
reduction of entropy; since when something gets into a black hole we have no
more information about it and so the overall information of the world
decreases and the same happens to entropy.
In your the world is moving toward black holes so the entropy of the world
should decrease! But that seems not to be the the case, it's somehow

If we accept the idea of CA as the fundamental building blocks of the nature
we should explain: why some patterns and not the others. Some that have lead
to our physical laws and not the other possibilities?
In this situation the idea of multiverse might help.

On 3/15/07, Colin Hales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> See previous posts here re EC - Entropy Calculus. This caught my eye,
> thought I'd throw in my $0.02 worth.
> I have been working on this idea for a long while now. Am writing it up as
> part of my PhD process.
> The EC is a lambda calculus formalism that depicts reality. It's actual
> instantation with one particular and unbelievable massive axiom set is the
> universe we are in. The instantation is literally the CA of the EC
> primitives.
> As cognitive agents within it, made of the EC-CA, describing it, we can
> use abstracted simplified EC on a computational substrate (also made of
> the CA...a computer!) to explore/describe the universe. But the
> abstractions (like string theory) are not the universe - they are merely
> depictions at a certain spatiotemporal observer-scales.  Reality is a
> literal ongoing massively parallel theorem proving exercise in Entropy
> Calculus. The EC universe has literally computed you and me and my dogs.
> Coherence/Bifurcation points in the CA correspond to new descriptive
> 'levels of underlying reality' - emergence. Atoms, Molecules,
> Crystalsetc...
> One of the descriptive abstractions of the EC-CA is called
> 'Maxwells-Equations'. Another is the Navier-Stokes equations (different
> context), another is Quantum Mechanics, the standard particle model and so
> on. None of them are reality - merely depictions of a surface behaviour of
> it. In the model there is only one universe and only one justified or
> needed. Which is a bummer if you insist on talking about
> multiverses.they are not parsimonious or necessary to explain the
> universe. I can't help it if they are unnecessary!
> You know , it's funny what EC makes the universe look like. the
> boundary of the universe is the collective event horizon of all black
> holes. On the other side is nothing. The endlessly increasing size of
> black holes is what corresponds to the endlessly increasing entropy
> (disorder - which is the dispersal of the deep universe back to nothing at
> the event horizons). The measure of the surface area of the black holes is
> the entropy of the whole universe.
> The process of dispersal at the boundary makes it look like the universe
> is expanding - to us from the inside. The reality is actually the reverse
> - the spatiotemporal circumstances are of shrinkage  - due to the loss of
> the redundant fabric of the very deepest layers of reality being eaten by
> the black holes, dragging it inwhilst the organisation of collections
> of it at the uppermost layers is maintained (like space, atoms etc).
> (Imagine a jumper knitted of wool with a huge number of threads in the
> yarn - remove the redundant threads from the inside and the jumper
> shrinks, but is still a jumper, just getting smaller(everything else
> around looks like it's getting bigger from the point of view of being the
> jumper.) our future?...we'll all blink out of existence as the event
> horizons of black holes that grow and grow and grow and do it faster and
> faster and faster until. merging and merging until they all merge and
> then PFT! NOTHING. and the whole process starts again with a new
> axiom setround and round and roundwe go...
> Weird huh?
> So I reckon you're on the right track. You don't have to believe me about
> any of it... but I can guarantee you'll get answers if you keep looking at
> it. The trick is to let go of the idea that 'fundamental building blocks'
> of nature are a meaningful concept (we are tricked into the belief be our
> perceptual/epistemological goals) ...
> cheers,
> colin hales
> Mohsen Ravanbakhsh wrote:
> > I'm thinking there's some kind of similarity between string theory and
> depicting the world as a big CA. In String theory we have some vibrating
> strings which have some kind of influence on each other and can for
> different matters and fields. CA can play such role of changing patterns
> and of course the influence is evident. Different rules in CA might
> correspond to various basic shapes of vibration in strings...
> > I don't know much about S.T. but the idea of such mapping seems very
> interesting.
> >
> > --
> > Mohsen Ravan

Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-14 Thread Russell Standish

On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 10:57:57AM +1100, Colin Hales wrote:
> The EC is a lambda calculus formalism that depicts reality. It's actual
> instantation with one particular and unbelievable massive axiom set is the
> universe we are in. The instantation is literally the CA of the EC
> primitives.

> Which is a bummer if you insist on talking about
> multiverses.they are not parsimonious or necessary to explain the
> universe. I can't help it if they are unnecessary!

Multiverse do not need massive axiom sets, which is their main
advantage. You could argue that either a multiverse, or a massive
axiom set is necessary. You pays your money and takes your choice.



A/Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)

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Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-14 Thread Colin Hales

See previous posts here re EC - Entropy Calculus. This caught my eye,
thought I'd throw in my $0.02 worth.

I have been working on this idea for a long while now. Am writing it up as
part of my PhD process.

The EC is a lambda calculus formalism that depicts reality. It's actual
instantation with one particular and unbelievable massive axiom set is the
universe we are in. The instantation is literally the CA of the EC

As cognitive agents within it, made of the EC-CA, describing it, we can
use abstracted simplified EC on a computational substrate (also made of
the CA...a computer!) to explore/describe the universe. But the
abstractions (like string theory) are not the universe - they are merely
depictions at a certain spatiotemporal observer-scales.  Reality is a
literal ongoing massively parallel theorem proving exercise in Entropy
Calculus. The EC universe has literally computed you and me and my dogs.

Coherence/Bifurcation points in the CA correspond to new descriptive
'levels of underlying reality' - emergence. Atoms, Molecules,

One of the descriptive abstractions of the EC-CA is called
'Maxwells-Equations'. Another is the Navier-Stokes equations (different
context), another is Quantum Mechanics, the standard particle model and so
on. None of them are reality - merely depictions of a surface behaviour of
it. In the model there is only one universe and only one justified or
needed. Which is a bummer if you insist on talking about
multiverses.they are not parsimonious or necessary to explain the
universe. I can't help it if they are unnecessary!

You know , it's funny what EC makes the universe look like. the
boundary of the universe is the collective event horizon of all black
holes. On the other side is nothing. The endlessly increasing size of
black holes is what corresponds to the endlessly increasing entropy
(disorder - which is the dispersal of the deep universe back to nothing at
the event horizons). The measure of the surface area of the black holes is
the entropy of the whole universe.

The process of dispersal at the boundary makes it look like the universe
is expanding - to us from the inside. The reality is actually the reverse
- the spatiotemporal circumstances are of shrinkage  - due to the loss of
the redundant fabric of the very deepest layers of reality being eaten by
the black holes, dragging it inwhilst the organisation of collections
of it at the uppermost layers is maintained (like space, atoms etc).
(Imagine a jumper knitted of wool with a huge number of threads in the
yarn - remove the redundant threads from the inside and the jumper
shrinks, but is still a jumper, just getting smaller(everything else
around looks like it's getting bigger from the point of view of being the
jumper.) our future?...we'll all blink out of existence as the event
horizons of black holes that grow and grow and grow and do it faster and
faster and faster until. merging and merging until they all merge and
then PFT! NOTHING. and the whole process starts again with a new
axiom setround and round and roundwe go...

Weird huh?

So I reckon you're on the right track. You don't have to believe me about
any of it... but I can guarantee you'll get answers if you keep looking at
it. The trick is to let go of the idea that 'fundamental building blocks'
of nature are a meaningful concept (we are tricked into the belief be our
perceptual/epistemological goals) ...

colin hales

Mohsen Ravanbakhsh wrote:
> I'm thinking there's some kind of similarity between string theory and
depicting the world as a big CA. In String theory we have some vibrating
strings which have some kind of influence on each other and can for
different matters and fields. CA can play such role of changing patterns
and of course the influence is evident. Different rules in CA might
correspond to various basic shapes of vibration in strings...
> I don't know much about S.T. but the idea of such mapping seems very
> --
> Mohsen Ravanbakhsh.
> >

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Re: String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-14 Thread Brent Meeker

Mohsen Ravanbakhsh wrote:
> I'm thinking there's some kind of similarity between string theory and 
> depicting the world as a big CA. In String theory we have some vibrating 
> strings which have some kind of influence on each other and can for 
> different matters and fields. CA can play such role of changing patterns 
> and of course the influence is evident. Different rules in CA might 
> correspond to various basic shapes of vibration in strings...
> I don't know much about S.T. but the idea of such mapping seems very 
> interesting.
> -- 
> Mohsen Ravanbakhsh.

String theory assumes a manifold as background space.  Loop quantum gravity is 
closer to a CA since it doesn't assume any continuum.

Brent Meeker

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String theory and Cellular Automata

2007-03-14 Thread Mohsen Ravanbakhsh
I'm thinking there's some kind of similarity between string theory and
depicting the world as a big CA. In String theory we have some vibrating
strings which have some kind of influence on each other and can for
different matters and fields. CA can play such role of changing patterns and
of course the influence is evident. Different rules in CA might correspond
to various basic shapes of vibration in strings...
I don't know much about S.T. but the idea of such mapping seems very

Mohsen Ravanbakhsh.

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