Re: Variations in measure

2001-12-19 Thread hal

Wei writes:
 If you think about it more, I think you'll realize that the greater number
 of observer-moments observing flying rabbits or similar happenings can't
 make up for the much smaller measure of each such observer-moment.
 Unfortunately right now I can't find a way to easily articulate the
 reasoning behind that conclusion.

Here is an example.  Suppose we had a universe which was a CA system
like Conway's Life game, but more complex.  It still has a fairly
simple program to represent its functions and so will have generally
high measure.

Now suppose we modify that program to be, follow the normal rules except
at position X, always set the cell to 0.  This represents a flying
rabbit universe, one which has relatively simple laws of physics but
where there is an exception.

If the universe is very large, then to specify X will take a large number
of bits.  Hence the flying rabbit universe program is much larger than
the simple universe program, and its measure is much less.  This is the
explanation I accepted for why we are not in a flying rabbit universe.
(I am assuming the universal distribution as a measure, where the measure
of an n-bit minimal program is 2^(-n).)

However if you consider all possible universes of this type, that is,
all possible values of X, then there are 2^n of these if X is n bits
long, exactly countering the loss in measure due to the size of X.
The collection of this kind of flying rabbit universes has only modestly
less measure than the simple universe.  The only decrease is due to the
size of the except at position and set to 0 clauses, which might be
only a few bits long.

And this is only one possible kind of exceptional universe.  If we
consider the various other special-case exceptions to the normal rule
then the collective measure of all of these will come even closer to
the simple case.

This suggests that the simplicity explanation against flying-rabbit
universes is not strong, because the total collection of flying-rabbit
universes is close in measure to the simple universe to which they
rerpesent exceptions.  That's the problem as I see it.


Re: Variations in measure

2001-12-19 Thread Russell Standish

 Wei writes:
  If by flying-rabbit you mean any deviation from simplicity, then I agree
  with you.  Notice that our own universe is full of quantum randomness, but
  we don't see any pattern to the randomness. Similarly, an observer in a
  Conway's life universe may observe these anomolies that you described, but
  most observers would perceive them as random fluctuations rather than
  flying rabbits. 
  The universes where the deviations form patterns meaningful to their
  observers would collectively have a very small measure compared to the
  universes where the deviations are perceived as random, because in the
  former case the programs to generate the meaningful deviations would have
  to contain information about what kinds of deviations would be meaningful
  to the observers, and that would make them much longer than programs that
  simply generate random deviations.
 Russell Standish sent me private mail referring to his article at, where he made a similar
 argument.  However I am not completely convinced.
 Parenthetically, I don't see that the presence of quantum randomness
 in our universe is relevant.  If we assume that many-worlds is the true
 physics of our universe, then in fact our universe is deterministic and is
 not full of quantum randomness.  Even if we do have quantum randomness,
 that would not be like the situation I am describing, where you have a
 universe which is almost entirely lawful and has some kind of extremely
 rare exception.

From the viewpoint of my paper Occam's Razor paper, QM is not the
true physics of the universe. It is just that any observer is
unlikely to be able to distinguish the behaviour of er world from one
described by QM. That is the result of the last section of that paper. 

 I agree however that you (and Russell) are right that one would not
 literally expect to see a flying rabbit or a materializing dragon.
 The information content of such a manifestation would be large, and most
 miracles which used a similar quantity of information would be random
 in their effects, and probably unnoticeable.

I hadn't noticed until now that Wei Dai agrees with my argument in
Occam's razor...

 Nevertheless I think there could be exceptions to the laws of nature which
 have major, observable effects while being relatively concise to specify.
 Going back to my CA example, in some CA worlds if you had a cell fixed
 in the 1 state, that could have dramatic macroscopic effects.  It might
 appear to be continually radiating the equivalent of energy, for example.
 In such a situation, you might have conservation of energy throughout
 the entire universe, except at this one location it would be violated.

A rather poor choice of example - our universe appears to have a
violation of exactly this sort at its origin. But then, that is
required of the Anthropic Principle, otherwise we would be here to
argue about it :)

More seriously, any undergraduate will be able to demonstrate the
failure of conservation of energy. I did it several times - even at
high school. However, the reason this is not worthy of a Nobel prize
is that experimental error is a more likely explanation for the
experimental results, than that the conservation law broke down. It
would require a really massive violation of the magnitude of the
afore-mentioned dragon to convince the Nobel Prize committee...

Now of course, with more sophisticated experimental and statistical
techniques one can increase the sensitivity of the test by many
orders of magnitude (ie reduce the amount of extra information
required for a magical universe). Of course this can be done so far,
that the violating universe is no longer considered magical. For
example, if some experimenter should show that mass/energy was violated on
the scale of 10^{-20} (lets say), then it is unlikely that people
would say the universe was not regular, and that science failed. The
researcher might get the Nobel prize, but that would probably be the
limit of the discovery's impact on the methodology of science.

Incidently, experiments were conducted in the 1980s to detect
violations of the baryon conservation no, which were expected to be of
the order of 10^{-32}/year. In the event, the violations were not
detected, ruling a particular class of GUT.

 The collection of all universes which have this kind of violation of the
 laws of nature could, by my argument, have measure not much less than
 that of a universe which had the simpler laws of physics which allowed
 for no such violation.  Inhabitants of such a universe who have not yet
 stumbled upon the magic location might think that their observations
 give them reason to believe that the laws of physics hold everywhere.
 But they are wrong.  There is a significant probability that violations
 of this sort exist.  Occam's razor is not as sharp as they believe.

I would agree with you. Occam's razor is 

Re: Variations in measure

2001-12-16 Thread Russell Standish

 Wei writes, quoting Hal
   In general, one might expect those minds with less observational power
   and less specific knowledge and understanding of the universe to have
   larger measure.
  Yes, but that doesn't mean you should be surprised if you find yourself
  having more observational power and more knowledge, because the set of
  sharp minds can have greater measure than the set of dull minds even if
  individual sharp minds has less measure than individual dull minds.
   Does this have any implications for the use of the all-universe hypothesis
   to explain and predict our observations?
  What kinds of implications did you have in mind?
 What is the right question to ask in terms of relating measure of an
 observer-moment to our likelihood of experiencing it?  Equivalently,
 what can we hope to explain via the concept of observer-moments that
 vary in measure?
 It seems that the general statement that we would expect to be in a
 high-measure observer-moment is not true, if the number of low-measure
 observer moments is high.  We are not more likely to live in a simple
 universe than in a complex one, if the number of possible complex
 universes is correspondingly larger.  And the larger number seems
 plausible when there is greater complexity, as in the example above of
 more complex minds existing in higher numbers.
 Hence the all universe principle does not easily explain the absence of
 flying rabbits, because while flying-rabbit universes are more complex
 and of lower measure, there are so many more ways to come up with complex
 universes.  It seems that the explanatory power of the principle is less
 than I had realized.

What it does explain is the outcomes of events chosen at random - eg
our birth moment, or the beginning of the universe. These are
relatively simple. It does predict that complex moments (eg our
present minds or the present state of the universe), are unlikely to
appear out of nowhere. They are far more likely to appear as a result
of some evolutionary process that delivers the complex moment from
some simple moment.

This, I believe, succinctly sums up the debate on the ASSA vs the
RSSA we had earlier.


Dr. Russell Standish Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119 (mobile)
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Re: Variations in measure

2001-12-16 Thread hal

Wei writes, quoting Hal
  In general, one might expect those minds with less observational power
  and less specific knowledge and understanding of the universe to have
  larger measure.

 Yes, but that doesn't mean you should be surprised if you find yourself
 having more observational power and more knowledge, because the set of
 sharp minds can have greater measure than the set of dull minds even if
 individual sharp minds has less measure than individual dull minds.

  Does this have any implications for the use of the all-universe hypothesis
  to explain and predict our observations?

 What kinds of implications did you have in mind?

What is the right question to ask in terms of relating measure of an
observer-moment to our likelihood of experiencing it?  Equivalently,
what can we hope to explain via the concept of observer-moments that
vary in measure?

It seems that the general statement that we would expect to be in a
high-measure observer-moment is not true, if the number of low-measure
observer moments is high.  We are not more likely to live in a simple
universe than in a complex one, if the number of possible complex
universes is correspondingly larger.  And the larger number seems
plausible when there is greater complexity, as in the example above of
more complex minds existing in higher numbers.

Hence the all universe principle does not easily explain the absence of
flying rabbits, because while flying-rabbit universes are more complex
and of lower measure, there are so many more ways to come up with complex
universes.  It seems that the explanatory power of the principle is less
than I had realized.


Re: Variations in measure

2001-12-15 Thread Wei Dai

On Sat, Dec 08, 2001 at 12:57:16PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For example, suppose he took a drug which made his mental processes
 become confused.  He was no longer sure of basic facts about himself
 and the universe.  This mental state would no longer be bound to one
 specific universe.  Instead, a large collection of distinct universes
 could be consistent with this mental state.  These observer-moments
 might therefore have larger measure, since they would correspond to a
 larger part of the multiverse.

I think this is a common occurance. Every time you forget something,
a post-forgetting observer-moment would have larger measure than a
pre-forgetting observer-moment. And similarly, every time you observe
something new, a post-observation observer-moment would have smaller
measure than a pre-observation observer-moment.

 In general, one might expect those minds with less observational power
 and less specific knowledge and understanding of the universe to have
 larger measure.

Yes, but that doesn't mean you should be surprised if you find yourself
having more observational power and more knowledge, because the set of
sharp minds can have greater measure than the set of dull minds even if
individual sharp minds has less measure than individual dull minds.

 Does this have any implications for the use of the all-universe hypothesis
 to explain and predict our observations?

What kinds of implications did you have in mind?

Re: Variations in measure

2001-12-09 Thread Saibal Mitra

Russel wrote:
 Saibal Mitra wrote:
  Hal wrote:
   One of the concepts we have explored is that all universes and hence
   all minds exist, but that some observer-moments have greater measure
   than others.  This may help to explain why we observe the kind of
   that we do, because we must be observer-moments that have relatively
   large measure.
   I wonder if it would be possible for the measure of an individual
   to vary over the course of his lifetime.  We do expect the measure
   to fall as he ages, as he comes to occupy fewer and fewer universes.
   However there may be other ways that his measure could change.
   For example, suppose he took a drug which made his mental processes
   become confused.  He was no longer sure of basic facts about himself
   and the universe.  This mental state would no longer be bound to one
   specific universe.  Instead, a large collection of distinct universes
   could be consistent with this mental state.  These observer-moments
   might therefore have larger measure, since they would correspond to a
   larger part of the multiverse.
   In general, one might expect those minds with less observational power
   and less specific knowledge and understanding of the universe to have
   larger measure.
   Does this have any implications for the use of the all-universe
   to explain and predict our observations?
  Yes it does. In particular it explains why we are of finite age,
contrary to
  what one would naively expect from qti. As I have written some time ago
  needs to be modified precisely because of the effect you describe above.
  The analogy with the universal prior favoring simpler universes is

 Are you implying that we will not see some arbitrary large age
 because our minds will become confused (senile perhaps), and so our
 self-perceived age might slip back? Or are you saying that the effect
 of measure decreasing as a function of psychological time implies that
 we must start from a simple nascent state of age 0, then experience
 all intermediate states before reaching some enormous age? This later
 statement is entirely consistent with the conventional form of QTI.
 The former is an interesting point, but I'm not entirely sure how to
 formalise it properly (perhaps as a corollory of the second law of

I mean it in the former sense. We could become senile and become identical
to a younger person (probably a baby at sleep) and that way evade death, or
it could happen as a result of massive head injuries. I think that the
probability of ``surviving´´ in this discontinuous way (on the long run) is
far larger than in a continuous way, as the conventional QTI seems to imply.
